הוספת תמונות לשקף

בדף זה נסביר איך מוסיפים תמונות למצגת קיימת ב-Google Slides. כשמוסיפים תמונה, צריך לספק ל-Google Slides API כתובת URL של התמונה שגלויה לכולם.

מידע על תמונות

התמונות ב-Slides API הן סוג של רכיב בדף. כמו בכל רכיב בדף, גם כאן מציינים את הגודל ואת המיקום החזותי של התמונה באמצעות המאפיינים size ו-transform של PageElement. לפרטים נוספים על קביעת הגודל והמיקום של התמונה, תוכלו לקרוא את המאמר שינוי הגודל והמיקום של צורות.

כדי להוסיף תמונה, יש להשתמש בשיטה CreateImageRequest. התמונות צריכות להיות בגודל של פחות מ-50MB, לא יותר מ-25 מגה-פיקסלים ולהיות באחד מהפורמטים של PNG, JPEG או GIF.


בדוגמה הבאה נעשה שימוש ב-API של Slides כדי להוסיף תמונה למצגת.

Apps Script

 * Create a new image, using the supplied object ID, with content downloaded from imageUrl.
 * @param {string} presentationId
 * @param {string} pageId
 * @returns {*}
function createImage(presentationId, pageId) {
  let requests = [];
  const imageId = 'MyImage_01';
  const imageUrl = 'https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/' +
  const emu4M = {
    magnitude: 4000000,
    unit: 'EMU'
    createImage: {
      objectId: imageId,
      url: imageUrl,
      elementProperties: {
        pageObjectId: pageId,
        size: {
          height: emu4M,
          width: emu4M
        transform: {
          scaleX: 1,
          scaleY: 1,
          translateX: 100000,
          translateY: 100000,
          unit: 'EMU'

  // Execute the request.
  try {
    const response = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({
      requests: requests
    }, presentationId);

    const createImageResponse = response.replies;
    console.log('Created image with ID: %s', createImageResponse[0].createImage.objectId);

    return createImageResponse;
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (Developer) - Handle exception
    console.log('Failed with error: %s', err.error);


// Create a new image, using the supplied object ID, with content downloaded from imageURL.
imageId := "MyImageId_01"
emu4M := slides.Dimension{Magnitude: 4000000, Unit: "EMU"}
requests := []*slides.Request{{
	CreateImage: &slides.CreateImageRequest{
		ObjectId: imageId,
		Url:      imageURL,
		ElementProperties: &slides.PageElementProperties{
			PageObjectId: slideId,
			Size: &slides.Size{
				Height: &emu4M,
				Width:  &emu4M,
			Transform: &slides.AffineTransform{
				ScaleX:     1.0,
				ScaleY:     1.0,
				TranslateX: 100000.0,
				TranslateY: 100000.0,
				Unit:       "EMU",

// Execute the request.
body := &slides.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest{
	Requests: requests,
response, err := slidesService.Presentations.BatchUpdate(presentationId, body).Do()
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Unable to create image. %v", err)
} else {
	fmt.Printf("Created image with ID: %s", response.Replies[0].CreateImage.ObjectId)


import com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonError;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException;
import com.google.api.client.http.HttpRequestInitializer;
import com.google.api.client.http.javanet.NetHttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.json.gson.GsonFactory;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesScopes;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageRequest;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageResponse;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Dimension;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElementProperties;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Size;
import com.google.auth.http.HttpCredentialsAdapter;
import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

/* Class to demonstrate the use of Slides Create Image API */
public class CreateImage {
   * Create a new image, using the supplied object ID, with content
   * downloaded from imageUrl.
   * @param presentationId - id of the presentation.
   * @param slideId        - id of the shape.
   * @param imageUrl       - Url of the image.
   * @return image id
   * @throws IOException - if credentials file not found.
  public static BatchUpdatePresentationResponse createImage(String presentationId,
                                                            String slideId,
                                                            String imageUrl)
      throws IOException {
        /* Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment.
           TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity for
            guides on implementing OAuth2 for your application. */
    GoogleCredentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault()
    HttpRequestInitializer requestInitializer = new HttpCredentialsAdapter(

    // Create the slides API client
    Slides service = new Slides.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(),
        .setApplicationName("Slides samples")

    // Create a new image, using the supplied object ID, with content downloaded from imageUrl.
    List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>();
    String imageId = "MyImageId_01";
    Dimension emu4M = new Dimension().setMagnitude(4000000.0).setUnit("EMU");
    requests.add(new Request()
        .setCreateImage(new CreateImageRequest()
            .setElementProperties(new PageElementProperties()
                .setSize(new Size()
                .setTransform(new AffineTransform()

    BatchUpdatePresentationResponse response = null;
    try {
      // Execute the request.
      BatchUpdatePresentationRequest body =
          new BatchUpdatePresentationRequest().setRequests(requests);
      response = service.presentations().batchUpdate(presentationId, body).execute();
      CreateImageResponse createImageResponse = response.getReplies().get(0).getCreateImage();
      // Prints the created image id.
      System.out.println("Created image with ID: " + createImageResponse.getObjectId());
    } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
      // TODO(developer) - handle error appropriately
      GoogleJsonError error = e.getDetails();
      if (error.getCode() == 404) {
        System.out.printf("Presentation not found with id '%s'.\n", presentationId);
      } else {
        throw e;
    return response;


function createImage(presentationId, pageId, IMAGE_URL, callback) {
  const imageUrl = IMAGE_URL;
  // Create a new image, using the supplied object ID, with content downloaded from imageUrl.
  const requests = [];
  const imageId = 'MyImage_02';
  const emu4M = {
    magnitude: 4000000,
    unit: 'EMU',
    createImage: {
      objectId: imageId,
      url: imageUrl,
      elementProperties: {
        pageObjectId: pageId,
        size: {
          height: emu4M,
          width: emu4M,
        transform: {
          scaleX: 1,
          scaleY: 1,
          translateX: 100000,
          translateY: 100000,
          unit: 'EMU',
  // Execute the request.
  try {
      presentationId: presentationId,
      requests: requests,
    }).then((response) => {
      const createImageResponse = response.result.replies;
      console.log(`Created image with ID: ${createImageResponse[0].createImage.objectId}`);
      if (callback) callback(createImageResponse);
  } catch (err) {
    document.getElementById('content').innerText = err.message;


 * Adds an image to a presentation.
 * @param {string} presentationId The presentation ID.
 * @param {string} pageId The presentation page ID.
async function createImage(presentationId, pageId) {
  const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library');
  const {google} = require('googleapis');

  const auth = new GoogleAuth({
    scopes: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/presentations',

  const service = google.slides({version: 'v1', auth});

  const imageUrl =
  // Create a new image, using the supplied object ID, with content downloaded from imageUrl.
  const imageId = 'MyImage_01';
  const emu4M = {
    magnitude: 4000000,
    unit: 'EMU',
  const requests = [
      createImage: {
        objectId: imageId,
        url: imageUrl,
        elementProperties: {
          pageObjectId: pageId,
          size: {
            height: emu4M,
            width: emu4M,
          transform: {
            scaleX: 1,
            scaleY: 1,
            translateX: 100000,
            translateY: 100000,
            unit: 'EMU',

  // Execute the request.
  try {
    const response = await service.presentations.batchUpdate({
      resource: {requests},
    const createImageResponse = response.data.replies;
        `Created image with ID: ${createImageResponse[0].createImage.objectId}`,
    return createImageResponse;
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
    throw err;


use Google\Client;
use Google\Service\Drive;
use Google\Service\Slides;
use Google\Service\Slides\Request;

function createImage($presentationId, $pageId)
    /* Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment.
    TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity for
        guides on implementing OAuth2 for your application. */
    $client = new Google\Client();
    $slidesService = new Google_Service_Slides($client);

    try {

        $imageUrl = 'https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png';
        // Create a new image, using the supplied object ID, with content downloaded from imageUrl.
        $imageId = 'MyImage_01asdfsadfasdf';
        $emu4M = array('magnitude' => 4000000, 'unit' => 'EMU');
        $requests[] = new Google_Service_Slides_Request(array(
            'createImage' => array(
                'objectId' => $imageId,
                'url' => $imageUrl,
                'elementProperties' => array(
                    'pageObjectId' => $pageId,
                    'size' => array(
                        'height' => $emu4M,
                        'width' => $emu4M
                    'transform' => array(
                        'scaleX' => 1,
                        'scaleY' => 1,
                        'translateX' => 100000,
                        'translateY' => 100000,
                        'unit' => 'EMU'

        // Execute the request.
        $batchUpdateRequest = new Google_Service_Slides_BatchUpdatePresentationRequest(array(
            'requests' => $requests
        $response = $slidesService->presentations->batchUpdate($presentationId, $batchUpdateRequest);
        $createImageResponse = $response->getReplies()[0]->getCreateImage();
        printf("Created image with ID: %s\n", $createImageResponse->getObjectId());

        return $response;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Message: ' . $e->getMessage();


import google.auth
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError

def create_image(presentation_id, page_id):
  Creates images the user has access to.
  Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment.
  TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity
  for guides on implementing OAuth2 for the application.

  creds, _ = google.auth.default()
  # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    service = build("slides", "v1", credentials=creds)
    # pylint: disable = invalid-name
    IMAGE_URL = (
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    requests = []
    image_id = "MyImage_11"
    emu4M = {"magnitude": 4000000, "unit": "EMU"}
            "createImage": {
                "objectId": image_id,
                "url": IMAGE_URL,
                "elementProperties": {
                    "pageObjectId": page_id,
                    "size": {"height": emu4M, "width": emu4M},
                    "transform": {
                        "scaleX": 1,
                        "scaleY": 1,
                        "translateX": 100000,
                        "translateY": 100000,
                        "unit": "EMU",

    # Execute the request.
    body = {"requests": requests}
    response = (
        .batchUpdate(presentationId=presentation_id, body=body)
    create_image_response = response.get("replies")[0].get("createImage")
    print(f"Created image with ID: {(create_image_response.get('objectId'))}")

    return response
  except HttpError as error:
    print(f"An error occurred: {error}")
    print("Images not created")
    return error

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Put the presentation_id, Page_id of slides whose list needs
  # to be submitted.
  create_image("12SQU9Ik-ShXecJoMtT-LlNwEPiFR7AadnxV2KiBXCnE", "My2ndpage")


# Create a new image, using the supplied object ID, with content downloaded from image_url.
requests = []
image_id = 'MyImage_01'
emu4M = {
  magnitude: '4000000',
  unit:      'EMU'
requests << {
  create_image: {
    object_id_prop:     image_id,
    url:                IMAGE_URL,
    element_properties: {
      page_object_id: page_id,
      size:           {
        height: emu4M,
        width:  emu4M
      transform:      {
        scale_x:     '1',
        scale_y:     '1',
        translate_x: '100000',
        translate_y: '100000',
        unit:        'EMU'

# Execute the request.
req = Google::Apis::SlidesV1::BatchUpdatePresentationRequest.new(requests: requests)
response = slides_service.batch_update_presentation(
create_image_response = response.replies[0].create_image
puts "Created image with ID: #{create_image_response.object_id}"