Choose a primitive

Select your use case to identify the correct primitive, then follow the link for guidance on using the primitive.

Encrypt data...

Primitive Details standard sizes Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) - Suitable for most needs
- Accepts plaintexts up to 232 bytes
- Provides plaintext confidentiality and verifies integrity and authenticity large files or data streams Streaming AEAD - For data that is too large to be processed in a single step
...deterministically Deterministic AEAD - Produces same ciphertext for a given plaintext and key
...with keys protected by a KMS Key Management System (KMS) Envelope AEAD - Encrypts every plaintext with new AEAD key
- Encrypts every AEAD key with KMS
...with public key, decrypt data with private key Hybrid Encryption
- Not authenticated
- Useful when senders cannot store secrets (private key)

These primitives are all able to bind ciphertext to its context.

Ensure authenticity and integrity of data by...

Primitive Details
...creating and verifying MAC with one key Message Authentication Code (MAC) - Very fast
- Only verifiable by parties who can also create MACs
...creating signature with private key, verifying with public key Digital Signature - Verifiable by parties who cannot create signatures


Primitive Details
Create and verify JWTs JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) - Can additionally convert to / from JSON Web Key (JWK) format
Encrypt any primitive's keyset with a KMS KMS-Encrypted Primitive - Doesn't require interacting with the KMS every time the primitive is used (e.g. to encrypt a plaintext), unlike KMS Envelope AEAD

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