Kelola Kunci

Tink menawarkan solusi untuk menghindari pengelolaan kunci yang tidak tepat, yang merupakan sumber risiko utama.


Setelah memilih jenis primitif dan jenis kunci untuk kasus penggunaan Anda (di bagian Saya ingin... sebelumnya), kelola kunci Anda dengan Sistem Pengelolaan Kunci (KMS) eksternal yang Anda pilih:

  1. Buat kunci enkripsi kunci (KEK) di KMS untuk melindungi kunci Anda.

  2. Ambil URI kunci dan kredensial kunci dari KMS untuk diteruskan ke Tink.

  3. Gunakan API Tink atau Tinkey untuk membuat keyset terenkripsi. Setelah kunci dienkripsi, Anda dapat menyimpannya di mana pun Anda inginkan.

  4. Rotasi kunci Anda untuk menghindari penggunaan kembali kunci Anda secara ekstensif dan untuk memulihkan kunci dari penyusupan kunci.

Langkah 1: Buat KEK di KMS eksternal

Buat kunci enkripsi kunci (KEK) di KMS eksternal Anda. KEK melindungi kunci Anda dengan mengenkripsinya sehingga memberikan lapisan keamanan ekstra.

Lihat dokumentasi khusus KMS untuk membuat KEK:

Langkah 2: Mendapatkan URI kunci dan kredensial

Anda dapat mengambil URI kunci dan kredensial kunci dari KMS.

Mendapatkan URI kunci

Tink memerlukan Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) untuk bekerja dengan kunci KMS.

Untuk membuat URI ini, gunakan ID unik yang ditetapkan KMS ke kunci saat dibuat. Tambahkan awalan khusus KMS yang sesuai dan ikuti format URI kunci yang didukung seperti yang dijelaskan dalam tabel ini:

KMS Awalan ID KMS Format URI kunci
KMS AWS aws-kms:// aws-kms://arn:aws:kms:[region]:[account-id]:key/[key-id]
KMS GCP gcp-kms:// gcp-kms://projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*
HashiCorp Vault hcvault:// hcvault://[key-id]

Mendapatkan kredensial kunci

Siapkan kredensial yang diperlukan agar Tink dapat melakukan autentikasi ke KMS eksternal.

Bentuk kredensial yang spesifik adalah spesifik per KMS:

Jika Anda tidak memberikan kredensial, Tink akan mencoba memuat kredensial default. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca dokumentasi khusus KMS:

Langkah 3: Membuat dan menyimpan keyset terenkripsi

Gunakan API Tink (untuk Google Cloud KMS, AWS KMS, atau HashiCorp Vault) atau Tinkey untuk membuat keyset, mengenkripsinya menggunakan KMS eksternal, dan menyimpannya di suatu tempat.


tinkey create-keyset --key-template AES128_GCM \
  --out-format json --out encrypted_aead_keyset.json \
  --master-key-uri gcp-kms://projects/tink-examples/locations/global/keyRings/foo/cryptoKeys/bar \
  --credential gcp_credentials.json


Untuk contoh ini, Anda memerlukan ekstensi Google Cloud KMS tink-java-gcpkms.

package encryptedkeyset;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

 * A command-line utility for working with encrypted keysets.
 * <p>It requires the following arguments:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>mode: Can be "generate", "encrypt" or "decrypt". If mode is "generate", it will generate a
 *       keyset, encrypt it and store it in the key-file argument. If mode is "encrypt" or
 *       "decrypt", it will read and decrypt an keyset from the key-file argument, and use it to
 *       encrypt or decrypt the input-file argument.
 *   <li>kek-uri: Use this Cloud KMS' key as the key-encrypting-key for envelope encryption.
 *   <li>gcp-credential-file: Use this JSON credential file to connect to Cloud KMS.
 *   <li>input-file: If mode is "encrypt" or "decrypt", read the input from this file.
 *   <li>output-file: If mode is "encrypt" or "decrypt", write the result to this file.
public final class EncryptedKeysetExample {
  private static final String MODE_ENCRYPT = "encrypt";
  private static final String MODE_DECRYPT = "decrypt";
  private static final String MODE_GENERATE = "generate";
  private static final byte[] EMPTY_ASSOCIATED_DATA = new byte[0];

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    if (args.length != 4 && args.length != 6) {
      System.err.printf("Expected 4 or 6 parameters, got %d\n", args.length);
          "Usage: java EncryptedKeysetExample generate/encrypt/decrypt key-file kek-uri"
              + " gcp-credential-file input-file output-file");
    String mode = args[0];
    if (!mode.equals(MODE_ENCRYPT) && !mode.equals(MODE_DECRYPT) && !mode.equals(MODE_GENERATE)) {
      System.err.print("The first argument should be either encrypt, decrypt or generate");
    Path keyFile = Paths.get(args[1]);
    String kekUri = args[2];
    String gcpCredentialFilename = args[3];

    // Initialise Tink: register all AEAD key types with the Tink runtime

    // From the key-encryption key (KEK) URI, create a remote AEAD primitive for encrypting Tink
    // keysets.
    Aead kekAead = new GcpKmsClient().withCredentials(gcpCredentialFilename).getAead(kekUri);

    if (mode.equals(MODE_GENERATE)) {
      KeysetHandle handle = KeysetHandle.generateNew(PredefinedAeadParameters.AES128_GCM);

      String serializedEncryptedKeyset =
              handle, kekAead, EMPTY_ASSOCIATED_DATA);
      Files.write(keyFile, serializedEncryptedKeyset.getBytes(UTF_8));

    // Use the primitive to encrypt/decrypt files

    // Read the encrypted keyset
    KeysetHandle handle =
            new String(Files.readAllBytes(keyFile), UTF_8), kekAead, EMPTY_ASSOCIATED_DATA);

    // Get the primitive
    Aead aead = handle.getPrimitive(Aead.class);

    Path inputFile = Paths.get(args[4]);
    Path outputFile = Paths.get(args[5]);

    if (mode.equals(MODE_ENCRYPT)) {
      byte[] plaintext = Files.readAllBytes(inputFile);
      byte[] ciphertext = aead.encrypt(plaintext, EMPTY_ASSOCIATED_DATA);
      Files.write(outputFile, ciphertext);
    } else if (mode.equals(MODE_DECRYPT)) {
      byte[] ciphertext = Files.readAllBytes(inputFile);
      byte[] plaintext = aead.decrypt(ciphertext, EMPTY_ASSOCIATED_DATA);
      Files.write(outputFile, plaintext);

  private EncryptedKeysetExample() {}


import (


// The fake KMS should only be used in tests. It is not secure.
const keyURI = "fake-kms://CM2b3_MDElQKSAowdHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9nb29nbGUuY3J5cHRvLnRpbmsuQWVzR2NtS2V5EhIaEIK75t5L-adlUwVhWvRuWUwYARABGM2b3_MDIAE"

func Example_encryptedKeyset() {
	// Get a KEK (key encryption key) AEAD. This is usually a remote AEAD to a KMS. In this example,
	// we use a fake KMS to avoid making RPCs.
	client, err := fakekms.NewClient(keyURI)
	if err != nil {
	kekAEAD, err := client.GetAEAD(keyURI)
	if err != nil {

	// Generate a new keyset handle for the primitive we want to use.
	newHandle, err := keyset.NewHandle(aead.AES256GCMKeyTemplate())
	if err != nil {

	// Choose some associated data. This is the context in which the keyset will be used.
	keysetAssociatedData := []byte("keyset encryption example")

	// Encrypt the keyset with the KEK AEAD and the associated data.
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	writer := keyset.NewBinaryWriter(buf)
	err = newHandle.WriteWithAssociatedData(writer, kekAEAD, keysetAssociatedData)
	if err != nil {
	encryptedKeyset := buf.Bytes()

	// The encrypted keyset can now be stored.

	// To use the primitive, we first need to decrypt the keyset. We use the same
	// KEK AEAD and the same associated data that we used to encrypt it.
	reader := keyset.NewBinaryReader(bytes.NewReader(encryptedKeyset))
	handle, err := keyset.ReadWithAssociatedData(reader, kekAEAD, keysetAssociatedData)
	if err != nil {

	// Get the primitive.
	primitive, err := aead.New(handle)
	if err != nil {

	// Use the primitive.
	plaintext := []byte("message")
	associatedData := []byte("example encryption")
	ciphertext, err := primitive.Encrypt(plaintext, associatedData)
	if err != nil {
	decrypted, err := primitive.Decrypt(ciphertext, associatedData)
	if err != nil {
	// Output: message


"""A command-line utility for generating, encrypting and storing keysets."""

from absl import app
from absl import flags
from absl import logging

import tink
from tink import aead
from tink.integration import gcpkms


flags.DEFINE_enum('mode', None, ['generate', 'encrypt', 'decrypt'],
                  'The operation to perform.')
flags.DEFINE_string('keyset_path', None,
                    'Path to the keyset used for encryption.')
flags.DEFINE_string('kek_uri', None,
                    'The Cloud KMS URI of the key encryption key.')
flags.DEFINE_string('gcp_credential_path', None,
                    'Path to the GCP credentials JSON file.')
flags.DEFINE_string('input_path', None, 'Path to the input file.')
flags.DEFINE_string('output_path', None, 'Path to the output file.')
flags.DEFINE_string('associated_data', None,
                    'Optional associated data to use with the '
                    'encryption operation.')

def main(argv):
  del argv  # Unused.

  associated_data = b'' if not FLAGS.associated_data else bytes(
      FLAGS.associated_data, 'utf-8')

  # Initialise Tink

    # Read the GCP credentials and setup client
    client = gcpkms.GcpKmsClient(FLAGS.kek_uri, FLAGS.gcp_credential_path)
  except tink.TinkError as e:
    logging.exception('Error creating GCP KMS client: %s', e)
    return 1

  # Create envelope AEAD primitive using AES256 GCM for encrypting the data
    remote_aead = client.get_aead(FLAGS.kek_uri)
  except tink.TinkError as e:
    logging.exception('Error creating primitive: %s', e)
    return 1

  if FLAGS.mode == 'generate':
    # Generate a new keyset
      key_template = aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_GCM
      keyset_handle = tink.new_keyset_handle(key_template)
    except tink.TinkError as e:
      logging.exception('Error creating primitive: %s', e)
      return 1

    # Encrypt the keyset_handle with the remote key-encryption key (KEK)
    with open(FLAGS.keyset_path, 'wt') as keyset_file:
        keyset_encryption_associated_data = 'encrypted keyset example'
        serialized_encrypted_keyset = (
                keyset_handle, remote_aead, keyset_encryption_associated_data
      except tink.TinkError as e:
        logging.exception('Error writing key: %s', e)
        return 1
    return 0

  # Use the keyset to encrypt/decrypt data

  # Read the encrypted keyset into a keyset_handle
  with open(FLAGS.keyset_path, 'rt') as keyset_file:
      serialized_encrypted_keyset =
      keyset_encryption_associated_data = 'encrypted keyset example'
      keyset_handle = tink.json_proto_keyset_format.parse_encrypted(
    except tink.TinkError as e:
      logging.exception('Error reading key: %s', e)
      return 1

  # Get the primitive
    cipher = keyset_handle.primitive(aead.Aead)
  except tink.TinkError as e:
    logging.exception('Error creating primitive: %s', e)
    return 1

  with open(FLAGS.input_path, 'rb') as input_file:
    input_data =
    if FLAGS.mode == 'decrypt':
      output_data = cipher.decrypt(input_data, associated_data)
    elif FLAGS.mode == 'encrypt':
      output_data = cipher.encrypt(input_data, associated_data)
          'Unsupported mode %s. Please choose "encrypt" or "decrypt".',
      return 1

    with open(FLAGS.output_path, 'wb') as output_file:

if __name__ == '__main__':
      'mode', 'keyset_path', 'kek_uri', 'gcp_credential_path'])

Langkah 4: Rotasi kunci

Untuk memastikan keamanan sistem, Anda harus mengganti secara rutin kunci.

  1. Mengaktifkan rotasi kunci otomatis di KMS Anda.
  2. Tentukan frekuensi yang sesuai untuk merotasi kunci. Hal ini bergantung pada seberapa sensitif data Anda, berapa banyak pesan yang perlu Anda enkripsikan, dan apakah Anda harus mengoordinasikan rotasi dengan partner eksternal.

    • Untuk enkripsi simetris, gunakan kunci selama 30 hingga 90 hari.
    • Untuk enkripsi asimetris, frekuensi rotasi dapat lebih rendah, tetapi hanya jika Anda dapat mencabut kunci dengan aman.

Pelajari lebih lanjut rotasi kunci dalam dokumentasi khusus KMS: