JWT を確認する

Tink の JWT ライブラリを使用すると、JSON Web 形式の JSON の作成と検証を行えます。 トークン(JWT)。

次の例は、JWK の公開鍵セットを使用して JWT を検証する方法を示しています。 set 形式。他の組織との公開鍵セットの共有によく使用される形式 できます。


// A utility for creating, signing and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "absl/flags/parse.h"
#include "absl/log/check.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "tink/config/global_registry.h"
#include "util/util.h"
#include "tink/jwt/jwk_set_converter.h"
#include "tink/jwt/jwt_public_key_verify.h"
#include "tink/jwt/jwt_signature_config.h"
#include "tink/jwt/jwt_validator.h"
#include "tink/keyset_handle.h"
#include "tink/util/status.h"

ABSL_FLAG(std::string, jwk_set_filename, "", "Path to the JWK set file");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, audience, "", "Expected audience in the token");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, token_filename, "", "Path to the token file");

namespace {

using ::crypto::tink::JwkSetToPublicKeysetHandle;
using ::crypto::tink::JwtPublicKeyVerify;
using ::crypto::tink::JwtValidator;
using ::crypto::tink::KeysetHandle;
using ::crypto::tink::util::Status;
using ::crypto::tink::util::StatusOr;

void ValidateParams() {
  // ...

}  // namespace

namespace tink_cc_examples {

// JWT verify example CLI implementation.
Status JwtVerify(const std::string& jwk_set_filename,
                 absl::string_view audience,
                 const std::string& token_filename) {
  Status result = crypto::tink::JwtSignatureRegister();
  if (!result.ok()) return result;

  // Read the JWK set from file and convert it.
  StatusOr<std::string> jwk_set = ReadFile(jwk_set_filename);
  if (!jwk_set.ok()) return jwk_set.status();
  StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<KeysetHandle>> keyset_handle =

  // Read the token.
  StatusOr<std::string> token = ReadFile(token_filename);
  if (!token.ok()) return token.status();

  StatusOr<JwtValidator> validator =
  if (!validator.ok()) return validator.status();

  StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<JwtPublicKeyVerify>> jwt_verifier =
  if (!jwt_verifier.ok()) return jwt_verifier.status();

  return (*jwt_verifier)->VerifyAndDecode(*token, *validator).status();

}  // namespace tink_cc_examples

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  absl::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);


  std::string jwk_set_filename = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_jwk_set_filename);
  std::string audience = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_audience);
  std::string token_filename = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_token_filename);

  std::clog << "Using keyset in " << jwk_set_filename << " to ";
  std::clog << " verify a token with expected audience '" << audience << '\n';

      tink_cc_examples::JwtVerify(jwk_set_filename, audience, token_filename));
  return 0;


func Example_verifyWithJWKS() {
	// A signed token with the subject 'example subject', audience 'example audience'.
	// and expiration on 2023-03-23.
	token := `eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiJaOXBRRXcifQ.eyJhdWQiOiJleGFtcGxlIGF1ZGllbmNlIiwgImV4cCI6MTY3OTUzMzIwMCwgInN1YiI6ImV4YW1wbGUgc3ViamVjdCJ9.ZvI0T84fJ1aouiB7n62kHOmbm0Hpfiz0JtYs15XVDT8KyoVYZ8hu_DGJUN47BqZIbuOI-rdu9TxJvutj8uF3Ow`

	// A public keyset in the JWK set format.
	publicJWKset := `{

	// Create a keyset handle from publicJWKset.
	publicKeysetHandle, err := jwt.JWKSetToPublicKeysetHandle([]byte(publicJWKset))
	if err != nil {

	// Retrieve the Verifier primitive from publicKeysetHandle.
	verifier, err := jwt.NewVerifier(publicKeysetHandle)
	if err != nil {

	// Verify the signed token. For this example, we use a fixed date. Usually, you would
	// either not set FixedNow, or set it to the current time.
	audience := "example audience"
	validator, err := jwt.NewValidator(&jwt.ValidatorOpts{
		ExpectedAudience: &audience,
		FixedNow:         time.Date(2023, 3, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
	if err != nil {
	verifiedJWT, err := verifier.VerifyAndDecode(token, validator)
	if err != nil {

	// Extract subject claim from the token.
	if !verifiedJWT.HasSubject() {
	extractedSubject, err := verifiedJWT.Subject()
	if err != nil {
	// Output: example subject


package jwt;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

import com.google.crypto.tink.KeysetHandle;
import com.google.crypto.tink.jwt.JwkSetConverter;
import com.google.crypto.tink.jwt.JwtPublicKeyVerify;
import com.google.crypto.tink.jwt.JwtSignatureConfig;
import com.google.crypto.tink.jwt.JwtValidator;
import com.google.crypto.tink.jwt.VerifiedJwt;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.List;

 * A command-line utility for verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).
 * <p>It requires the following arguments:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>public-jwkset-file: Name of the input file containing the public keyset in JWK set format.
 *   <li>audience: The audience claim to be used in the token
 *   <li>token-file: name of the input file containing the signed JWT.
public final class JwtVerify {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    if (args.length != 3) {
      System.err.printf("Expected 3 parameters, got %d\n", args.length);
          "Usage: java JwtVerify public-jwk-set-file audience token-file");

    Path publicJwkSetFile = Paths.get(args[0]);
    String audience = args[1];
    Path tokenFile = Paths.get(args[2]);

    // Register all JWT signature key types with the Tink runtime.

    // Read the public keyset in JWK set format into a KeysetHandle.
    KeysetHandle publicKeysetHandle =
            new String(Files.readAllBytes(publicJwkSetFile), UTF_8));

    List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(tokenFile, UTF_8);
    if (lines.size() != 1) {
      System.err.printf("The signature file should contain only one line,  got %d", lines.size());
    String signedToken = lines.get(0).trim();

    // Get the primitive.
    JwtPublicKeyVerify verifier = publicKeysetHandle.getPrimitive(JwtPublicKeyVerify.class);

    // Use the primitive to verify a token.
    JwtValidator validator = JwtValidator.newBuilder().expectAudience(audience).build();
    VerifiedJwt verifiedJwt = verifier.verifyAndDecode(signedToken, validator);
    long seconds = ChronoUnit.SECONDS.between(Instant.now(), verifiedJwt.getExpiration());
    System.out.println("Token is valid and expires in " + seconds + " seconds.");

  private JwtVerify() {}


"""A utility for verifying Json Web Tokens (JWT)."""

import datetime

from absl import app
from absl import flags
from absl import logging
import tink
from tink import jwt


    'public_jwk_set_path', None, 'Path to public keyset in JWK set format.')
_AUDIENCE = flags.DEFINE_string('audience', None,
                                'Audience to be used in the token')
_TOKEN_PATH = flags.DEFINE_string('token_path', None,
                                  'Path to the signature file.')

def main(argv):
  del argv  # Unused.

  # Initialise Tink

  with open(_PUBLIC_JWK_SET_PATH.value, 'rt') as public_jwk_set_file:
      text = public_jwk_set_file.read()
      keyset_handle = jwt.jwk_set_to_public_keyset_handle(text)
    except tink.TinkError as e:
      logging.exception('Error reading public JWK set: %s', e)
      return 1

  now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
    jwt_verify = keyset_handle.primitive(jwt.JwtPublicKeyVerify)
  except tink.TinkError as e:
    logging.exception('Error creating JwtPublicKeyVerify: %s', e)
    return 1

  # Verify token
  with open(_TOKEN_PATH.value, 'rt') as token_file:
    token = token_file.read()
  validator = jwt.new_validator(expected_audience=_AUDIENCE.value)
    verified_jwt = jwt_verify.verify_and_decode(token, validator)
    expires_in = verified_jwt.expiration() - now
    logging.info('Token is valid and expires in %s seconds', expires_in.seconds)
    return 0
  except tink.TinkError as e:
    logging.info('JWT verification failed: %s', e)
    return 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
  flags.mark_flags_as_required(['audience', 'token_path'])