JSON Web Tokens یک استاندارد صنعتی رایج برای انتقال امن اطلاعات به عنوان یک شی JSON است. هنگام استفاده از Google Wallet API، جزئیات شی Passes را که میخواهید برای ایجاد یک نمونه پاس در قالب JWT (تلفظ "jot") استفاده کنید، رمزگذاری میکنید، سپس آن JWT را در یک درخواست به Google Wallet API ارسال میکنید.
JWT ها با امضای آنها با یک راز مشترک قبل از ارسال به Google Wallet API ایمن نگه داشته می شوند. اگر از Google Wallet REST API استفاده میکنید، رمز امضای کلید حساب سرویس Google Cloud شما است. اگر از Google Wallet Android SDK استفاده میکنید، راز امضا اثر انگشت SHA-1 برای برنامه Android شما است.
رمز عبور در JWT
هنگامی که GenericObject
ایجاد شد، آن را با یک JWT بدون علامت با ویژگی payload.GenericObjects
بپیچید، همانطور که در قطعه زیر نشان داده شده است:
"aud": "google",
"typ": "savetowallet",
"iat": "UNIX_TIME ",
"origins": [],
"payload": {
"genericObjects": [ NEW_OBJECT ]
برای اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد قالب مورد انتظار JWT ها، به مرجع JWT مراجعه کنید.
JWT را امضا کنید
JWT ها با امضای آنها با یک راز مشترک قبل از ارسال به Google Wallet API ایمن نگه داشته می شوند. اگر از Google Wallet REST API استفاده میکنید، رمز امضای کلید حساب سرویس Google Cloud شما است. اگر از Google Wallet Android SDK استفاده میکنید، راز امضا اثر انگشت SHA-1 برای برنامه Android شما است.
وب، ایمیل و پیامک
JWT باید با استفاده از کلید حساب سرویس مرتبط با حساب سرویس Google Cloud که در کنسول کسب و کار Google Wallet مجاز کردهاید، امضا شود. Google Wallet API این ادعاها را با تأیید امضای JWT تأیید می کند.
امضای JWT توکنی تولید میکند که میتوان از آن برای ایجاد پیوند «افزودن به کیف پول Google» استفاده کرد که میتواند برای صدور مجوز برای کاربر استفاده شود:
برای شروع ادغام خود در جاوا، به نمونه کدهای کامل ما در GitHub مراجعه کنید.
/** * Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object. * * <p>When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to their wallet, the * pass class and object defined in the JWT are created. This allows you to create multiple pass * classes and objects in one API call when the user saves the pass to their wallet. * * @param issuerId The issuer ID being used for this request. * @param classSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for this pass class. * @param objectSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object. * @return An "Add to Google Wallet" link. */ public String createJWTNewObjects(String issuerId, String classSuffix, String objectSuffix) { // See link below for more information on required properties // https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/rest/v1/genericclass GenericClass newClass = new GenericClass().setId(String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, classSuffix)); // See link below for more information on required properties // https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/rest/v1/genericobject GenericObject newObject = new GenericObject() .setId(String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, objectSuffix)) .setClassId(String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, classSuffix)) .setState("ACTIVE") .setHeroImage( new Image() .setSourceUri( new ImageUri() .setUri( "https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3723/11177041115_6e6a3b6f49_o.jpg")) .setContentDescription( new LocalizedString() .setDefaultValue( new TranslatedString() .setLanguage("en-US") .setValue("Hero image description")))) .setTextModulesData( List.of( new TextModuleData() .setHeader("Text module header") .setBody("Text module body") .setId("TEXT_MODULE_ID"))) .setLinksModuleData( new LinksModuleData() .setUris( Arrays.asList( new Uri() .setUri("http://maps.google.com/") .setDescription("Link module URI description") .setId("LINK_MODULE_URI_ID"), new Uri() .setUri("tel:6505555555") .setDescription("Link module tel description") .setId("LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID")))) .setImageModulesData( List.of( new ImageModuleData() .setMainImage( new Image() .setSourceUri( new ImageUri() .setUri( "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3738/12440799783_3dc3c20606_b.jpg")) .setContentDescription( new LocalizedString() .setDefaultValue( new TranslatedString() .setLanguage("en-US") .setValue("Image module description")))) .setId("IMAGE_MODULE_ID"))) .setBarcode(new Barcode().setType("QR_CODE").setValue("QR code value")) .setCardTitle( new LocalizedString() .setDefaultValue( new TranslatedString().setLanguage("en-US").setValue("Generic card title"))) .setHeader( new LocalizedString() .setDefaultValue( new TranslatedString().setLanguage("en-US").setValue("Generic header"))) .setHexBackgroundColor("#4285f4") .setLogo( new Image() .setSourceUri( new ImageUri() .setUri( "https://storage.googleapis.com/wallet-lab-tools-codelab-artifacts-public/pass_google_logo.jpg")) .setContentDescription( new LocalizedString() .setDefaultValue( new TranslatedString() .setLanguage("en-US") .setValue("Generic card logo")))); // Create the JWT as a HashMap object HashMap<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<String, Object>(); claims.put("iss", ((ServiceAccountCredentials) credentials).getClientEmail()); claims.put("aud", "google"); claims.put("origins", List.of("www.example.com")); claims.put("typ", "savetowallet"); // Create the Google Wallet payload and add to the JWT HashMap<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<String, Object>(); payload.put("genericClasses", List.of(newClass)); payload.put("genericObjects", List.of(newObject)); claims.put("payload", payload); // The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.RSA256( null, (RSAPrivateKey) ((ServiceAccountCredentials) credentials).getPrivateKey()); String token = JWT.create().withPayload(claims).sign(algorithm); System.out.println("Add to Google Wallet link"); System.out.printf("https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/%s%n", token); return String.format("https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/%s", token); }
برای شروع ادغام خود در PHP، به نمونه کدهای کامل ما در GitHub مراجعه کنید.
/** * Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object. * * When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to * their wallet, the pass class and object defined in the JWT are * created. This allows you to create multiple pass classes and objects in * one API call when the user saves the pass to their wallet. * * @param string $issuerId The issuer ID being used for this request. * @param string $classSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass class. * @param string $objectSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object. * * @return string An "Add to Google Wallet" link. */ public function createJwtNewObjects(string $issuerId, string $classSuffix, string $objectSuffix) { // See link below for more information on required properties // https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/rest/v1/genericclass $newClass = new GenericClass([ 'id' => "{$issuerId}.{$classSuffix}", ]); // See link below for more information on required properties // https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/rest/v1/genericobject $newObject = new GenericObject([ 'id' => "{$issuerId}.{$objectSuffix}", 'classId' => "{$issuerId}.{$classSuffix}", 'state' => 'ACTIVE', 'heroImage' => new Image([ 'sourceUri' => new ImageUri([ 'uri' => 'https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3723/11177041115_6e6a3b6f49_o.jpg' ]), 'contentDescription' => new LocalizedString([ 'defaultValue' => new TranslatedString([ 'language' => 'en-US', 'value' => 'Hero image description' ]) ]) ]), 'textModulesData' => [ new TextModuleData([ 'header' => 'Text module header', 'body' => 'Text module body', 'id' => 'TEXT_MODULE_ID' ]) ], 'linksModuleData' => new LinksModuleData([ 'uris' => [ new Uri([ 'uri' => 'http://maps.google.com/', 'description' => 'Link module URI description', 'id' => 'LINK_MODULE_URI_ID' ]), new Uri([ 'uri' => 'tel:6505555555', 'description' => 'Link module tel description', 'id' => 'LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID' ]) ] ]), 'imageModulesData' => [ new ImageModuleData([ 'mainImage' => new Image([ 'sourceUri' => new ImageUri([ 'uri' => 'http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3738/12440799783_3dc3c20606_b.jpg' ]), 'contentDescription' => new LocalizedString([ 'defaultValue' => new TranslatedString([ 'language' => 'en-US', 'value' => 'Image module description' ]) ]) ]), 'id' => 'IMAGE_MODULE_ID' ]) ], 'barcode' => new Barcode([ 'type' => 'QR_CODE', 'value' => 'QR code value' ]), 'cardTitle' => new LocalizedString([ 'defaultValue' => new TranslatedString([ 'language' => 'en-US', 'value' => 'Generic card title' ]) ]), 'header' => new LocalizedString([ 'defaultValue' => new TranslatedString([ 'language' => 'en-US', 'value' => 'Generic header' ]) ]), 'hexBackgroundColor' => '#4285f4', 'logo' => new Image([ 'sourceUri' => new ImageUri([ 'uri' => 'https://storage.googleapis.com/wallet-lab-tools-codelab-artifacts-public/pass_google_logo.jpg' ]), 'contentDescription' => new LocalizedString([ 'defaultValue' => new TranslatedString([ 'language' => 'en-US', 'value' => 'Generic card logo' ]) ]) ]) ]); // The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT $serviceAccount = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->keyFilePath), true); // Create the JWT as an array of key/value pairs $claims = [ 'iss' => $serviceAccount['client_email'], 'aud' => 'google', 'origins' => ['www.example.com'], 'typ' => 'savetowallet', 'payload' => [ 'genericClasses' => [ $newClass ], 'genericObjects' => [ $newObject ] ] ]; $token = JWT::encode( $claims, $serviceAccount['private_key'], 'RS256' ); print "Add to Google Wallet link\n"; print "https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/{$token}"; return "https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/{$token}"; }
برای شروع ادغام خود در پایتون، به نمونه کدهای کامل ما در GitHub مراجعه کنید.
def create_jwt_new_objects(self, issuer_id: str, class_suffix: str, object_suffix: str) -> str: """Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object. When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to their wallet, the pass class and object defined in the JWT are created. This allows you to create multiple pass classes and objects in one API call when the user saves the pass to their wallet. Args: issuer_id (str): The issuer ID being used for this request. class_suffix (str): Developer-defined unique ID for the pass class. object_suffix (str): Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object. Returns: An "Add to Google Wallet" link. """ # See link below for more information on required properties # https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/rest/v1/genericclass new_class = {'id': f'{issuer_id}.{class_suffix}'} # See link below for more information on required properties # https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/rest/v1/genericobject new_object = { 'id': f'{issuer_id}.{object_suffix}', 'classId': f'{issuer_id}.{class_suffix}', 'state': 'ACTIVE', 'heroImage': { 'sourceUri': { 'uri': 'https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3723/11177041115_6e6a3b6f49_o.jpg' }, 'contentDescription': { 'defaultValue': { 'language': 'en-US', 'value': 'Hero image description' } } }, 'textModulesData': [{ 'header': 'Text module header', 'body': 'Text module body', 'id': 'TEXT_MODULE_ID' }], 'linksModuleData': { 'uris': [{ 'uri': 'http://maps.google.com/', 'description': 'Link module URI description', 'id': 'LINK_MODULE_URI_ID' }, { 'uri': 'tel:6505555555', 'description': 'Link module tel description', 'id': 'LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID' }] }, 'imageModulesData': [{ 'mainImage': { 'sourceUri': { 'uri': 'http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3738/12440799783_3dc3c20606_b.jpg' }, 'contentDescription': { 'defaultValue': { 'language': 'en-US', 'value': 'Image module description' } } }, 'id': 'IMAGE_MODULE_ID' }], 'barcode': { 'type': 'QR_CODE', 'value': 'QR code' }, 'cardTitle': { 'defaultValue': { 'language': 'en-US', 'value': 'Generic card title' } }, 'header': { 'defaultValue': { 'language': 'en-US', 'value': 'Generic header' } }, 'hexBackgroundColor': '#4285f4', 'logo': { 'sourceUri': { 'uri': 'https://storage.googleapis.com/wallet-lab-tools-codelab-artifacts-public/pass_google_logo.jpg' }, 'contentDescription': { 'defaultValue': { 'language': 'en-US', 'value': 'Generic card logo' } } } } # Create the JWT claims claims = { 'iss': self.credentials.service_account_email, 'aud': 'google', 'origins': ['www.example.com'], 'typ': 'savetowallet', 'payload': { # The listed classes and objects will be created 'genericClasses': [new_class], 'genericObjects': [new_object] } } # The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT signer = crypt.RSASigner.from_service_account_file(self.key_file_path) token = jwt.encode(signer, claims).decode('utf-8') print('Add to Google Wallet link') print(f'https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/{token}') return f'https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/{token}'
برای شروع ادغام خود در C#، به نمونه کدهای کامل ما در GitHub مراجعه کنید.
/// <summary> /// Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object. /// <para /> /// When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to /// their wallet, the pass class and object defined in the JWT are created. /// This allows you to create multiple pass classes and objects in one API /// call when the user saves the pass to their wallet. /// <para /> /// The Google Wallet C# library uses Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute /// to specify the property names when converting objects to JSON. The /// Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject method will automatically /// serialize the object with the right property names. /// </summary> /// <param name="issuerId">The issuer ID being used for this request.</param> /// <param name="classSuffix">Developer-defined unique ID for this pass class.</param> /// <param name="objectSuffix">Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object.</param> /// <returns>An "Add to Google Wallet" link.</returns> public string CreateJWTNewObjects(string issuerId, string classSuffix, string objectSuffix) { // Ignore null values when serializing to/from JSON JsonSerializerSettings excludeNulls = new JsonSerializerSettings() { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }; // See link below for more information on required properties // https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/rest/v1/genericclass GenericClass newClass = new GenericClass { Id = $"{issuerId}.{classSuffix}" }; // See link below for more information on required properties // https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/rest/v1/genericobject GenericObject newObject = new GenericObject { Id = $"{issuerId}.{objectSuffix}", ClassId = $"{issuerId}.{classSuffix}", State = "ACTIVE", HeroImage = new Image { SourceUri = new ImageUri { Uri = "https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3723/11177041115_6e6a3b6f49_o.jpg" }, ContentDescription = new LocalizedString { DefaultValue = new TranslatedString { Language = "en-US", Value = "Hero image description" } } }, TextModulesData = new List<TextModuleData> { new TextModuleData { Header = "Text module header", Body = "Text module body", Id = "TEXT_MODULE_ID" } }, LinksModuleData = new LinksModuleData { Uris = new List<Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1.Data.Uri> { new Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1.Data.Uri { UriValue = "http://maps.google.com/", Description = "Link module URI description", Id = "LINK_MODULE_URI_ID" }, new Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1.Data.Uri { UriValue = "tel:6505555555", Description = "Link module tel description", Id = "LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID" } } }, ImageModulesData = new List<ImageModuleData> { new ImageModuleData { MainImage = new Image { SourceUri = new ImageUri { Uri = "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3738/12440799783_3dc3c20606_b.jpg" }, ContentDescription = new LocalizedString { DefaultValue = new TranslatedString { Language = "en-US", Value = "Image module description" } } }, Id = "IMAGE_MODULE_ID" } }, Barcode = new Barcode { Type = "QR_CODE", Value = "QR code" }, CardTitle = new LocalizedString { DefaultValue = new TranslatedString { Language = "en-US", Value = "Generic card title" } }, Header = new LocalizedString { DefaultValue = new TranslatedString { Language = "en-US", Value = "Generic header" } }, HexBackgroundColor = "#4285f4", Logo = new Image { SourceUri = new ImageUri { Uri = "https://storage.googleapis.com/wallet-lab-tools-codelab-artifacts-public/pass_google_logo.jpg" }, ContentDescription = new LocalizedString { DefaultValue = new TranslatedString { Language = "en-US", Value = "Generic card logo" } }, } }; // Create JSON representations of the class and object JObject serializedClass = JObject.Parse( JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newClass, excludeNulls)); JObject serializedObject = JObject.Parse( JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newObject, excludeNulls)); // Create the JWT as a JSON object JObject jwtPayload = JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { iss = credentials.Id, aud = "google", origins = new List<string> { "www.example.com" }, typ = "savetowallet", payload = JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { // The listed classes and objects will be created // when the user saves the pass to their wallet genericClasses = new List<JObject> { serializedClass }, genericObjects = new List<JObject> { serializedObject } })) })); // Deserialize into a JwtPayload JwtPayload claims = JwtPayload.Deserialize(jwtPayload.ToString()); // The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT RsaSecurityKey key = new RsaSecurityKey(credentials.Key); SigningCredentials signingCredentials = new SigningCredentials( key, SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256); JwtSecurityToken jwt = new JwtSecurityToken( new JwtHeader(signingCredentials), claims); string token = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(jwt); Console.WriteLine("Add to Google Wallet link"); Console.WriteLine($"https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/{token}"); return $"https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/{token}"; }
برای شروع ادغام خود در Node، به نمونه کدهای کامل ما در GitHub مراجعه کنید.
/** * Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object. * * When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to * their wallet, the pass class and object defined in the JWT are * created. This allows you to create multiple pass classes and objects in * one API call when the user saves the pass to their wallet. * * @param {string} issuerId The issuer ID being used for this request. * @param {string} classSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass class. * @param {string} objectSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object. * * @returns {string} An "Add to Google Wallet" link. */ createJwtNewObjects(issuerId, classSuffix, objectSuffix) { // See link below for more information on required properties // https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/rest/v1/genericclass let newClass = { 'id': `${issuerId}.${classSuffix}` }; // See link below for more information on required properties // https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/rest/v1/genericobject let newObject = { 'id': `${issuerId}.${objectSuffix}`, 'classId': `${issuerId}.${classSuffix}`, 'state': 'ACTIVE', 'heroImage': { 'sourceUri': { 'uri': 'https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3723/11177041115_6e6a3b6f49_o.jpg' }, 'contentDescription': { 'defaultValue': { 'language': 'en-US', 'value': 'Hero image description' } } }, 'textModulesData': [ { 'header': 'Text module header', 'body': 'Text module body', 'id': 'TEXT_MODULE_ID' } ], 'linksModuleData': { 'uris': [ { 'uri': 'http://maps.google.com/', 'description': 'Link module URI description', 'id': 'LINK_MODULE_URI_ID' }, { 'uri': 'tel:6505555555', 'description': 'Link module tel description', 'id': 'LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID' } ] }, 'imageModulesData': [ { 'mainImage': { 'sourceUri': { 'uri': 'http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3738/12440799783_3dc3c20606_b.jpg' }, 'contentDescription': { 'defaultValue': { 'language': 'en-US', 'value': 'Image module description' } } }, 'id': 'IMAGE_MODULE_ID' } ], 'barcode': { 'type': 'QR_CODE', 'value': 'QR code' }, 'cardTitle': { 'defaultValue': { 'language': 'en-US', 'value': 'Generic card title' } }, 'header': { 'defaultValue': { 'language': 'en-US', 'value': 'Generic header' } }, 'hexBackgroundColor': '#4285f4', 'logo': { 'sourceUri': { 'uri': 'https://storage.googleapis.com/wallet-lab-tools-codelab-artifacts-public/pass_google_logo.jpg' }, 'contentDescription': { 'defaultValue': { 'language': 'en-US', 'value': 'Generic card logo' } } } }; // Create the JWT claims let claims = { iss: this.credentials.client_email, aud: 'google', origins: ['www.example.com'], typ: 'savetowallet', payload: { // The listed classes and objects will be created genericClasses: [newClass], genericObjects: [newObject] }, }; // The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT let token = jwt.sign(claims, this.credentials.private_key, { algorithm: 'RS256' }); console.log('Add to Google Wallet link'); console.log(`https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/${token}`); return `https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/${token}`; }
برای شروع ادغام خود در Go، به نمونه کدهای کامل ما در نمونه کدهای GitHub در Github مراجعه کنید.
// Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object. // // When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to // their wallet, the pass class and object defined in the JWT are // created. This allows you to create multiple pass classes and objects in // one API call when the user saves the pass to their wallet. func (d *demoGeneric) createJwtNewObjects(issuerId, classSuffix, objectSuffix string) { genericObject := new(walletobjects.GenericObject) genericObject.Id = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", issuerId, objectSuffix) genericObject.ClassId = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", issuerId, classSuffix) genericObject.State = "ACTIVE" genericObject.Barcode = &walletobjects.Barcode{ Type: "QR_CODE", Value: "QR code", } genericObject.CardTitle = &walletobjects.LocalizedString{ DefaultValue: &walletobjects.TranslatedString{ Language: "en-us", Value: "Card title", }, } genericObject.Header = &walletobjects.LocalizedString{ DefaultValue: &walletobjects.TranslatedString{ Language: "en-us", Value: "Header", }, } genericJson, _ := json.Marshal(genericObject) var payload map[string]any json.Unmarshal([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(` { "genericObjects": [%s] } `, genericJson)), &payload) claims := jwt.MapClaims{ "iss": d.credentials.Email, "aud": "google", "origins": []string{"www.example.com"}, "typ": "savetowallet", "payload": payload, } // The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT key, _ := jwt.ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM(d.credentials.PrivateKey) token, _ := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodRS256, claims).SignedString(key) fmt.Println("Add to Google Wallet link") fmt.Println("https://pay.google.com/gp/v/save/" + token) }
برنامه های اندروید
هنگامی که روش savePasses
برای صدور مجوز برای یک کاربر فراخوانی می شود، Google Wallet Android SDK به طور خودکار JWT شما را با اثر انگشت SHA-1 کلید امضای برنامه شما که در کنسول کسب و کار Google Wallet ارائه کرده اید امضا می کند. همچنین، میتوانید با استفاده از یک JWT امضا شده قبلی، با استفاده از روش savePassesJwt
Android SDK، مجوز را صادر کنید.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر، به صدور مجوز با Android SDK مراجعه کنید.