Add links to your Loyalty card

There are four ways to add links to a loyalty card.

  • Use LoyaltyClass.LinksModuleData to add links to all loyalty cards that are associated with the LoyaltyClass.
  • Use LoyaltyObject.LinksModuleData to add a link to a specific loyalty card LoyaltyObject.
  • Use LoyaltyObject.appLinkData to place an app link at the bottom of that particular Pass.
  • Use LoyaltyClass.appLinkData to place an app link at the bottom of all the passes of that class.

One benefit of app linking is that it empowers your call-to-action to navigate users to your branded experiences from Google Wallet. Links with this feature appear at the bottom of the Pass.

App Applink Data Example Web Applink Data Example

For a given loyalty card, set the field LoyaltyObject.appLinkData to the URI or Package name of your app or website.

See the format and context of the appLinkData field in the following source code:

    "id": string,
    "classId": string,
    "appLinkData": {
      "androidAppLinkInfo": {
        "appTarget": {
          "packageName": "",
      "webAppLinkInfo": {
        "appTarget": {
           "targetUri": {
              "uri": "",
              "description": "Web link for Gmail"
For posterity the following implementation will also work.
  "id": string,
  "classId": string,
  "appLinkData": {
    "androidAppLinkInfo": {
      "appTarget": {
        "targetUri": {
          "uri": "",
            "description": "Play store link for Gmail app"