Enable Google Workspace APIs

Before using Google APIs, you need to turn them on in a Google Cloud project. You can turn on one or more APIs in a single Google Cloud project. If you don't already have a Google Cloud project, see Create a Cloud project.

To enable an API in your Cloud project:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Menu > More products > Google Workspace > Product Library.

    Go to Product Library

  2. Click the API that you want to turn on.
  3. Click Enable.
  4. To enable more APIs, repeat these steps.
  1. Install or open the Google Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI).
  2. Run the services enable command, specifying which API service to enable.

    gcloud services enable API_SERVICE_ID

Google Workspace APIs

Use the following Google Cloud console links or the Google Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI) to enable specific Google Workspace APIs in your Cloud project.

Enable Admin SDK API
gcloud services enable admin.googleapis.com
Enable Alert Center API
gcloud services enable alertcenter.googleapis.com
Enable Apps Script API
gcloud services enable script.googleapis.com
Enable CalDAV API
gcloud services enable caldav.googleapis.com
Enable Calendar API
gcloud services enable calendar-json.googleapis.com
Enable Chat API
gcloud services enable chat.googleapis.com
Enable Classroom API
gcloud services enable classroom.googleapis.com
Enable Cloud Identity API
gcloud services enable cloudidentity.googleapis.com
Enable Cloud Search API
gcloud services enable cloudsearch.googleapis.com
Enable Docs API
gcloud services enable docs.googleapis.com
Enable Drive API
gcloud services enable drive.googleapis.com
Enable Drive Activity API
gcloud services enable driveactivity.googleapis.com
Enable Drive Labels API
gcloud services enable drivelabels.googleapis.com
Enable Forms API
gcloud services enable forms.googleapis.com
Enable Gmail API
gcloud services enable gmail.googleapis.com
Enable Groups Migration API
gcloud services enable groupsmigration.googleapis.com
Enable Groups Settings API
gcloud services enable groupssettings.googleapis.com
Enable Google Workspace add-ons API
gcloud services enable gsuiteaddons.googleapis.com
Enable Google Keep API
gcloud services enable keep.googleapis.com
Enable Enterprise License Manager API
gcloud services enable licensing.googleapis.com
Enable Marketplace API
gcloud services enable appsmarket.googleapis.com
Enable Marketplace SDK
gcloud services enable appsmarket-component.googleapis.com
Enable Meet REST API
gcloud services enable meet.googleapis.com
Enable People API
gcloud services enable people.googleapis.com
Enable Postmaster Tools API
gcloud services enable gmailpostmastertools.googleapis.com
Enable Reseller API
gcloud services enable reseller.googleapis.com
Enable Sheets API
gcloud services enable sheets.googleapis.com
Enable Slides API
gcloud services enable slides.googleapis.com
Enable Tasks API
gcloud services enable tasks.googleapis.com
Enable Vault API
gcloud services enable vault.googleapis.com

Next step

Learn how authentication and authorization works for Google Workspace APIs.