Poniżej znajdziesz przykładowe fragmenty kodu, które korzystają z biblioteki klienta interfejsów API Google dla Python. Są one dostępne na YouTube Reporting API i YouTube Analytics API. Przykładowy kod możesz pobrać z folderu python
repozytorium przykładowego kodu interfejsów API YouTube na GitHubie.
Raporty zbiorcze (YouTube Reporting API)
Raporty dotyczące docelowych zapytań (YouTube Analytics API)
Raporty zbiorcze
Pobieranie raportów
Ten przykładowy kod pokazuje, jak pobrać raporty utworzone przez określone zadanie. Wywołuje on metodę jobs.list
do pobierania zadań raportowania. Następnie wywołuje metodę reports.list
z parametrem jobId
ustawionym na konkretny identyfikator zadania, aby pobrać raporty utworzone przez to zadanie. Na koniec w przykładzie wydrukowany jest adres URL pobierania każdego raportu.
#!/usr/bin/python ### # # This script retrieves YouTube Reporting API reports. Use cases: # 1. If you specify a report URL, the script downloads that report. # 2. Otherwise, if you specify a job ID, the script retrieves a list of # available reports for that job and prompts you to select a report. # Then it retrieves that report as in case 1. # 3. Otherwise, the list retrieves a list of jobs for the user or, # if specified, the content owner that the user is acting on behalf of. # Then it prompts the user to select a job, and then executes case 2 and # then case 1. # Usage examples: # python retrieve_reports.py --content_owner_id=<CONTENT_OWNER_ID> --local_file=<LOCAL_FILE> # python retrieve_reports.py --content_owner_id=<CONTENT_OWNER_ID> --job_id=<JOB_ID> --local_file=<LOCAL_FILE> # python retrieve_reports.py --content_owner_id=<CONTENT_OWNER_ID> --report_url=<REPORT_URL> --local_file=<LOCAL_FILE> # ### import argparse import os import google.oauth2.credentials import google_auth_oauthlib.flow from googleapiclient.discovery import build from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError from googleapiclient.http import MediaIoBaseDownload from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow from io import FileIO # The CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE variable specifies the name of a file that contains # the OAuth 2.0 information for this application, including its client_id and # client_secret. You can acquire an OAuth 2.0 client ID and client secret from # the {{ Google Cloud Console }} at # {{ https://cloud.google.com/console }}. # Please ensure that you have enabled the YouTube Data API for your project. # For more information about using OAuth2 to access the YouTube Data API, see: # https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/authentication # For more information about the client_secrets.json file format, see: # https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/python/guide/aaa_client_secrets CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE = 'client_secret.json' # This OAuth 2.0 access scope allows for read access to YouTube Analytics # monetary reports for the authenticated user's account. Any request that # retrieves earnings or ad performance metrics must use this scope. SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics-monetary.readonly'] API_SERVICE_NAME = 'youtubereporting' API_VERSION = 'v1' # Authorize the request and store authorization credentials. def get_authenticated_service(): flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE, SCOPES) credentials = flow.run_console() return build(API_SERVICE_NAME, API_VERSION, credentials = credentials) # Remove keyword arguments that are not set. def remove_empty_kwargs(**kwargs): good_kwargs = {} if kwargs is not None: for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): if value: good_kwargs[key] = value return good_kwargs # Call the YouTube Reporting API's jobs.list method to retrieve reporting jobs. def list_reporting_jobs(youtube_reporting, **kwargs): # Only include the onBehalfOfContentOwner keyword argument if the user # set a value for the --content_owner argument. kwargs = remove_empty_kwargs(**kwargs) # Retrieve the reporting jobs for the user (or content owner). results = youtube_reporting.jobs().list(**kwargs).execute() if 'jobs' in results and results['jobs']: jobs = results['jobs'] for job in jobs: print ('Reporting job id: %s\n name: %s\n for reporting type: %s\n' % (job['id'], job['name'], job['reportTypeId'])) else: print 'No jobs found' return False return True # Call the YouTube Reporting API's reports.list method to retrieve reports created by a job. def retrieve_reports(youtube_reporting, **kwargs): # Only include the onBehalfOfContentOwner keyword argument if the user # set a value for the --content_owner argument. kwargs = remove_empty_kwargs(**kwargs) # Retrieve available reports for the selected job. results = youtube_reporting.jobs().reports().list( **kwargs ).execute() if 'reports' in results and results['reports']: reports = results['reports'] for report in reports: print ('Report dates: %s to %s\n download URL: %s\n' % (report['startTime'], report['endTime'], report['downloadUrl'])) # Call the YouTube Reporting API's media.download method to download the report. def download_report(youtube_reporting, report_url, local_file): request = youtube_reporting.media().download( resourceName=' ' ) request.uri = report_url fh = FileIO(local_file, mode='wb') # Stream/download the report in a single request. downloader = MediaIoBaseDownload(fh, request, chunksize=-1) done = False while done is False: status, done = downloader.next_chunk() if status: print 'Download %d%%.' % int(status.progress() * 100) print 'Download Complete!' # Prompt the user to select a job and return the specified ID. def get_job_id_from_user(): job_id = raw_input('Please enter the job id for the report retrieval: ') print ('You chose "%s" as the job Id for the report retrieval.' % job_id) return job_id # Prompt the user to select a report URL and return the specified URL. def get_report_url_from_user(): report_url = raw_input('Please enter the report URL to download: ') print ('You chose "%s" to download.' % report_url) return report_url if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--content_owner', default='', help='ID of content owner for which you are retrieving jobs and reports') parser.add_argument('--job_id', default=None, help='ID of the job for which you are retrieving reports. If not ' + 'provided AND report_url is also not provided, then the script ' + 'calls jobs.list() to retrieve a list of jobs.') parser.add_argument('--report_url', default=None, help='URL of the report to retrieve. If not specified, the script ' + 'calls reports.list() to retrieve a list of reports for the ' + 'selected job.') parser.add_argument('--local_file', default='yt_report.txt', help='The name of the local file where the downloaded report will be written.') args = parser.parse_args() youtube_reporting = get_authenticated_service() try: # If the user has not specified a job ID or report URL, retrieve a list # of available jobs and prompt the user to select one. if not args.job_id and not args.report_url: if list_reporting_jobs(youtube_reporting, onBehalfOfContentOwner=args.content_owner): args.job_id = get_job_id_from_user() # If the user has not specified a report URL, retrieve a list of reports # available for the specified job and prompt the user to select one. if args.job_id and not args.report_url: retrieve_reports(youtube_reporting, jobId=args.job_id, onBehalfOfContentOwner=args.content_owner) args.report_url = get_report_url_from_user() # Download the selected report. if args.report_url: download_report(youtube_reporting, args.report_url, args.local_file) except HttpError, e: print 'An HTTP error %d occurred:\n%s' % (e.resp.status, e.content)
Tworzenie zadania raportowania
Ten przykładowy kod pokazuje, jak utworzyć zadanie raportowania. Wywołuje on metodę reportTypes.list
, aby pobrać listę dostępnych typów raportów. Następnie wywołuje metodę jobs.create
, aby utworzyć nowe zadanie raportowania.
#!/usr/bin/python # Create a reporting job for the authenticated user's channel or # for a content owner that the user's account is linked to. # Usage example: # python create_reporting_job.py --name='<name>' # python create_reporting_job.py --content-owner='<CONTENT OWNER ID>' # python create_reporting_job.py --content-owner='<CONTENT_OWNER_ID>' --report-type='<REPORT_TYPE_ID>' --name='<REPORT_NAME>' import argparse import os import google.oauth2.credentials import google_auth_oauthlib.flow from googleapiclient.discovery import build from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow # The CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE variable specifies the name of a file that contains # the OAuth 2.0 information for this application, including its client_id and # client_secret. You can acquire an OAuth 2.0 client ID and client secret from # the {{ Google Cloud Console }} at # {{ https://cloud.google.com/console }}. # Please ensure that you have enabled the YouTube Data API for your project. # For more information about using OAuth2 to access the YouTube Data API, see: # https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/authentication # For more information about the client_secrets.json file format, see: # https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/python/guide/aaa_client_secrets CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE = 'client_secret.json' # This OAuth 2.0 access scope allows for read access to the YouTube Analytics monetary reports for # authenticated user's account. Any request that retrieves earnings or ad performance metrics must # use this scope. SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics-monetary.readonly'] API_SERVICE_NAME = 'youtubereporting' API_VERSION = 'v1' # Authorize the request and store authorization credentials. def get_authenticated_service(): flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE, SCOPES) credentials = flow.run_console() return build(API_SERVICE_NAME, API_VERSION, credentials = credentials) # Remove keyword arguments that are not set. def remove_empty_kwargs(**kwargs): good_kwargs = {} if kwargs is not None: for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): if value: good_kwargs[key] = value return good_kwargs # Call the YouTube Reporting API's reportTypes.list method to retrieve report types. def list_report_types(youtube_reporting, **kwargs): # Provide keyword arguments that have values as request parameters. kwargs = remove_empty_kwargs(**kwargs) results = youtube_reporting.reportTypes().list(**kwargs).execute() reportTypes = results['reportTypes'] if 'reportTypes' in results and results['reportTypes']: reportTypes = results['reportTypes'] for reportType in reportTypes: print 'Report type id: %s\n name: %s\n' % (reportType['id'], reportType['name']) else: print 'No report types found' return False return True # Call the YouTube Reporting API's jobs.create method to create a job. def create_reporting_job(youtube_reporting, report_type_id, **kwargs): # Provide keyword arguments that have values as request parameters. kwargs = remove_empty_kwargs(**kwargs) reporting_job = youtube_reporting.jobs().create( body=dict( reportTypeId=args.report_type, name=args.name ), **kwargs ).execute() print ('Reporting job "%s" created for reporting type "%s" at "%s"' % (reporting_job['name'], reporting_job['reportTypeId'], reporting_job['createTime'])) # Prompt the user to enter a report type id for the job. Then return the id. def get_report_type_id_from_user(): report_type_id = raw_input('Please enter the reportTypeId for the job: ') print ('You chose "%s" as the report type Id for the job.' % report_type_id) return report_type_id # Prompt the user to set a job name def prompt_user_to_set_job_name(): job_name = raw_input('Please set a name for the job: ') print ('Great! "%s" is a memorable name for this job.' % job_name) return job_name if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # The 'name' option specifies the name that will be used for the reporting job. parser.add_argument('--content-owner', default='', help='ID of content owner for which you are retrieving jobs and reports.') parser.add_argument('--include-system-managed', default=False, help='Whether the API response should include system-managed reports') parser.add_argument('--name', default='', help='Name for the reporting job. The script prompts you to set a name ' + 'for the job if you do not provide one using this argument.') parser.add_argument('--report-type', default=None, help='The type of report for which you are creating a job.') args = parser.parse_args() youtube_reporting = get_authenticated_service() try: # Prompt user to select report type if they didn't set one on command line. if not args.report_type: if list_report_types(youtube_reporting, onBehalfOfContentOwner=args.content_owner, includeSystemManaged=args.include_system_managed): args.report_type = get_report_type_id_from_user() # Prompt user to set job name if not set on command line. if not args.name: args.name = prompt_user_to_set_job_name() # Create the job. if args.report_type: create_reporting_job(youtube_reporting, args, onBehalfOfContentOwner=args.content_owner) except HttpError, e: print 'An HTTP error %d occurred:\n%s' % (e.resp.status, e.content)
Raporty wyszukiwanych haseł
Pobieranie dziennych statystyk kanału
W tym przykładzie wywołujemy interfejs YouTube Analytics API, aby pobrać dzienną liczbę wyświetleń i inne dane dotyczące kanału autoryzowanego użytkownika za rok kalendarzowy 2017. W przykładzie użyto biblioteki klienta interfejsów API Google w języku Python.
Kod prosi o przyznanie użytkownikowi uprawnień dostępu do zakresu https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics.readonly
SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics.readonly']
Aplikacja może też poprosić o dostęp do innych zakresów. Na przykład aplikacja, która wywołuje interfejsy YouTube Analytics API i YouTube Data API, może wymagać od użytkowników udzielenia dostępu do ich kont YouTube. Przegląd autoryzacji wskazuje zakresy zwykle używane w aplikacjach, które wywołują interfejs YouTube Analytics API.
Konfigurowanie danych uwierzytelniających
Zanim po raz pierwszy uruchomisz ten przykład lokalnie, musisz skonfigurować dane logowania do autoryzacji projektu:
- Utwórz lub wybierz projekt w Konsoli interfejsów API Google.
- Włącz YouTube Analytics API w swoim projekcie.
- U góry strony Dane logowania wybierz kartę Ekran zgody OAuth. Wybierz adres e-mail, wpisz nazwę produktu, jeśli nie jest jeszcze ustawiona, i kliknij przycisk Zapisz.
- Na stronie Credentials (Dane logowania) kliknij przycisk Utwórz dane logowania i wybierz Identyfikator klienta OAuth.
- Wybierz typ aplikacji Inna, wpisz nazwę „YouTube Analytics API – krótkie wprowadzenie” i kliknij przycisk Utwórz.
- Kliknij OK, aby zamknąć okno.
- Kliknij przycisk (Pobierz plik JSON) po prawej stronie identyfikatora klienta.
- Przenieś pobrany plik do katalogu roboczego.
Zainstaluj wymagane biblioteki
Musisz też zainstalować bibliotekę klienta interfejsów API Google dla Pythona i kilka dodatkowych bibliotek:
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client pip install --upgrade google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2
Uruchamianie kodu
Teraz możesz przetestować przykład:
- Skopiuj poniższy przykładowy kod do swojego katalogu roboczego.
- W przykładzie zaktualizuj wartość zmiennej
, tak aby pasowała do lokalizacji pliku pobranego po skonfigurowaniu danych uwierzytelniających. - Uruchom przykładowy kod w oknie terminala:
python yt_analytics_v2.py
- Przejdź przez proces autoryzacji. Proces uwierzytelniania może wczytać się automatycznie w przeglądarce. Może być też konieczne skopiowanie adresu URL uwierzytelniania do okna przeglądarki. W razie potrzeby na końcu procesu autoryzacji wklej kod autoryzacji wyświetlony w przeglądarce w oknie terminala i kliknij [return].
- Zapytanie interfejsu API jest wykonywane, a odpowiedź JSON trafia do okna terminala.
Przykładowy kod
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import google.oauth2.credentials import google_auth_oauthlib.flow from googleapiclient.discovery import build from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics.readonly'] API_SERVICE_NAME = 'youtubeAnalytics' API_VERSION = 'v2' CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE = 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_FILE.json' def get_service(): flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE, SCOPES) credentials = flow.run_console() return build(API_SERVICE_NAME, API_VERSION, credentials = credentials) def execute_api_request(client_library_function, **kwargs): response = client_library_function( **kwargs ).execute() print(response) if __name__ == '__main__': # Disable OAuthlib's HTTPs verification when running locally. # *DO NOT* leave this option enabled when running in production. os.environ['OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT'] = '1' youtubeAnalytics = get_service() execute_api_request( youtubeAnalytics.reports().query, ids='channel==MINE', startDate='2017-01-01', endDate='2017-12-31', metrics='estimatedMinutesWatched,views,likes,subscribersGained' dimensions='day', sort='day' )