YouTube Live Streaming API - Errors
This document identifies the different types of errors that YouTube Live Streaming API operations can return. You can also find a list of errors for any individual method in the reference documentation for that method.
The following tables identify error messages that the API returns in response to calls related to fanFundingEvents
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
forbidden (403) |
insufficientPermissions |
You do not have the necessary permissions to view the channel's Fan Funding events. |
invalidValue (400) |
fanFundingNotEnabledForChannelId |
The channel does not have Fan Funding enabled. |
The following tables identify error messages that the API returns in response to calls related to liveBroadcasts
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
backendError |
internalError |
An internal error occurred during the bind. |
forbidden (403) |
liveBroadcastBindingNotAllowed |
The current status of the live broadcast does not allow it to be bound to a stream. |
insufficientPermissions |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to retrieve the specified live broadcast. For more information, see Implementing OAuth2 authentication. |
insufficientPermissions |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. The user can find more information at |
notFound (404) |
liveBroadcastNotFound |
The broadcast specified by the id parameter does not exist. |
notFound (404) |
liveStreamNotFound |
The stream specified by the streamId parameter does not exist. |
rateLimitExceeded |
userRequestsExceedRateLimit |
The user has sent too many requests in a given timeframe. |
required (400) |
idRequired |
The required id parameter must identify the broadcast to bind. |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
forbidden (403) |
liveBroadcastDeletionNotAllowed |
The current status of the live broadcast does not allow it to be deleted. |
insufficientPermissions |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to delete the specified live broadcast. For more information, see Implementing OAuth2 authentication. |
insufficientPermissions |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. The user can find more information at |
notFound (404) |
liveBroadcastNotFound |
The id property specified in the liveBroadcast resource did not identify a broadcast. |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
insufficientPermissions |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to create the live broadcast. |
insufficientPermissions |
livePermissionBlocked |
The user that authorized the request is unable to stream live video on YouTube at this time. Details explaining why the user cannot stream live video may be available in the user's channel settings at |
insufficientPermissions |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. The user can find more information at |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidAutoStart |
The liveBroadcast resource
contained an invalid value for the contentDetails.enableAutoStart property.
Not all broadcasts support this setting. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidAutoStop |
The liveBroadcast resource
contained an invalid value for the contentDetails.enableAutoStop property. You
cannot modify the enableAutoStop setting for a persistent broadcast. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidDescription |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify a valid value for the snippet.description property. The property's value can contain up to 5000 characters. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidEmbedSetting |
The liveBroadcast resource contained an invalid value for the contentDetails.enable_embed property. You cannot embed this broadcast. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidLatencyPreferenceOptions |
The liveBroadcast resource
contained an invalid value for the contentDetails.latencyPreference property.
Not all settings are supported with this latency preference.
invalidValue (400) |
invalidPrivacyStatus |
The liveBroadcast resource contained an invalid value for the status.privacy_status property. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidProjection |
The liveBroadcast resource contained an invalid value for the contentDetails.projection property. A default broadcast's projection cannot be set to 360 . |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidScheduledEndTime |
The liveBroadcast resource contained an invalid value for the snippet.scheduledEndTime property. The scheduled end time must follow the scheduled start time. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidScheduledStartTime |
The liveBroadcast resource contained an invalid value for the snippet.scheduledStartTime property. The scheduled start time must be in the future and close enough to the current date that a broadcast could be reliably scheduled at that time. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidTitle |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify a valid value for the snippet.title property. The property's value must be between 1 and 100 characters long. |
limitExceeded |
userBroadcastsExceedLimit |
The user has created too many live or scheduled broadcasts and must
stop or delete some. |
rateLimitExceeded |
userRequestsExceedRateLimit |
The user has sent too many requests in a given timeframe. |
required (400) |
privacyStatusRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource must specify a privacy status. See valid privacyStatus values. |
required (400) |
scheduledEndTimeRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource must specify the snippet.scheduledEndTime property. |
required (400) |
scheduledStartTimeRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource must specify the snippet.scheduledStartTime property. |
required (400) |
titleRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource must specify the snippet.title property. |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
insufficientPermissions |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to retrieve the live broadcast. |
insufficientPermissions |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. The user can find more information at |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
backendError |
errorExecutingTransition |
An error occurred while changing the broadcast's status. |
forbidden (403) |
errorStreamInactive |
The requested transition is not allowed when the stream that is bound to the broadcast is inactive. |
forbidden (403) |
invalidTransition |
The live broadcast can't transition from its current status to the requested status. |
forbidden (403) |
redundantTransition |
The live broadcast is already in the requested status or processing to the requested status. |
insufficientPermissions |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to transition the live broadcast. |
insufficientPermissions |
livePermissionBlocked |
The user that authorized the request is unable to stream live video on YouTube at this time. Details explaining why the user cannot stream live video may be available in the user's channel settings at |
insufficientPermissions |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. The user can find more information at |
notFound (404) |
liveBroadcastNotFound |
The broadcast specified by the id parameter does not exist. |
rateLimitExceeded (403) |
userRequestsExceedRateLimit |
The user has sent too many requests in a given timeframe. |
required (400) |
idRequired |
The required id parameter must identify the broadcast whose status you want to transition. |
required (400) |
statusRequired |
The API request must specify a value for the status parameter. |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
forbidden (403) |
closedCaptionsTypeModificationNotAllowed |
The contentDetails.closedCaptionsType value can only be modified when the broadcast is in the created or ready status. |
forbidden (403) |
enableAutoStartModificationNotAllowed |
The contentDetails.enableAutoStart value can only be modified when the stream is inactive and the broadcast is in the created or ready status. |
forbidden (403) |
enableClosedCaptionsModificationNotAllowed |
The contentDetails.enableClosedCaptions value can only be modified when the broadcast's status is created or ready . |
forbidden (403) |
enableDvrModificationNotAllowed |
The contentDetails.enableDvr value can be modified only when the broadcast's status is created or ready . |
forbidden (403) |
enableMonitorStreamModificationNotAllowed |
The contentDetails.monitorStream.enableMonitorStream value can be modified only when the broadcast's status is created or ready . |
forbidden (403) |
recordFromStartModificationNotAllowed |
The contentDetails.recordFromStart value can be modified only when the broadcast's status is created or ready . |
insufficientPermissions |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to update the specified live broadcast. For more information, see Implementing OAuth2 authentication. |
insufficientPermissions |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. The user can find more information at |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidAutoStart |
The liveBroadcast resource
contained an invalid value for the contentDetails.enableAutoStart property.
You cannot modify the enableAutoStart setting for a persistent broadcast. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidAutoStop |
The liveBroadcast resource
contained an invalid value for the contentDetails.enableAutoStop property. You
cannot modify the enableAutoStop setting for a persistent broadcast. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidDescription |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify a valid value for the snippet.description property. snippet.description can contain up to 5000 characters. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidEmbedSetting |
The liveBroadcast resource contained an invalid value for the contentDetails.enable_embed property. You cannot embed this broadcast. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidEnableClosedCaptions |
In the liveBroadcast resource, the value of the contentDetails.enableClosedCaptions property is incompatible with the value of the contentDetails.closedCaptionType setting. Modify the resource to only include one of the two properties, and then resubmit the request. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidLatencyPreferenceOptions |
The liveBroadcast resource
contained an invalid value for the contentDetails.latencyPreference property.
Not all settings are supported with this latency preference.
invalidValue (400) |
invalidPrivacyStatus |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify a valid privacy status. See valid privacyStatus values. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidProjection |
The liveBroadcast resource contained an invalid value for the contentDetails.projection property. A persistent broadcast's projection cannot be set to 360. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidScheduledEndTime |
The liveBroadcast resource contained an invalid value for the snippet.scheduledEndTime property. The scheduled end time must follow the scheduled start time. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidScheduledStartTime |
The liveBroadcast resource contained an invalid value for the snippet.scheduledStartTime property. The scheduled start time must be in the future. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidTitle |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify a valid value for the snippet.title property. snippet.title must be between 1 and 100 characters long. |
notFound (404) |
liveBroadcastNotFound |
The id property specified in the liveBroadcast resource did not identify a broadcast. |
required (400) |
broadcastStreamDelayMsRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify the contentDetails.monitorStream.broadcastStreamDelayMs property. |
required (400) |
enableMonitorStreamRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify the contentDetails.monitorStream.enableMonitorStream property. |
required (400) |
idRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource must include and specify a value for the id property. |
required (400) |
privacyStatusRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify a privacy status. See for valid privacyStatus values. |
required (400) |
scheduledEndTimeRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify the snippet.scheduledEndTime property. |
required (400) |
scheduledStartTimeRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify the snippet.scheduledStartTime property. |
required (400) |
titleRequired |
The liveBroadcast resource did not specify the snippet.title property. |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
insufficientPermissions (403) |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to insert a cuepoint in the live
broadcast. |
insufficientPermissions (403) |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live
video on YouTube. The user can find more information at and |
rateLimitExceeded (403) |
userRequestsExceedRateLimit |
The user has sent too many requests in a given timeframe. |
required (400) |
idRequired |
The required id parameter must identify the broadcast
in which you want to insert a cuepoint. |
required (400) |
cueTypeRequired |
The required cueType field must be specified in the
API request body. |
notFound (404) |
liveBroadcastNotFound |
The broadcast specified by the id parameter does not exist. |
invalidValue (400) |
conflictingTimeFields |
Only one of insertionOffsetTimeMs and
walltimeMs may be specified. Setting both values causes an error. If you do
not set either value, YouTube will use the default insertionOffsetTimeMs time
(0 ), which means that the cuepoint will be inserted as soon as possible. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidInsertionOffsetTimeMs |
The cuepoint resource specified an invalid value for the
insertionOffsetTimeMs property. The value must be 0 or a positive
integer. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidWalltimeMs |
The cuepoint resource specified an invalid value for the
walltimeMs property. The value must be an integer that represents an epoch
timestamp. |
backendError (5xx) |
serviceUnavailable |
The service is unavailable. Try your request again after a few minutes. |
The following tables identify error messages that the API returns in response to calls related to liveChatBans
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
forbidden (403) |
forbidden |
The specified ban cannot be removed. This error can occur if the request is authorized by one moderator who is attempting to remove a ban on another moderator. |
forbidden (403) |
insufficientPermissions |
You do not have the necessary permissions to remove the specified ban. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidLiveChatBanId |
The id parameter specifies an invalid value. |
notFound (404) |
liveChatBanNotFound |
The specified ban cannot be found. |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
forbidden (403) |
insufficientPermissions |
You do not have the necessary permissions to ban a user from the specified live chat. |
forbidden (403) |
liveChatBanInsertionNotAllowed |
The specified ban cannot be created. This error can occur if the request attempts to ban the chat owner or another moderator. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidChannelId |
The specified channel ID cannot be found. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidLiveChatId |
The snippet.liveChatId value specified in the request is invalid. Check the associated liveBroadcast resource to ensure that you have the correct value. |
notFound (404) |
liveChatNotFound |
The specified live chat cannot be found. Check the associated liveBroadcast resource to ensure that you are setting the snippet.liveChatId property to the correct value. |
notFound (404) |
liveChatUserNotFound |
The live chat user you are trying to ban cannot be found. |
required (400) |
bannedUserChannelIdRequired |
The liveChatBan resource submitted in the request body must specify a value for the snippet.bannedUserDetails.channelId property. |
required (400) |
liveChatIdRequired |
The liveChatBan resource submitted in the request body must specify a value for the snippet.liveChatId property. |
The following tables identify error messages that the API returns in response to calls related to liveChatMessages
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
forbidden (403) |
forbidden |
You do not have the permissions required to delete the specified message. |
forbidden (403) |
modificationNotAllowed |
The specified liveChatMessage resource cannot be deleted. The id parameter might identify a message created by a moderator or another user whose messages cannot be deleted. |
notFound (404) |
liveChatMessageNotFound |
The message that you are trying to delete cannot be found. Check the value of the id parameter to ensure it is correct. |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
forbidden (403) |
forbidden |
You do not have the permissions required to create the specified message. |
forbidden (403) |
liveChatDisabled |
The specified live chat has been disabled by the owner, which means messages cannot be added to the chat. |
forbidden (403) |
liveChatEnded |
The specified live chat is no longer live. |
invalidValue (400) |
messageTextInvalid |
The message text (snippet.textMessageDetails.messageText ) is not valid. |
notFound (404) |
liveChatNotFound |
The live chat identified in the API request does not exist. This error occurs if the chat has been deleted by the owner. |
rateLimitExceeded |
rateLimitExceeded |
The user has posted too many chat messages in a given timeframe. |
required (400) |
liveChatIdRequired |
The liveChatMessage resource must include and specify a value for the snippet.liveChatId property. |
required (400) |
messageTextRequired |
The liveChatMessage resource must include and specify a value for the snippet.textMessageDetails.messageText property. |
required (400) |
typeRequired |
The liveChatMessage resource must include and specify a value for the snippet.type property. Set the parameter value to text |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
forbidden (403) |
forbidden |
You do not have the permissions required to retrieve messages for the specified live chat. |
forbidden (403) |
liveChatDisabled |
Live chat is not enabled for the specified broadcast. |
forbidden (403) |
liveChatEnded |
The specified live chat is no longer live. |
notFound (404) |
liveChatNotFound |
The live chat that you are trying to retrieve cannot be found. Check the value of the request's liveChatId parameter to ensure that it is correct. |
rateLimitExceeded |
rateLimitExceeded |
The request was sent too quickly after the previous request. This error occurs when API requests to retrieve messages are being sent more frequently than YouTube's refresh rates, which unnecessarily wastes bandwidth. |
The following tables identify error messages that the API returns in response to calls related to liveCuepoints
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
invalidValue (400) |
conflictingTimeFields |
Only one of offsetTimeMs and walltime may be specified. |
The following tables identify error messages that the API returns in response to calls related to liveStreams
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
forbidden (403) |
liveStreamDeletionNotAllowed |
The specified live stream cannot be deleted because it is bound to a broadcast that has still not completed. |
insufficientPermissions |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to delete the specified live stream. For more information, see Implementing OAuth 2.0 authentication. |
insufficientPermissions |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. For more information, see Feature eligibility. |
notFound (404) |
liveStreamNotFound |
The specified live stream doesn't exist. |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
insufficientPermissions |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to create the specified live stream. |
insufficientPermissions |
livePermissionBlocked |
The user that authorized the request is unable to stream live video on YouTube at this time. Details explaining why the user cannot stream live video may be available in the user's channel settings at |
insufficientPermissions |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. The user can find more information at |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidDescription |
The snippet.description property's value in the liveStream resource can have up to 10000 characters. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidFormat |
The cdn.format property's value in the liveStream resource is invalid. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidFrameRate |
The cdn.frameRate property's value in the liveStream resource is invalid. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidIngestionType |
The cdn.ingestionType property's value in the liveStream resource is invalid. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidResolution |
The cdn.resolution property's value in the liveStream resource is invalid. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidTitle |
The snippet.title property's value in the liveStream resource must be between 1 and 128 characters long. |
rateLimitExceeded |
userRequestsExceedRateLimit |
The user has sent too many requests in a given timeframe. |
required (400) |
cdnRequired |
The liveStream resource must contain the cdn object. |
required (400) |
frameRateRequired |
The API returns this error if you specify a value for the cdn.resolution property but not for the cdn.frameRate property. |
required (400) |
ingestionTypeRequired |
The liveStream resource must specify a value for the cdn.ingestionType property>. |
required (400) |
resolutionRequired |
The API returns this error if you specify a value for the cdn.frameRate property but not for the cdn.resolution property. |
required (400) |
titleRequired |
The liveStream resource must specify a value for the snippet.title property. |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
insufficientPermissions |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to retrieve the specified live stream. |
insufficientPermissions |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. The user can find more information at |
Error type |
Error detail |
Description |
forbidden (403) |
liveStreamModificationNotAllowed |
The specified live stream cannot be modified in its current state. For more information, see Life of a Broadcast. |
forbidden (403) |
liveStreamModificationNotAllowed |
The API does not allow you to change the value of the cdn.format , cdn.frameRate , cdn.ingestionType , or cdn.resolution fields after the stream is created. |
forbidden (403) |
liveStreamModificationNotAllowed |
The API does not allow you to change a reusable stream to be non-reusable, or vice versa. For more information, see Understanding Broadcasts and Streams. |
insufficientPermissions |
insufficientLivePermissions |
The request is not authorized to update the specified live stream. For more information, see Implementing OAuth2 authentication. |
insufficientPermissions |
liveStreamingNotEnabled |
The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. The user can find more information at |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidDescription |
The snippet.description property's value in the liveStream resource can have up to 10000 characters. |
invalidValue (400) |
invalidTitle |
The snippet.title property's value in the liveStream resource must be between 1 and 128 characters long. |
notFound (404) |
liveStreamNotFound |
The specified live stream doesn't exist. |
required (400) |
idRequired |
The liveStream resource must specify a value for the id property. |
required (400) |
ingestionTypeRequired |
The liveStream resource must specify a value for the cdn.ingestionType property. |
required (400) |
titleRequired |
The liveStream resource must specify a value for the snippet.title property. |
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2024-07-11 UTC.
[null,null,["Last updated 2024-07-11 UTC."],[[["The API returns `forbidden (403)` or `insufficientPermissions` errors when a user lacks the necessary authorization to perform an action, such as creating, deleting, or viewing resources."],["Several API calls related to live broadcasts, streams, and cuepoints may return a `liveStreamingNotEnabled` error, which means that the user has not enabled live streaming for their channel."],["Many errors across different API resources are caused by `invalidValue (400)` issues, including invalid descriptions, titles, privacy status, or time-related fields, which indicate that the provided data does not meet the required criteria."],["Requests can fail with a `rateLimitExceeded` error if a user surpasses the allowed request rate, which could happen in multiple `liveBroadcasts`, `liveChatMessages`, or `liveStreams` operations."],["Many errors indicate a `notFound (404)` issue, indicating that a broadcast, stream, chat, message, or ban cannot be located, which often signals an incorrect or deleted resource."]]],["The document details error scenarios within the YouTube Live API, categorized by function. `fanFundingEvents.list` can fail due to insufficient permissions or disabled Fan Funding. Live broadcast actions (`bind`, `delete`, `insert`, `list`, `transition`, `update`) often fail from user permission issues, missing parameters, invalid values, or exceeding limits. Live chat interactions (`bans`, `messages`) face issues with permissions, invalid IDs, missing data, and rate limits. `liveCuepoints` and `liveStreams` can encounter similar errors, including issues with missing data, incorrect configuration, or forbidden actions. `sponsors.list` can be blocked due to permissions or disabled sponsorship.\n"]]