Field Masks

The Ad Manager REST API uses field masks for partial reads and writes. This can improve performance by limiting the amount of data transferred. Field masks are represented by a comma separated list of field names. For example:


Read masks

Read masks control which fields are present in an API response. You can set a read mask on your request in two ways:

  1. The fields query parameter:

  2. The X-Goog-FieldMask HTTP header:

    curl -H "X-Goog-FieldMask: adUnits,nextPageToken,totalSize" \

Default read masks

Some API methods include a default field mask for fields that are expensive to return. List methods are an example of this. By default, they don't include the totalSize field.

These fields must be explicitly requested in the field mask either by name or by using the * wildcard.

Update masks

Update masks control which fields will be changed in an update (PATCH) request. When an update mask is set, only the fields in the mask will be updated regardless of which fields are set in the request body.

Update masks are set as query parameters. For example:

curl -X PATCH

Field traversal

Field masks can specify fields within an entity using the . character for traversal. This is the same syntax used by Filters.

Field masks are always relative to the response object. For example, a mask for reading a LineItem might include primaryGoal.units. The corresponding mask for listing LineItems is lineItems.primaryGoal.units.

You can specify either a field as a whole, or one of its subfields. Both primaryGoal and primaryGoal.units are valid.

This also applies to repeated fields. A LineItem field mask of creativePlaceholders.size is valid and only includes the size field for each CreativePlaceholder.


Field masks support the * character which indicates all fields in the message. The following examples demonstrate wildcard usage when listing Orders. This method has a default read mask that does not include the total_size field.

Example Meaning
* Includes all fields, including total_size
orders Includes only the orders field and all its subfields
orders.* Includes only the orders field and all its subfields

Invalid fields

If a field mask refers to a value that doesn't exist, the API will respond with an INVALID_ARGUMENT error.