Class: StreamRequest



nullable Object with string properties

You can override a limited set of ad tag parameters on your stream request. Values added must be strings. Supply targeting parameters to your stream provides more information. You can use the dai-ot and dai-ov parameters for stream variant preference. See Override Stream Variant Parameters for more information.



The stream request API key. It's configured through the DFP Admin UI and provided to the publisher to unlock their content. It verifies the applications that are attempting to access the content.



The stream request authorization token. Used in place of the API key for stricter content authorization. The publisher can control individual content streams authorizations based on this token.


nullable ConsentSettings

Settings related to regulations and consent.



The stream format to request. Accepts the following string values:

  • hls (default)
  • dash
. If an invalid string is provided, the default value will be used.



The network code for the publisher making this stream request. Network codes are required for Pod serving stream requests (PodStreamRequest or PodVodStreamRequest) and Cloud stitching stream requests (VideoStitcherLiveStreamRequest or VideoStitcherVodStreamRequest) and are optional but recommended for Full service stream requests (LiveStreamRequest or VODStreamRequest). The code is used to apply settings selected in the Ad Manager UI such as programmatic limited ads enablement. For Pod serving and Cloud stitching it is also used to locate and play the stream. To find the network code, see this article.



Whether or not the sender(s) display a CAF skip UI to the end user. Used to enable skippable ads.



The ID to be used to debug the stream with the stream activity monitor. This is used to provide a convenient way to allow publishers to find a stream log in the stream activity monitor tool.