[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-12-15。"],[[["`VODStreamRequest` is a class used for defining properties of video-on-demand stream requests, extending the `StreamRequest` class."],["It includes properties like `contentSourceId` and `videoId`, which are mandatory for on-demand streams and identify the content source."],["This class inherits properties from `StreamRequest`, including `apiKey`, `authToken`, `adTagParameters`, `format`, and others for managing stream authorization, ad parameters, and format."],["Publishers can utilize `contentSourceId` for content management and `videoId` to identify video content, both essential for on-demand stream requests."],["While inheriting various properties from `StreamRequest`, `VODStreamRequest` focuses on the specifics of on-demand video streaming, including content identification and authorization."]]],["The `VODStreamRequest` class manages properties for on-demand video stream requests. Key actions include setting `contentSourceId` and `videoId` for content identification. Publishers can override ad tag parameters, including `dai-ot` and `dai-ov` for stream variant preferences. It allows configuration of `apiKey` or `authToken` for content access and authorization. The `format` property allows for selecting `hls` or `dash`. Additionally, you can provide `networkCode` and determine if `senderCanSkip` is enabled for skippable ads.\n"]]