Integrate LG U+AD with Mediation

This guide is intended for publishers who are interested in using Google Mobile Ads mediation with LG U+AD. It walks through the setup of a mediation adapter to work with your current Android app and the configuration of additional settings.


Add LG U+AD to your project

Include network adapter and SDK

Download the LG U+AD SDK and adapter from the previous links.

In Android Studio, include the adapter and SDK files in your project's libs folder. Make sure that your app-level Gradle file includes the following:

dependencies {
    implementation(fileTree(mapOf("dir" to "libs", "include" to listOf("*.aar", "*.jar"))))
    // ...
dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.aar', '*.jar'])
    // ...

Configure the AndroidManifest.xml file

Modify your AndroidManifest.xml file as instructed in the LG U+AD documentation.

Your app doesn't need to call LG U+AD directly—the Google Mobile Ads SDK calls the LG U+AD adapter to fetch ads on your behalf. If necessary, you can specify any additional request parameters. The rest of this page details how to provide more information to LG U+AD.

Initialize your ad object with an Activity instance

In the constructor for a new ad object (for example, AdManagerAdView), you must pass in an object of type Context. This Context is passed on to other ad networks when using mediation. Some ad networks require a more restrictive Context that is of type Activity and may not be able to serve ads without an Activity instance. Therefore, we recommend passing in an Activity instance when initializing ad objects to ensure a consistent experience with your mediated ad networks.