Native video ads


Native ads and custom native ad formats provide access to a MediaContent object that is used to get information about media content, which could be video or an image. It is also used to control video ad playback and listen for playback events. You can obtain the MediaContent object by calling NativeAd.getMediaContent().

The MediaContent object contains information such as the aspect ratio and duration of a video. The following snippet shows how to get the aspect ratio and duration of a native ad.

if (myNativeAd.mediaContent.hasVideoContent) {
  val mediaAspectRatio: Float = myNativeAd.mediaContent.aspectRatio
  val duration: Float = myNativeAd.mediaContent.duration
  // ...
if (myNativeAd.getMediaContent().getHasVideoContent()) {
  float mediaAspectRatio = myNativeAd.getMediaContent().getAspectRatio();
  float duration = myNativeAd.getMediaContent().getDuration();
  // ...

Callbacks for video events

To handle specific video events, write a class that extends the abstract VideoLifecycleCallbacks class, and call setVideoLifecycleCallbacks() on the VideoController. Then, override only the callbacks you care about.

val videoController = myNativeAd.mediaContent.videoController
videoController.videoLifecycleCallbacks = object : VideoController.VideoLifecycleCallbacks {
  override fun onVideoStart() {
    Log.d("MyApp", "Video Started")

  override fun onVideoPlay() {
    Log.d("MyApp", "Video Played")

  override fun onVideoPause() {
    Log.d("MyApp", "Video Paused")

  override fun onVideoEnd() {
    Log.d("MyApp", "Video Ended")

  override fun onVideoMute(boolean isMuted) {
    Log.d("MyApp", "Video Muted")
VideoController videoController = myNativeAd.getMediaContent().getVideoController();
videoController.setVideoLifecycleCallbacks(new VideoLifecycleCallbacks() {
  public void onVideoStart() {
    Log.d("MyApp", "Video Started");

  public void onVideoPlay() {
    Log.d("MyApp", "Video Played");

  public void onVideoPause() {
    Log.d("MyApp", "Video Paused");

  public void onVideoEnd() {
    Log.d("MyApp", "Video Ended");

  public void onVideoMute(boolean isMuted) {
    Log.d("MyApp", "Video Muted");