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최종 업데이트: 2024-11-23(UTC)
[null,null,["최종 업데이트: 2024-11-23(UTC)"],[[["This guide explains how to provide global and ad request-level targeting information to the Google Mobile Ads SDK to ensure ads are relevant to your users and comply with regulations like COPPA and GDPR."],["You can control ad targeting with request configurations, setting parameters for child-directed treatment, users under the age of consent, and maximum ad content rating for brand safety."],["`AdManagerAdRequest` allows for further customization using custom targeting, category exclusions, publisher provided identifiers, and publisher provided signals for advanced audience segmentation."],["To enhance brand safety and content-based targeting, you can set the content URL and utilize the beta feature of neighboring content URLs for dynamic content."],["Refer to the provided code snippets and the Android API Demo app for implementation examples and further details on each targeting option."]]],[]]