En este instructivo, se muestra cómo aprovisionar un cliente con la API de Reseller.
Aprovisionar correctamente a un cliente implica varios pasos que se dependen entre sí y que abarcan varias APIs en la plataforma de Google Workspace.

En el diagrama anterior, se muestra qué APIs se usan en cada paso para aprovisionar un cliente:
- Usa la API de Site Verification para colocar el token de verificación de dominio.
- Usa la API de Reseller para crear un cliente.
- Usa la API de Directory para crear el primer usuario y convertirlo en administrador.
- Usa la API de Reseller para crear una suscripción.
- Usa la API de Site Verification para verificar el dominio.
Requisitos previos
- Una instancia de dominio de distribuidor de Google.
- Un acuerdo de socio de Google Workspace completamente ejecutado
- Una Cuenta de Google
- Acepta las Condiciones del Servicio en Partner Sales Console.
- Descarga una biblioteca cliente para diferentes idiomas.
Configura tu entorno
Para completar este instructivo, configura tu entorno.
Habilita la API
Antes de usar las APIs de Google, debes activarlas en un proyecto de Google Cloud. Puedes activar una o más APIs en un solo proyecto de Google Cloud.En la consola de Google Cloud, habilita la API de Reseller, la API de Site Verification y la API de Admin SDK .
Crea una cuenta de servicio
Una cuenta de servicio es un tipo especial de cuenta que usa una aplicación, en lugar de una persona. Puedes usar una cuenta de servicio para acceder a los datos o realizar acciones con la cuenta de robot, o bien para acceder a los datos en nombre de los usuarios de Google Workspace o Cloud Identity. Para obtener más información, consulta Comprende las cuentas de servicio.- En la consola de Google Cloud, ve a Menú > IAM y administración > Cuentas de servicio.
- Haga clic en Crear cuenta de servicio.
- Completa los detalles de la cuenta de servicio y, luego, haz clic en Crear y continuar.
- Opcional: Asigna roles a tu cuenta de servicio para otorgar acceso a los recursos de tu proyecto de Google Cloud. Para obtener más detalles, consulta Otorga, cambia y revoca el acceso a los recursos.
- Haz clic en Continuar.
- Opcional: Ingresa los usuarios o grupos que pueden administrar esta cuenta de servicio y realizar acciones con ella. Para obtener más detalles, consulta Administra la suplantación de identidad de cuentas de servicio.
- Haz clic en Listo. Toma nota de la dirección de correo electrónico de la cuenta de servicio.
- Crea la cuenta de servicio:
gcloud iam service-accounts create
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME \ --display-name="SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME " - Opcional: Asigna roles a tu cuenta de servicio para otorgar acceso a los recursos de tu proyecto de Google Cloud. Para obtener más detalles, consulta Otorga, cambia y revoca el acceso a los recursos.
Crea credenciales para una cuenta de servicio
Debes obtener credenciales en forma de un par de claves pública/privada. Tu código usa estas credenciales para autorizar las acciones de la cuenta de servicio en tu app.- En la consola de Google Cloud, ve a Menú > IAM y administración > Cuentas de servicio.
- Selecciona tu cuenta de servicio.
- Haz clic en Claves > Agregar clave > Crear nueva clave.
- Selecciona JSON y, luego, haz clic en Crear.
Se genera y descarga el nuevo par de claves pública y privada en tu máquina como un archivo nuevo. Guarda el archivo JSON descargado como
en tu directorio de trabajo. Este archivo es la única copia de esta clave. Para obtener información sobre cómo almacenar tu clave de forma segura, consulta Cómo administrar claves de cuentas de servicio. - Haz clic en Cerrar.
Configura la delegación de todo el dominio para una cuenta de servicio
Para llamar a las APIs en nombre de los usuarios de una organización de Google Workspace, una cuenta de administrador avanzado debe otorgar a tu cuenta de servicio la delegación de autoridad en todo el dominio en la Consola del administrador de Google Workspace. Para obtener más información, consulta Cómo delegar la autoridad de dominio completo a una cuenta de servicio.- En la consola de Google Cloud, ve a Menú > IAM y administración > Cuentas de servicio.
- Selecciona tu cuenta de servicio.
- Haz clic en Mostrar configuración avanzada.
- En “Delegación en todo el dominio”, busca el “ID de cliente” de tu cuenta de servicio. Haz clic en Copiar para copiar el valor del ID de cliente en el portapapeles.
Si tienes acceso de administrador avanzado a la cuenta de Google Workspace relevante, haz clic en Ver la Consola del administrador de Google Workspace, accede con una cuenta de usuario de administrador avanzado y continúa siguiendo estos pasos.
Si no tienes acceso de administrador avanzado a la cuenta de Google Workspace relevante, comunícate con un administrador avanzado de esa cuenta y envíale el ID de cliente y la lista de alcances de OAuth de tu cuenta de servicio para que pueda completar los siguientes pasos en la Consola del administrador.
- En la Consola del administrador de Google, ve a Menú > Seguridad > Control de acceso y datos > Controles de API.
- Haz clic en Administrar la delegación de todo el dominio.
- Haz clic en Agregar nueva.
- En el campo "ID de cliente", pega el ID de cliente que copiaste anteriormente.
- En el campo "OAuth Scopes", ingresa una lista de los permisos necesarios para tu aplicación, delimitada por comas. Este es el mismo conjunto de permisos que definiste cuando configuraste la pantalla de consentimiento de OAuth.
- Haz clic en Autorizar.
Crea objetos de servicio con credenciales autenticadas
Para comenzar a usar cualquier API de Google, primero debes configurar la autenticación y las credenciales desde tu aplicación. Las bibliotecas cliente de Google se encargan de esto por ti. Todas las bibliotecas tienen patrones para crear un objeto de credenciales, al que puedes otorgar acceso a todas las APIs y pasarlas a cada servicio. Por lo general, una aplicación debe tener un solo conjunto de credenciales y usar un solo proyecto de nube para todas las interacciones con la API de Google.
Usa el archivo de clave JSON que generaste cuando creaste una cuenta de servicio.
import sys from apiclient.discovery import build from apiclient.http import HttpError from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com' CUSTOMER_SITE = 'https://www.example.com' ################################################################ # Full List of scopes: # https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/siteverification', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user', ] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, OAUTH2_SCOPES).create_delegated(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) reseller_service = build( serviceName='reseller', version='v1', credentials=credentials) directory_service = build( serviceName='admin', version='directory_v1', credentials=credentials) verification_service = build( serviceName='siteVerification', version='v1', credentials=credentials)
// OAuth2 and HTTP import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredential; import com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpResponseException; import com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory; // Directory API import com.google.api.services.admin.directory.Directory; import com.google.api.services.admin.directory.DirectoryScopes; import com.google.api.services.admin.directory.model.User; import com.google.api.services.admin.directory.model.UserMakeAdmin; import com.google.api.services.admin.directory.model.UserName; // Reseller API import com.google.api.services.reseller.Reseller; import com.google.api.services.reseller.ResellerScopes; import com.google.api.services.reseller.model.Address; import com.google.api.services.reseller.model.Customer; import com.google.api.services.reseller.model.RenewalSettings; import com.google.api.services.reseller.model.Seats; import com.google.api.services.reseller.model.Subscription; // Site Verification API import com.google.api.services.siteVerification.SiteVerification; import com.google.api.services.siteVerification.SiteVerificationScopes; import com.google.api.services.siteVerification.model.SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest; import com.google.api.services.siteVerification.model.SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse; import com.google.api.services.siteVerification.model.SiteVerificationWebResourceResource; // Java library imports import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * This is a basic example of provisioning a Google Workspace customer. */ public class CodelabExample { // Full List of scopes: // https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes private static final List<String> OAUTH2_SCOPES = Arrays.asList( ResellerScopes.APPS_ORDER, SiteVerificationScopes.SITEVERIFICATION, DirectoryScopes.ADMIN_DIRECTORY_USER ); /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static final String JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static final String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com"; public static final String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = "example.com"; public static final String CUSTOMER_SITE = "https://www.example.com/"; /*******************************************************************************/ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, FileNotFoundException { // Instantiate services with authenticated credentials GoogleCredential jsonCredentials = GoogleCredential .fromStream(new FileInputStream(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE)); GoogleCredential credentials = new GoogleCredential.Builder() .setTransport(GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport()) .setJsonFactory(JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance()) .setServiceAccountScopes(OAUTH2_SCOPES) .setServiceAccountUser(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) .setServiceAccountPrivateKey(jsonCredentials.getServiceAccountPrivateKey()) .setServiceAccountId(jsonCredentials.getServiceAccountId()) .build(); Reseller resellerService = new Reseller.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build(); Directory directoryService = new Directory.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build(); SiteVerification verificationService = new SiteVerification.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build();
// OAuth2 and HTTP using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Services; // Reseller API using Google.Apis.Reseller.v1; using Google.Apis.Reseller.v1.Data; // Directory API using Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1; using User = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.User; using UserName = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserName; using UserMakeAdmin = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserMakeAdmin; //Site Verification API using Google.Apis.SiteVerification.v1; using Google.Apis.SiteVerification.v1.Data; // System imports using System; using System.IO; class CodelabExample { // Full List of scopes: // https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes static string[] OAUTH2_SCOPES = { ResellerService.Scope.AppsOrder, DirectoryService.Scope.AdminDirectoryUser, SiteVerificationService.Scope.Siteverification }; /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static String JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com"; public static String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = "example.com"; public static String CUSTOMER_SITE = "https://www.example.com/"; /*******************************************************************************/ static void Main(string[] args) { GoogleCredential credential; using (var stream = new FileStream(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { credential = GoogleCredential .FromStream(stream) .CreateScoped(OAUTH2_SCOPES) .CreateWithUser(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); } var resellerService = new ResellerService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, }); var directoryService = new DirectoryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, }); var verificationService = new SiteVerificationService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, });
// https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/php/ require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Full List of scopes: // https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes $OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ Google_Service_Reseller::APPS_ORDER, Google_Service_SiteVerification::SITEVERIFICATION, Google_Service_Directory::ADMIN_DIRECTORY_USER, ]; ######### REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ############### $JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com'; $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com'; $CUSTOMER_SITE = 'https://www.example.com/'; ###################################################### $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setAuthConfig($JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE); $client->setSubject($RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); $client->setScopes($OAUTH2_SCOPES); $resellerService = new Google_Service_Reseller($client); $directoryService = new Google_Service_Directory($client); $verificationService = new Google_Service_SiteVerification($client);
require 'googleauth' require 'google/apis/reseller_v1' require 'google/apis/site_verification_v1' require 'google/apis/admin_directory_v1' # Full List of scopes: # https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/siteverification', ] ####### REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ############### JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com' CUSTOMER_SITE = 'https://www.example.com/' #################################################### credentials = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds( json_key_io: File.open(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE), scope: OAUTH2_SCOPES) credentials.sub = RESELLER_ADMIN_USER Google::Apis::RequestOptions.default.authorization = credentials reseller_service = Google::Apis::ResellerV1::ResellerService.new directory_service = Google::Apis::AdminDirectoryV1::DirectoryService.new verification_service = Google::Apis::SiteVerificationV1::SiteVerificationService.new
// NOTE: This script needs googleapis 28.0.0 or later as it uses promises const {google} = require('googleapis'); // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; const RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com'; const CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com'; const CUSTOMER_SITE = 'https://www.example.com/'; // ################################################################ // Full List of scopes: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes const OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/siteverification', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user', ]; const authJWT = new google.auth.JWT({ keyFile: JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, scopes: OAUTH2_SCOPES, subject: RESELLER_ADMIN_USER, }); const resellerService = google.reseller({version: 'v1', auth: authJWT}); const directoryService = google.admin({version: 'directory_v1', auth: authJWT}); const verificationService = google.siteVerification({version: 'v1', auth: authJWT});
Cómo comenzar el proceso de verificación del dominio
Este paso es opcional, pero te recomendamos que lo realices si puedes verificar el dominio del cliente. Este paso finaliza al final del instructivo, cuando verifiques el dominio.
Si no verificas el dominio del cliente, este tendrá las siguientes restricciones:
- Solo tienen acceso a la Consola del administrador, donde se les guía a través del proceso de verificación manual de dominios.
- Es posible que se suspendan 21 días después de su creación.
Para recuperar un token de verificación del sitio, haz lo siguiente:
Para recuperar un token de verificación de sitios, usa la API de Site Verification. No puedes verificar si un dominio se validó anteriormente, pero puedes validar sitios varias veces sin problemas. Según si validates un tipo
, los parámetrosverificationMethod
varían. Elija una de estas opciones:Para el tipo
, usa uno de los siguientes parámetrosverificationMethod
En el siguiente ejemplo de recuperación de tokens, se usa un tipo
:# Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens response = verification_service.webResource().getToken( body={ 'site': { 'type': 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, 'verificationMethod': 'DNS_TXT' }).execute() print(response)
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site() .setType("INET_DOMAIN") .setIdentifier(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() .setVerificationMethod("DNS_TXT") .setSite(getTokenSite); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.webResource().getToken(request).execute(); System.out.println("Site Verification Token: " + getTokenResponse.getToken());
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData() { Type = "INET_DOMAIN", Identifier = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() { VerificationMethod = "DNS_TXT", Site = getTokenSite }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.WebResource.GetToken(request).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Site Verification Token: {0}", getTokenResponse.Token);
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens $body = new Google_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest([ 'verificationMethod' => 'DNS_TXT', 'site' => [ 'type' => 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN ] ]); $response = $verificationService->webResource->getToken($body); print_r ($response);
# Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens request = Google::Apis::SiteVerificationV1::GetWebResourceTokenRequest.new( site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, verification_method: 'DNS_TXT' ) response = verification_service.get_web_resource_token(request) puts response.inspect
/** * Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: * https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens */ const getTokenPromise = verificationService.webResource.getToken({ requestBody: { site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, }, verificationMethod: 'DNS_TXT', } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Para el tipo
, usa uno de los siguientes parámetrosverificationMethod
En el siguiente ejemplo de recuperación de tokens, se usa un tipo
con el método de verificaciónFILE
. Cuando usas el tipo de verificaciónSITE
, debes anteponer el identificador conhttp://
.# Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens response = verification_service.webResource().getToken( body={ 'site': { 'type': 'SITE', 'identifier': CUSTOMER_SITE }, 'verificationMethod': 'FILE' }).execute() print(response)
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site() .setType("SITE") .setIdentifier(CUSTOMER_SITE); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() .setVerificationMethod("FILE") .setSite(getTokenSite); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.webResource().getToken(request).execute(); System.out.println("Site Verification Token: " + getTokenResponse.getToken());
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData() { Type = "SITE", Identifier = CUSTOMER_SITE }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() { VerificationMethod = "FILE", Site = getTokenSite }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.WebResource.GetToken(request).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Site Verification Token: {0}", getTokenResponse.Token);
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens $body = new Google_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest([ 'verificationMethod' => 'FILE', 'site' => [ 'type' => 'SITE', 'identifier' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN ] ]); $response = $verificationService->webResource->getToken($body); print_r($response);
# Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens request = Google::Apis::SiteVerificationV1::GetWebResourceTokenRequest.new( site: { type: 'SITE', identifier: CUSTOMER_SITE }, verification_method: 'FILE' ) response = verification_service.get_web_resource_token(request) puts response.inspect
/** * Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: * https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens */ const getTokenPromise = verificationService.webResource.getToken({ requestBody: { site: { type: 'SITE', identifier: CUSTOMER_SITE, }, verificationMethod: 'FILE', } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Coloca el token de verificación del sitio en el registro DNS o en el sitio.
Crea un cliente con la API de Reseller
Usa el método Customers.Get para determinar si un cliente ya existe en Google Workspace:
# Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try: response = reseller_service.customers().get( customerId=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).execute() print('Customer already exists if call succeeds') sys.exit() except HttpError as error: if int(error.resp['status']) == 404: print('Domain available for Google Workspace creation') else: raise
// Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { resellerService.customers().get(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).execute(); System.out.println("Customer already exists if call succeeds"); System.exit(0); } catch (HttpResponseException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() == 404) { System.out.println("Domain available for Google Workspace creation"); } else { throw e; } }
// Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { resellerService.Customers.Get(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Customer already exists if call succeeds"); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Google.GoogleApiException e) { if (e.Error.Code == 404) { Console.WriteLine("Domain available for Google Workspace creation"); } else throw e; }
// Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { $response = $resellerService->customers->get($CUSTOMER_DOMAIN); exit('Customer already exists if call succeeds'); } catch(Google_Service_Exception $e) { if ($e->getErrors()[0]['reason'] == 'notFound'){ print ("Domain available for Google Workspace creation\n"); } else { throw $e; } }
# Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace begin reseller_service.get_customer(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) abort('Customer already exists if call succeeds') rescue Google::Apis::ClientError => ex if ex.status_code == 404 puts 'Domain available for Google Workspace creation' else raise ex end end
// Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace const getCustomerPromise = resellerService.customers.get({ customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }).then(() => { throw new Error('Customer already exists'); }, resErr => { if (resErr.code === 404) { console.log('Domain available for Google Workspace creation'); } else { throw resErr; } });
Según la respuesta, haz lo siguiente:
Si el cliente no existe, el método
muestra un código de errorHTTP 404
. Continúa con el siguiente paso, en el que crearás un registro de clientes en Google Workspace.Si el método
se muestra sin errores, identifica si el cliente es tuyo verificando la propiedadalternateEmail
en el cuerpo de la respuesta. Si falta la propiedadalternateEmail
, debes transferir al cliente y sus suscripciones.
Crea un registro de cliente en Google Workspace. Debes crear un registro de cliente antes de poder crear suscripciones para ese cliente con los siguientes lineamientos:
- El objeto
no puede estar en el mismo dominio quecustomerDomain
. postalAddress.countryCode
debe ser un código de país ISO de dos caracteres.
En el siguiente ejemplo, se muestra la creación de un registro de cliente:
# Create customer resource response = reseller_service.customers().insert( body={ 'customerDomain': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'alternateEmail': 'marty.mcfly@gmail.com', 'postalAddress': { 'contactName': 'Marty McFly', 'organizationName': 'Acme Corp', 'postalCode': '10009', 'countryCode': 'US', } }).execute() print(response)
// Create customer resource Address address = new Address() .setContactName("Marty McFly") .setOrganizationName("Acme Corp") .setCountryCode("US") .setPostalCode("10009"); Customer customer = new Customer() .setCustomerDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setAlternateEmail("marty.mcfly@gmail.com") .setPostalAddress(address); Customer customerResponse = resellerService.customers() .insert(customer).execute(); System.out.println("Created Customer:\n" + customerResponse);
// Create customer resource Address address = new Address() { ContactName = "Marty McFly", OrganizationName = "Acme Corp", CountryCode = "US", PostalCode = "10009" }; Customer customer = new Customer() { CustomerDomain = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, AlternateEmail = "marty.mcfly@gmail.com", PostalAddress = address }; Customer customerResponse = resellerService.Customers.Insert(customer).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created Customer:\n{0}", customerResponse);
// Create customer resource $customer = new Google_Service_Reseller_Customer([ 'customerDomain' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'alternateEmail' => 'marty.mcfly@gmail.com', 'postalAddress' => [ 'contactName' => 'Marty McFly', 'organizationName' => 'Acme Corp', 'countryCode' => 'US', 'postalCode' => '10009' ] ]); $response = $resellerService->customers->insert($customer); print_r ($response);
# Create customer resource customer = Google::Apis::ResellerV1::Customer.new( customer_domain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, alternate_email: 'marty.mcfly@gmail.com', postal_address: { contact_name: 'Marty McFly', organization_name: 'Acme Corp', country_code: 'US', postal_code: '10009'}) response = reseller_service.insert_customer(customer) puts response.inspect
// Create customer resource const insertCustomerPromise = resellerService.customers.insert({ requestBody: { customerDomain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, alternateEmail: 'marty.mcfly@gmail.com', postalAddress: { contactName: 'Marty McFly', organizationName: 'Acme Corp', postalCode: '10009', countryCode: 'US', } } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
- El objeto
Crea el primer usuario administrador con la API del SDK de Admin
Después de aprovisionar un cliente, debes crear el primer usuario y, luego, actualizarlo inmediatamente a un superadministrador de dominio para que el cliente pueda acceder a sus servicios nuevos y aceptar las Condiciones del Servicio aplicables.
Crea el primer usuario y establece su contraseña. Las contraseñas deben tener una complejidad adecuada y contener al menos ocho caracteres. Para obtener más información, consulta el recurso
.# Create first admin user response = directory_service.users().insert( body={ 'primaryEmail': 'marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'name': { 'givenName': 'Marty', 'familyName': 'McFly', }, 'password': 'Timecircuit88' }).execute() print(response)
// Create first admin user String userEmail = "marty.mcfly@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; UserName name = new UserName(); name.setGivenName("Marty"); name.setFamilyName("McFly"); User user = new User(); user.setPrimaryEmail(userEmail); user.setPassword("TimeCircuit88"); user.setName(name); User userResponse = directoryService.users().insert(user).execute(); System.out.println("Created User:\n" + userResponse);
// Create first admin user String userEmail = "marty.mcfly@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; UserName name = new UserName() { GivenName = "Marty", FamilyName = "McFly" }; User user = new User() { PrimaryEmail = userEmail, Password = "TimeCircuit88", Name = name }; User userResponse = directoryService.Users.Insert(user).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created User:\n{0}", userResponse);
// Create first admin user $user = new Google_Service_Directory_User([ 'primaryEmail' => 'marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'password' => 'Timecircuit88', 'name' => [ 'givenName' => 'Marty', 'familyName' => 'McFly', 'fullName' => 'Marty McFly' ] ]); $response = $directoryService->users->insert($user); print_r ($response);
# Create first admin user user = Google::Apis::AdminDirectoryV1::User.new( name: { given_name: 'Marty', family_name: 'McFly', full_name: 'Marty McFly' }, password: 'Timecircuit88', primary_email: 'marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ) response = directory_service.insert_user(user) puts response.inspect
// Create first admin user const insertUserPromise = directoryService.users.insert({ requestBody: { primaryEmail: `marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`, name: { givenName: 'Marty', familyName: 'McFly', }, password: 'Timecircuit88', } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Si la llamada para crear el usuario muestra un
HTTP 409
, es posible que el nombre de usuario ya exista como una Cuenta de Google de consumidor.Actualiza al usuario al rol de administrador avanzado:
# Promote user to admin status response = directory_service.users().makeAdmin( userKey='marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, body={ 'status': True }).execute()
// Promote user to admin status UserMakeAdmin admin = new UserMakeAdmin(); admin.setStatus(true); directoryService.users().makeAdmin(userEmail, admin).execute(); System.out.println("User promoted to Admin");
// Promote user to admin status UserMakeAdmin admin = new UserMakeAdmin() { Status = true }; directoryService.Users.MakeAdmin(admin, userEmail).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("User promoted to Admin");
// Promote user to admin status $makeAdmin = new Google_Service_Directory_UserMakeAdmin([ 'status' => true ]); $directoryService->users->makeAdmin( 'marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, $makeAdmin );
# Promote user to admin status admin_status = Google::Apis::AdminDirectoryV1::UserMakeAdmin.new( status: true ) response = directory_service.make_user_admin('marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, admin_status)
// Promote user to admin status const makeAdminPromise = directoryService.users.makeAdmin({ userKey: `marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`, requestBody: { status: true } });
Crea una suscripción a Google Workspace para un cliente
Cuando crees una suscripción para un cliente, debes colocar un ID o identificador de transacción interno para este cliente en el campopurchaseOrderId
Para obtener más información sobre argumentos y valores específicos, consulta Cómo administrar suscripciones.
Para crear una suscripción, usa la llamada Subscriptions.Insert. En el siguiente ejemplo, se usa una suscripción
:# Create subscription resource response = reseller_service.subscriptions().insert( customerId=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, body={ 'customerId': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'skuId': '1010020027', 'plan': { 'planName': 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY', }, 'seats': { 'numberOfSeats': 5, }, 'renewalSettings': { # only relevant for annual plans 'renewalType': 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' } }).execute() print(response)
// Create subscription resource Seats seats = new Seats() .setNumberOfSeats(5); Subscription.Plan plan = new Subscription.Plan() .setPlanName("ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY"); RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings() .setRenewalType("RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY"); Subscription subscription = new Subscription() .setCustomerId(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setSeats(seats) .setPlan(plan) .setSkuId("1010020027") .setRenewalSettings(renewalSettings); Subscription subscriptionResponse = resellerService.subscriptions() .insert(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, subscription).execute(); System.out.println("Created Subscription:\n" + subscriptionResponse);
// Create subscription resource Seats seats = new Seats() { NumberOfSeats = 5 }; Subscription.PlanData plan = new Subscription.PlanData() { PlanName = "ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY" }; RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings() { RenewalType = "RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY" }; Subscription subscription = new Subscription() { CustomerId = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, Seats = seats, Plan = plan, SkuId = "1010020027", RenewalSettings = renewalSettings }; Subscription subscriptionResponse = resellerService.Subscriptions .Insert(subscription, CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created Subscription:\n" + subscriptionResponse);
// Create subscription resource $subscription = new Google_Service_Reseller_Subscription([ 'customerId' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'skuId' => '1010020027', 'plan' => [ 'planName' => 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY' ], 'seats' => [ 'numberOfSeats' => '5' ], 'renewalSettings' => [ 'renewalType' => 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' ] ]); $response = $resellerService->subscriptions->insert( $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, $subscription ); print_r ($response);
# Create subscription resource subscription = Google::Apis::ResellerV1::Subscription.new( customer_id: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, sku_id: '1010020027', plan: { plan_name: 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY' }, seats: { number_of_seats: 5, }, renewal_settings: { renewal_type: 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' } ) response = reseller_service.insert_subscription(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, subscription) puts response.inspect
// Create subscription resource const insertSubscriptionPromise = resellerService.subscriptions.insert({ customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, requestBody: { customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, skuId: '1010020027', plan: { planName: 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY', }, seats: { numberOfSeats: 5, }, renewalSettings: { // only relevant for annual plans renewalType: 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY', } } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Las suscripciones se encuentran en un estado
hasta que un administrador del cliente accede y acepta las Condiciones del Servicio. Los administradores de clientes se redireccionan a las Condiciones del Servicio en su primer acceso cuando acceden a cualquier propiedad de Google (por ejemplo, Gmail o Google Drive).
Verifica el dominio y designa a los propietarios
Este paso es opcional, pero se recomienda si puedes verificar el dominio del cliente. La llamada webResource.insert()
a la API de Site Verification verifica un dominio y le asigna los propietarios que especificas en el parámetro owners[]
del cuerpo de la solicitud.
En el siguiente ejemplo, se muestra cómo verificar un INET_DOMAIN
# Verify domain and designate domain owners response = verification_service.webResource().insert( verificationMethod='DNS_TXT', body={ 'site': { 'type': 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, 'owners': ['marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] }).execute() print(response)
// Verify domain and designate domain owners SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.Site verifySite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.Site() .setIdentifier(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setType("INET_DOMAIN"); List<String> owners = Arrays.asList(userEmail); SiteVerificationWebResourceResource resource = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource() .setSite(verifySite) .setOwners(owners); SiteVerificationWebResourceResource verifyResponse = verificationService.webResource().insert("DNS_TXT", resource).execute(); System.out.println("Site Verification Web Resource:\n" + verifyResponse);
// Verify domain and designate domain owners SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.SiteData verifySite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.SiteData() { Identifier = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, Type = "INET_DOMAIN" }; string[] owners = { userEmail }; SiteVerificationWebResourceResource resource = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource() { Site = verifySite, Owners = owners }; SiteVerificationWebResourceResource verifyResponse = verificationService.WebResource.Insert(resource, "DNS_TXT").Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Site Verification Web Resource:\n" + verifyResponse);
// Verify domain and designate domain owners $body = new Google_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceResource([ 'site' => [ 'type' => 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ], 'owners' => ['marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] ]); $response = $verificationService->webResource->insert('DNS_TXT', $body); print_r ($response);
# Verify domain and designate domain owners webResource = Google::Apis::SiteVerificationV1::SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.new( site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, owners: ['marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] ) response = verification_service.insert_web_resource('DNS_TXT', webResource) puts response.inspect
// Verify domain and designate domain owners const verifyDomainPromise = verificationService.webResource.insert({ verificationMethod: 'DNS_TXT', requestBody: { site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, }, owners: [`marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`], } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Si se realiza correctamente, esta llamada muestra un código HTTP 200
. Si webResource.insert()
no puede verificar el dominio, muestra un código de error a nivel de HTTP 400
. Vuelve a intentar la llamada a webResource.insert()
con una demora de tiempo de espera hasta que se verifique correctamente el dominio.
Combina todas las opciones
En el siguiente ejemplo, se muestra el código completo para aprovisionar un cliente de Google Workspace:
"""This is a basic example of provisioning a Google Workspace customer. """ import sys from apiclient.discovery import build from apiclient.http import HttpError from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com' CUSTOMER_SITE = 'https://www.example.com' ################################################################ # Full List of scopes: # https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/siteverification', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user', ] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, OAUTH2_SCOPES).create_delegated(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) reseller_service = build( serviceName='reseller', version='v1', credentials=credentials) directory_service = build( serviceName='admin', version='directory_v1', credentials=credentials) verification_service = build( serviceName='siteVerification', version='v1', credentials=credentials) # Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens response = verification_service.webResource().getToken( body={ 'site': { 'type': 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, 'verificationMethod': 'DNS_TXT' }).execute() print(response) # Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try: response = reseller_service.customers().get( customerId=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).execute() print('Customer already exists if call succeeds') sys.exit() except HttpError as error: if int(error.resp['status']) == 404: print('Domain available for Google Workspace creation') else: raise # Create customer resource response = reseller_service.customers().insert( body={ 'customerDomain': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'alternateEmail': 'marty.mcfly@gmail.com', 'postalAddress': { 'contactName': 'Marty McFly', 'organizationName': 'Acme Corp', 'postalCode': '10009', 'countryCode': 'US', } }).execute() print(response) # Create first admin user response = directory_service.users().insert( body={ 'primaryEmail': 'marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'name': { 'givenName': 'Marty', 'familyName': 'McFly', }, 'password': 'Timecircuit88' }).execute() print(response) # Promote user to admin status response = directory_service.users().makeAdmin( userKey='marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, body={ 'status': True }).execute() # Create subscription resource response = reseller_service.subscriptions().insert( customerId=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, body={ 'customerId': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'skuId': '1010020027', 'plan': { 'planName': 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY', }, 'seats': { 'numberOfSeats': 5, }, 'renewalSettings': { # only relevant for annual plans 'renewalType': 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' } }).execute() print(response) # Verify domain and designate domain owners response = verification_service.webResource().insert( verificationMethod='DNS_TXT', body={ 'site': { 'type': 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, 'owners': ['marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] }).execute() print(response)
// OAuth2 and HTTP import com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredential; import com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpResponseException; import com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory; // Directory API import com.google.api.services.admin.directory.Directory; import com.google.api.services.admin.directory.DirectoryScopes; import com.google.api.services.admin.directory.model.User; import com.google.api.services.admin.directory.model.UserMakeAdmin; import com.google.api.services.admin.directory.model.UserName; // Reseller API import com.google.api.services.reseller.Reseller; import com.google.api.services.reseller.ResellerScopes; import com.google.api.services.reseller.model.Address; import com.google.api.services.reseller.model.Customer; import com.google.api.services.reseller.model.RenewalSettings; import com.google.api.services.reseller.model.Seats; import com.google.api.services.reseller.model.Subscription; // Site Verification API import com.google.api.services.siteVerification.SiteVerification; import com.google.api.services.siteVerification.SiteVerificationScopes; import com.google.api.services.siteVerification.model.SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest; import com.google.api.services.siteVerification.model.SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse; import com.google.api.services.siteVerification.model.SiteVerificationWebResourceResource; // Java library imports import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * This is a basic example of provisioning a Google Workspace customer. */ public class CodelabExample { // Full List of scopes: // https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes private static final List<String> OAUTH2_SCOPES = Arrays.asList( ResellerScopes.APPS_ORDER, SiteVerificationScopes.SITEVERIFICATION, DirectoryScopes.ADMIN_DIRECTORY_USER ); /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static final String JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static final String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com"; public static final String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = "example.com"; public static final String CUSTOMER_SITE = "https://www.example.com/"; /*******************************************************************************/ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, FileNotFoundException { // Instantiate services with authenticated credentials GoogleCredential jsonCredentials = GoogleCredential .fromStream(new FileInputStream(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE)); GoogleCredential credentials = new GoogleCredential.Builder() .setTransport(GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport()) .setJsonFactory(JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance()) .setServiceAccountScopes(OAUTH2_SCOPES) .setServiceAccountUser(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) .setServiceAccountPrivateKey(jsonCredentials.getServiceAccountPrivateKey()) .setServiceAccountId(jsonCredentials.getServiceAccountId()) .build(); Reseller resellerService = new Reseller.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build(); Directory directoryService = new Directory.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build(); SiteVerification verificationService = new SiteVerification.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build(); // Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site() .setType("INET_DOMAIN") .setIdentifier(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() .setVerificationMethod("DNS_TXT") .setSite(getTokenSite); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.webResource().getToken(request).execute(); System.out.println("Site Verification Token: " + getTokenResponse.getToken()); // Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { resellerService.customers().get(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).execute(); System.out.println("Customer already exists if call succeeds"); System.exit(0); } catch (HttpResponseException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() == 404) { System.out.println("Domain available for Google Workspace creation"); } else { throw e; } } // Create customer resource Address address = new Address() .setContactName("Marty McFly") .setOrganizationName("Acme Corp") .setCountryCode("US") .setPostalCode("10009"); Customer customer = new Customer() .setCustomerDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setAlternateEmail("marty.mcfly@gmail.com") .setPostalAddress(address); Customer customerResponse = resellerService.customers() .insert(customer).execute(); System.out.println("Created Customer:\n" + customerResponse); // Create first admin user String userEmail = "marty.mcfly@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; UserName name = new UserName(); name.setGivenName("Marty"); name.setFamilyName("McFly"); User user = new User(); user.setPrimaryEmail(userEmail); user.setPassword("TimeCircuit88"); user.setName(name); User userResponse = directoryService.users().insert(user).execute(); System.out.println("Created User:\n" + userResponse); // Promote user to admin status UserMakeAdmin admin = new UserMakeAdmin(); admin.setStatus(true); directoryService.users().makeAdmin(userEmail, admin).execute(); System.out.println("User promoted to Admin"); // Create subscription resource Seats seats = new Seats() .setNumberOfSeats(5); Subscription.Plan plan = new Subscription.Plan() .setPlanName("ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY"); RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings() .setRenewalType("RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY"); Subscription subscription = new Subscription() .setCustomerId(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setSeats(seats) .setPlan(plan) .setSkuId("1010020027") .setRenewalSettings(renewalSettings); Subscription subscriptionResponse = resellerService.subscriptions() .insert(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, subscription).execute(); System.out.println("Created Subscription:\n" + subscriptionResponse); // Verify domain and designate domain owners SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.Site verifySite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.Site() .setIdentifier(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setType("INET_DOMAIN"); List<String> owners = Arrays.asList(userEmail); SiteVerificationWebResourceResource resource = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource() .setSite(verifySite) .setOwners(owners); SiteVerificationWebResourceResource verifyResponse = verificationService.webResource().insert("DNS_TXT", resource).execute(); System.out.println("Site Verification Web Resource:\n" + verifyResponse); } }
// OAuth2 and HTTP using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Services; // Reseller API using Google.Apis.Reseller.v1; using Google.Apis.Reseller.v1.Data; // Directory API using Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1; using User = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.User; using UserName = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserName; using UserMakeAdmin = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserMakeAdmin; //Site Verification API using Google.Apis.SiteVerification.v1; using Google.Apis.SiteVerification.v1.Data; // System imports using System; using System.IO; class CodelabExample { // Full List of scopes: // https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes static string[] OAUTH2_SCOPES = { ResellerService.Scope.AppsOrder, DirectoryService.Scope.AdminDirectoryUser, SiteVerificationService.Scope.Siteverification }; /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static String JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = "admin@yourresellerdomain.com"; public static String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = "example.com"; public static String CUSTOMER_SITE = "https://www.example.com/"; /*******************************************************************************/ static void Main(string[] args) { GoogleCredential credential; using (var stream = new FileStream(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { credential = GoogleCredential .FromStream(stream) .CreateScoped(OAUTH2_SCOPES) .CreateWithUser(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); } var resellerService = new ResellerService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, }); var directoryService = new DirectoryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, }); var verificationService = new SiteVerificationService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, }); // Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData() { Type = "INET_DOMAIN", Identifier = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() { VerificationMethod = "DNS_TXT", Site = getTokenSite }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.WebResource.GetToken(request).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Site Verification Token: {0}", getTokenResponse.Token); // Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { resellerService.Customers.Get(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Customer already exists if call succeeds"); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Google.GoogleApiException e) { if (e.Error.Code == 404) { Console.WriteLine("Domain available for Google Workspace creation"); } else throw e; } // Create customer resource Address address = new Address() { ContactName = "Marty McFly", OrganizationName = "Acme Corp", CountryCode = "US", PostalCode = "10009" }; Customer customer = new Customer() { CustomerDomain = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, AlternateEmail = "marty.mcfly@gmail.com", PostalAddress = address }; Customer customerResponse = resellerService.Customers.Insert(customer).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created Customer:\n{0}", customerResponse); // Create first admin user String userEmail = "marty.mcfly@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; UserName name = new UserName() { GivenName = "Marty", FamilyName = "McFly" }; User user = new User() { PrimaryEmail = userEmail, Password = "TimeCircuit88", Name = name }; User userResponse = directoryService.Users.Insert(user).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created User:\n{0}", userResponse); // Promote user to admin status UserMakeAdmin admin = new UserMakeAdmin() { Status = true }; directoryService.Users.MakeAdmin(admin, userEmail).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("User promoted to Admin"); // Create subscription resource Seats seats = new Seats() { NumberOfSeats = 5 }; Subscription.PlanData plan = new Subscription.PlanData() { PlanName = "ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY" }; RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings() { RenewalType = "RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY" }; Subscription subscription = new Subscription() { CustomerId = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, Seats = seats, Plan = plan, SkuId = "1010020027", RenewalSettings = renewalSettings }; Subscription subscriptionResponse = resellerService.Subscriptions .Insert(subscription, CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created Subscription:\n" + subscriptionResponse); // Verify domain and designate domain owners SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.SiteData verifySite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.SiteData() { Identifier = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, Type = "INET_DOMAIN" }; string[] owners = { userEmail }; SiteVerificationWebResourceResource resource = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource() { Site = verifySite, Owners = owners }; SiteVerificationWebResourceResource verifyResponse = verificationService.WebResource.Insert(resource, "DNS_TXT").Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Site Verification Web Resource:\n" + verifyResponse); } }
// https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/php/ require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Full List of scopes: // https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes $OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ Google_Service_Reseller::APPS_ORDER, Google_Service_SiteVerification::SITEVERIFICATION, Google_Service_Directory::ADMIN_DIRECTORY_USER, ]; ######### REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ############### $JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com'; $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com'; $CUSTOMER_SITE = 'https://www.example.com/'; ###################################################### $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setAuthConfig($JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE); $client->setSubject($RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); $client->setScopes($OAUTH2_SCOPES); $resellerService = new Google_Service_Reseller($client); $directoryService = new Google_Service_Directory($client); $verificationService = new Google_Service_SiteVerification($client); // Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens $body = new Google_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest([ 'verificationMethod' => 'DNS_TXT', 'site' => [ 'type' => 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN ] ]); $response = $verificationService->webResource->getToken($body); print_r ($response); // Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { $response = $resellerService->customers->get($CUSTOMER_DOMAIN); exit('Customer already exists if call succeeds'); } catch(Google_Service_Exception $e) { if ($e->getErrors()[0]['reason'] == 'notFound'){ print ("Domain available for Google Workspace creation\n"); } else { throw $e; } } // Create customer resource $customer = new Google_Service_Reseller_Customer([ 'customerDomain' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'alternateEmail' => 'marty.mcfly@gmail.com', 'postalAddress' => [ 'contactName' => 'Marty McFly', 'organizationName' => 'Acme Corp', 'countryCode' => 'US', 'postalCode' => '10009' ] ]); $response = $resellerService->customers->insert($customer); print_r ($response); // Create first admin user $user = new Google_Service_Directory_User([ 'primaryEmail' => 'marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'password' => 'Timecircuit88', 'name' => [ 'givenName' => 'Marty', 'familyName' => 'McFly', 'fullName' => 'Marty McFly' ] ]); $response = $directoryService->users->insert($user); print_r ($response); // Promote user to admin status $makeAdmin = new Google_Service_Directory_UserMakeAdmin([ 'status' => true ]); $directoryService->users->makeAdmin( 'marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, $makeAdmin ); // Create subscription resource $subscription = new Google_Service_Reseller_Subscription([ 'customerId' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'skuId' => '1010020027', 'plan' => [ 'planName' => 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY' ], 'seats' => [ 'numberOfSeats' => '5' ], 'renewalSettings' => [ 'renewalType' => 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' ] ]); $response = $resellerService->subscriptions->insert( $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, $subscription ); print_r ($response); // Verify domain and designate domain owners $body = new Google_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceResource([ 'site' => [ 'type' => 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ], 'owners' => ['marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] ]); $response = $verificationService->webResource->insert('DNS_TXT', $body); print_r ($response);
require 'googleauth' require 'google/apis/reseller_v1' require 'google/apis/site_verification_v1' require 'google/apis/admin_directory_v1' # Full List of scopes: # https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/siteverification', ] ####### REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ############### JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com' CUSTOMER_SITE = 'https://www.example.com/' #################################################### credentials = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds( json_key_io: File.open(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE), scope: OAUTH2_SCOPES) credentials.sub = RESELLER_ADMIN_USER Google::Apis::RequestOptions.default.authorization = credentials reseller_service = Google::Apis::ResellerV1::ResellerService.new directory_service = Google::Apis::AdminDirectoryV1::DirectoryService.new verification_service = Google::Apis::SiteVerificationV1::SiteVerificationService.new # Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens request = Google::Apis::SiteVerificationV1::GetWebResourceTokenRequest.new( site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, verification_method: 'DNS_TXT' ) response = verification_service.get_web_resource_token(request) puts response.inspect # Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace begin reseller_service.get_customer(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) abort('Customer already exists if call succeeds') rescue Google::Apis::ClientError => ex if ex.status_code == 404 puts 'Domain available for Google Workspace creation' else raise ex end end # Create customer resource customer = Google::Apis::ResellerV1::Customer.new( customer_domain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, alternate_email: 'marty.mcfly@gmail.com', postal_address: { contact_name: 'Marty McFly', organization_name: 'Acme Corp', country_code: 'US', postal_code: '10009'}) response = reseller_service.insert_customer(customer) puts response.inspect # Create first admin user user = Google::Apis::AdminDirectoryV1::User.new( name: { given_name: 'Marty', family_name: 'McFly', full_name: 'Marty McFly' }, password: 'Timecircuit88', primary_email: 'marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ) response = directory_service.insert_user(user) puts response.inspect # Promote user to admin status admin_status = Google::Apis::AdminDirectoryV1::UserMakeAdmin.new( status: true ) response = directory_service.make_user_admin('marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, admin_status) # Create subscription resource subscription = Google::Apis::ResellerV1::Subscription.new( customer_id: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, sku_id: '1010020027', plan: { plan_name: 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY' }, seats: { number_of_seats: 5, }, renewal_settings: { renewal_type: 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' } ) response = reseller_service.insert_subscription(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, subscription) puts response.inspect # Verify domain and designate domain owners webResource = Google::Apis::SiteVerificationV1::SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.new( site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, owners: ['marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] ) response = verification_service.insert_web_resource('DNS_TXT', webResource) puts response.inspect
// NOTE: This script needs googleapis 28.0.0 or later as it uses promises const {google} = require('googleapis'); // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; const RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = 'admin@yourresellerdomain.com'; const CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = 'example.com'; const CUSTOMER_SITE = 'https://www.example.com/'; // ################################################################ // Full List of scopes: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes const OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/siteverification', 'https://reseller.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user', ]; const authJWT = new google.auth.JWT({ keyFile: JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, scopes: OAUTH2_SCOPES, subject: RESELLER_ADMIN_USER, }); const resellerService = google.reseller({version: 'v1', auth: authJWT}); const directoryService = google.admin({version: 'directory_v1', auth: authJWT}); const verificationService = google.siteVerification({version: 'v1', auth: authJWT}); // Run all the steps one after each other, and exit as soon as one of them fail Promise.resolve() .then(() => { /** * Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: * https://developers.google.com/site-verification/v1/getting_started#tokens */ const getTokenPromise = verificationService.webResource.getToken({ requestBody: { site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, }, verificationMethod: 'DNS_TXT', } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; }); return getTokenPromise; }) .then(() => { // Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace const getCustomerPromise = resellerService.customers.get({ customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }).then(() => { throw new Error('Customer already exists'); }, resErr => { if (resErr.code === 404) { console.log('Domain available for Google Workspace creation'); } else { throw resErr; } }); return getCustomerPromise; }) .then(() => { // Create customer resource const insertCustomerPromise = resellerService.customers.insert({ requestBody: { customerDomain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, alternateEmail: 'marty.mcfly@gmail.com', postalAddress: { contactName: 'Marty McFly', organizationName: 'Acme Corp', postalCode: '10009', countryCode: 'US', } } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; }); return insertCustomerPromise; }) .then(() => { // Create first admin user const insertUserPromise = directoryService.users.insert({ requestBody: { primaryEmail: `marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`, name: { givenName: 'Marty', familyName: 'McFly', }, password: 'Timecircuit88', } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; }); return insertUserPromise; }).then(() => { // Promote user to admin status const makeAdminPromise = directoryService.users.makeAdmin({ userKey: `marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`, requestBody: { status: true } }); return makeAdminPromise; }) .then(() => { // Create subscription resource const insertSubscriptionPromise = resellerService.subscriptions.insert({ customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, requestBody: { customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, skuId: '1010020027', plan: { planName: 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY', }, seats: { numberOfSeats: 5, }, renewalSettings: { // only relevant for annual plans renewalType: 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY', } } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; }); return insertSubscriptionPromise; }) .then(() => { // Verify domain and designate domain owners const verifyDomainPromise = verificationService.webResource.insert({ verificationMethod: 'DNS_TXT', requestBody: { site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, }, owners: [`marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`], } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; }); return verifyDomainPromise; }) .catch(err => { console.error('Error:', err.message); if (err.code) { console.log('Error code:', err.code); } if (err.errors) { console.log('Details:', err.errors); } });