Questo tutorial mostra come eseguire il provisioning di un cliente utilizzando l'API Reseller.
Il provisioning corretto di un cliente prevede diversi passaggi reciprocamente dipendenti che si estendono su più API nella piattaforma Google Workspace.

Il diagramma precedente mostra le API utilizzate in ogni passaggio per eseguire il provisioning di un cliente:
- Utilizza l'API Site Verification per inserire il token di verifica del dominio.
- Utilizza l'API Reseller per creare un cliente.
- Utilizza l'API Directory per creare il primo utente e impostarlo come amministratore.
- Utilizza l'API Reseller per creare un abbonamento.
- Utilizza l'API Site Verification per verificare il dominio.
- Un'istanza del dominio di un rivenditore Google.
- Un contratto di partnership Google Workspace completamente sottoscritto.
- Un Account Google.
- Accetta i Termini di servizio nella Console Partner Sales.
- Scarica una libreria client per diversi linguaggi.
Configura l'ambiente
Per completare questo tutorial, configura l'ambiente.
Abilita l'API
Prima di utilizzare le API Google, devi attivarle in un progetto Google Cloud. Puoi attivare una o più API in un singolo progetto Google Cloud.Nella console Google Cloud, attiva l'API dei rivenditori, l'API di verifica del sito e l'API SDK Admin .
Crea un account di servizio
Un account di servizio è un tipo speciale di account utilizzato da un'applicazione anziché da una persona. Puoi utilizzare un account di servizio per accedere ai dati o eseguire azioni dall'account robot oppure per accedere ai dati per conto degli utenti di Google Workspace o Cloud Identity. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Informazioni sugli account di servizio.- Nella console Google Cloud, vai a Menu > IAM e amministrazione > Account di servizio.
- Fai clic su Crea account di servizio.
- Inserisci i dettagli dell'account di servizio, quindi fai clic su Crea e continua.
- (Facoltativo) Assegna i ruoli al tuo account di servizio per concedere l'accesso alle risorse del tuo progetto Google Cloud. Per ulteriori dettagli, consulta Concessione, modifica e revoca dell'accesso alle risorse.
- Fai clic su Continua.
- (Facoltativo) Inserisci gli utenti o i gruppi che possono gestire ed eseguire azioni con questo account di servizio. Per maggiori dettagli, consulta Gestire la rappresentazione dell'account di servizio.
- Fai clic su Fine. Prendi nota dell'indirizzo email dell'account di servizio.
- Crea l'account di servizio:
gcloud iam service-accounts create
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME \ --display-name="SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME " - (Facoltativo) Assegna i ruoli al tuo account di servizio per concedere l'accesso alle risorse del tuo progetto Google Cloud. Per ulteriori dettagli, consulta Concessione, modifica e revoca dell'accesso alle risorse.
Creare le credenziali di un account di servizio
Devi ottenere le credenziali sotto forma di una coppia di chiavi pubblica/privata. Queste credenziali vengono utilizzate dal codice per autorizzare le azioni dell'account di servizio all'interno dell'app.- Nella console Google Cloud, vai a Menu > IAM e amministrazione > Account di servizio.
- Seleziona il tuo account di servizio.
- Fai clic su Chiavi > Aggiungi chiave > Crea nuova chiave.
- Seleziona JSON, quindi fai clic su Crea.
Viene generata e scaricata sul tuo computer una nuova coppia di chiavi pubblica/privata come nuovo file. Salva il file JSON scaricato come
nella directory di lavoro. Questo file è l'unica copia di questa chiave. Per informazioni su come memorizzare la chiave in modo sicuro, consulta la sezione Gestire le chiavi degli account di servizio. - Fai clic su Chiudi.
Configurare la delega a livello di dominio per un account di servizio
Per chiamare le API per conto degli utenti di un'organizzazione Google Workspace, al tuo account di servizio deve essere concessa la delega dell'autorità a livello di dominio nella Console di amministrazione Google Workspace da un account super amministratore. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Delegare l'autorità a livello di dominio a un account di servizio.- Nella console Google Cloud, vai a Menu > IAM e amministrazione > Account di servizio.
- Seleziona il tuo account di servizio.
- Fai clic su Mostra impostazioni avanzate.
- Nella sezione "Delegation a livello di dominio", trova l'"ID client" del tuo account di servizio. Fai clic su Copia per copiare il valore dell'ID client negli appunti.
Se disponi dell'accesso come super amministratore all'account Google Workspace pertinente, fai clic su Visualizza la Console di amministrazione Google Workspace, poi accedi con un account utente super amministratore e continua a seguire questi passaggi.
Se non disponi dell'accesso come super amministratore all'account Google Workspace pertinente, contatta un super amministratore di quell'account e inviagli l'ID cliente e l'elenco degli ambiti OAuth del tuo account servizio in modo che possa completare i passaggi che seguono nella Console di amministrazione.
- Nella Console di amministrazione Google, vai a Menu > Sicurezza > Accesso e controllo dei dati > Controlli API.
- Fai clic su Gestisci delega a livello di dominio.
- Fai clic su Aggiungi nuova.
- Nel campo "ID client", incolla l'ID client che hai copiato in precedenza.
- Nel campo "Ambiti OAuth", inserisci un elenco delimitato da virgole degli ambiti richiesti dalla tua applicazione. Si tratta dello stesso insieme di ambiti definito durante la configurazione della schermata per il consenso OAuth.
- Fai clic su Autorizza.
Crea oggetti di servizio con credenziali autenticate
Per iniziare a utilizzare qualsiasi API di Google, devi prima configurare l'autenticazione e le credenziali all'interno della tua applicazione. Le librerie client di Google gestiranno questa operazione per tuo conto. Tutte le librerie hanno pattern per creare un oggetto di credenziali, con cui puoi concedere l'accesso a tutte le API e trasmetterle a ogni servizio. In genere, un'applicazione deve avere un unico insieme di credenziali e utilizzare un solo progetto cloud per tutte le interazioni con le API Google.
Utilizza il file della chiave JSON generato quando hai creato un account di servizio.
import sys from apiclient.discovery import build from apiclient.http import HttpError from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = '' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = '' CUSTOMER_SITE = '' ################################################################ # Full List of scopes: # OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ '', '', '', ] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, OAUTH2_SCOPES).create_delegated(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) reseller_service = build( serviceName='reseller', version='v1', credentials=credentials) directory_service = build( serviceName='admin', version='directory_v1', credentials=credentials) verification_service = build( serviceName='siteVerification', version='v1', credentials=credentials)
// OAuth2 and HTTP import; import; import; import; // Directory API import; import; import; import; import; // Reseller API import; import; import; import; import; import; import; // Site Verification API import; import; import; import; import; // Java library imports import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * This is a basic example of provisioning a Google Workspace customer. */ public class CodelabExample { // Full List of scopes: // private static final List<String> OAUTH2_SCOPES = Arrays.asList( ResellerScopes.APPS_ORDER, SiteVerificationScopes.SITEVERIFICATION, DirectoryScopes.ADMIN_DIRECTORY_USER ); /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static final String JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static final String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ""; public static final String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ""; public static final String CUSTOMER_SITE = ""; /*******************************************************************************/ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, FileNotFoundException { // Instantiate services with authenticated credentials GoogleCredential jsonCredentials = GoogleCredential .fromStream(new FileInputStream(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE)); GoogleCredential credentials = new GoogleCredential.Builder() .setTransport(GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport()) .setJsonFactory(JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance()) .setServiceAccountScopes(OAUTH2_SCOPES) .setServiceAccountUser(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) .setServiceAccountPrivateKey(jsonCredentials.getServiceAccountPrivateKey()) .setServiceAccountId(jsonCredentials.getServiceAccountId()) .build(); Reseller resellerService = new Reseller.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build(); Directory directoryService = new Directory.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build(); SiteVerification verificationService = new SiteVerification.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build();
// OAuth2 and HTTP using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Services; // Reseller API using Google.Apis.Reseller.v1; using Google.Apis.Reseller.v1.Data; // Directory API using Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1; using User = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.User; using UserName = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserName; using UserMakeAdmin = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserMakeAdmin; //Site Verification API using Google.Apis.SiteVerification.v1; using Google.Apis.SiteVerification.v1.Data; // System imports using System; using System.IO; class CodelabExample { // Full List of scopes: // static string[] OAUTH2_SCOPES = { ResellerService.Scope.AppsOrder, DirectoryService.Scope.AdminDirectoryUser, SiteVerificationService.Scope.Siteverification }; /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static String JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ""; public static String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ""; public static String CUSTOMER_SITE = ""; /*******************************************************************************/ static void Main(string[] args) { GoogleCredential credential; using (var stream = new FileStream(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { credential = GoogleCredential .FromStream(stream) .CreateScoped(OAUTH2_SCOPES) .CreateWithUser(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); } var resellerService = new ResellerService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, }); var directoryService = new DirectoryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, }); var verificationService = new SiteVerificationService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, });
// require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Full List of scopes: // $OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ Google_Service_Reseller::APPS_ORDER, Google_Service_SiteVerification::SITEVERIFICATION, Google_Service_Directory::ADMIN_DIRECTORY_USER, ]; ######### REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ############### $JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ''; $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ''; $CUSTOMER_SITE = ''; ###################################################### $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setAuthConfig($JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE); $client->setSubject($RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); $client->setScopes($OAUTH2_SCOPES); $resellerService = new Google_Service_Reseller($client); $directoryService = new Google_Service_Directory($client); $verificationService = new Google_Service_SiteVerification($client);
require 'googleauth' require 'google/apis/reseller_v1' require 'google/apis/site_verification_v1' require 'google/apis/admin_directory_v1' # Full List of scopes: # OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ '', '', '', ] ####### REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ############### JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = '' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = '' CUSTOMER_SITE = '' #################################################### credentials = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds( json_key_io:, scope: OAUTH2_SCOPES) credentials.sub = RESELLER_ADMIN_USER Google::Apis::RequestOptions.default.authorization = credentials reseller_service = directory_service = verification_service =
// NOTE: This script needs googleapis 28.0.0 or later as it uses promises const {google} = require('googleapis'); // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; const RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ''; const CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ''; const CUSTOMER_SITE = ''; // ################################################################ // Full List of scopes: const OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ '', '', '', ]; const authJWT = new google.auth.JWT({ keyFile: JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, scopes: OAUTH2_SCOPES, subject: RESELLER_ADMIN_USER, }); const resellerService = google.reseller({version: 'v1', auth: authJWT}); const directoryService = google.admin({version: 'directory_v1', auth: authJWT}); const verificationService = google.siteVerification({version: 'v1', auth: authJWT});
Avviare la procedura di verifica del dominio
Questo passaggio è facoltativo, ma ti consigliamo di eseguirlo se hai la possibilità di verificare il dominio del cliente. Questo passaggio viene completato alla fine del tutorial quando verifichi il dominio.
Se non verifichi il dominio del cliente, quest'ultimo sarà soggetto alle seguenti limitazioni:
- Hanno accesso solo alla Console di amministrazione, dove vengono guidati nella procedura di verifica manuale del dominio.
- Potrebbero essere sospesi 21 giorni dopo la creazione.
Per recuperare un token di verifica del sito:
Per recuperare un token di verifica del sito, utilizza l'API Site Verification. Non puoi verificare se un dominio è stato verificato in precedenza, ma puoi verificare i siti più volte senza problemi. A seconda che tu stia convalidando un tipo
, i parametriverificationMethod
variano. Scegli una delle seguenti opzioni:Per il tipo
, utilizza uno dei seguenti parametriverificationMethod
Il seguente esempio di recupero del token utilizza un tipo
:# Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # response = verification_service.webResource().getToken( body={ 'site': { 'type': 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, 'verificationMethod': 'DNS_TXT' }).execute() print(response)
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site() .setType("INET_DOMAIN") .setIdentifier(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() .setVerificationMethod("DNS_TXT") .setSite(getTokenSite); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.webResource().getToken(request).execute(); System.out.println("Site Verification Token: " + getTokenResponse.getToken());
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData() { Type = "INET_DOMAIN", Identifier = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() { VerificationMethod = "DNS_TXT", Site = getTokenSite }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.WebResource.GetToken(request).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Site Verification Token: {0}", getTokenResponse.Token);
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // $body = new Google_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest([ 'verificationMethod' => 'DNS_TXT', 'site' => [ 'type' => 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN ] ]); $response = $verificationService->webResource->getToken($body); print_r ($response);
# Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # request = site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, verification_method: 'DNS_TXT' ) response = verification_service.get_web_resource_token(request) puts response.inspect
/** * Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: * */ const getTokenPromise = verificationService.webResource.getToken({ requestBody: { site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, }, verificationMethod: 'DNS_TXT', } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Per il tipo
, utilizza uno dei seguenti parametriverificationMethod
Il seguente esempio di recupero del token utilizza un tipo
con il metodo di verificaFILE
. Quando utilizzi il tipo di verificaSITE
, devi anteporre all'identificatorehttp://
.# Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # response = verification_service.webResource().getToken( body={ 'site': { 'type': 'SITE', 'identifier': CUSTOMER_SITE }, 'verificationMethod': 'FILE' }).execute() print(response)
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site() .setType("SITE") .setIdentifier(CUSTOMER_SITE); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() .setVerificationMethod("FILE") .setSite(getTokenSite); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.webResource().getToken(request).execute(); System.out.println("Site Verification Token: " + getTokenResponse.getToken());
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData() { Type = "SITE", Identifier = CUSTOMER_SITE }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() { VerificationMethod = "FILE", Site = getTokenSite }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.WebResource.GetToken(request).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Site Verification Token: {0}", getTokenResponse.Token);
// Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // $body = new Google_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest([ 'verificationMethod' => 'FILE', 'site' => [ 'type' => 'SITE', 'identifier' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN ] ]); $response = $verificationService->webResource->getToken($body); print_r($response);
# Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # request = site: { type: 'SITE', identifier: CUSTOMER_SITE }, verification_method: 'FILE' ) response = verification_service.get_web_resource_token(request) puts response.inspect
/** * Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: * */ const getTokenPromise = verificationService.webResource.getToken({ requestBody: { site: { type: 'SITE', identifier: CUSTOMER_SITE, }, verificationMethod: 'FILE', } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Inserisci il token di verifica del sito nel record DNS o nel sito.
Creare un cliente con l'API Reseller
Utilizza il metodo Customers.Get per determinare se un cliente esiste già in Google Workspace:
# Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try: response = reseller_service.customers().get( customerId=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).execute() print('Customer already exists if call succeeds') sys.exit() except HttpError as error: if int(error.resp['status']) == 404: print('Domain available for Google Workspace creation') else: raise
// Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { resellerService.customers().get(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).execute(); System.out.println("Customer already exists if call succeeds"); System.exit(0); } catch (HttpResponseException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() == 404) { System.out.println("Domain available for Google Workspace creation"); } else { throw e; } }
// Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { resellerService.Customers.Get(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Customer already exists if call succeeds"); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Google.GoogleApiException e) { if (e.Error.Code == 404) { Console.WriteLine("Domain available for Google Workspace creation"); } else throw e; }
// Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { $response = $resellerService->customers->get($CUSTOMER_DOMAIN); exit('Customer already exists if call succeeds'); } catch(Google_Service_Exception $e) { if ($e->getErrors()[0]['reason'] == 'notFound'){ print ("Domain available for Google Workspace creation\n"); } else { throw $e; } }
# Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace begin reseller_service.get_customer(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) abort('Customer already exists if call succeeds') rescue Google::Apis::ClientError => ex if ex.status_code == 404 puts 'Domain available for Google Workspace creation' else raise ex end end
// Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace const getCustomerPromise = resellerService.customers.get({ customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }).then(() => { throw new Error('Customer already exists'); }, resErr => { if (resErr.code === 404) { console.log('Domain available for Google Workspace creation'); } else { throw resErr; } });
A seconda della risposta, procedi nel seguente modo:
Se il cliente non esiste, il metodo
restituisce un codice erroreHTTP 404
. Vai al passaggio successivo per creare un record customers in Google Workspace.Se il metodo
restituisce un valore senza errori, identifica se il cliente è di tua proprietà controllando la proprietàalternateEmail
nel corpo della risposta. Se la proprietàalternateEmail
non è presente, devi trasferire il cliente e i suoi abbonamenti.
Crea un record cliente in Google Workspace. Devi creare un record cliente prima di poter creare abbonamenti per quel cliente utilizzando le seguenti linee guida:
non può trovarsi nello stesso dominio dicustomerDomain
deve essere un codice paese ISO di due caratteri.
L'esempio seguente mostra la creazione di un record cliente:
# Create customer resource response = reseller_service.customers().insert( body={ 'customerDomain': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'alternateEmail': '', 'postalAddress': { 'contactName': 'Marty McFly', 'organizationName': 'Acme Corp', 'postalCode': '10009', 'countryCode': 'US', } }).execute() print(response)
// Create customer resource Address address = new Address() .setContactName("Marty McFly") .setOrganizationName("Acme Corp") .setCountryCode("US") .setPostalCode("10009"); Customer customer = new Customer() .setCustomerDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setAlternateEmail("") .setPostalAddress(address); Customer customerResponse = resellerService.customers() .insert(customer).execute(); System.out.println("Created Customer:\n" + customerResponse);
// Create customer resource Address address = new Address() { ContactName = "Marty McFly", OrganizationName = "Acme Corp", CountryCode = "US", PostalCode = "10009" }; Customer customer = new Customer() { CustomerDomain = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, AlternateEmail = "", PostalAddress = address }; Customer customerResponse = resellerService.Customers.Insert(customer).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created Customer:\n{0}", customerResponse);
// Create customer resource $customer = new Google_Service_Reseller_Customer([ 'customerDomain' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'alternateEmail' => '', 'postalAddress' => [ 'contactName' => 'Marty McFly', 'organizationName' => 'Acme Corp', 'countryCode' => 'US', 'postalCode' => '10009' ] ]); $response = $resellerService->customers->insert($customer); print_r ($response);
# Create customer resource customer = customer_domain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, alternate_email: '', postal_address: { contact_name: 'Marty McFly', organization_name: 'Acme Corp', country_code: 'US', postal_code: '10009'}) response = reseller_service.insert_customer(customer) puts response.inspect
// Create customer resource const insertCustomerPromise = resellerService.customers.insert({ requestBody: { customerDomain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, alternateEmail: '', postalAddress: { contactName: 'Marty McFly', organizationName: 'Acme Corp', postalCode: '10009', countryCode: 'US', } } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Creare il primo utente amministratore con l'API Admin SDK
Dopo aver eseguito il provisioning di un cliente, devi creare il primo utente e eseguire immediatamente l'upgrade dell'utente a super amministratore di dominio in modo che il cliente possa accedere ai nuovi servizi e accettare gli eventuali Termini di servizio applicabili.
Crea il primo utente e imposta la relativa password. Le password devono essere di complessità adeguata e devono contenere almeno otto caratteri. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta la risorsa
.# Create first admin user response = directory_service.users().insert( body={ 'primaryEmail': 'marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'name': { 'givenName': 'Marty', 'familyName': 'McFly', }, 'password': 'Timecircuit88' }).execute() print(response)
// Create first admin user String userEmail = "marty.mcfly@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; UserName name = new UserName(); name.setGivenName("Marty"); name.setFamilyName("McFly"); User user = new User(); user.setPrimaryEmail(userEmail); user.setPassword("TimeCircuit88"); user.setName(name); User userResponse = directoryService.users().insert(user).execute(); System.out.println("Created User:\n" + userResponse);
// Create first admin user String userEmail = "marty.mcfly@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; UserName name = new UserName() { GivenName = "Marty", FamilyName = "McFly" }; User user = new User() { PrimaryEmail = userEmail, Password = "TimeCircuit88", Name = name }; User userResponse = directoryService.Users.Insert(user).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created User:\n{0}", userResponse);
// Create first admin user $user = new Google_Service_Directory_User([ 'primaryEmail' => 'marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'password' => 'Timecircuit88', 'name' => [ 'givenName' => 'Marty', 'familyName' => 'McFly', 'fullName' => 'Marty McFly' ] ]); $response = $directoryService->users->insert($user); print_r ($response);
# Create first admin user user = name: { given_name: 'Marty', family_name: 'McFly', full_name: 'Marty McFly' }, password: 'Timecircuit88', primary_email: 'marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ) response = directory_service.insert_user(user) puts response.inspect
// Create first admin user const insertUserPromise = directoryService.users.insert({ requestBody: { primaryEmail: `marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`, name: { givenName: 'Marty', familyName: 'McFly', }, password: 'Timecircuit88', } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Se la chiamata per creare l'utente restituisce un
HTTP 409
, il nome utente potrebbe essere già esistente come Account Google di tipo consumer.Esegui l'upgrade dell'utente al ruolo di super amministratore:
# Promote user to admin status response = directory_service.users().makeAdmin( userKey='marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, body={ 'status': True }).execute()
// Promote user to admin status UserMakeAdmin admin = new UserMakeAdmin(); admin.setStatus(true); directoryService.users().makeAdmin(userEmail, admin).execute(); System.out.println("User promoted to Admin");
// Promote user to admin status UserMakeAdmin admin = new UserMakeAdmin() { Status = true }; directoryService.Users.MakeAdmin(admin, userEmail).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("User promoted to Admin");
// Promote user to admin status $makeAdmin = new Google_Service_Directory_UserMakeAdmin([ 'status' => true ]); $directoryService->users->makeAdmin( 'marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, $makeAdmin );
# Promote user to admin status admin_status = status: true ) response = directory_service.make_user_admin('marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, admin_status)
// Promote user to admin status const makeAdminPromise = directoryService.users.makeAdmin({ userKey: `marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`, requestBody: { status: true } });
Creare un abbonamento a Google Workspace per un cliente
Quando crei un abbonamento per un cliente, devi inserire un ID transazione o un identificatore interno per questo cliente nel campopurchaseOrderId
Per ulteriori informazioni su argomenti e valori specifici, consulta
Gestire gli abbonamenti.
Per creare una sottoscrizione, utilizza la chiamata Subscriptions.Insert. L'esempio seguente utilizza un abbonamento a
:# Create subscription resource response = reseller_service.subscriptions().insert( customerId=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, body={ 'customerId': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'skuId': '1010020027', 'plan': { 'planName': 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY', }, 'seats': { 'numberOfSeats': 5, }, 'renewalSettings': { # only relevant for annual plans 'renewalType': 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' } }).execute() print(response)
// Create subscription resource Seats seats = new Seats() .setNumberOfSeats(5); Subscription.Plan plan = new Subscription.Plan() .setPlanName("ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY"); RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings() .setRenewalType("RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY"); Subscription subscription = new Subscription() .setCustomerId(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setSeats(seats) .setPlan(plan) .setSkuId("1010020027") .setRenewalSettings(renewalSettings); Subscription subscriptionResponse = resellerService.subscriptions() .insert(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, subscription).execute(); System.out.println("Created Subscription:\n" + subscriptionResponse);
// Create subscription resource Seats seats = new Seats() { NumberOfSeats = 5 }; Subscription.PlanData plan = new Subscription.PlanData() { PlanName = "ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY" }; RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings() { RenewalType = "RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY" }; Subscription subscription = new Subscription() { CustomerId = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, Seats = seats, Plan = plan, SkuId = "1010020027", RenewalSettings = renewalSettings }; Subscription subscriptionResponse = resellerService.Subscriptions .Insert(subscription, CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created Subscription:\n" + subscriptionResponse);
// Create subscription resource $subscription = new Google_Service_Reseller_Subscription([ 'customerId' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'skuId' => '1010020027', 'plan' => [ 'planName' => 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY' ], 'seats' => [ 'numberOfSeats' => '5' ], 'renewalSettings' => [ 'renewalType' => 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' ] ]); $response = $resellerService->subscriptions->insert( $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, $subscription ); print_r ($response);
# Create subscription resource subscription = customer_id: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, sku_id: '1010020027', plan: { plan_name: 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY' }, seats: { number_of_seats: 5, }, renewal_settings: { renewal_type: 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' } ) response = reseller_service.insert_subscription(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, subscription) puts response.inspect
// Create subscription resource const insertSubscriptionPromise = resellerService.subscriptions.insert({ customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, requestBody: { customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, skuId: '1010020027', plan: { planName: 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY', }, seats: { numberOfSeats: 5, }, renewalSettings: { // only relevant for annual plans renewalType: 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY', } } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Gli abbonamenti sono in stato
finché un amministratore del cliente non accede e accetta i Termini di servizio. Gli amministratori dei clienti vengono reindirizzati ai Termini di servizio al primo accesso quando accedono a qualsiasi proprietà di Google (ad esempio Gmail o Google Drive).
Verifica il dominio e designa i relativi proprietari
Questo passaggio è facoltativo, ma ti consigliamo di eseguirlo se hai la possibilità di verificare il dominio del cliente. La chiamata all'API Site Verification webResource.insert()
verifica un dominio e assegna i proprietari specificati nel parametro owners[]
del corpo della richiesta.
L'esempio seguente mostra come verificare un INET_DOMAIN
# Verify domain and designate domain owners response = verification_service.webResource().insert( verificationMethod='DNS_TXT', body={ 'site': { 'type': 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, 'owners': ['marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] }).execute() print(response)
// Verify domain and designate domain owners SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.Site verifySite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.Site() .setIdentifier(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setType("INET_DOMAIN"); List<String> owners = Arrays.asList(userEmail); SiteVerificationWebResourceResource resource = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource() .setSite(verifySite) .setOwners(owners); SiteVerificationWebResourceResource verifyResponse = verificationService.webResource().insert("DNS_TXT", resource).execute(); System.out.println("Site Verification Web Resource:\n" + verifyResponse);
// Verify domain and designate domain owners SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.SiteData verifySite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.SiteData() { Identifier = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, Type = "INET_DOMAIN" }; string[] owners = { userEmail }; SiteVerificationWebResourceResource resource = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource() { Site = verifySite, Owners = owners }; SiteVerificationWebResourceResource verifyResponse = verificationService.WebResource.Insert(resource, "DNS_TXT").Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Site Verification Web Resource:\n" + verifyResponse);
// Verify domain and designate domain owners $body = new Google_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceResource([ 'site' => [ 'type' => 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ], 'owners' => ['marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] ]); $response = $verificationService->webResource->insert('DNS_TXT', $body); print_r ($response);
# Verify domain and designate domain owners webResource = site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, owners: ['marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] ) response = verification_service.insert_web_resource('DNS_TXT', webResource) puts response.inspect
// Verify domain and designate domain owners const verifyDomainPromise = verificationService.webResource.insert({ verificationMethod: 'DNS_TXT', requestBody: { site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, }, owners: [`marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`], } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; });
Se l'operazione ha esito positivo, questa chiamata restituisce un codice HTTP 200
. Se webResource.insert()
non riesce a verificare il dominio, restituisce un codice di errore a livello HTTP 400
. Riprova a chiamare webResource.insert()
con un ritardo backoff finché il dominio non viene verificato correttamente.
L'esempio seguente mostra il codice completo per il provisioning di un cliente Google Workspace:
"""This is a basic example of provisioning a Google Workspace customer. """ import sys from apiclient.discovery import build from apiclient.http import HttpError from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = '' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = '' CUSTOMER_SITE = '' ################################################################ # Full List of scopes: # OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ '', '', '', ] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, OAUTH2_SCOPES).create_delegated(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) reseller_service = build( serviceName='reseller', version='v1', credentials=credentials) directory_service = build( serviceName='admin', version='directory_v1', credentials=credentials) verification_service = build( serviceName='siteVerification', version='v1', credentials=credentials) # Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # response = verification_service.webResource().getToken( body={ 'site': { 'type': 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, 'verificationMethod': 'DNS_TXT' }).execute() print(response) # Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try: response = reseller_service.customers().get( customerId=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).execute() print('Customer already exists if call succeeds') sys.exit() except HttpError as error: if int(error.resp['status']) == 404: print('Domain available for Google Workspace creation') else: raise # Create customer resource response = reseller_service.customers().insert( body={ 'customerDomain': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'alternateEmail': '', 'postalAddress': { 'contactName': 'Marty McFly', 'organizationName': 'Acme Corp', 'postalCode': '10009', 'countryCode': 'US', } }).execute() print(response) # Create first admin user response = directory_service.users().insert( body={ 'primaryEmail': 'marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'name': { 'givenName': 'Marty', 'familyName': 'McFly', }, 'password': 'Timecircuit88' }).execute() print(response) # Promote user to admin status response = directory_service.users().makeAdmin( userKey='marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, body={ 'status': True }).execute() # Create subscription resource response = reseller_service.subscriptions().insert( customerId=CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, body={ 'customerId': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'skuId': '1010020027', 'plan': { 'planName': 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY', }, 'seats': { 'numberOfSeats': 5, }, 'renewalSettings': { # only relevant for annual plans 'renewalType': 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' } }).execute() print(response) # Verify domain and designate domain owners response = verification_service.webResource().insert( verificationMethod='DNS_TXT', body={ 'site': { 'type': 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier': CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, 'owners': ['marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] }).execute() print(response)
// OAuth2 and HTTP import; import; import; import; // Directory API import; import; import; import; import; // Reseller API import; import; import; import; import; import; import; // Site Verification API import; import; import; import; import; // Java library imports import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * This is a basic example of provisioning a Google Workspace customer. */ public class CodelabExample { // Full List of scopes: // private static final List<String> OAUTH2_SCOPES = Arrays.asList( ResellerScopes.APPS_ORDER, SiteVerificationScopes.SITEVERIFICATION, DirectoryScopes.ADMIN_DIRECTORY_USER ); /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static final String JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static final String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ""; public static final String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ""; public static final String CUSTOMER_SITE = ""; /*******************************************************************************/ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, FileNotFoundException { // Instantiate services with authenticated credentials GoogleCredential jsonCredentials = GoogleCredential .fromStream(new FileInputStream(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE)); GoogleCredential credentials = new GoogleCredential.Builder() .setTransport(GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport()) .setJsonFactory(JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance()) .setServiceAccountScopes(OAUTH2_SCOPES) .setServiceAccountUser(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER) .setServiceAccountPrivateKey(jsonCredentials.getServiceAccountPrivateKey()) .setServiceAccountId(jsonCredentials.getServiceAccountId()) .build(); Reseller resellerService = new Reseller.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build(); Directory directoryService = new Directory.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build(); SiteVerification verificationService = new SiteVerification.Builder( credentials.getTransport(), credentials.getJsonFactory(), credentials).setApplicationName("Google Workspace Creator").build(); // Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.Site() .setType("INET_DOMAIN") .setIdentifier(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() .setVerificationMethod("DNS_TXT") .setSite(getTokenSite); SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.webResource().getToken(request).execute(); System.out.println("Site Verification Token: " + getTokenResponse.getToken()); // Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { resellerService.customers().get(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).execute(); System.out.println("Customer already exists if call succeeds"); System.exit(0); } catch (HttpResponseException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() == 404) { System.out.println("Domain available for Google Workspace creation"); } else { throw e; } } // Create customer resource Address address = new Address() .setContactName("Marty McFly") .setOrganizationName("Acme Corp") .setCountryCode("US") .setPostalCode("10009"); Customer customer = new Customer() .setCustomerDomain(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setAlternateEmail("") .setPostalAddress(address); Customer customerResponse = resellerService.customers() .insert(customer).execute(); System.out.println("Created Customer:\n" + customerResponse); // Create first admin user String userEmail = "marty.mcfly@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; UserName name = new UserName(); name.setGivenName("Marty"); name.setFamilyName("McFly"); User user = new User(); user.setPrimaryEmail(userEmail); user.setPassword("TimeCircuit88"); user.setName(name); User userResponse = directoryService.users().insert(user).execute(); System.out.println("Created User:\n" + userResponse); // Promote user to admin status UserMakeAdmin admin = new UserMakeAdmin(); admin.setStatus(true); directoryService.users().makeAdmin(userEmail, admin).execute(); System.out.println("User promoted to Admin"); // Create subscription resource Seats seats = new Seats() .setNumberOfSeats(5); Subscription.Plan plan = new Subscription.Plan() .setPlanName("ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY"); RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings() .setRenewalType("RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY"); Subscription subscription = new Subscription() .setCustomerId(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setSeats(seats) .setPlan(plan) .setSkuId("1010020027") .setRenewalSettings(renewalSettings); Subscription subscriptionResponse = resellerService.subscriptions() .insert(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, subscription).execute(); System.out.println("Created Subscription:\n" + subscriptionResponse); // Verify domain and designate domain owners SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.Site verifySite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.Site() .setIdentifier(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) .setType("INET_DOMAIN"); List<String> owners = Arrays.asList(userEmail); SiteVerificationWebResourceResource resource = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource() .setSite(verifySite) .setOwners(owners); SiteVerificationWebResourceResource verifyResponse = verificationService.webResource().insert("DNS_TXT", resource).execute(); System.out.println("Site Verification Web Resource:\n" + verifyResponse); } }
// OAuth2 and HTTP using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Services; // Reseller API using Google.Apis.Reseller.v1; using Google.Apis.Reseller.v1.Data; // Directory API using Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1; using User = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.User; using UserName = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserName; using UserMakeAdmin = Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserMakeAdmin; //Site Verification API using Google.Apis.SiteVerification.v1; using Google.Apis.SiteVerification.v1.Data; // System imports using System; using System.IO; class CodelabExample { // Full List of scopes: // static string[] OAUTH2_SCOPES = { ResellerService.Scope.AppsOrder, DirectoryService.Scope.AdminDirectoryUser, SiteVerificationService.Scope.Siteverification }; /***************** REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ********************************/ public static String JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "path/to/json_key_file.json"; public static String RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ""; public static String CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ""; public static String CUSTOMER_SITE = ""; /*******************************************************************************/ static void Main(string[] args) { GoogleCredential credential; using (var stream = new FileStream(JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { credential = GoogleCredential .FromStream(stream) .CreateScoped(OAUTH2_SCOPES) .CreateWithUser(RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); } var resellerService = new ResellerService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, }); var directoryService = new DirectoryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, }); var verificationService = new SiteVerificationService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential, }); // Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData getTokenSite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest.SiteData() { Type = "INET_DOMAIN", Identifier = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest request = new SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest() { VerificationMethod = "DNS_TXT", Site = getTokenSite }; SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse getTokenResponse = verificationService.WebResource.GetToken(request).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Site Verification Token: {0}", getTokenResponse.Token); // Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { resellerService.Customers.Get(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Customer already exists if call succeeds"); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Google.GoogleApiException e) { if (e.Error.Code == 404) { Console.WriteLine("Domain available for Google Workspace creation"); } else throw e; } // Create customer resource Address address = new Address() { ContactName = "Marty McFly", OrganizationName = "Acme Corp", CountryCode = "US", PostalCode = "10009" }; Customer customer = new Customer() { CustomerDomain = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, AlternateEmail = "", PostalAddress = address }; Customer customerResponse = resellerService.Customers.Insert(customer).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created Customer:\n{0}", customerResponse); // Create first admin user String userEmail = "marty.mcfly@" + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN; UserName name = new UserName() { GivenName = "Marty", FamilyName = "McFly" }; User user = new User() { PrimaryEmail = userEmail, Password = "TimeCircuit88", Name = name }; User userResponse = directoryService.Users.Insert(user).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created User:\n{0}", userResponse); // Promote user to admin status UserMakeAdmin admin = new UserMakeAdmin() { Status = true }; directoryService.Users.MakeAdmin(admin, userEmail).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("User promoted to Admin"); // Create subscription resource Seats seats = new Seats() { NumberOfSeats = 5 }; Subscription.PlanData plan = new Subscription.PlanData() { PlanName = "ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY" }; RenewalSettings renewalSettings = new RenewalSettings() { RenewalType = "RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY" }; Subscription subscription = new Subscription() { CustomerId = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, Seats = seats, Plan = plan, SkuId = "1010020027", RenewalSettings = renewalSettings }; Subscription subscriptionResponse = resellerService.Subscriptions .Insert(subscription, CUSTOMER_DOMAIN).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Created Subscription:\n" + subscriptionResponse); // Verify domain and designate domain owners SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.SiteData verifySite = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource.SiteData() { Identifier = CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, Type = "INET_DOMAIN" }; string[] owners = { userEmail }; SiteVerificationWebResourceResource resource = new SiteVerificationWebResourceResource() { Site = verifySite, Owners = owners }; SiteVerificationWebResourceResource verifyResponse = verificationService.WebResource.Insert(resource, "DNS_TXT").Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Site Verification Web Resource:\n" + verifyResponse); } }
// require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Full List of scopes: // $OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ Google_Service_Reseller::APPS_ORDER, Google_Service_SiteVerification::SITEVERIFICATION, Google_Service_Directory::ADMIN_DIRECTORY_USER, ]; ######### REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ############### $JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; $RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ''; $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ''; $CUSTOMER_SITE = ''; ###################################################### $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setAuthConfig($JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE); $client->setSubject($RESELLER_ADMIN_USER); $client->setScopes($OAUTH2_SCOPES); $resellerService = new Google_Service_Reseller($client); $directoryService = new Google_Service_Directory($client); $verificationService = new Google_Service_SiteVerification($client); // Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: // $body = new Google_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest([ 'verificationMethod' => 'DNS_TXT', 'site' => [ 'type' => 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN ] ]); $response = $verificationService->webResource->getToken($body); print_r ($response); // Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace try { $response = $resellerService->customers->get($CUSTOMER_DOMAIN); exit('Customer already exists if call succeeds'); } catch(Google_Service_Exception $e) { if ($e->getErrors()[0]['reason'] == 'notFound'){ print ("Domain available for Google Workspace creation\n"); } else { throw $e; } } // Create customer resource $customer = new Google_Service_Reseller_Customer([ 'customerDomain' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'alternateEmail' => '', 'postalAddress' => [ 'contactName' => 'Marty McFly', 'organizationName' => 'Acme Corp', 'countryCode' => 'US', 'postalCode' => '10009' ] ]); $response = $resellerService->customers->insert($customer); print_r ($response); // Create first admin user $user = new Google_Service_Directory_User([ 'primaryEmail' => 'marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'password' => 'Timecircuit88', 'name' => [ 'givenName' => 'Marty', 'familyName' => 'McFly', 'fullName' => 'Marty McFly' ] ]); $response = $directoryService->users->insert($user); print_r ($response); // Promote user to admin status $makeAdmin = new Google_Service_Directory_UserMakeAdmin([ 'status' => true ]); $directoryService->users->makeAdmin( 'marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, $makeAdmin ); // Create subscription resource $subscription = new Google_Service_Reseller_Subscription([ 'customerId' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, 'skuId' => '1010020027', 'plan' => [ 'planName' => 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY' ], 'seats' => [ 'numberOfSeats' => '5' ], 'renewalSettings' => [ 'renewalType' => 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' ] ]); $response = $resellerService->subscriptions->insert( $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, $subscription ); print_r ($response); // Verify domain and designate domain owners $body = new Google_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceResource([ 'site' => [ 'type' => 'INET_DOMAIN', 'identifier' => $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ], 'owners' => ['marty.mcfly@' . $CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] ]); $response = $verificationService->webResource->insert('DNS_TXT', $body); print_r ($response);
require 'googleauth' require 'google/apis/reseller_v1' require 'google/apis/site_verification_v1' require 'google/apis/admin_directory_v1' # Full List of scopes: # OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ '', '', '', ] ####### REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES ############### JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json' RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = '' CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = '' CUSTOMER_SITE = '' #################################################### credentials = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds( json_key_io:, scope: OAUTH2_SCOPES) credentials.sub = RESELLER_ADMIN_USER Google::Apis::RequestOptions.default.authorization = credentials reseller_service = directory_service = verification_service = # Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: # request = site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, verification_method: 'DNS_TXT' ) response = verification_service.get_web_resource_token(request) puts response.inspect # Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace begin reseller_service.get_customer(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN) abort('Customer already exists if call succeeds') rescue Google::Apis::ClientError => ex if ex.status_code == 404 puts 'Domain available for Google Workspace creation' else raise ex end end # Create customer resource customer = customer_domain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, alternate_email: '', postal_address: { contact_name: 'Marty McFly', organization_name: 'Acme Corp', country_code: 'US', postal_code: '10009'}) response = reseller_service.insert_customer(customer) puts response.inspect # Create first admin user user = name: { given_name: 'Marty', family_name: 'McFly', full_name: 'Marty McFly' }, password: 'Timecircuit88', primary_email: 'marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, ) response = directory_service.insert_user(user) puts response.inspect # Promote user to admin status admin_status = status: true ) response = directory_service.make_user_admin('marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, admin_status) # Create subscription resource subscription = customer_id: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, sku_id: '1010020027', plan: { plan_name: 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY' }, seats: { number_of_seats: 5, }, renewal_settings: { renewal_type: 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY' } ) response = reseller_service.insert_subscription(CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, subscription) puts response.inspect # Verify domain and designate domain owners webResource = site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }, owners: ['marty.mcfly@' + CUSTOMER_DOMAIN] ) response = verification_service.insert_web_resource('DNS_TXT', webResource) puts response.inspect
// NOTE: This script needs googleapis 28.0.0 or later as it uses promises const {google} = require('googleapis'); // ############## REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES #################### const JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = 'path/to/json_key_file.json'; const RESELLER_ADMIN_USER = ''; const CUSTOMER_DOMAIN = ''; const CUSTOMER_SITE = ''; // ################################################################ // Full List of scopes: const OAUTH2_SCOPES = [ '', '', '', ]; const authJWT = new google.auth.JWT({ keyFile: JSON_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, scopes: OAUTH2_SCOPES, subject: RESELLER_ADMIN_USER, }); const resellerService = google.reseller({version: 'v1', auth: authJWT}); const directoryService = google.admin({version: 'directory_v1', auth: authJWT}); const verificationService = google.siteVerification({version: 'v1', auth: authJWT}); // Run all the steps one after each other, and exit as soon as one of them fail Promise.resolve() .then(() => { /** * Retrieve the site verification token and place it according to: * */ const getTokenPromise = verificationService.webResource.getToken({ requestBody: { site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, }, verificationMethod: 'DNS_TXT', } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; }); return getTokenPromise; }) .then(() => { // Determine if customer domain already has Google Workspace const getCustomerPromise = resellerService.customers.get({ customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN }).then(() => { throw new Error('Customer already exists'); }, resErr => { if (resErr.code === 404) { console.log('Domain available for Google Workspace creation'); } else { throw resErr; } }); return getCustomerPromise; }) .then(() => { // Create customer resource const insertCustomerPromise = resellerService.customers.insert({ requestBody: { customerDomain: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, alternateEmail: '', postalAddress: { contactName: 'Marty McFly', organizationName: 'Acme Corp', postalCode: '10009', countryCode: 'US', } } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; }); return insertCustomerPromise; }) .then(() => { // Create first admin user const insertUserPromise = directoryService.users.insert({ requestBody: { primaryEmail: `marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`, name: { givenName: 'Marty', familyName: 'McFly', }, password: 'Timecircuit88', } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; }); return insertUserPromise; }).then(() => { // Promote user to admin status const makeAdminPromise = directoryService.users.makeAdmin({ userKey: `marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`, requestBody: { status: true } }); return makeAdminPromise; }) .then(() => { // Create subscription resource const insertSubscriptionPromise = resellerService.subscriptions.insert({ customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, requestBody: { customerId: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, skuId: '1010020027', plan: { planName: 'ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY', }, seats: { numberOfSeats: 5, }, renewalSettings: { // only relevant for annual plans renewalType: 'RENEW_CURRENT_USERS_MONTHLY_PAY', } } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; }); return insertSubscriptionPromise; }) .then(() => { // Verify domain and designate domain owners const verifyDomainPromise = verificationService.webResource.insert({ verificationMethod: 'DNS_TXT', requestBody: { site: { type: 'INET_DOMAIN', identifier: CUSTOMER_DOMAIN, }, owners: [`marty.mcfly@${CUSTOMER_DOMAIN}`], } }).then(({data}) => { console.log(data); return data; }); return verifyDomainPromise; }) .catch(err => { console.error('Error:', err.message); if (err.code) { console.log('Error code:', err.code); } if (err.errors) { console.log('Details:', err.errors); } });