Mediation groups

The AdMob API lets you create, list, and update mediation groups, including:

  • Specifying mediation group targeting including regions, format, platform, and IDFA targeting
  • Adding new mediation group lines to an existing mediation group
  • Viewing which mediation groups are part of a mediation A/B experiment and what mediation group lines belong to each variant: A or B


With OAuth 2.0 credentials created, you're ready to start using the AdMob API. To request access using OAuth 2.0, your application will also need the scope information.

Here's the OAuth 2.0 scope information:

Scope Meaning See, create, and edit your AdMob monetization settings. See all AdMob data. This may include account information, inventory and mediation settings, reports, and other data. This doesn't include sensitive data, such as payments or campaign details.


To create a mediation group, you must specify the mediation group targeting information, including the relevant ad units. The following example creates a new mediation group for Android interstitial ads for 2 ad units. One mediation group line is added at creation for the InMobi ad source. You don't need to include the AdMob network as it will be added at creation time by default.

In the code snippet below, replace pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your publisher ID.

Then, replace YYYYYYYYYY with the last 10 digits of your ad unit ID, complying to the format:


As there are two ad units in this example, YYYYY11111 refers to the first ad unit and WWWWW11111 to the first ad unit's mapping. YYYYY22222 and WWWWW22222 refer to the second ad unit and ad unit mapping.

Replace WWWWWWWWWW with your ad unit mapping ID. The ad unit mapping ID can be found using the accounts.adUnits.adUnitMappings.list method.

 curl --http1.0 -X POST
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-H "$(oauth2l header --json path_to_credentials_json --scope admob.monetization)"
--data @- << EOF
  "displayName": "Test Mediation Group"
  "targeting": {
    "platform": "ANDROID",
    "format": "INTERSTITIAL"
    "adUnitIds":["ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/YYYYY11111", "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/YYYYY22222"}
  "mediationGroupLines": {
    "-1": {
      "displayName": "test line",
      "adSourceId": "7681903010231960328",
      "cpmMode": "MANUAL",
      "cpmMicros": "150000",
      "state": "ENABLED",
      "adUnitMappings": {
        "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/YYYYY11111": "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/adUnits/YYYYY11111/adUnitMappings/WWWWW11111",
        "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/YYYYY22222": "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/adUnits/YYYYY22222/adUnitMappings/WWWWW22222"


Replace pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your publisher ID to view your mediation groups.

Sample request:

curl --http1.0 -X GET \
-H "$(oauth2l header --json path_to_credentials_json --scope admob.monetization)"

Sample response:

"mediationGroups": [
    "name": "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/mediationGroups/ZZZZZZZZZZ",
    "mediationGroupId": "ZZZZZZZZZZ",
    "displayName": "Test Mediation Group",
    "state": "ENABLED",
    "state": "NOT_RUNNING",
    "targeting": {
      "platform": "iOS",
      "format": "BANNER",
      "targetedRegionCodes": "[CA]",
      "adUnits": ["YYYYY11111", "YYYYY22222"]
    "mediationGroupLines": {
      "11111111111111111": {
        "id": "11111111111111111",
        "displayName": "AdMob Network",
        "adSourceId": "5450213213286189855",
        "cpmMode": "LIVE",
        "state": "ENABLED",
        "experimentVariant": "ORIGINAL"
      "22222222222222222": {
        "id": "22222222222222222",
        "displayName": "test line",
        "adSourceId": "7681903010231960328",
        "cpmMode": "MANUAL",
        "cpmMicros": "150000",
        "adUnitMappings": {
          "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/YYYYY11111": "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/adUnits/YYYYY11111/adUnitMappings/WWWWW11111",
          "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/YYYYY22222": "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/adUnits/YYYYY22222/adUnitMappings/WWWWW22222"
        "state": "ENABLED",
        "experimentVariant": "ORIGINAL"


Here is the list of field masks to update a mediation group. Updates to repeated fields, such as items in a list, fully replace existing values with new values. Updates to individual values in a map can be done through indexing by the key.

The following field masks are supported for mediation group updates:

  • targeting.adUnitIds
  • mediationGroupLines[mediationGroupLineId]
  • mediationGroupLines[mediationGroupLineId].state
  • mediationGroupLines[mediationGroupLineId].adUnitMappings[adUnitId]

To update a mediation group with a new mediation group line, use a distinct negative number for the mediationGroupLineId. To update existing mediation group lines, reference the mediation group line ID in both the update_mask and the payload as seen below.

"updateMask" {
    paths: "mediation_group_lines["123"].ad_unit_mappings["456"]"

"mediationGroup" {
  "mediationGroupLines": {
   "123": {
     "id": "123"
     "adUnitMappings": {
      "456": "newAdUnitMappingId"

The example below adds 3 new mediation lines to an existing mediation group. The updateMask includes the 3 mediation group lines with distinct negative values as the placeholder:


You need to translate special characters because all URLs need to conform to the syntax specified by the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) specification, so the updateMask becomes:


To run the following example, replace pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your publisher ID and ZZZZZZZZZZ with your mediation group ID. The mediation group ID can be found in the AdMob UI or by using the accounts.mediationGroups:list method.

Replace YYYYYYYYYY with the last 10 digits of your ad unit ID, following the format:


Replace WWWWWWWWWW with your ad unit mapping ID. The ad unit mapping ID can be found using the accounts.adUnits.adUnitMappings.list method.

curl --http1.0 -X PATCH
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-H "$(oauth2l header --json path_to_credentials_json --scope admob.monetization)"
--data @- << EOF
"mediationGroupLines": {
  "-1": {
    "displayName": "test line 2",
    "adSourceId": "7681903010231960458",
    "cpmMode": "MANUAL",
    "cpmMicros": "150000",
    "state": "ENABLED",
    "adUnitMappings": {
"-2": {
    "displayName": "test line 3",
    "adSourceId": "7681903010231960328",
    "cpmMode": "MANUAL",
    "cpmMicros": "120000",
    "state": "ENABLED",
    "adUnitMappings": {
"-3": {
    "displayName": "test line 4",
    "adSourceId": "7681903010231960328",
    "cpmMode": "MANUAL",
    "cpmMicros": "130000",
    "state": "ENABLED",
    "adUnitMappings": {