
本指南适用于已完成前提步骤,并希望使用 AdMob API 以编程方式获取其 AdMob 账号的相关信息,以及生成广告联盟和中介报告的开发者。



AdMob API 基于 HTTP 和 JSON 构建,因此任何标准 HTTP 客户端都可以向其发送请求并解析响应。不过,使用 Google API 客户端库将为您带来优势,例如语言集成更出色、安全性更高,且支持发出经过授权的请求。客户端库支持多种编程语言;使用客户端库可以避免手动设置 HTTP 请求和手动解析响应。

创建 OAuth 2.0 凭据后,您便可以开始使用 AdMob API 了。如需使用 OAuth 2.0 请求访问权限,您的应用还需要提供作用域信息。

以下是 OAuth 2.0 范围信息:

范围 含义
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admob.readonly 查看所有 AdMob 数据。这可能包括账号信息、广告资源和中介设置、报告以及其他数据。 此类数据不包括敏感数据,例如付款或广告系列详细信息。
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admob.report 查看广告效果和收入报告。查看发布商 ID、时区和默认货币代码。


使用 Java 客户端库的请求

  1. 加载客户端密钥文件并生成授权凭据。

    第一次执行此步骤时,系统会在浏览器中提示您接受授权。接受之前,请务必使用可访问 AdMob API 的 Google 账号登录。您的应用将获得授权,能够代表当前登录的账号访问数据。

     * Attempts to load user credentials from the provided client secrets file and persists data to
     * the provided data store.
     * @param clientSecretsFile The path to the file containing client secrets.
     * @param dataStoreFactory he data store to use for caching credential information.
     * @return A {@link Credential} object initialized with user account credentials.
    private static Credential loadUserCredentials(
        String clientSecretsFile, @Nonnull DataStoreFactory dataStoreFactory)
        throws CredentialException, IOException, RuntimeException {
      // Load client secrets JSON file.
      GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets = null;
      try (Reader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(clientSecretsFile), UTF_8)) {
        clientSecrets = GoogleClientSecrets.load(JSON_FACTORY, reader);
      // Set up the authorization code flow.
      GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow =
          new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(
                  HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, clientSecrets, ADMOB_READONLY)
      // Authorize and persist credential information to the data store.
      return new AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(flow, new LocalServerReceiver()).authorize("user");
     * Performs all necessary setup steps for running requests against the API.
     * @return An initialized {@link AdMob} service object.
    public static AdMob getInstance() throws Exception {
      Credential credential = authorize();
      // Create AdMob client.
      return new AdMob.Builder(HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, credential)
  2. 创建已获授权的 AdMob 客户端。

    // Create an AdMob client instance.
    AdMob admob =
        new AdMob.Builder(HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, credential)
  3. 获取账号信息。

    /* ACCOUNT_NAME should follow the format "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
     * where "pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" is your publisher ID
     * See https://support.google.com/admob/answer/2784578
     * for instructions on how to find your publisher ID.
    private static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
    public static void runExample(AdMob adMob, String accountName) throws Exception {
      // Get publisher account.
      PublisherAccount account = adMob.accounts().get(accountName).execute();
      // Display publisher account information.
          "Publisher Name: %s, Publisher Id: %s, Currency Code: %s, Reporting Time Zone: %s%n",
  4. 生成广告联盟报告。

    public static void runExample(
        AdMob adMob, String accountName, GenerateNetworkReportRequest request)
        throws Exception {
      // Get network report.
      InputStream response =
              .generate(accountName, request)
      List<GenerateNetworkReportResponse> result =
              new JsonObjectParser(Utils.getDefaultJsonFactory())
                      response, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, GenerateNetworkReportResponse[].class));
      // Print each record in the response stream.
      for (GenerateNetworkReportResponse record : result) {
        System.out.printf("%s%n", record);
    public static GenerateNetworkReportRequest getNetworkReportRequest() {
      /* AdMob API only supports the account default timezone and "America/Los_Angeles", see
       * https://developers.google.com/admob/api/v1/reference/rest/v1/accounts.networkReport/generate
       * for more information.
      String timeZone = "America/Los_Angeles";
      Clock clock = Clock.system(ZoneId.of(timeZone));
      // Specify date range.
      Date startDate = DateUtils.daysBeforeNow(clock, 30);
      Date endDate = DateUtils.today(clock);
      DateRange dateRange = new DateRange().setStartDate(startDate).setEndDate(endDate);
      // Specify metrics.
      ImmutableList<String> metrics = ImmutableList.of("IMPRESSIONS", "MATCH_RATE");
      // Specify dimensions.
      ImmutableList<String> dimensions = ImmutableList.of("FORMAT", "AD_UNIT");
      // Create network report specification.
      NetworkReportSpec reportSpec =
          new NetworkReportSpec()
      // Create network report request.
      return new GenerateNetworkReportRequest().setReportSpec(reportSpec);
  5. 生成中介报告。

    public static void runExample(
        AdMob adMob, String accountName, GenerateMediationReportRequest request)
        throws Exception {
      // Get mediation report.
      InputStream response =
              .generate(accountName, request)
      List<GenerateMediationReportResponse> result =
              new JsonObjectParser(Utils.getDefaultJsonFactory())
                      response, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, GenerateMediationReportResponse[].class));
      // Print each record in the response stream.
      for (GenerateMediationReportResponse record : result) {
        System.out.printf("%s%n", record);
    public static GenerateMediationReportRequest getMediationReportRequest() {
      /* AdMob API only supports the account default timezone and "America/Los_Angeles", see
       * https://developers.google.com/admob/api/v1/reference/rest/v1/accounts.mediationReport/generate
       * for more information.
      String timeZone = "America/Los_Angeles";
      Clock clock = Clock.system(ZoneId.of(timeZone));
      // Specify date range.
      Date startDate = DateUtils.daysBeforeNow(clock, 30);
      Date endDate = DateUtils.today(clock);
      DateRange dateRange = new DateRange().setStartDate(startDate).setEndDate(endDate);
      // Specify metrics.
      ImmutableList<String> metrics = ImmutableList.of("CLICKS", "ESTIMATED_EARNINGS");
      // Specify dimensions.
      ImmutableList<String> dimensions = ImmutableList.of("APP", "AD_SOURCE", "COUNTRY");
      // Specify sorting conditions.
      List<MediationReportSpecSortCondition> sortConditions =
          new ArrayList<MediationReportSpecSortCondition>();
          new MediationReportSpecSortCondition().setOrder("ASCENDING").setMetric("CLICKS"));
      // Specify dimension filters.
      ImmutableList<String> countryList = ImmutableList.of("CA", "US");
      StringList dimensionFilterMatches = new StringList().setValues(countryList);
      List<MediationReportSpecDimensionFilter> dimensionFilters = new ArrayList<>();
          new MediationReportSpecDimensionFilter()
      // Create mediation report specification.
      MediationReportSpec reportSpec =
          new MediationReportSpec()
      // Create mediation report request.
      return new GenerateMediationReportRequest().setReportSpec(reportSpec);
  6. 列出应用。

    // Defines maximum size page to retrieve. A smaller page size will require more API requests, see
    // inventory quota limits at https://developers.google.com/admob/api/quotas.
    private static final Integer PAGE_SIZE = 1000;
    public static void runExample(AdMob adMob) throws Exception {
      ListAppsResponse response;
      String nextPageToken = null;
      do {
        // Create and execute the apps list request.
        response =
        // Display apps.
        List<App> apps = response.getApps();
        for (App app : apps) {
          AppLinkedAppInfo linkedAppInfo = app.getLinkedAppInfo();
              "App Name: %s, "
                  + "App ID: %s, "
                  + "App Platform: %s, "
                  + "App Store ID: %s, "
                  + "App Store Display Name: %s, "
                  + "App Manual Info: %s%n",
              linkedAppInfo == null ? "" : linkedAppInfo.getAppStoreId(),
              linkedAppInfo == null ? "" : linkedAppInfo.getDisplayName(),
        // Update the next page token.
        nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
      } while (nextPageToken != null);
  7. 列出广告单元。

    // Defines maximum size page to retrieve. A smaller page size will require more API requests, see
    // inventory quota limits at https://developers.google.com/admob/api/quotas.
    private static final Integer PAGE_SIZE = 1000;
    public static void runExample(AdMob adMob) throws Exception {
      ListAdUnitsResponse response;
      String nextPageToken = null;
      do {
        // Create and execute the ad units list request.
        response =
        // Display ad units.
        List<AdUnit> adUnits = response.getAdUnits();
        for (AdUnit adUnit : adUnits) {
              "Ad Unit Display Name: %s, "
                  + "Ad Unit Name: %s, "
                  + "Ad Unit ID: %s, "
                  + "Ad Unit Format: %s, "
                  + "Ad Unit App ID: %s, "
                  + "Ad Unit Ad Types: %s%n",
        // Update the next page token.
        nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
      } while (nextPageToken != null);

使用 PHP 客户端库的请求

  1. 加载客户端密钥文件,然后创建一个已获授权的 AdMob 客户端。

    第一次执行此步骤时,系统会在浏览器中提示您接受授权。接受之前,请务必使用可访问 AdMob API 的 Google 账号登录。您的应用将获得授权,能够代表当前登录的账号访问数据。

    // Create an AdMob Client.
    $client = new Google_Client();
    $client->setApplicationName('AdMob API PHP Quickstart');
    // Be sure to replace the content of client_secrets.json with your developer
    // credentials.
    // Create the URL for the authorization prompt.
    $authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl();
    // Once the authorization prompt has been accepted, exchange the
    // authorization code for an access and refresh token.
  2. 创建 AdMob service 对象:

    // Create an AdMob service object on which to run the requests.
    $service = new Google_Service_AdMob($client);
  3. 获取账号信息。

    // Get account.
    $result = $service->accounts->get($accountName);
    // Print account information.
    if (!empty($result)) {
      Account Name: '%s' \n
      Publisher Id: '%s' \n
      Currency Code: '%s' \n
      Reporting Time Zone: '%s' \n",
    } else {
        print "No accounts found.\n";
  4. 生成广告联盟报告。

     * Generates a network report.
     * @param $service Google_Service_AdMob AdMob service object on which to
     *     run the requests.
     * @param account_name which follows the format "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".
    public static function run($service, $accountName)
        $separator = str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n";
        print $separator;
        print "Get Network Report\n";
        print $separator;
        // Generate network report.
        $networkReportRequest = self::createNetworkReportRequest();
        $networkReportResponse = $service->accounts_networkReport->generate(
        // Convert network report response to a simple object.
        $networkReportResponse = $networkReportResponse->tosimpleObject();
        // Print each record in the report.
        if (!empty($networkReportResponse)) {
            foreach ($networkReportResponse as $record) {
                printf("'%s' \n", json_encode($record));
        } else {
            print "No report found.\n";
        print "\n";
     * Generates a network report request.
    public static function createNetworkReportRequest()
         * AdMob API only supports the account default timezone and
         * "America/Los_Angeles", see
         * https://developers.google.com/admob/api/v1/reference/rest/v1/accounts.mediationReport/generate
         * for more information.
        $startDate = DateUtils::oneWeekBeforeToday();
        $endDate = DateUtils::today();
        // Specify date range.
        $dateRange = new \Google_Service_AdMob_DateRange();
        // Create network report specification.
        $reportSpec = new \Google_Service_AdMob_NetworkReportSpec();
        $reportSpec->setMetrics(['IMPRESSIONS', 'MATCH_RATE']);
        $reportSpec->setDimensions(['FORMAT', 'AD_UNIT']);
        // Create network report request.
        $networkReportRequest = new \Google_Service_AdMob_GenerateNetworkReportRequest();
        return $networkReportRequest;
  5. 生成中介报告。

     * Generates a mediation report.
     * @param $service Google_Service_AdMob AdMob service object on which to
     *     run the requests.
     * @param account_name which follows the format "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".
    public static function run($service, $accountName)
        $separator = str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n";
        print $separator;
        print "Get Mediation Report\n";
        print $separator;
        // Generate mediation report.
        $mediationReportRequest = self::createMediationReportRequest();
        $mediationReportResponse = $service->accounts_mediationReport->generate(
        // Convert mediation report response to a simple object.
        $mediationReportResponse = $mediationReportResponse->tosimpleObject();
        // Print each record in the report.
        if (!empty($mediationReportResponse)) {
            foreach ($mediationReportResponse as $record) {
                printf("'%s' \n", json_encode($record));
        } else {
            print "No report found.\n";
        print "\n";
     * Generates a mediation report request.
    public static function createMediationReportRequest()
         * AdMob API only supports the account default timezone and
         * "America/Los_Angeles", see
         * https://developers.google.com/admob/api/v1/reference/rest/v1/accounts.mediationReport/generate
         * for more information.
        $startDate = DateUtils::oneWeekBeforeToday();
        $endDate = DateUtils::today();
        // Specify date range.
        $dateRange = new \Google_Service_AdMob_DateRange();
        // Specify sorting conditions.
        $sortConditions = new \Google_Service_AdMob_MediationReportSpecSortCondition();
        // Specify dimension filters.
        $countries = new \Google_Service_AdMob_StringList();
        $countries->setValues(['CA', 'US']);
        $dimensionFilterMatches = new \Google_Service_AdMob_MediationReportSpecDimensionFilter();
        // Create mediation report specification.
        $reportSpec = new \Google_Service_AdMob_MediationReportSpec();
        $reportSpec->setMetrics(['CLICKS', 'ESTIMATED_EARNINGS']);
        $reportSpec->setDimensions(['APP', 'AD_SOURCE', 'COUNTRY']);
        // Create mediation report request.
        $mediationReportRequest = new \Google_Service_AdMob_GenerateMediationReportRequest();
        return $mediationReportRequest;
  6. 列出应用。

    // Create the page token variable.
    $pageToken = '';
    $optParams['pageSize'] = $maxPageSize;
    do {
        $optParams['pageToken'] = $pageToken;
        // Get list of apps.
        $response = $service->accounts_apps->listAccountsApps($accountName, $optParams);
        $apps = $response->getApps();
        // Print list of apps.
        if (!empty($apps)) {
            foreach ($apps as $app) {
                    $appStoreId = $app->getLinkedAppInfo()->getAppStoreId();
                    $displayName = $app->getLinkedAppInfo()->getDisplayName();
                } else {
                    $appStoreId = '';
                    $displayName = '';
                  "App Name: '%s' \n"
                  ."App ID: '%s' \n"
                  ."App Platform: '%s' \n"
                  ."App Store ID: '%s' \n"
                  ."App Store Display Name: '%s' \n"
                  ."App Display Name: '%s' \n\n",
        $pageToken = $response->getNextPageToken();
    } while ($pageToken);
  7. 列出广告单元。

    // Create the page token variable.
    $pageToken = '';
    $optParams['pageSize'] = $maxPageSize;
    do {
        $optParams['pageToken'] = $pageToken;
        // Get list of ad units.
        $response = $service->accounts_adUnits->listAccountsAdUnits($accountName, $optParams);
        $adUnits = $response->adUnits;
        // Print list of ad units.
        if (!empty($adUnits)) {
            foreach ($adUnits as $adUnit) {
                  "Ad Unit Display Name: '%s' \n"
                  ."Ad Unit Name: '%s' \n"
                  ."Ad Unit ID: '%s' \n"
                  ."Ad Unit Format: '%s' \n"
                  ."Ad Unit App ID: '%s' \n"
                  ."Ad Unit Ad Types: '%s' \n\n",
        $pageToken = $response->getNextPageToken();
    } while ($pageToken);

使用 Python 客户端库发出请求

  1. 加载客户端密钥文件并生成授权凭据。

    第一次执行此步骤时,系统会在浏览器中提示您接受授权。接受之前,请务必使用可访问 AdMob API 的 Google 账号登录。您的应用将获得授权,能够代表当前登录的账号访问数据。

    PORT = 8080
    # This variable specifies the name of a file that contains the OAuth 2.0
    # information for this application, including its client_id and client_secret.
    CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE = "client_secrets.json"
    # Default OAuth 2.0 access parameters.
    # These parameters allow for full read access to the authenticated user's AdMob
    # account and requires requests to use an SSL connection.
    API_NAME = "admob"
    API_VERSION = "v1"
    API_SCOPE = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admob.readonly"
    # Store refresh tokens in a local disk file. This file contains sensitive
    # authorization information.
    TOKEN_FILE = 'token.pickle'
    def load_user_credentials():
      # Name of a file containing the OAuth 2.0 information for this
      # application, including client_id and client_secret, which are found
      # on the Credentials tab on the Google Developers Console.
      client_secrets = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE)
      return client_secrets
    # Authenticate user and create AdMob Service Object.
    def authenticate(
      """Authenticates a user and creates a Google API Service Object.
        api_name: Google API name as shown in the API discovery doc. Defaults to the
          AdMob API.
        api_version: Google API version as shown in the API discovery doc. Defaults
          to v1.
        api_scopes: scope(s) to authenticate with oauth2 flow to access the APIs.
          Defaults to https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admob.readonly.
        A Google API Service Object that is authenticated with the user using either
        a client_secrets file or previously stored access and refresh tokens. By
        default, returns the AdMob API service object.
      # The TOKEN_FILE stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is
      # created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first
      # time.
      if os.path.exists(TOKEN_FILE):
        with open(TOKEN_FILE, 'rb') as token:
          credentials = pickle.load(token)
        if credentials and credentials.expired and credentials.refresh_token:
      # If there are no valid stored credentials, authenticate using the
      # client_secrets file.
        client_secrets = load_user_credentials()
        flow = Flow.from_client_secrets_file(client_secrets, scopes=api_scopes)
        flow.redirect_uri = REDIRECT_URI
        # Create an anti-forgery state token as described here:
        # https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect#createxsrftoken
        passthrough_val = hashlib.sha256(os.urandom(1024)).hexdigest()
        # Redirect the user to auth_url on your platform.
        authorization_url, state = flow.authorization_url(
        # Prints the authorization URL so you can paste into your browser. In a
        # typical web application you would redirect the user to this URL, and they
        # would be redirected back to "redirect_url" provided earlier after
        # granting permission.
        print("Paste this URL into your browser: ")
        print(f"\nWaiting for authorization and callback to: {REDIRECT_URI}...")
        # Retrieves an authorization code by opening a socket to receive the
        # redirect request and parsing the query parameters set in the URL.
        code = _get_authorization_code(passthrough_val)
        # Pass the code back into the OAuth module to get a refresh token.
        refresh_token = flow.credentials.refresh_token
        credentials = flow.credentials
        print(f"\nYour refresh token is: {refresh_token}\n")
        # Save the credentials for the next run.
        with open(TOKEN_FILE, "wb") as token:
          pickle.dump(credentials, token)
      # Build the Google API service stub.
      service = build(api_name, api_version, credentials=credentials)
      return service
    def _get_authorization_code(passthrough_val):
      """Opens a socket to handle a single HTTP request containing auth tokens.
            passthrough_val: an anti-forgery token used to verify the request
              received by the socket.
            a str access token from the Google Auth service.
      # Open a socket at localhost:PORT and listen for a request
      sock = socket.socket()
      sock.bind(("localhost", PORT))
      connection, address = sock.accept()
      data = connection.recv(1024)
      # Parse the raw request to retrieve the URL query parameters.
      params = _parse_raw_query_params(data)
        if not params.get("code"):
          # If no code is present in the query params then there will be an
          # error message with more details.
          error = params.get("error")
          message = f"Failed to retrieve authorization code. Error: {error}"
          raise ValueError(message)
        elif params.get("state") != passthrough_val:
          message = "State token does not match the expected state."
          raise ValueError(message)
          message = "Authorization code was successfully retrieved."
      except ValueError as error:
        response = ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
                    "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"
                    "<p>Please check the console output.</p>\n")
      return params.get("code")
    def _parse_raw_query_params(data):
      """Parses a raw HTTP request to extract its query params as a dict.
        Note that this logic is likely irrelevant if you're building OAuth logic
        into a complete web application, where response parsing is handled by a
            data: raw request data as bytes.
            a dict of query parameter key value pairs.
      # Decode the request into a utf-8 encoded string
      decoded = data.decode("utf-8")
      # Use a regular expression to extract the URL query parameters string
      match = re.search("GET\s\/\?(.*) ", decoded)
      params = match.group(1)
      # Split the parameters to isolate the key/value pairs
      pairs = [pair.split("=") for pair in params.split("&")]
      # Convert pairs to a dict to make it easy to access the values
      return {key: val for key, val in pairs}
  2. 创建 AdMob service 对象:

    // Create an AdMob service object on which to run the requests.
    admob = build('admob', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
  3. 获取账号信息。

    # Set the 'PUBLISHER_ID' which follows the format "pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".
    # See https://support.google.com/admob/answer/2784578
    # for instructions on how to find your publisher ID.
    def get_account(service, publisher_id):
      """Gets and prints an AdMob account.
        service: An AdMob Service Object.
        publisher_id: An ID that identifies the publisher.
      # Execute the request.
      response = service.accounts().get(
      # Print the response.
      print('Name: ' + response['name'])
      print('Publisher ID: ' + response['publisherId'])
      print('Currency code: ' + response['currencyCode'])
      print('Reporting time zone: ' + response['reportingTimeZone'])
  4. 生成广告联盟报告。

    # Set date range. AdMob API only supports the account default timezone and
    # "America/Los_Angeles", see
    # https://developers.google.com/admob/api/v1/reference/rest/v1/accounts.networkReport/generate
    # for more information.
    date_range = {
        'start_date': {'year': 2020, 'month': 1, 'day': 1},
        'end_date': {'year': 2020, 'month': 3, 'day': 30}
    # Set dimensions.
    dimensions = ['DATE', 'APP', 'PLATFORM', 'COUNTRY']
    # Set metrics.
    # Set sort conditions.
    sort_conditions = {'dimension': 'DATE', 'order': 'DESCENDING'}
    # Set dimension filters.
    dimension_filters = {
        'dimension': 'COUNTRY',
        'matches_any': {
            'values': ['US', 'CA']
    # Create network report specifications.
    report_spec = {
        'date_range': date_range,
        'dimensions': dimensions,
        'metrics': metrics,
        'sort_conditions': [sort_conditions],
        'dimension_filters': [dimension_filters]
    # Create network report request.
    request = {'report_spec': report_spec}
    # Execute network report request.
    response = service.accounts().networkReport().generate(
        parent='accounts/{}'.format(publisher_id), body=request).execute()
    # Display responses.
    for report_line in response:
  5. 生成中介报告。

    # Set date range. AdMob API only supports the account default timezone and
    # "America/Los_Angeles", see
    # https://developers.google.com/admob/api/v1/reference/rest/v1/accounts.networkReport/generate
    # for more information.
    date_range = {
        'start_date': {'year': 2020, 'month': 1, 'day': 1},
        'end_date': {'year': 2020, 'month': 3, 'day': 30}
    # Set dimensions.
    dimensions = ['DATE', 'APP', 'PLATFORM', 'COUNTRY']
    # Set metrics.
    # Set sort conditions.
    sort_conditions = {'dimension': 'DATE', 'order': 'DESCENDING'}
    # Set dimension filters.
    dimension_filters = {
        'dimension': 'COUNTRY',
        'matches_any': {
            'values': ['US', 'CA']
    # Create mediation report specifications.
    report_spec = {
        'date_range': date_range,
        'dimensions': dimensions,
        'metrics': metrics,
        'sort_conditions': [sort_conditions],
        'dimension_filters': [dimension_filters]
    # Create mediation report request.
    request = {'report_spec': report_spec}
    # Execute mediation report request.
    response = service.accounts().mediationReport().generate(
        parent='accounts/{}'.format(publisher_id), body=request).execute()
    # Display responses.
    for report_line in response:
  6. 列出应用。

    next_page_token = ''
    while True:
      # Execute the request.
      response = service.accounts().apps().list(
      # Check if the response is empty.
      if not response:
      # Print the result.
      apps = response['apps']
      for app in apps:
        print('App ID: ' + app['appId'])
        print('App Platform: ' + app['platform'])
        print('App Name: ' + app['name'])
        if 'linkedAppInfo' in app:
          linked_app_info = app['linkedAppInfo']
          print('App Store ID: ' + linked_app_info['appStoreId'])
          if 'displayName' in linked_app_info:
            print('App Store Display Name: ' + linked_app_info['displayName'])
        if 'manualAppInfo' in app:
          manual_app_info = app['manualAppInfo']
          print('App Manual Info: ' + manual_app_info['displayName'])
      if 'nextPageToken' not in response:
      # Update the next page token.
      next_page_token = response['nextPageToken']
  7. 列出广告单元。

    next_page_token = ''
    while True:
      # Execute the request.
      response = service.accounts().adUnits().list(
      # Check if the response is empty.
      if not response:
      # Print the result.
      ad_units = response['adUnits']
      for ad_unit in ad_units:
        print('Ad Unit Display Name: ' + ad_unit['displayName'])
        print('Ad Unit Name: ' + ad_unit['name'])
        print('Ad Unit ID: ' + ad_unit['adUnitId'])
        print('Ad Unit Format: ' + ad_unit['adFormat'])
        print('Ad Unit ID: ' + ad_unit['appId'])
        if 'adTypes' in ad_unit:
          print('Ad Unit Format: ' + ', '.join(ad_unit['adTypes']))
      if 'nextPageToken' not in response:
      # Update the next page token.
      next_page_token = response['nextPageToken']

使用 curl 的请求

  1. 加载客户端密钥文件并生成授权凭据。

    第一次执行此步骤时,系统会在浏览器中提示您接受授权。接受之前,请务必使用可访问 AdMob API 的 Google 账号登录。您的应用将获得授权,能够代表当前登录的账号访问数据。

    对于身份验证和授权,我们建议您使用 oauth2l,这是一个用于与 Google OAuth 2.0 配合使用的命令行工具。安装 oauth2l 并运行以下命令,将 path_to_credentials_json 替换为您在注册云应用时下载的 credentials.json 文件所在的路径。首次运行时,该命令会一步步引导您完成 OAuth 2.0 授权流程。后续运行则自动刷新令牌。

    oauth2l header --json path_to_credentials_json \
  2. 获取账号信息。

    pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 替换为您的发布商 ID,即可获取 AdMob 账号信息。请参阅有关如何查找发布商 ID 的说明

    curl -X GET https://admob.googleapis.com/v1/accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \
           -H "$(oauth2l header --json path_to_credentials_json \


     "account": [
         "publisherId": "pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
         "name:": "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
         "reportingTimeZone": "Europe/Paris",
         "currencyCode": "EUR"
  3. 生成广告联盟报告。

    您可以通过调用 networkReport:generate 方法生成广告联盟报告。在请求 URI 中,加入获取账号信息步骤中接收到的 publisherId(例如 v1/accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/networkReport:generate)。


    curl -X POST \
          https://admob.googleapis.com/v1/accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/networkReport:generate \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -H "$(oauth2l header --json path_to_credentials_json \
              https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admob.readonly)" \
          --data @- << EOF
     "report_spec": {
       "date_range": {
         "start_date": {"year": 2020, "month": 4, "day": 1},
         "end_date": {"year": 2020, "month": 4, "day": 2}
       "dimensions": ["DATE"],
       "dimension_filters": [{"dimension": "COUNTRY", "matches_any": {"values": ["US"]}}],
       "sort_conditions": [{"metric":"CLICKS", order: "DESCENDING"}],
       "localization_settings": {"currency_code": "USD", "language_code": "en-US"}


     "header": {
       "dateRange": {
         "startDate": {"year": 2020, "month": 4, "day": 1},
         "endDate": {"year": 2020, "month": 4, "day": 2}
     "row": {
       "dimensionValues": {"DATE": {"value": "20200401"}},
       "metricValues": {
         "CLICKS": {"integerValue": "31"},
         "AD_REQUESTS": {"integerValue": "7409"},
         "IMPRESSIONS": {"integerValue": "3440"},
         "ESTIMATED_EARNINGS": {"microsValue": "6381903"}
     "row": {
       "dimensionValues": {"DATE": {"value": "20200402"}},
       "metricValues": {
         "CLICKS": {"integerValue": "30"},
         "AD_REQUESTS": {"integerValue": "8828"},
         "IMPRESSIONS": {"integerValue": "3724"},
         "ESTIMATED_EARNINGS": {"microsValue": "9010390"}
     "footer": {
       "matchingRowCount": "2"
  4. 列出应用。

    curl -X GET https://admob.googleapis.com/v1/accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/apps \
           -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
           -H "$(oauth2l header --json path_to_credentials_json \


     "app": [
         "name": "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/apps/XXXXXXXXXX",
         "appId": "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXXXX",
         "platform": "ANDROID",
         "manualAppInfo": {
           "displayName": "Example App"
         "linkedAppInfo": {
           "appStoreId": "com.example.myApp",
           "displayName": "Example App",
  5. 列出广告单元。

    curl -X GET https://admob.googleapis.com/v1/accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/adUnits \
           -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
           -H "$(oauth2l header --json path_to_credentials_json \


     "adUnit": [
         "name": "accounts/pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/adUnits/XXXXXXXXXX",
         "adUnitId": "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXX",
         "appId": "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXXXX",
         "displayName": "AdMob Rewarded",
         "adFormat": "REWARDED",
         "adTypes": ["RICH_MEDIA", "VIDEO"],