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最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-04-15。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-04-15。"],[[["Ad Inspector is a no-code tool enabling real-time analysis of ad requests within your mobile app for debugging and optimization."],["It provides insights into ad units, mediation waterfalls, bidding details (SDK \u003e= 8.5.0), and adapter statuses, allowing for comprehensive ad performance analysis."],["You can launch Ad Inspector via gestures, programmatically, or through the debug menu, then use it to view ad details, trigger test ads, and isolate individual ad sources for testing."],["Before using Ad Inspector, ensure you have an AdMob account, a registered test device, the Google Mobile Ads SDK (\u003e= 7.68.0), and have completed the Get Started guide."],["Remember that Ad Inspector tests differ slightly from real ad requests and that single ad source testing overrides your existing mediation settings, so restarting the app after testing is recommended."]]],[]]