最佳化 WKWebView 點擊行為

如果您的應用程式使用 WKWebView 顯示網頁內容,您可能會考慮改善點擊行為,原因如下:

  • WKWebView 不支援分頁瀏覽功能。根據預設,嘗試開啟新分頁的廣告點擊不會執行任何操作。

  • 在同一個分頁中開啟的廣告點擊會重新載入網頁。您可能需要強制廣告點擊在 WKWebView 外開啟,例如如果您代管 H5 遊戲,且想維持每個遊戲的狀態。

  • 自動填入功能不支援 WKWebView 中的信用卡資訊。這可能會導致廣告客戶的電子商務轉換次數減少,進而影響網站內容的營利情形。




廣告連結的 href 目標屬性可設為 _blank_top_self_parent。廣告連結也可以包含 window.open(url, "_blank") 等 JavaScript 函式。


href 目標屬性 預設 WKWebView 點擊行為
target="_blank" 網頁檢視器「未處理」連結。
target="_top" 重新載入現有網頁檢視畫面中的連結。
target="_self" 重新載入現有網頁檢視畫面中的連結。
target="_parent" 重新載入現有網頁檢視畫面中的連結。
JavaScript 函式 預設 WKWebView 點擊行為
window.open(url, "_blank") 網頁檢視器「未處理」連結。

請按照下列步驟,在 WKWebView 例項中改善點擊行為:

  1. WKWebView 執行個體上設定 WKUIDelegate

  2. WKWebView 執行個體上設定 WKNavigationDelegate

  3. 決定是否要最佳化點擊網址的行為。

    • 請檢查 WKNavigationAction 物件上的 navigationType 屬性,是否是您要最佳化的點擊類型。程式碼範例會檢查 .linkActivated,但只適用於點選含有 href 屬性的連結。

    • 檢查 WKNavigationAction 物件的 targetFrame 屬性。如果傳回 nil,表示導覽的目標是新視窗。由於 WKWebView 無法處理點擊,因此必須手動處理這些點擊。

  4. 決定是否要在外部瀏覽器、SFSafariViewController 或現有的網頁檢視畫面中開啟網址。程式碼片段說明如何透過呈現 SFSafariViewController,開啟從網站離開的網址。



import GoogleMobileAds
import SafariServices
import WebKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, WKNavigationDelegate, WKUIDelegate {

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    // ... Register the WKWebView.

    // 1. Set the WKUIDelegate on your WKWebView instance.
    webView.uiDelegate = self;
    // 2. Set the WKNavigationDelegate on your WKWebView instance.
    webView.navigationDelegate = self

  // Implement the WKUIDelegate method.
  func webView(
      _ webView: WKWebView,
      createWebViewWith configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration,
      for navigationAction: WKNavigationAction,
      windowFeatures: WKWindowFeatures) -> WKWebView? {
    guard let url = navigationAction.request.url,
        let currentDomain = webView.url?.host,
        let targetDomain = url.host else { return nil }

    // 3. Determine whether to optimize the behavior of the click URL.
    if didHandleClickBehavior(
        url: url,
        currentDomain: currentDomain,
        targetDomain: targetDomain,
        navigationAction: navigationAction) {
      print("URL opened in SFSafariViewController.")

    return nil

  // Implement the WKNavigationDelegate method.
  func webView(
      _ webView: WKWebView,
      decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction,
      decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void)
    guard let url = navigationAction.request.url,
        let currentDomain = webView.url?.host,
        let targetDomain = url.host else { return decisionHandler(.cancel) }

    // 3. Determine whether to optimize the behavior of the click URL.
    if didHandleClickBehavior(
        url: url,
        currentDomain: currentDomain,
        targetDomain: targetDomain,
        navigationAction: navigationAction) {
      return decisionHandler(.cancel)


  // Implement a helper method to handle click behavior.
  func didHandleClickBehavior(
      url: URL,
      currentDomain: String,
      targetDomain: String,
      navigationAction: WKNavigationAction) -> Bool {
    // Check if the navigationType is a link with an href attribute or
    // if the target of the navigation is a new window.
    guard navigationAction.navigationType == .linkActivated ||
      navigationAction.targetFrame == nil,
      // If the current domain does not equal the target domain,
      // the assumption is the user is navigating away from the site.
      currentDomain != targetDomain else { return false }

    // 4.  Open the URL in a SFSafariViewController.
    let safariViewController = SFSafariViewController(url: url)
    present(safariViewController, animated: true)
    return true
@import GoogleMobileAds;
@import SafariServices;
@import WebKit;

@interface ViewController () <WKNavigationDelegate, WKUIDelegate>

@property(nonatomic, strong) WKWebView *webView;


@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  [super viewDidLoad];

  // ... Register the WKWebView.

  // 1. Set the WKUIDelegate on your WKWebView instance.
  self.webView.uiDelegate = self;
  // 2. Set the WKNavigationDelegate on your WKWebView instance.
  self.webView.navigationDelegate = self;

// Implement the WKUIDelegate method.
- (WKWebView *)webView:(WKWebView *)webView
  createWebViewWithConfiguration:(WKWebViewConfiguration *)configuration
             forNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction *)navigationAction
                  windowFeatures:(WKWindowFeatures *)windowFeatures {
  NSURL *url = navigationAction.request.URL;
  NSString *currentDomain = webView.URL.host;
  NSString *targetDomain = navigationAction.request.URL.host;

  // 3. Determine whether to optimize the behavior of the click URL.
  if ([self didHandleClickBehaviorForURL: url
      currentDomain: currentDomain
      targetDomain: targetDomain
      navigationAction: navigationAction]) {
    NSLog(@"URL opened in SFSafariViewController.");

  return nil;

// Implement the WKNavigationDelegate method.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView
    decidePolicyForNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction *)navigationAction
                        (void (^)(WKNavigationActionPolicy))decisionHandler {
  NSURL *url = navigationAction.request.URL;
  NSString *currentDomain = webView.URL.host;
  NSString *targetDomain = navigationAction.request.URL.host;

  // 3. Determine whether to optimize the behavior of the click URL.
  if ([self didHandleClickBehaviorForURL: url
      currentDomain: currentDomain
      targetDomain: targetDomain
      navigationAction: navigationAction]) {



// Implement a helper method to handle click behavior.
- (BOOL)didHandleClickBehaviorForURL:(NSURL *)url
                       currentDomain:(NSString *)currentDomain
                        targetDomain:(NSString *)targetDomain
                    navigationAction:(WKNavigationAction *)navigationAction {
  if (!url || !currentDomain || !targetDomain) {
    return NO;

  // Check if the navigationType is a link with an href attribute or
  // if the target of the navigation is a new window.
  if ((navigationAction.navigationType == WKNavigationTypeLinkActivated
      || !navigationAction.targetFrame)
      // If the current domain does not equal the target domain,
      // the assumption is the user is navigating away from the site.
      && ![currentDomain isEqualToString: targetDomain]) {

     // 4.  Open the URL in a SFSafariViewController.
    SFSafariViewController *safariViewController =
        [[SFSafariViewController alloc] initWithURL:url];
    [self presentViewController:safariViewController animated:YES
    return YES;

  return NO;






  • 每個連結都會開啟指定的網址。
  • 返回應用程式時,測試頁面的計數器不會重設為零,以驗證網頁狀態是否已保留。