This guide shows you how to use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to load and display ads from Liftoff Monetize using AdMob Mediation, covering both bidding and waterfall integrations. It covers how to add Liftoff Monetize to an ad unit's mediation configuration, and how to integrate the Vungle SDK and adapter into an iOS app.
Supported integrations and ad formats
The mediation adapter for Liftoff Monetize has the following capabilities:
Integration | |
Bidding | |
Waterfall | |
Formats | |
App Open | |
Banner | |
Interstitial | |
Rewarded | |
Rewarded Interstitial | |
Native |
iOS deployment target of 12.0 or higher
[For bidding]: To integrate all supported ad formats in bidding, use Liftoff Monetize adapter or higher (latest version recommended)
Latest Google Mobile Ads SDK
Complete the mediation Get started guide
Step 1: Set up configurations in Liftoff Monetize UI
Sign up or log in to your Liftoff Monetize account.
Add your app to the Liftoff Monetize dashboard by clicking the Add Application button.
Fill out the form, entering all the necessary details.
Once your app is created, select your app from the Liftoff Monetize Applications dashboard.
Take note of the App ID.
Add new placements
To create a new placement to be used with AdMob mediation, navigate to the Liftoff Monetize Placements dashboard, click the Add Placement button and select your app from the drop-down list.
Details for adding new placements are included below:
Select Interstitial and enter a Placement Name. Then, select Yes for Skippable and fill out the rest of the form. [Bidding only] Under Monetization, toggle the In-App Bidding switch to Enabled. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the page to create the placement.
Select Interstitial, enter a Placement Name, and fill out the rest of the form. [Bidding only] Under Monetization, toggle the In-App Bidding switch to Enabled. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the page to create the placement.
Select Rewarded, enter a Placement Name and fill out the rest of the form. [Bidding only] Under Monetization, toggle the In-App Bidding switch to Enabled. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the page to create the placement.
Select Rewarded. Enter a Placement Name, enable Skippable and fill out the rest of the form. [Bidding only] Under Monetization, toggle the In-App Bidding switch to Enabled. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the page to create the placement.
Select Native, enter a Placement Name and fill out the rest of the form. [Bidding only] Under Monetization, toggle the In-App Bidding switch to Enabled. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the page to create the placement.
Take note of the Reference ID and click Sounds Good.
Locate your Reporting API Key
This step isn't required for bidding integrations.
In addition to the App ID and the Reference ID, you'll also need your Liftoff Monetize Reporting API Key to set up your AdMob ad unit ID. Navigate to the Liftoff Monetize Reports dashboard and click the Reporting API Key button to view your Reporting API Key.
Turn on test mode
To enable test ads, go to your Liftoff Monetize dashboard and navigate to Applications.
Select your app for which you would like to enable test ads under the Placement Reference ID section of your app. Test ads can be enabled by selecting Test Mode to Show test ads only under the Status section.
Step 2: Set up Liftoff Monetize demand in AdMob UI
Configure mediation settings for your ad unit
You need to add Liftoff Monetize to the mediation configuration for your ad unit.
First, sign in to your AdMob account. Next, navigate to the Mediation tab. If you have an existing mediation group you'd like to modify, click the name of that mediation group to edit it, and skip ahead to Add Liftoff Monetize as an ad source.
To create a new mediation group, select Create Mediation Group.
Enter your ad format and platform, then click Continue.
Give your mediation group a name, and select locations to target. Next, set the mediation group status to Enabled, and then click Add Ad Units.
Associate this mediation group with one or more of your existing AdMob ad units. Then click Done.
You should now see the ad units card populated with the ad units you selected:
Add Liftoff Monetize as an ad source
Click How to sign a partnership agreement and set up a bidding partnership with Liftoff Monetize.

Click Acknowledge & agree, then click Continue.

If you already have a mapping for Liftoff Monetize, you can select it. Otherwise, click Add mapping.

Next, enter the Application ID and Placement Reference ID obtained in the previous section. Then click Done.

Under the Waterfall card in the Ad Sources section, select Add Ad Source. Then select Liftoff Monetize.
Select Liftoff Monetize and enable the Optimize switch. Enter the Reporting API Key obtained in the previous section to set up ad source optimization for Liftoff Monetize. Then enter an eCPM value for Liftoff Monetize and click Continue.

If you already have a mapping for Liftoff Monetize, you can select it. Otherwise, click Add mapping.

Next, enter the Application ID and Placement Reference ID obtained in the previous section. Then click Done.

Add Liftoff to GDPR and US state regulations ad partners list
Follow the steps in European regulations settings and US state regulations settings to add Liftoff to the European and US state regulations ad partners list in the AdMob UI.
Step 3: Import the Vungle SDK and adapter
Using CocoaPods (recommended)
Add the following line to your project's Podfile:
pod 'GoogleMobileAdsMediationVungle'
From the command line run:
pod install --repo-update
Manual integration
Download the latest version of the Vungle SDK and link
in your project.Download the latest version of the Liftoff Monetize adapter from the download link in the Changelog and link
in your project.Add the following Frameworks to your project:
Step 4: Implement privacy settings on Liftoff Monetize SDK
EU consent and GDPR
Under the Google EU User Consent Policy, you must ensure that certain disclosures are given to, and consents obtained from, users in the European Economic Area (EEA) regarding the use of device identifiers and personal data. This policy reflects the requirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). When seeking consent, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may collect, receive, or use personal data and provide information about each network's use. Google currently is unable to pass the user's consent choice to such networks automatically.
Liftoff Monetize includes an API that lets you pass consent to the Vungle SDK. The following sample code shows how to pass this consent information to the Vungle SDK. If you choose to call this method, it is recommended that you do so prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
import VungleAdsSDK
// ...
#import <VungleAdsSDK/VungleAdsSDK.h>
// ...
[VunglePrivacySettings setGDPRStatus:YES];
[VunglePrivacySettings setGDPRMessageVersion:@"v1.0.0"];
See GDPR recommended implementation instructions for more details and the values that can be provided in the method.
US states privacy laws
U.S. states privacy laws require giving users the right to opt out of the "sale" of their "personal information" (as the law defines those terms), with the opt-out offered via a prominent "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link on the "selling" party's homepage. The U.S. states privacy laws compliance guide offers the ability to enable restricted data processing for Google ad serving, but Google is unable to apply this setting to each ad network in your mediation chain. Therefore, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may participate in the sale of personal information and follow guidance from each of those networks to ensure compliance.
Liftoff Monetize includes an API that lets you pass consent to the Vungle SDK. The following sample code shows how to pass this consent information to the Vungle SDK. If you choose to call this method, it is recommended that you do so prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
import VungleAdsSDK
// ...
#import <VungleAdsSDK/VungleAdsSDK.h>
// ...
[VunglePrivacySettings setCCPAStatus:YES];
See CCPA recommended implementation instructions for more details and the values that can be provided in the method.
Step 5: Add required code
SKAdNetwork integration
Follow Liftoff Monetize's documentation
to add the SKAdNetwork identifiers to your project's Info.plist
Step 6: Test your implementation
Enable test ads
Make sure you register your test device for AdMob and enable test mode in Liftoff Monetize UI.
Verify test ads
To verify that you are receiving test ads from Liftoff Monetize, enable single ad source testing in ad inspector using the Liftoff Monetize (Bidding) and Liftoff Monetize (Waterfall) ad source(s).
Optional steps
Network-specific parameters
The Liftoff Monetize adapter supports an additional request parameter which can
be passed to the adapter using the VungleAdNetworkExtras
class. This class
includes the following properties:
- A string representing Liftoff Monetize's Incentivized User ID.
- An integer specifying the privacy icon position for native ads.
Here's a code example of how to create an ad request that sets these parameters:
#import "VungleAdapter.h"
// ...
let request = GADRequest()
let extras = VungleAdNetworkExtras()
extras.userId = "myUserID"
extras.nativeAdOptionPosition = 1
// ...
#import <LiftoffMonetizeAdapter/VungleAdapter.h>
// ...
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
VungleAdNetworkExtras *extras = [[VungleAdNetworkExtras alloc] init];
extras.userId = @"myUserID";
extras.nativeAdOptionPosition = 1;
// ...
[request registerAdNetworkExtras:extras];
Native ads rendering
The Liftoff Monetize adapter returns its native ads as
objects. It populates the following
native ads field descriptions
for a
Field | Assets always included by Liftoff Monetize adapter |
Headline | |
Image | 1 |
Media view | |
Body | |
App icon | |
Call to action | |
Star rating | |
Store | |
Price |
1 The Liftoff Monetize
adapter does not provide direct access to the main image asset for its native
ads. Instead, the adapter populates the
with a video or an image.
Error codes
If the adapter fails to receive an ad from Liftoff Monetize, publishers can
check the underlying error from the ad response using
under the following classes:
Format | Class name |
App Open (Bidding) | GADMediationAdapterVungle |
App Open (Waterfall) | GADMediationAdapterVungle |
Banner (Bidding) | GADMediationAdapterVungle |
Banner (Waterfall) | GADMAdapterVungleInterstitial |
Interstitial (Bidding) | GADMediationAdapterVungle |
Interstitial (Waterfall) | GADMAdapterVungleInterstitial |
Rewarded (Bidding) | GADMediationAdapterVungle |
Rewarded (Waterfall) | GADMAdapterVungleRewardBasedVideoAd |
Rewarded Interstitial (Bidding) | GADMediationAdapterVungle |
Rewarded Interstitial (Waterfall) | GADMediationAdapterVungle |
Native (Bidding) | GADMediationAdapterVungle |
Native (Waterfall) | GADMediationAdapterVungle |
Here are the codes and accompanying messages thrown by the Liftoff Monetize adapter when an ad fails to load:
Error code | Domain | Reason |
101 | | Invalid server parameters (e.g. app ID or placement ID). |
102 | | An ad is already loaded for this network configuration. Vungle SDK cannot load a second ad for the same placement ID. |
103 | | The requested ad size does not match a Liftoff Monetize supported banner size. |
104 | | Vungle SDK could not render the banner ad. |
105 | | Vungle SDK only supports loading 1 banner ad at a time, regardless of placement ID. |
106 | | Vungle SDK sent a callback saying the ad is not playable. |
107 | | Vungle SDK is not ready to play the ad. |
For errors that come from the Vungle SDK, refer to Error Codes: Vungle SDK for iOS and Android.
Liftoff Monetize iOS Mediation Adapter Changelog
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 12.0.0 or higher.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 12.0.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.4.4.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.4.4.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.13.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.4.4.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.4.3.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.13.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.4.3.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.4.2.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.10.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.4.2.
- Updated
to have three components instead of four.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.10.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.4.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.4.1.
- Updated
to use the values fromGADAdChoicesPosition
to specify the AdChoices icon position. - Added aspect ratio support to native ad format.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.10.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.4.1.
- Added support for custom banner ad sizes for bidding and waterfall.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.7.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.4.0.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.4.0.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.6.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.4.0.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.3.2.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.3.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.3.2.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.3.0.
- Vungle SDK version
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.3.1.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.3.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.3.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.3.0.
- Fixed an issue where the adapter cannot be imported in Swift.
- Added waterfall and bidding support for app open ad format.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.2.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.3.0.
- Now requires minimum iOS version 12.0.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.0 or higher.
- Included
in the frameworks withinLiftoffMonetizeAdapter.xcframework
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.0.1.
- Vungle SDK version 7.2.2.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.2.2.
- Now requires minimum iOS version of 12.0.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.0.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.2.2.
- Updated the MREC matching to be any size that can fit an MREC instead of being an exact match.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.14.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.2.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.2.1.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.14.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.2.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.2.0.
- Removed the deprecated
delegate methods from the banner and interstitial ad implementations. - Replaced the deprecated
method with theGADMobileAds.sharedInstance.requestConfiguration.tagForChildDirectedTreatment
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.14.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.2.0.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.1.0.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.10.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.1.0.
- Added watermark support for bidding ads.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.0.1.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.7.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.0.1.
- Rebranded adapter name from Vungle to Liftoff Monetize.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 7.0.0.
- Removed support of the
architecture. - Added support for the
simulator architecture. - Now requires minimum iOS version 11.0.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.4.0 or higher.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.4.0.
- Vungle SDK version 7.0.0.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.12.3.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.2.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.12.3.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.12.2.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.0.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.12.2.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.0.0 or higher.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.0.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.12.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.12.1.
- Added bidding support for banner ad format.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.14.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.12.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.12.1.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.13.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.12.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.12.0.
- Added waterfall mediation and bidding support for rewarded interstitial ad format.
- Added bidding support for native ad format.
- Updated the adapter to use the
API. - Removed the
extra inVungleAdNetworkExtras
. - Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.8.0 or higher.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.9.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.12.0.
- Added waterfall mediation support for native ad format.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.8.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.11.0.
- Added support for loading multiple ads for the same placement ID in bidding interstitial and rewarded ads.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.6.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.11.0
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.11.0.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.4.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.11.0
- Fixed an issue where the ad delegate was removed if the next ad failed to download. This applies to auto-cached setting placements only.
- Removed
callbacks in banner ads.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.0.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.10.6
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.6.
- Verified compatibility with Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.0.0.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.0.0 or higher.
Built and tested with:
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.0.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.10.6
- Added bidding support for interstitial and rewarded ad formats.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.13.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.10.5
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.5.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.13.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.10.5
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.4.
- Updated the adapter to respect the mute setting in Vungle's publisher dashboard when the
boolean inVungleAdNetworkExtras
is not explicitly set.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.12.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.10.4
- Fixed a bug where interstitial callbacks were not invoked after the first playback.
- Updated the
dictionary that is passed intoplayAd
method to include the muted property set by the publisher in the extras object.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.12.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.10.3
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.3.
- Now requires minimum iOS version of 10.0.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.11.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.10.3.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.1.
- Relaxed dependency to Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.0.0 or higher.
- Now requires building against Xcode 12.5 or higher.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.9.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.10.1.
Version (rolled back)
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.10.0.
- Relaxed dependency to Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.0.0 or higher.
- Now requires building against Xcode 12.5 or higher.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.4.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.10.0.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.9.2.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.3.0 or higher.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.3.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.9.2.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.9.1.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.1.0 or higher.
- Added standardized adapter error codes and messages.
- Updated the adapter to use the
format. - Remove VungleSDKResetPlacementForDifferentAdSize error check for loading Ads.
- Introduce the new SDK delegate callback
to track impression.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.1.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.9.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.8.1.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.66.0 or higher.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.66.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.8.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.8.0.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.65.0 or higher.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.65.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.8.0.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.7.1.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.64.0 or higher.
- Fixed an issue where
was not called when a rewarded ad failed to present.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.64.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.7.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.7.0.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.62.0 or higher.
- Added support for playing multiple banner ads at the same time.
- Clicks now reported when the click happens instead of when the ad is closed.
- Banner and interstitial ads now forward the willLeaveApplication callback.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.62.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.7.0.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.5.3.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.58.0 or higher.
- Added support for Smart and Adaptive Banner ads.
- Added support for Banner (320x50, 300x50, 728x90) ads.
- Added video orientation option when play ads.
- Fix a bug where failed to call report_ad after the first refresh.
- Fix ad availability delays issue with longer waterfall.
- Remove support for i386 architecture.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.58.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.5.3.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.4.6.
- Added support for banner (MREC) ads.
- Fixed a bug where didReceiveInterstitial: callback is called more than once.
- Removed callbacks to adapterWillLeaveApplication, which were previously not invoked at the correct time.
Built and tested with
- Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.52.0.
- Vungle SDK version 6.4.6.
- Fixed a crash in [GADMAdapterVungleRewardedAd adAvailable:].
- Fixed a bug where the Vungle adapter would never load rewarded ads if Vungle SDK initialization failed. Now, the adapter will try to re-initialize the Vungle SDK on subsequent rewarded ad requests.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.42.2 or higher.
- Updated the adapter to use new rewarded API.
- Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.41.0 or higher.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.3.2.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.3.0.
- Updated
method toupdateConsentStatus:consentMessageVersion:
- Added
callback to the adapter.
- Added
class which containsupdateConsentStatus
- Updated Vungle SDK initializer correctly.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 6.2.0.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 5.4.0.
- Updated adapter to correctly report clicks to the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
- Added two new extras to
- An integer indicating the order in which this ad was shown in the game session.flexViewAutoDismissSeconds
- Sets Flex View ads to automatically close in the specified amount of seconds.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 5.3.2.
- Updated the deployment target to iOS 8.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 5.3.0.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 5.2.0.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 5.1.1.
- Verified compatibility with Vungle SDK 5.1.0.
Earlier versions
- Added support for interstitial and rewarded video ad formats.