原生範本是原生廣告的完整程式碼檢視畫面,可快速導入並輕鬆修改。有了原生範本,您就能在短短幾分鐘內導入第一則原生廣告,並且不必撰寫大量程式碼,就能快速自訂外觀和風格。您可以將這些範本放置在任何位置,例如在新聞動態中使用的 TableView、對話方塊,或應用程式中的其他位置。
本指南將說明如何在 iOS 應用程式中下載、加入及使用原生範本。這項假設是您已成功使用 SDK 載入原生廣告。
範本有兩種大小:小和中。每個範本都由類別表示。這些類別分別為 GADTSmallTemplateView
和 GADTMediumTemplateView
。兩個類別都會擴充 GADTTemplateView
。兩個範本都具有固定的顯示比例,只有在您呼叫 addHorizontalConstraintsToSuperviewWidth
時,才會調整填滿父項檢視畫面的寬度。如果您未呼叫 addHorizontalConstraintsToSuperviewWidth
小型範本非常適合 UICollectionView
或 UITableView
儲存格。例如,您可以將其用於動態內廣告,或任何需要狹長矩形廣告檢視畫面的情況。這個範本的預設大小為 91 點高 x 355 點寬。
中型範本的尺寸應為 1/2 到 3/4 個網頁的寬度。這類做法適合用於到達或彈出式網頁,但也可以用於 UITableViews
。這個範本的預設大小為 370 點高 x 355 點寬。
所有範本都支援自動版面配置,歡迎您嘗試不同的版面配置。當然,您也可以根據需求變更原始碼和 xib 檔案。
如要安裝原生範本,只要下載 ZIP 檔案並將其拖曳至 Xcode 專案即可。請務必勾選「如有需要,複製項目」。
將資料夾新增至專案,並在檔案中加入相關的類別後,請按照這個範例使用範本。請注意,變更字型和樣式屬性唯一的方法,就是使用樣式字典。我們目前會覆寫 xib 本身的任何樣式設定。
/// Step 1: Import the templates that you need. #import "NativeTemplates/GADTSmallTemplateView.h" #import "NativeTemplates/GADTTemplateView.h" ... // STEP 2: Initialize your template view object. GADTSmallTemplateView *templateView = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"GADTSmallTemplateView" owner:nil options:nil] .firstObject; // STEP 3: Template views are just GADNativeAdViews. _nativeAdView = templateView; nativeAd.delegate = self; // STEP 4: Add your template as a subview of whichever view you'd like. // This must be done before calling addHorizontalConstraintsToSuperviewWidth. // Please note: Our template objects are subclasses of GADNativeAdView so // you can insert them into whatever type of view you’d like, and don’t need to // create your own. [self.view addSubview:templateView]; // STEP 5 (Optional): Create your styles dictionary. Set your styles dictionary // on the template property. A default dictionary is created for you if you do // not set this. Note - templates do not currently respect style changes in the // xib. NSString *myBlueColor = @"#5C84F0"; NSDictionary *styles = @{ GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyCallToActionFont : [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15.0], GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyCallToActionFontColor : UIColor.whiteColor, GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyCallToActionBackgroundColor : [GADTTemplateView colorFromHexString:myBlueColor], GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeySecondaryFont : [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15.0], GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeySecondaryFontColor : UIColor.grayColor, GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeySecondaryBackgroundColor : UIColor.whiteColor, GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyPrimaryFont : [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15.0], GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyPrimaryFontColor : UIColor.blackColor, GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyPrimaryBackgroundColor : UIColor.whiteColor, GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyTertiaryFont : [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15.0], GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyTertiaryFontColor : UIColor.grayColor, GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyTertiaryBackgroundColor : UIColor.whiteColor, GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyMainBackgroundColor : UIColor.whiteColor, GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyCornerRadius : [NSNumber numberWithFloat:7.0], }; templateView.styles = styles; // STEP 6: Set the ad for your template to render. templateView.nativeAd = nativeAd; // STEP 7 (Optional): If you'd like your template view to span the width of your // superview call this method. [templateView addHorizontalConstraintsToSuperviewWidth]; [templateView addVerticalCenterConstraintToSuperview];
/// Call to action font. Expects a UIFont. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyCallToActionFont /// Call to action font color. Expects a UIColor. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyCallToActionFontColor; /// Call to action background color. Expects a UIColor. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyCallToActionBackgroundColor; /// The font, font color and background color for the first row of text in the /// template. /// All templates have a primary text area which is populated by the native ad's /// headline. /// Primary text font. Expects a UIFont. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyPrimaryFont; /// Primary text font color. Expects a UIFont. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyPrimaryFontColor; /// Primary text background color. Expects a UIColor. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyPrimaryBackgroundColor; /// The font, font color and background color for the second row of text in the /// template. /// All templates have a secondary text area which is populated either by the /// body of the ad, or by the rating of the app. /// Secondary text font. Expects a UIFont. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeySecondaryFont; /// Secondary text font color. Expects a UIColor. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeySecondaryFontColor; /// Secondary text background color. Expects a UIColor. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeySecondaryBackgroundColor; /// The font, font color and background color for the third row of text in the /// template. The third row is used to display store name or the default /// tertiary text. /// Tertiary text font. Expects a UIFont. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyTertiaryFont; /// Tertiary text font color. Expects a UIColor. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyTertiaryFontColor; /// Tertiary text background color. Expects a UIColor. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyTertiaryBackgroundColor; /// The background color for the bulk of the ad. Expects a UIColor. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyMainBackgroundColor; /// The corner rounding radius for the icon view and call to action. Expects an /// NSNumber. GADTNativeTemplateStyleKeyCornerRadius;
- 為什麼我在嘗試將範本物件例項化時,會收到例外狀況?
- 如果您變更 xib 檔案中的檢視區塊大小,但未變更在子類別的「setup」方法中建立的框架大小,就可能發生這種情況。
- 如何進一步自訂這些範本?
- 這些範本只是具有相關聯檢視畫面物件的 xib,就像您在 iOS 開發中可能用到的任何其他 xib 和自訂檢視畫面類別一樣。如果您想從頭開始建立原生廣告,請參閱原生進階指南。
- 為什麼在 xib 中設定樣式後,樣式並未更新?
- 我們目前會使用
中的預設樣式字典覆寫所有 xib 樣式。
我們製作了原生範本,協助您快速開發原生廣告。我們很樂意看到您為 GitHub 存放區做出貢獻,新增範本或功能。請傳送提取要求,我們會查看。