Share insights about campaigns

Sharing insights about advertising campaigns facilitates communication with your team. It allows you to come together to evaluate past performance and use that data to make decisions about future campaigns.


In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Write a query using Ads Data Hub.
  • Share results from that query with stakeholders.

Before you begin

In order to successfully accomplish all the steps in this tutorial, you’ll need to have:

  • Access to an Ads Data Hub account.
  • The ability to run queries in that Ads Data Hub account.
  • Permission to read and write datasets in BigQuery.

Generate results to share

If you already have results that you’d like to share, you can skip this section.

In order to share results, you first need to generate results. This can be accomplished by either running a query that you—or someone on your team—has already written, or by using a templated query from the Ads Data Hub UI.

  1. Write a query
  2. Run the query
  3. After your query finishes running, expand the row containing your job.
  4. Click View table. This opens your results in BigQuery.

Share results

Since Ads Data Hub writes your results to a BigQuery table, you may want to process those results into a different format before sharing them with your team.

  1. Navigate to your table in BigQuery.
  2. Write a SQL query to obtain results from your table. This could be a simple SELECT * query if you’re already happy with the granularity of the results you obtained from Ads Data Hub.
    1. Alternatively, you can query your data to drill down further and answer more specific questions.
  3. Click Save results.
  4. Using the dropdown, choose the format you want to receive your results in.
    1. Note that if you choose to share your results via another BigQuery table, the people that you share it with will need viewer permissions to access the results in the table.

What’s next