
This guide outlines common troubleshooting steps to fix common implementation errors.

If your events aren't showing up in Google Analytics, there are a few common issues you should look for.

First choose your client:

  • Are you using the correct api_secret?

    Check that you're using the api_secret for the right stream. If you set up the measurement protocol for multiple streams, each stream will have its own secret.

  • Is your api_secret still valid?

    In order to help combat spam, you're able to revoke api_secrets. Make sure that the api_secret you are using is still valid. It's possible that another user with access to your stream may have revoked access to it by mistake.

  • Is your api_secret copied correctly?

    api_secret is case-sensitive. Double check that the api_secret in the Google Analytics UI is exactly the same as the one you're using in your code.

  • Don't use advertising_id.

    advertising_id is not supported as a valid device identifier. Use app_instance_id if you're using Firebase and client_id if you're using gtag.js.

Invalid IDs

Since the Measurement Procotol supports IDs from the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK and gtag.js, make sure you use the right ID. The IDs you should use changes depending on whether you are using the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK or gtag.js. The following outlines which IDs you should be using:

Google Analytics for Firebase SDK

If you're using the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK the IDs you should use are:

You should not use the following:

  • firebase_instance_id - This ID should not be included in your request. This ID is used for identifiying a given instance of the app, but is Firebase specific. It's used for tasks such as FCM messages.


If you're using gtag.js, the IDs you should use are:

  • measurement_id - Include this ID in the query parameters for the request. This ID uniquely identifies a Data Stream. All users of your website will have the same measurement_id. Found in the Google Analytics UI under:
    Admin > Data Streams > choose your stream > Measurement ID
  • client_id - Include this ID in the POST body for the request. This ID uniquely identifies a given user instance of a web client. This value will be different for every user of your app. See these examples for how to retrieve this value.