En esta guía, se explica cómo crear un informe básico para tus datos de Analytics con la versión 1 de la API de Google Analytics Data. Los informes de la API de datos v1 son similares a los informes que puedes generar en la sección Informes de la IU de Google Analytics.
En esta guía, se abordan los informes principales, la función de informes generales de la API de Data. La API de datos v1 también tiene informes en tiempo real y informes de embudo especializados.
es el método recomendado para las consultas y se usa en todos los ejemplos de esta guía. Consulta las funciones avanzadas para obtener una descripción general de otros métodos de informes principales. Prueba el Explorador de consultas para probar tus consultas.
Reports overview
Los informes son tablas de datos de eventos de una propiedad de Google Analytics. Cada tabla de informes tiene las dimensiones y métricas solicitadas en tu consulta, con datos en filas individuales.
Usa filtros para mostrar solo las filas que coincidan con una condición determinada y la paginación para navegar por los resultados.
Esta es una tabla de informes de muestra que muestra una dimensión (Country
) y una métrica (activeUsers
País | Usuarios activos |
Japón | 2541 |
Francia | 12 |
Especifica una fuente de datos
Cada solicitud runReport
requiere que especifiques un ID de propiedad de Google Analytics. La propiedad de Analytics que especifiques se usará como conjunto de datos para
esa consulta. Por ejemplo:
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/GA_PROPERTY_ID :runReport
La respuesta de esta solicitud solo incluye datos de la propiedad de Analytics
que especificas como
Si usas las bibliotecas cliente de la API de datos, especifica la fuente de datos en el parámetro property
, en forma de properties/
. Consulta la guía de inicio rápido para ver ejemplos del uso de las bibliotecas cliente.
Consulta Cómo enviar eventos del Protocolo de medición a Google Analytics si deseas incluir eventos del Protocolo de medición en tus informes.
Genera un informe
Para generar un informe, construye un objeto RunReportRequest
Te recomendamos que comiences con los siguientes parámetros:
- Una entrada válida en el campo
. - Al menos una entrada válida en el campo
- Al menos una entrada válida en el campo
A continuación, se muestra una solicitud de ejemplo con los campos recomendados:
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/GA_PROPERTY_ID :runReport
"dateRanges": [{ "startDate": "2023-09-01" ", "endDate": "2023-09-15 " }],
"dimensions": [{ "name": "country" }],
"metrics": [{ "name": "activeUsers" }]
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DateRange; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DimensionHeader; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.MetricHeader; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Row; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the creation of a basic report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runReport * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunReportSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunReportSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { /** * TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before * running the sample. */ String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunReport(propertyId); } // Runs a report of active users grouped by country. static void sampleRunReport(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Using a default constructor instructs the client to use the credentials // specified in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunReportRequest request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("country")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("activeUsers")) .addDateRanges( DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("2020-09-01").setEndDate("2020-09-15")) .build(); // Make the request. RunReportResponse response = analyticsData.runReport(request); printRunResponseResponse(response); } } // Prints results of a runReport call. static void printRunResponseResponse(RunReportResponse response) { System.out.printf("%s rows received%n", response.getRowsList().size()); for (DimensionHeader header : response.getDimensionHeadersList()) { System.out.printf("Dimension header name: %s%n", header.getName()); } for (MetricHeader header : response.getMetricHeadersList()) { System.out.printf("Metric header name: %s (%s)%n", header.getName(), header.getType()); } System.out.println("Report result:"); for (Row row : response.getRowsList()) { System.out.printf( "%s, %s%n", row.getDimensionValues(0).getValue(), row.getMetricValues(0).getValue()); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\DateRange; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportResponse; /** * @param string $propertyId Your GA-4 Property ID */ function run_report(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDateRanges([ new DateRange([ 'start_date' => '2020-09-01', 'end_date' => '2020-09-15', ]), ]) ->setDimensions([ new Dimension([ 'name' => 'country', ]), ]) ->setMetrics([ new Metric([ 'name' => 'activeUsers', ]), ]); $response = $client->runReport($request); printRunReportResponse($response); } /** * Print results of a runReport call. * @param RunReportResponse $response */ function printRunReportResponse(RunReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)%s', $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()), PHP_EOL ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { print $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue() . ' ' . $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() . PHP_EOL; } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( DateRange, Dimension, Metric, MetricType, RunReportRequest, ) def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_report(property_id) def run_report(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a report of active users grouped by country.""" client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[Dimension(name="country")], metrics=[Metric(name="activeUsers")], date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="2020-09-01", end_date="2020-09-15")], ) response = client.run_report(request) print_run_report_response(response) def print_run_report_response(response): """Prints results of a runReport call.""" print(f"{response.row_count} rows received") for dimensionHeader in response.dimension_headers: print(f"Dimension header name: {dimensionHeader.name}") for metricHeader in response.metric_headers: metric_type = MetricType(metricHeader.type_).name print(f"Metric header name: {metricHeader.name} ({metric_type})") print("Report result:") for rowIdx, row in enumerate(response.rows): print(f"\nRow {rowIdx}") for i, dimension_value in enumerate(row.dimension_values): dimension_name = response.dimension_headers[i].name print(f"{dimension_name}: {dimension_value.value}") for i, metric_value in enumerate(row.metric_values): metric_name = response.metric_headers[i].name print(f"{metric_name}: {metric_value.value}")
// TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your // Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a report of active users grouped by country. async function runReport() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dimensions: [ { name: 'country', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'activeUsers', }, ], dateRanges: [ { startDate: '2020-09-01', endDate: '2020-09-15', }, ], }); printRunReportResponse(response); } // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); } runReport();
Cómo consultar métricas
son las mediciones cuantitativas de tus datos de eventos. Debes especificar al menos una métrica en tus solicitudes de runReport
Consulta Métricas de la API para obtener una lista completa de las métricas que puedes consultar.
A continuación, se muestra una solicitud de ejemplo que muestra tres métricas, agrupadas por la dimensión date
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/GA_PROPERTY_ID :runReport
"dateRanges": [{ "startDate": "7daysAgo", "endDate": "yesterday" }],
"dimensions": [{ "name": "date" }],
"metrics": [
"name": "activeUsers"
"name": "newUsers"
"name": "totalRevenue"
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DateRange; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the creation of a basic report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runReport * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunReportWithMultipleMetricsSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunReportWithMultipleMetricsSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunReportWithMultipleMetrics(propertyId); } // Runs a report of active users, new users and total revenue grouped by date dimension. static void sampleRunReportWithMultipleMetrics(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunReportRequest request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("date")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("activeUsers")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("newUsers")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("totalRevenue")) .addDateRanges(DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("7daysAgo").setEndDate("today")) .build(); // Make the request. RunReportResponse response = analyticsData.runReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunReportSample.java RunReportSample.printRunResponseResponse(response); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\DateRange; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportResponse; /** * @param string $propertyID Your GA-4 Property ID * Runs a report of active users grouped by three metrics. */ function run_report_with_multiple_metrics(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDimensions([new Dimension(['name' => 'date'])]) ->setMetrics([ new Metric(['name' => 'activeUsers']), new Metric(['name' => 'newUsers']), new Metric(['name' => 'totalRevenue']) ]) ->setDateRanges([ new DateRange([ 'start_date' => '7daysAgo', 'end_date' => 'today', ]) ]); $response = $client->runReport($request); printRunReportResponseWithMultipleMetrics($response); } /** * Print results of a runReport call. * @param RunReportResponse $response */ function printRunReportResponseWithMultipleMetrics(RunReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)' . PHP_EOL, $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()) ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( DateRange, Dimension, Metric, RunReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_report_with_multiple_metrics(property_id) def run_report_with_multiple_metrics(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a report of active users, new users and total revenue grouped by date dimension.""" client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() # Runs a report of active users grouped by three dimensions. request = RunReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[Dimension(name="date")], metrics=[ Metric(name="activeUsers"), Metric(name="newUsers"), Metric(name="totalRevenue"), ], date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="7daysAgo", end_date="today")], ) response = client.run_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
// TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your // Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a report of active users grouped by three metrics. async function runReportWithMultipleMetrics() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dimensions: [ { name: 'date', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'activeUsers', }, { name: 'newUsers', }, { name: 'totalRevenue', }, ], dateRanges: [ { startDate: '7daysAgo', endDate: 'today', }, ], }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runReportWithMultipleMetrics(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
Esta es una respuesta de ejemplo que muestra 1,135 usuarios activos, 512 usuarios nuevos y 73.0841 de ingresos totales en la moneda de tu propiedad de Analytics en la fecha 20231025
(25 de octubre de 2023).
"rows": [
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "20231025"
"metricValues": [
"value": "1135"
"value": "512"
"value": "73.0841"
Lee la respuesta
La respuesta del informe contiene un encabezado y filas de datos. El encabezado consta de DimensionHeaders
y MetricHeaders
, que enumeran las columnas del informe. Cada fila consta de DimensionValues
y MetricValues
. El orden de las columnas es coherente en la solicitud, el encabezado y las filas.
Esta es una respuesta de ejemplo para la solicitud de ejemplo anterior:
"dimensionHeaders": [
"name": "country"
"metricHeaders": [
"name": "activeUsers",
"type": "TYPE_INTEGER"
"rows": [
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "Japan"
"metricValues": [
"value": "2541"
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "France"
"metricValues": [
"value": "12"
"metadata": {},
"rowCount": 2
Cómo agrupar y filtrar datos
Las dimensiones son atributos cualitativos que puedes usar para agrupar y filtrar tus datos. Por ejemplo, la dimensión city
indica la ciudad, como Paris
o New York
, en la que se originó cada evento. Las dimensiones son opcionales para las solicitudes runReport
, y puedes usar hasta nueve dimensiones por solicitud.
Consulta las dimensiones de la API para obtener una lista completa de las dimensiones que puedes usar para agrupar y filtrar tus datos.
Esta es una solicitud de muestra que agrupa a los usuarios activos en tres dimensiones:
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/GA_PROPERTY_ID :runReport
"dateRanges": [{ "startDate": "7daysAgo", "endDate": "yesterday" }],
"dimensions": [
"name": "country"
"name": "region"
"name": "city"
"metrics": [{ "name": "activeUsers" }]
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DateRange; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the creation of a basic report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runReport * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunReportWithMultipleDimensionsSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunReportWithMultipleDimensionsSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunReportWithMultipleDimensions(propertyId); } // Runs a report of active users grouped by three dimensions. static void sampleRunReportWithMultipleDimensions(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunReportRequest request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("country")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("region")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("city")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("activeUsers")) .addDateRanges(DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("7daysAgo").setEndDate("today")) .build(); // Make the request. RunReportResponse response = analyticsData.runReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunReportSample.java RunReportSample.printRunResponseResponse(response); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\DateRange; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportResponse; /** * @param string $propertyID Your GA-4 Property ID * Runs a report of active users grouped by three dimensions. */ function run_report_with_multiple_dimensions(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDimensions([ new Dimension(['name' => 'country']), new Dimension(['name' => 'region']), new Dimension(['name' => 'city']), ]) ->setMetrics([new Metric(['name' => 'activeUsers'])]) ->setDateRanges([ new DateRange([ 'start_date' => '7daysAgo', 'end_date' => 'today', ]) ]); $response = $client->runReport($request); printRunReportResponseWithMultipleDimensions($response); } /** * Print results of a runReport call. * @param RunReportResponse $response */ function printRunReportResponseWithMultipleDimensions(RunReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)' . PHP_EOL, $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()) ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( DateRange, Dimension, Metric, RunReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_report_with_multiple_dimensions(property_id) def run_report_with_multiple_dimensions(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a report of active users grouped by three dimensions.""" client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[ Dimension(name="country"), Dimension(name="region"), Dimension(name="city"), ], metrics=[Metric(name="activeUsers")], date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="7daysAgo", end_date="today")], ) response = client.run_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
// TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your // Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a report of active users grouped by three dimensions. async function runReportWithMultipleDimensions() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dimensions: [ { name: 'country', }, { name: 'region', }, { name: 'city', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'activeUsers', }, ], dateRanges: [ { startDate: '7daysAgo', endDate: 'today', }, ], }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runReportWithMultipleDimensions(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
Esta es una fila de informe de muestra para la solicitud anterior. Esta fila muestra que hubo 47 usuarios activos durante el período especificado con eventos de Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica.
"rows": [
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "South Africa"
"value": "Western Cape"
"value": "Cape Town"
"metricValues": [
"value": "47"
Generas informes con datos solo para valores de dimensión específicos. Para filtrar las dimensiones, especifica un FilterExpression
en el campo dimensionFilter
Este es un ejemplo que muestra un informe de series temporales de eventCount
, cuando eventName
es first_open
para cada date
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/GA_PROPERTY_ID :runReport
"dateRanges": [{ "startDate": "7daysAgo", "endDate": "yesterday" }],
"dimensions": [{ "name": "date" }],
"metrics": [{ "name": "eventCount" }],
"dimensionFilter": {
"filter": {
"fieldName": "eventName",
"stringFilter": {
"value": "first_open"
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DateRange; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Filter; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.FilterExpression; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the usage of dimension and metric * filters in a report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runReport#body.request_body.FIELDS.dimension_filter * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunReportWithDimensionFilterSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunReportWithDimensionFilterSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunReportWithDimensionFilter(propertyId); } // Runs a report using a dimension filter. The call returns a time series report of `eventCount` // when `eventName` is `first_open` for each date. // This sample uses relative date range values. // See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange // for more information. static void sampleRunReportWithDimensionFilter(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunReportRequest request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("date")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("eventCount")) .addDateRanges( DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("7daysAgo").setEndDate("yesterday")) .setDimensionFilter( FilterExpression.newBuilder() .setFilter( Filter.newBuilder() .setFieldName("eventName") .setStringFilter( Filter.StringFilter.newBuilder().setValue("first_open")))) .build(); // Make the request. RunReportResponse response = analyticsData.runReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunReportSample.java RunReportSample.printRunResponseResponse(response); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\DateRange; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Filter; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Filter\StringFilter; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\FilterExpression; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportResponse; /** * @param string $propertyId Your GA-4 Property ID * Runs a report using a dimension filter. The call returns a time series * report of `eventCount` when `eventName` is `first_open` for each date. * This sample uses relative date range values. See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange * for more information. */ function run_report_with_dimension_filter(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDimensions([new Dimension(['name' => 'date'])]) ->setMetrics([new Metric(['name' => 'eventCount'])]) ->setDateRanges([ new DateRange([ 'start_date' => '7daysAgo', 'end_date' => 'yesterday', ]) ]) ->setDimensionFilter(new FilterExpression([ 'filter' => new Filter([ 'field_name' => 'eventName', 'string_filter' => new StringFilter([ 'value' => 'first_open' ]), ]), ])); $response = $client->runReport($request); printRunReportResponseWithDimensionFilter($response); } /** * Print results of a runReport call. * @param RunReportResponse $response */ function printRunReportResponseWithDimensionFilter(RunReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)' . PHP_EOL, $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()) ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( DateRange, Dimension, Filter, FilterExpression, Metric, RunReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_report_with_dimension_filter(property_id) def run_report_with_dimension_filter(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a report using a dimension filter. The call returns a time series report of `eventCount` when `eventName` is `first_open` for each date. This sample uses relative date range values. See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange for more information. """ client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[Dimension(name="date")], metrics=[Metric(name="eventCount")], date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="7daysAgo", end_date="yesterday")], dimension_filter=FilterExpression( filter=Filter( field_name="eventName", string_filter=Filter.StringFilter(value="first_open"), ) ), ) response = client.run_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
// TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your // Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a report using a dimension filter. The call returns a time series // report of `eventCount` when `eventName` is `first_open` for each date. // This sample uses relative date range values. See // https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange // for more information. async function runReportWithDimensionFilter() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dimensions: [ { name: 'date', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'eventCount', }, ], dateRanges: [ { startDate: '7daysAgo', endDate: 'yesterday', }, ], dimensionFilter: { filter: { fieldName: 'eventName', stringFilter: { value: 'first_open', }, }, }, }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runReportWithDimensionFilter(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
Este es otro ejemplo de FilterExpression
, en el que andGroup
solo incluye los datos que cumplen con todos los criterios de la lista de expresiones. Este dimensionFilter
selecciona cuando browser
es Chrome
y countryId
es US
"dimensionFilter": {
"andGroup": {
"expressions": [
"filter": {
"fieldName": "browser",
"stringFilter": {
"value": "Chrome"
"filter": {
"fieldName": "countryId",
"stringFilter": {
"value": "US"
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DateRange; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Filter; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.FilterExpression; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.FilterExpressionList; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the usage of dimension and metric * filters in a report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runReport#body.request_body.FIELDS.dimension_filter * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunReportWithMultipleDimensionFiltersSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunReportWithMultipleDimensionFiltersSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunReportWithMultipleDimensionFilters(propertyId); } // Runs a report using multiple dimension filters joined as `and_group` expression. The filter // selects for when both `browser` is `Chrome` and `countryId` is `US`. // This sample uses relative date range values. // See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange // for more information. static void sampleRunReportWithMultipleDimensionFilters(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunReportRequest request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("browser")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("activeUsers")) .addDateRanges( DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("7daysAgo").setEndDate("yesterday")) .setDimensionFilter( FilterExpression.newBuilder() .setAndGroup( FilterExpressionList.newBuilder() .addExpressions( FilterExpression.newBuilder() .setFilter( Filter.newBuilder() .setFieldName("browser") .setStringFilter( Filter.StringFilter.newBuilder() .setValue("Chrome")))) .addExpressions( FilterExpression.newBuilder() .setFilter( Filter.newBuilder() .setFieldName("countryId") .setStringFilter( Filter.StringFilter.newBuilder() .setValue("US")))))) .build(); // Make the request. RunReportResponse response = analyticsData.runReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunReportSample.java RunReportSample.printRunResponseResponse(response); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\DateRange; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Filter; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Filter\StringFilter; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\FilterExpression; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\FilterExpressionList; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportResponse; /** * @param string $propertyId Your GA-4 Property ID * Runs a report using multiple dimension filters joined as `and_group` * expression. The filter selects for when both `browser` is `Chrome` and * `countryId` is `US`. * This sample uses relative date range values. See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange * for more information. */ function run_report_with_multiple_dimension_filters(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDimensions([new Dimension(['name' => 'browser'])]) ->setMetrics([new Metric(['name' => 'activeUsers'])]) ->setDateRanges([ new DateRange([ 'start_date' => '7daysAgo', 'end_date' => 'yesterday', ]), ]) ->setDimensionFilter(new FilterExpression([ 'and_group' => new FilterExpressionList([ 'expressions' => [ new FilterExpression([ 'filter' => new Filter([ 'field_name' => 'browser', 'string_filter' => new StringFilter([ 'value' => 'Chrome', ]) ]), ]), new FilterExpression([ 'filter' => new Filter([ 'field_name' => 'countryId', 'string_filter' => new StringFilter([ 'value' => 'US', ]) ]), ]), ], ]), ])); $response = $client->runReport($request); printRunReportResponseWithMultipleDimensionFilters($response); } /** * Print results of a runReport call. * @param RunReportResponse $response */ function printRunReportResponseWithMultipleDimensionFilters(RunReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)' . PHP_EOL, $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()) ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( DateRange, Dimension, Filter, FilterExpression, FilterExpressionList, Metric, RunReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_report_with_multiple_dimension_filters(property_id) def run_report_with_multiple_dimension_filters(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a report using multiple dimension filters joined as `and_group` expression. The filter selects for when both `browser` is `Chrome` and `countryId` is `US`. This sample uses relative date range values. See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange for more information. """ client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[Dimension(name="browser")], metrics=[Metric(name="activeUsers")], date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="7daysAgo", end_date="yesterday")], dimension_filter=FilterExpression( and_group=FilterExpressionList( expressions=[ FilterExpression( filter=Filter( field_name="browser", string_filter=Filter.StringFilter(value="Chrome"), ) ), FilterExpression( filter=Filter( field_name="countryId", string_filter=Filter.StringFilter(value="US"), ) ), ] ) ), ) response = client.run_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
// TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your // Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a report using multiple dimension filters joined as `and_group` // expression. The filter selects for when both `browser` is `Chrome` and // `countryId` is `US`. // This sample uses relative date range values. See // https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange // for more information. async function runReportWithMultipleDimensionFilters() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dimensions: [ { name: 'browser', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'activeUsers', }, ], dateRanges: [ { startDate: '7daysAgo', endDate: 'yesterday', }, ], dimensionFilter: { andGroup: { expressions: [ { filter: { fieldName: 'browser', stringFilter: { value: 'Chrome', }, }, }, { filter: { fieldName: 'countryId', stringFilter: { value: 'US', }, }, }, ], }, }, }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runReportWithMultipleDimensionFilters(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
Un orGroup
incluye datos que cumplen con cualquiera de los criterios de la lista de expresiones.
Un notExpression
excluye los datos que coinciden con su expresión interna. Este es un dimensionFilter
que muestra datos solo cuando pageTitle
no es My
. El informe muestra los datos de eventos de cada pageTitle
que no sea My
"dimensionFilter": {
"notExpression": {
"filter": {
"fieldName": "pageTitle",
"stringFilter": {
"value": "My Homepage"
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DateRange; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Filter; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.FilterExpression; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the usage of dimension and metric * filters in a report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runReport#body.request_body.FIELDS.dimension_filter * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunReportWithDimensionExcludeFilterSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunReportWithDimensionExcludeFilterSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunReportWithDimensionExcludeFilter(propertyId); } // Runs a report using a filter with `not_expression`. The dimension filter selects for when // `pageTitle` is not `My Homepage`. // This sample uses relative date range values. // See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange // for more information. static void sampleRunReportWithDimensionExcludeFilter(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunReportRequest request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("pageTitle")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("sessions")) .addDateRanges( DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("7daysAgo").setEndDate("yesterday")) .setDimensionFilter( FilterExpression.newBuilder() .setNotExpression( FilterExpression.newBuilder() .setFilter( Filter.newBuilder() .setFieldName("pageTitle") .setStringFilter( Filter.StringFilter.newBuilder() .setValue("My Homepage"))))) .build(); // Make the request. RunReportResponse response = analyticsData.runReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunReportSample.java RunReportSample.printRunResponseResponse(response); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\DateRange; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Filter; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Filter\StringFilter; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\FilterExpression; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportResponse; /** * Runs a report using a filter with `not_expression`. The dimension filter * selects for when `pageTitle` is not `My Homepage`. * This sample uses relative date range values. See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange * for more information. * @param string $propertyId Your GA-4 Property ID */ function run_report_with_dimension_exclude_filter(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDimensions([new Dimension(['name' => 'pageTitle'])]) ->setMetrics([new Metric(['name' => 'sessions'])]) ->setDateRanges([new DateRange([ 'start_date' => '7daysAgo', 'end_date' => 'yesterday', ]) ]) ->setDimensionFilter(new FilterExpression([ 'not_expression' => new FilterExpression([ 'filter' => new Filter([ 'field_name' => 'pageTitle', 'string_filter' => new StringFilter([ 'value' => 'My Homepage', ]), ]), ]), ])); $response = $client->runReport($request); printRunReportResponseWithDimensionExcludeFilter($response); } /** * Print results of a runReport call. * @param RunReportResponse $response */ function printRunReportResponseWithDimensionExcludeFilter(RunReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)' . PHP_EOL, $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()) ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( DateRange, Dimension, Filter, FilterExpression, Metric, RunReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_report_with_dimension_exclude_filter(property_id) def run_report_with_dimension_exclude_filter(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a report using a filter with `not_expression`. The dimension filter selects for when `pageTitle` is not `My Homepage`. This sample uses relative date range values. See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange for more information. """ client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[Dimension(name="pageTitle")], metrics=[Metric(name="sessions")], date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="7daysAgo", end_date="yesterday")], dimension_filter=FilterExpression( not_expression=FilterExpression( filter=Filter( field_name="pageTitle", string_filter=Filter.StringFilter(value="My Homepage"), ) ) ), ) response = client.run_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
// TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your // Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a report using a filter with `not_expression`. The dimension filter // selects for when `pageTitle` is not `My Homepage`. // This sample uses relative date range values. See // https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange // for more information. async function runReportWithDimensionExcludeFilter() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dimensions: [ { name: 'pageTitle', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'sessions', }, ], dateRanges: [ { startDate: '7daysAgo', endDate: 'yesterday', }, ], dimensionFilter: { notExpression: { filter: { fieldName: 'pageTitle', stringFilter: { value: 'My Homepage', }, }, }, }, }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runReportWithDimensionExcludeFilter(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
Un inListFilter
coincide con los datos de cualquiera de los valores de la lista. Este es un dimensionFilter
que muestra datos de eventos en los que eventName
es cualquiera de purchase
, in_app_purchase
y app_store_subscription_renew
"dimensionFilter": {
"filter": {
"fieldName": "eventName",
"inListFilter": {
"values": ["purchase",
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DateRange; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Filter; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.FilterExpression; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportResponse; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the usage of dimension and metric * filters in a report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runReport#body.request_body.FIELDS.dimension_filter * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunReportWithDimensionInListFilterSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunReportWithDimensionInListFilterSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunReportWithDimensionInListFilter(propertyId); } // Runs a report using a dimension filter with `in_list_filter` expression. The filter selects for // when `eventName` is set to one of three event names specified in the query. // This sample uses relative date range values. // See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange // for more information. static void sampleRunReportWithDimensionInListFilter(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunReportRequest request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("eventName")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("sessions")) .addDateRanges( DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("7daysAgo").setEndDate("yesterday")) .setDimensionFilter( FilterExpression.newBuilder() .setFilter( Filter.newBuilder() .setFieldName("eventName") .setInListFilter( Filter.InListFilter.newBuilder() .addAllValues( new ArrayList<String>() { { add("purchase"); add("in_app_purchase"); add("app_store_subscription_renew"); } }) .build()))) .build(); // Make the request. RunReportResponse response = analyticsData.runReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunReportSample.java RunReportSample.printRunResponseResponse(response); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\DateRange; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Filter; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Filter\InListFilter; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\FilterExpression; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportResponse; /** * Runs a report using a dimension filter with `in_list_filter` expression. * The filter selects for when `eventName` is set to one of three event names * specified in the query. * This sample uses relative date range values. See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange * for more information. * @param string $propertyId Your GA-4 Property ID */ function run_report_with_dimension_in_list_filter(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDimensions([new Dimension(['name' => 'eventName'])]) ->setMetrics([new Metric(['name' => 'sessions'])]) ->setDateRanges([new DateRange([ 'start_date' => '7daysAgo', 'end_date' => 'yesterday', ]) ]) ->setDimensionFilter(new FilterExpression([ 'filter' => new Filter([ 'field_name' => 'eventName', 'in_list_filter' => new InListFilter([ 'values' => [ 'purchase', 'in_app_purchase', 'app_store_subscription_renew', ], ]), ]), ])); $response = $client->runReport($request); printRunReportResponseWithDimensionInListFilter($response); } /** * Print results of a runReport call. * @param RunReportResponse $response */ function printRunReportResponseWithDimensionInListFilter(RunReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)' . PHP_EOL, $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()) ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( DateRange, Dimension, Filter, FilterExpression, Metric, RunReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_report_with_dimension_in_list_filter(property_id) def run_report_with_dimension_in_list_filter(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a report using a dimension filter with `in_list_filter` expression. The filter selects for when `eventName` is set to one of three event names specified in the query. This sample uses relative date range values. See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange for more information. """ client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[Dimension(name="eventName")], metrics=[Metric(name="sessions")], date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="7daysAgo", end_date="yesterday")], dimension_filter=FilterExpression( filter=Filter( field_name="eventName", in_list_filter=Filter.InListFilter( values=[ "purchase", "in_app_purchase", "app_store_subscription_renew", ] ), ) ), ) response = client.run_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
// TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your // Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a report using a dimension filter with `in_list_filter` expression. // The filter selects for when `eventName` is set to one of three event names // specified in the query. // This sample uses relative date range values. See // https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/DateRange // for more information. async function runReportWithDimensionInListFilter() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dimensions: [ { name: 'eventName', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'sessions', }, ], dateRanges: [ { startDate: '7daysAgo', endDate: 'yesterday', }, ], dimensionFilter: { filter: { fieldName: 'eventName', inListFilter: { values: [ 'purchase', 'in_app_purchase', 'app_store_subscription_renew', ], }, }, }, }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runReportWithDimensionInListFilter(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
Cómo navegar por informes largos
De forma predeterminada, el informe solo contiene las primeras 10,000 filas de datos de eventos. Para ver hasta 250,000 filas en el informe, puedes incluir "limit": 250000
en RunReportRequest
En el caso de los informes con más de 250,000 filas, debes enviar una serie de solicitudes y desplazarte por los resultados. Por ejemplo, esta es una solicitud para las primeras 250,000 filas:
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/GA_PROPERTY_ID :runReport
"limit": 250000,
"offset": 0
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DateRange; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the use of pagination to retrieve * large result sets. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runReport#body.request_body.FIELDS.offset * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunReportWithPaginationSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunReportWithPaginationSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunReportWithPagination(propertyId); } // Runs a report several times, each time retrieving a portion of result using pagination. static void sampleRunReportWithPagination(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunReportRequest request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDateRanges( DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("365daysAgo").setEndDate("yesterday")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("firstUserSource")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("firstUserMedium")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("firstUserCampaignName")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("sessions")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("keyEvents")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("totalRevenue")) .setLimit(100000) .setOffset(0) .build(); // Make the request. RunReportResponse response = analyticsData.runReport(request); RunReportSample.printRunResponseResponse(response); // Run the same report with a different offset value to retrieve the second page of a // response. request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDateRanges( DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("365daysAgo").setEndDate("yesterday")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("firstUserSource")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("firstUserMedium")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("firstUserCampaignName")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("sessions")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("keyEvents")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("totalRevenue")) .setLimit(100000) .setOffset(100000) .build(); // Make the request. response = analyticsData.runReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunReportSample.java RunReportSample.printRunResponseResponse(response); } } }
// Make an API call. $request = (new RunReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDateRanges([ new DateRange([ 'start_date' => '350daysAgo', 'end_date' => 'yesterday', ]) ]) ->setDimensions([ new Dimension(['name' => 'firstUserSource']), new Dimension(['name' => 'firstUserMedium']), new Dimension(['name' => 'firstUserCampaignName']), ]) ->setMetrics([ new Metric(['name' => 'sessions']), new Metric(['name' => 'keyEvents']), new Metric(['name' => 'totalRevenue']), ]) ->setLimit(100000) ->setOffset(0); $requestCount = 1; printf('Sending request #%d' . PHP_EOL, $requestCount); $response = $client->runReport($request);
request = RunReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="365daysAgo", end_date="yesterday")], dimensions=[ Dimension(name="firstUserSource"), Dimension(name="firstUserMedium"), Dimension(name="firstUserCampaignName"), ], metrics=[ Metric(name="sessions"), Metric(name="keyEvents"), Metric(name="totalRevenue"), ], limit=100000, offset=0, ) response = client.run_report(request)
const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dateRanges: [ { startDate: '350daysAgo', endDate: 'yesterday', }, ], dimensions: [ { name: 'firstUserSource', }, { name: 'firstUserMedium', }, { name: 'firstUserCampaignName', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'sessions', }, { name: 'keyEvents', }, { name: 'totalRevenue', }, ], limit: 100000, offset: 0, });
El parámetro rowCount
en la respuesta indica la cantidad total de filas, independiente de los valores limit
y offset
en la solicitud. Por ejemplo, si la respuesta muestra "rowCount": 572345
, necesitas tres solicitudes:
offset | límite | Rango de índices de fila que se muestra |
0 |
250000 |
[ 0, 249999] |
250000 |
250000 |
[250000, 499999] |
500000 |
250000 |
[500000, 572345] |
Esta es una solicitud de muestra para las próximas 250,000 filas. Todos los demás parámetros, como dateRange
, dimensions
y metrics
, deben ser los mismos que los de la primera solicitud.
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/GA_PROPERTY_ID :runReport
"limit": 250000,
"offset": 250000
request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDateRanges( DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("365daysAgo").setEndDate("yesterday")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("firstUserSource")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("firstUserMedium")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("firstUserCampaignName")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("sessions")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("keyEvents")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("totalRevenue")) .setLimit(100000) .setOffset(100000) .build(); // Make the request. response = analyticsData.runReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunReportSample.java RunReportSample.printRunResponseResponse(response);
$rowsReceived = count($response->getRows()); $totalRows = $response->getRowCount(); // Run the same report with an increased offset value to retrieve each additional // page until all rows are received. while ($rowsReceived < $totalRows) { $request = $request->setOffset($rowsReceived); $requestCount++; printf('Sending request #%d' . PHP_EOL, $requestCount); $response = $client->runReport($request); $rowsReceived += count($response->getRows()); printRunReportResponseWithPagination($response, $requestCount); }
request = RunReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="365daysAgo", end_date="yesterday")], dimensions=[ Dimension(name="firstUserSource"), Dimension(name="firstUserMedium"), Dimension(name="firstUserCampaignName"), ], metrics=[ Metric(name="sessions"), Metric(name="keyEvents"), Metric(name="totalRevenue"), ], limit=100000, offset=100000, ) response = client.run_report(request)
const [secondResponse] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dateRanges: [ { startDate: '350daysAgo', endDate: 'yesterday', }, ], dimensions: [ { name: 'firstUserSource', }, { name: 'firstUserMedium', }, { name: 'firstUserCampaignName', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'sessions', }, { name: 'keyEvents', }, { name: 'totalRevenue', }, ], limit: 100000, offset: 100000, });
Cómo usar varios períodos
Una solicitud de informe puede recuperar datos de varios dateRanges
. Por ejemplo, este informe compara las primeras dos semanas de agosto de 2022 y 2023:
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/GA_PROPERTY_ID :runReport
"dateRanges": [
"startDate": "2022-08-01",
"endDate": "2022-08-14"
"startDate": "2023-08-01",
"endDate": "2023-08-14"
"dimensions": [{ "name": "platform" }],
"metrics": [{ "name": "activeUsers" }]
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DateRange; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the usage of date ranges in a report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runReport#body.request_body.FIELDS.date_ranges * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunReportWithDateRangesSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunReportWithDateRangesSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunReportWithDateRanges(propertyId); } // Runs a report using two date ranges. static void sampleRunReportWithDateRanges(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunReportRequest request = RunReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDateRanges( DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("2019-08-01").setEndDate("2019-08-14")) .addDateRanges( DateRange.newBuilder().setStartDate("2020-08-01").setEndDate("2020-08-14")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("platform")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("activeUsers")) .build(); // Make the request. RunReportResponse response = analyticsData.runReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunReportSample.java RunReportSample.printRunResponseResponse(response); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\DateRange; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunReportResponse; /** * @param string $propertyID Your GA-4 Property ID * Runs a report using two date ranges. */ function run_report_with_date_ranges(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDateRanges([ new DateRange([ 'start_date' => '2019-08-01', 'end_date' => '2019-08-14', ]), new DateRange([ 'start_date' => '2020-08-01', 'end_date' => '2020-08-14', ]), ]) ->setDimensions([new Dimension(['name' => 'platform'])]) ->setMetrics([new Metric(['name' => 'activeUsers'])]); $response = $client->runReport($request); printRunReportResponseWithDateRanges($response); } /** * Print results of a runReport call. * @param RunReportResponse $response */ function printRunReportResponseWithDateRanges(RunReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)' . PHP_EOL, $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()) ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( DateRange, Dimension, Metric, RunReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_report_with_date_ranges(property_id) def run_report_with_date_ranges(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a report using two date ranges.""" client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", date_ranges=[ DateRange(start_date="2019-08-01", end_date="2019-08-14"), DateRange(start_date="2020-08-01", end_date="2020-08-14"), ], dimensions=[Dimension(name="platform")], metrics=[Metric(name="activeUsers")], ) response = client.run_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
// TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your // Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a report using two date ranges. async function runReportWithDateRanges() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dateRanges: [ { startDate: '2019-08-01', endDate: '2019-08-14', }, { startDate: '2020-08-01', endDate: '2020-08-14', }, ], dimensions: [ { name: 'platform', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'activeUsers', }, ], }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runReportWithDateRanges(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
Cuando incluyes varios dateRanges
en una solicitud, se agrega automáticamente una columna dateRange
a la respuesta. Cuando la columna dateRange
es date_range_0
, los datos de esa fila corresponden al primer período. Cuando la columna dateRange
es date_range_1
, los datos de esa fila corresponden al segundo período.
Esta es una respuesta de ejemplo para dos períodos:
"dimensionHeaders": [
"name": "platform"
"name": "dateRange"
"metricHeaders": [
"name": "activeUsers",
"type": "TYPE_INTEGER"
"rows": [
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "iOS"
"value": "date_range_0"
"metricValues": [
"value": "774"
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "Android"
"value": "date_range_1"
"metricValues": [
"value": "335"
Próximos pasos
Consulta las funciones avanzadas y los informes en tiempo real para obtener una descripción general de las funciones de informes más avanzadas de la API de datos v1.