Managing Projects

This section provides an overview of the Apps Script API methods you can use to create, read, modify, and monitor your Apps Script projects. The Project Management samples page shows examples of API management requests. The reference documentation for each method provides implementation details.

API method overview
Create projects


Results: Create a basic, empty project with no project files and a default project manifest.

Options: You can provide a project title. You can also create a bound script by providing the Google Drive ID of a Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Forms, or Slides file to act as the script's parent.

Read project metadata


Results: Retrieves a Project object, which represents project metadata. This data includes the project title, script ID, creating user, creation time, and other details.

Read project content


Results: Returns an array of File objects, one for each code and HTML file in the project. The list also includes the project manifest as a JSON file. File objects contain the source content of the file (File.source) and other metadata, such a list of functions in the file (File.functionSet).

Options: You can specify which version of the content to retrieve with a query parameter.

Update project content


Results: Changes the file content in a script project. You provide the new content as an array of File objects. One of these File objects must have JSON type and represent the script project's new project manifest. The new content is stored as the HEAD version of the project. It is used when the script executes as a trigger, in the script editor, in add-on preview mode, or as a web app or Apps Script API in development mode.

Note: When updating script project content, common practice is to first issue a projects.getContent request to retrieve an array of the existing Files, make the desire to those objects, then use the Files as input for a projects.updateContent request.

Warning: The new content replaces all existing files in the script project. Files not updated by the request are removed.

Read project metrics


Results: Read certain metrics about a project. These metrics include the number of users, the total number of executions, the total number of execution errors, and other details. Use a MetricType to specify the information you are requesting.

Options: Restrict the results to specific deployments or script functions using a MetricsFilter. You can also define a specific metric interval using a MetricsIntervalConfig.