针对实时出价的 Chrome Topics 实验

作为 Privacy Sandbox 的一部分,Chrome 提出了实验性 Topics API。Topics API 会为网页上的第三方调用方(包括广告技术提供商)提供网页访问者当前可能感兴趣的粗略广告主题。这些主题可以补充有关当前网页的上下文信息,并且有助于支持针对用户兴趣投放广告。

Topics API 实验可供实时出价合作伙伴在出价请求中使用。系统会根据可用性将主题发送给所有实时出价合作伙伴。


OpenRTB 协议

主题在 OpenRTB BidRequest.user.data 消息中以片段表示。

字段 类型 说明
Data.ext.segtax 整数 集中注册的分类的 ID。对于主题,这是广告分类的版本,用于定义每个主题 ID 的语义含义。600 用于 Chrome 的 Topics 初始分类。
Data.ext.segclass 字符串 等同于 classifier_version
Data.segment.id 字符串 等同于转换为字符串的 id

Data.extBidRequest.user.data 消息的扩展。该扩展程序位于该协议的公开 Beta 版中。


// Ad Exchange extensions for the Data object.
message DataExt {
  // The ID for a taxonomy that is registered centrally. Used to define the
  // namespace and semantic meaning of the segment IDs. See
  // https://github.com/InteractiveAdvertisingBureau/openrtb/blob/master/extensions/community_extensions/segtax.md#enumeration-of-taxonomies
  // for the enumeration of the taxonomies that this value can take. Currently
  // only Chrome Topics API taxonomy (segtax=600) is supported.
  optional int32 segtax = 1;

  // The version of the classifier which produced the segment IDs within the
  // taxonomy. For example, in the case of Chrome Topics API (segtax=600), this
  // is the version of the classifier used by the browser to map hostnames to
  // topics in the taxonomy.
  optional string segclass = 2;

Google 实时出价协议(已弃用)

主题在 BidRequest 消息的 topics 字段中表示。该协议的公开 Beta 版中提供了此字段。


  // Experimental field; subject to change.
  // A coarse-grained topic that a website visitor might currently be interested
  // in based on recent browsing activity. See
  // https://developer.chrome.com/docs/privacy-sandbox/topics/ and/or
  // https://privacysandbox.com/intl/en_us/proposals/topics/ for more
  // information about the Topics API. Reach out to your account manager to
  // participate in the Topics API experiment.
  message Topic {
    // The value of a topic ID. A numerical identifier corresponding to a
    // coarse-grained advertising topic. See
    // https://github.com/patcg-individual-drafts/topics/blob/main/taxonomy_v1.md
    // for a list of topics in the initial taxonomy.
    optional int32 id = 1;
    // The version of the advertising taxonomy which defines the semantic
    // meaning of each topic ID for the topics, for example "v1".
    optional string taxonomy_version = 2;
    // The version of the classifier used by the browser to map hostnames to
    // topic IDs in the taxonomy.
    optional string classifier_version = 3;

  // The list of topics that a website visitor might currently be interested in
  // inferred by the browser based on recent browsing activity. See
  // https://developer.chrome.com/docs/privacy-sandbox/topics/ and/or
  // https://privacysandbox.com/intl/en_us/proposals/topics/ for more
  // information about Topics API.
  repeated Topic topics = 74;


以下示例展示了 Google Authorized Buyers 和 OpenRTB 协议如何表示 Chrome Topics API 返回的主题。

Chrome Topics API 响应,由 document.browsingTopics() 返回:

    "modelVersion": "classifier_v1",
    "taxonomyVersion": "taxonomy_v1",
    "topic": 3
    "modelVersion": "classifier_v1",
    "taxonomyVersion": "taxonomy_v1",
    "topic": 44
    "modelVersion": "classifier_v1",
    "taxonomyVersion": "taxonomy_v1",
    "topic": 59

OpenRTB BidRequest

  "user": {
    "data": [
        "ext": {
          "segtax": 600,
          "segclass": "classifier_v1"
        "segment": [
          { "id": "3" },
          { "id": "44" },
          { "id": "59" }

Google 实时出价协议(已弃用)BidRequest

topics {
  id: 3
  taxonomy_version: "taxonomy_v1"
  classifier_version: "classifier_v1"
topics {
  id: 44
  taxonomy_version: "taxonomy_v1"
  classifier_version: "classifier_v1"
topics {
  id: 59
  taxonomy_version: "taxonomy_v1"
  classifier_version: "classifier_v1"

在上面的 Chrome Topics API 示例中,taxonomy_version 表示使用了 dispute_v1 映射。根据分类,这些主题 ID 与以下主题相对应:

主题 ID 主题值
3 /艺术与娱乐/漫画
44 /艺术与娱乐/歌剧
59 /汽车与交通工具/经典车型

