Get help

What do you need help with? (click link)

Tips for getting help

"How can I help others help me?"

Before creating a help request, first search for similar requests that have already been made from other users. The answer might already be there and easily findable! This is often the fastest way to get unblocked. Try the following:

If you still need help after searching, you may want to compose a help request to the Earth Engine community. To maximize the chances of having your request answered and helping to create useful information that benefits the entire community, here is a checklist for composing a request:

Ask a question

What kind of question do you have? (click links to learn more or expand for examples)

A technical question: API how-to and why, represented by code, reproducible

  • How do I remove features with null computed values from my feature collection?
  • How do I join a feature collection to an image collection by location and date?
  • Why is my feature collection empty?

A discussion question: matters of opinion, debate, remote sensing, methodology

  • What is the best way to deal with Landsat 7 SLC-off gaps?
  • How can I exclude water pixels from my analysis?
  • Why does ArcGIS analysis give a different result than Earth Engine?
  • I'm wondering if I found a bug - are others having the same issue?

GIS Stack Exchange

Post technical questions to Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange (GIS SE), a community-based question and answer site for geospatial applications.

You should NOT post your complete analysis and ask the developer community to debug your code.

You SHOULD isolate the problem and present it in one complete sentence and no more than a few lines of code.

You SHOULD Use the Stack Exchange tag `google-earth-engine`.

The text in your question is interpreted as Markdown (a styling syntax). Take advantage of bold, italics, and code styling to make your question easier to read and quickly skim. Use the buttons at the top of the question editor or refer to this Markdown syntax guide to apply styling. Browse GIS SE's help page for more information on asking questions.

Use this example as a guide for how to frame and markup your question:


Why are the results of ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram() fractional? (Earth Engine)


I am calculating a histogram for an area of interest using
`ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram()`. The pixel count per bin is often a fraction,
but not always. I was expecting integer results only, why are the results
fractions of a pixel?

Here is my code; inspect the histogram table to see the results.

// Define an image.
var img = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA/LC08_038029_20180810');

// Define an area of interest.
var aoi = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-110.5, 44.6, -110.1, 44.8);

// Calculate a histogram for the pixels in the API.
var reflHistDict ='B[1-7]').multiply(1e4).reduceRegion({
  reducer: ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram(0, 5000, 250),
  geometry: aoi,
  scale: 30

// A dictionary was returned, get the ee.Array results for SWIR1 band.
var swir1HistArray = ee.Array(reflHistDict.get('B6'));

[Code Editor

I am calculating a histogram for an area of interest using ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram(). The pixel count per bin is often a fraction, but not always. I was expecting integer results only, why are the results fractions of a pixel?

Here is my code; inspect the histogram table to see the results.

// Define an image.
var img = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA/LC08_038029_20180810');

// Define an area of interest.
var aoi = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-110.5, 44.6, -110.1, 44.8);

// Calculate a histogram for the pixels in the API.
var reflHistDict ='B[1-7]').multiply(1e4).reduceRegion({
  reducer: ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram(0, 5000, 250),
  geometry: aoi,
  scale: 30

// A dictionary was returned, get the ee.Array results for SWIR1 band.
var swir1HistArray = ee.Array(reflHistDict.get('B6'));

Code Editor script

Earth Engine Developer Forum

Post discussion questions and general Earth Engine topics to the Earth Engine Developer Forum, a Google Group. Keep posts focused on Earth Engine. Use other forums for more general Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, and GIS topics. You can post about job positions that require Earth Engine skills, but ask respondents to reply directly to you rather than to the list.

Report a bug

What kind of bug did you find? (click links to learn more or expand for examples)

An API bug: script errors or incorrect results

  • Unexpected or incorrect function result
  • Unfamiliar error
  • Internal error messages
  • Errors not resolved by common debugging methods
  • An unchanged, working script from some time ago, now does NOT work
  • API documentation is missing critical information
  • Issues regarding Data Catalog assets

A Code Editor interface bug: UI display and functionality issues

  • Scripts not loading
  • Buttons not working
  • Strange layout
  • Missing page elements
  • Map interaction not working
  • Data Catalog search not working

A dataset bug

  • Missing assets
  • Projection issues
  • Unclear dataset descriptions


Follow these instructions to file a bug:

  1. Search the list of existing bugs.
  2. If you find a relevant bug issue, star the issue and optionally add a comment to describe how the bug affects your workflow.
  3. If a relevant issue does not exist, add a new issue using this bug report template.

Code Editor

Report a bug related to the Code Editor interface by opening the Code Editor, clicking the button, then Send Code Editor feedback. A window will appear allowing you to describe the issue; you are also given the opportunity to markup a screenshot to highlight the location of the problem.

Dataset problem

Report a bug here. If possible, provide a Code Editor link showing the problem.

Registration issues

Visit the Earth Engine registration page to configure your access.

If you are having registration or access issues for Earth Engine, you may request help from Earth Engine Registration Support.

Error messages

There are many ways to produce an error in Earth Engine. Follow these steps to identify the source of the problem and work toward a resolution:

  1. Use the debugging guide as an initial resource to understand what type of error you are receiving and how you might resolve it.
  2. Do a Google search for your error message; results are often returned from GIS Stack Exchange.
  3. Search on the Developer Forum for your error message to see if others have had the same issue.
  4. If after consulting all available resources, you are still not clear what is causing the error, post a question.
  5. Finally, if the error remains unresolved and you suspect that it is a bug, report it.

Additional quota

Non-commercial or research use

If you need additional quota for non-commercial or research use of Earth Engine, you can apply for one year of additional free quota ("uplift") beyond the standard quota that comes with platform access. We review all applications, with a focus on environmental and social impact at scale.

You can request increases for the following quota limits:

  • Asset storage quota, which limits how much asset data a user can store in the EE asset store.
  • Batch task quota, which regulates how many parallel tasks a user can run in the batch environment. The batch environment provides asynchronous computation results in the form of files delivered to Earth Engine storage, Google Cloud Storage, or Google Drive.
  • Request parallelism quota for the interactive environment, which limits the rate and parallelism of queries to the Earth Engine service.

Application form

To apply for any type of additional quota, make sure your Earth Engine usage meets all of the following requirements:

In many cases, you can modify your own code to run more efficiently and avoid the need for uplift. Before applying for uplift, review the Scaling errors, Debugging methods and Coding Best Practices sections of the Earth Engine documentation for suggestions. You may also benefit from discussing your approach with others on the Earth Engine Developer Forum. There are many best practices for efficiently processing large and complex imagery using Earth Engine. Experts on the forum may be able to help. Before posting, read these best practices for composing a request for help.

Once you confirm that your code is already optimized and that uplift is the only solution that will help you have impact, proceed with the uplift request.

If you have questions about your request for uplift, contact Earth Engine Uplift Support with a description of the problem.

Commercial use

If you're using Earth Engine for commercial purposes, visit the Earth Engine Commercial page to contact sales for additional quota.

Dataset requests

Follow these instructions to request a new dataset or to file a bug for an existing dataset:

  1. Search the new or existing dataset requests.
  2. If you find a relevant dataset request, star the issue and optionally add a comment to describe how the dataset would be useful in your work.
  3. If a relevant data request does not exist, submit a new request for a new or existing dataset.

Feature requests

Follow these instructions to request a new API or Code Editor feature:

  1. Search the list of existing feature requests.
  2. If you find a relevant feature request, star the issue and optionally add a comment to describe how the feature would be useful in your work.
  3. If a relevant feature request does not exist, submit a new request using this template.

Change in script behavior or output

Earth Engine API code, architecture, and policies can change, resulting in different behavior or errors that appear now but did not some time ago for the same script. Submit an API bug for these types of issues, but first verify a few things:

  1. Confirm that nothing about your script has changed - check the script history.
  2. Confirm that nothing about your input collection has changed (e.g., are you filtering image dates to the present and now there are new images in a collection?).
  3. Are you relying on imported script modules or shared assets that are no longer available or have changed?
  4. Is it the same script but running on a different region of interest or dataset?

After checking to see that a similar bug has not already been posted, submit your bug and provide information regarding these points in the bug report.

Missing catalog assets

See this guide to learn how to confirm and report a missing asset from the Earth Engine Data Catalog.

Help others

There are a number of ways you can help others: