- JSON representation
- RecommendationImpact
- RecommendationMetrics
- CampaignBudgetRecommendation
- CampaignBudgetRecommendationOption
- KeywordRecommendation
- SearchTerm
- TextAdRecommendation
- TargetCpaOptInRecommendation
- TargetCpaOptInRecommendationOption
- TargetCpaOptInRecommendationGoal
- MaximizeConversionsOptInRecommendation
- EnhancedCpcOptInRecommendation
- SearchPartnersOptInRecommendation
- MaximizeClicksOptInRecommendation
- OptimizeAdRotationRecommendation
- KeywordMatchTypeRecommendation
- MoveUnusedBudgetRecommendation
- TargetRoasOptInRecommendation
- ResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation
- UseBroadMatchKeywordRecommendation
- ResponsiveSearchAdAssetRecommendation
- UpgradeSmartShoppingCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation
- ResponsiveSearchAdImproveAdStrengthRecommendation
- DisplayExpansionOptInRecommendation
- UpgradeLocalCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation
- RaiseTargetCpaBidTooLowRecommendation
- ForecastingSetTargetRoasRecommendation
- CampaignBudget
- CalloutAssetRecommendation
- SitelinkAssetRecommendation
- CallAssetRecommendation
- ShoppingOfferAttributeRecommendation
- MerchantInfo
- ShoppingAddProductsToCampaignRecommendation
- Reason
- ShoppingFixDisapprovedProductsRecommendation
- ShoppingTargetAllOffersRecommendation
- ShoppingMerchantCenterAccountSuspensionRecommendation
- ShoppingMigrateRegularShoppingCampaignOffersToPerformanceMaxRecommendation
- DynamicImageExtensionOptInRecommendation
- RaiseTargetCpaRecommendation
- TargetAdjustmentInfo
- AppBiddingGoal
- LowerTargetRoasRecommendation
- PerformanceMaxOptInRecommendation
- ImprovePerformanceMaxAdStrengthRecommendation
- MigrateDynamicSearchAdsCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation
- ForecastingSetTargetCpaRecommendation
- MaximizeConversionValueOptInRecommendation
- ImproveGoogleTagCoverageRecommendation
- PerformanceMaxFinalUrlOptInRecommendation
- RefreshCustomerMatchListRecommendation
- AccountInfo
- CustomAudienceOptInRecommendation
- LeadFormAssetRecommendation
- ImproveDemandGenAdStrengthRecommendation
A recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "resourceName": string, "type": enum ( |
Fields | |
resourceName |
Immutable. The resource name of the recommendation.
type |
Output only. The type of recommendation. |
impact |
Output only. The impact on account performance as a result of applying the recommendation. |
campaigns[] |
Output only. The campaigns targeted by this recommendation. This field will be set for the following recommendation types: CAMPAIGN_BUDGET, FORECASTING_CAMPAIGN_BUDGET, MARGINAL_ROI_CAMPAIGN_BUDGET and MOVE_UNUSED_BUDGET |
campaignBudget |
Output only. The budget targeted by this recommendation. This will be set only when the recommendation affects a single campaign budget. This field will be set for the following recommendation types: CAMPAIGN_BUDGET, FORECASTING_CAMPAIGN_BUDGET, MARGINAL_ROI_CAMPAIGN_BUDGET, MOVE_UNUSED_BUDGET |
campaign |
adGroup |
Output only. The ad group targeted by this recommendation. This will be set only when the recommendation affects a single ad group. This field will be set for the following recommendation types: KEYWORD, OPTIMIZE_AD_ROTATION, RESPONSIVE_SEARCH_AD, RESPONSIVE_SEARCH_AD_ASSET, TEXT_AD |
dismissed |
Output only. Whether the recommendation is dismissed or not. |
Union field recommendation . The details of recommendation. recommendation can be only one of the following: |
campaignBudgetRecommendation |
Output only. The campaign budget recommendation. |
forecastingCampaignBudgetRecommendation |
Output only. The forecasting campaign budget recommendation. |
keywordRecommendation |
Output only. The keyword recommendation. |
textAdRecommendation |
Output only. Add expanded text ad recommendation. |
targetCpaOptInRecommendation |
Output only. The TargetCPA opt-in recommendation. |
maximizeConversionsOptInRecommendation |
Output only. The MaximizeConversions Opt-In recommendation. |
enhancedCpcOptInRecommendation |
Output only. The Enhanced Cost-Per-Click Opt-In recommendation. |
searchPartnersOptInRecommendation |
Output only. The Search Partners Opt-In recommendation. |
maximizeClicksOptInRecommendation |
Output only. The MaximizeClicks Opt-In recommendation. |
optimizeAdRotationRecommendation |
Output only. The Optimize Ad Rotation recommendation. |
keywordMatchTypeRecommendation |
Output only. The keyword match type recommendation. |
moveUnusedBudgetRecommendation |
Output only. The move unused budget recommendation. |
targetRoasOptInRecommendation |
Output only. The Target ROAS opt-in recommendation. |
responsiveSearchAdRecommendation |
Output only. The add responsive search ad recommendation. |
marginalRoiCampaignBudgetRecommendation |
Output only. The marginal ROI campaign budget recommendation. |
useBroadMatchKeywordRecommendation |
Output only. The use broad match keyword recommendation. |
responsiveSearchAdAssetRecommendation |
Output only. The responsive search ad asset recommendation. |
upgradeSmartShoppingCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation |
Output only. The upgrade a Smart Shopping campaign to a Performance Max campaign recommendation. |
responsiveSearchAdImproveAdStrengthRecommendation |
Output only. The responsive search ad improve ad strength recommendation. |
displayExpansionOptInRecommendation |
Output only. The Display Expansion opt-in recommendation. |
upgradeLocalCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation |
Output only. The upgrade a Local campaign to a Performance Max campaign recommendation. |
raiseTargetCpaBidTooLowRecommendation |
Output only. The raise target CPA bid too low recommendation. |
forecastingSetTargetRoasRecommendation |
Output only. The forecasting set target ROAS recommendation. |
calloutAssetRecommendation |
Output only. The callout asset recommendation. |
sitelinkAssetRecommendation |
Output only. The sitelink asset recommendation. |
callAssetRecommendation |
Output only. The call asset recommendation. |
shoppingAddAgeGroupRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping add age group recommendation. |
shoppingAddColorRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping add color recommendation. |
shoppingAddGenderRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping add gender recommendation. |
shoppingAddGtinRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping add GTIN recommendation. |
shoppingAddMoreIdentifiersRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping add more identifiers recommendation. |
shoppingAddSizeRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping add size recommendation. |
shoppingAddProductsToCampaignRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping add products to campaign recommendation. |
shoppingFixDisapprovedProductsRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping fix disapproved products recommendation. |
shoppingTargetAllOffersRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping target all offers recommendation. |
shoppingFixSuspendedMerchantCenterAccountRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping fix suspended Merchant Center account recommendation. |
shoppingFixMerchantCenterAccountSuspensionWarningRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping fix Merchant Center account suspension warning recommendation. |
shoppingMigrateRegularShoppingCampaignOffersToPerformanceMaxRecommendation |
Output only. The shopping migrate Regular Shopping Campaign offers to Performance Max recommendation. |
dynamicImageExtensionOptInRecommendation |
Output only. Recommendation to enable dynamic image extensions on the account, allowing Google to find the best images from ad landing pages and complement text ads. |
raiseTargetCpaRecommendation |
Output only. Recommendation to raise Target CPA. |
lowerTargetRoasRecommendation |
Output only. Recommendation to lower Target ROAS. |
performanceMaxOptInRecommendation |
Output only. The Performance Max Opt In recommendation. |
improvePerformanceMaxAdStrengthRecommendation |
Output only. The improve Performance Max ad strength recommendation. |
migrateDynamicSearchAdsCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation |
Output only. The Dynamic Search Ads to Performance Max migration recommendation. |
forecastingSetTargetCpaRecommendation |
Output only. The forecasting set target CPA recommendation. |
setTargetCpaRecommendation |
Output only. The set target CPA recommendation. |
setTargetRoasRecommendation |
Output only. The set target ROAS recommendation. |
maximizeConversionValueOptInRecommendation |
Output only. The Maximize Conversion Value opt-in recommendation. |
improveGoogleTagCoverageRecommendation |
Output only. Recommendation to deploy Google Tag on more pages. |
performanceMaxFinalUrlOptInRecommendation |
Output only. Recommendation to turn on Final URL expansion for your Performance Max campaigns. |
refreshCustomerMatchListRecommendation |
Output only. The refresh customer list recommendation. |
customAudienceOptInRecommendation |
Output only. The custom audience opt in recommendation. |
leadFormAssetRecommendation |
Output only. The lead form asset recommendation. |
improveDemandGenAdStrengthRecommendation |
Output only. The improve Demand Gen ad strength recommendation. |
The impact of making the change as described in the recommendation. Some types of recommendations may not have impact information.
JSON representation |
{ "baseMetrics": { object ( |
Fields | |
baseMetrics |
Output only. Base metrics at the time the recommendation was generated. |
potentialMetrics |
Output only. Estimated metrics if the recommendation is applied. |
Weekly account performance metrics. For some recommendation types, these are averaged over the past 90-day period and hence can be fractional.
JSON representation |
{ "impressions": number, "clicks": number, "costMicros": string, "conversions": number, "conversionsValue": number, "videoViews": number } |
Fields | |
impressions |
Output only. Number of ad impressions. |
clicks |
Output only. Number of ad clicks. |
costMicros |
Output only. Cost (in micros) for advertising, in the local currency for the account. |
conversions |
Output only. Number of conversions. |
conversionsValue |
Output only. Sum of the conversion value of the conversions. |
videoViews |
Output only. Number of video views for a video ad campaign. |
The budget recommendation for budget constrained campaigns.
JSON representation |
"budgetOptions": [
object ( |
Fields | |
budgetOptions[] |
Output only. The budget amounts and associated impact estimates for some values of possible budget amounts. |
currentBudgetAmountMicros |
Output only. The current budget amount in micros. |
recommendedBudgetAmountMicros |
Output only. The recommended budget amount in micros. |
The impact estimates for a given budget amount.
JSON representation |
"impact": {
object ( |
Fields | |
impact |
Output only. The impact estimate if budget is changed to amount specified in this option. |
budgetAmountMicros |
Output only. The budget amount for this option. |
The keyword recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "keyword": { object ( |
Fields | |
keyword |
Output only. The recommended keyword. |
searchTerms[] |
Output only. A list of search terms this keyword matches. The same search term may be repeated for multiple keywords. |
recommendedCpcBidMicros |
Output only. The recommended CPC (cost-per-click) bid. |
Information about a search term as related to a keyword recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "text": string, "estimatedWeeklySearchCount": string } |
Fields | |
text |
Output only. The text of the search term. |
estimatedWeeklySearchCount |
Output only. Estimated number of historical weekly searches for this search term. |
The text ad recommendation.
JSON representation |
"ad": {
object ( |
Fields | |
ad |
Output only. Recommended ad. |
creationDate |
Output only. Creation date of the recommended ad. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example, 2018-04-17. |
autoApplyDate |
Output only. Date, if present, is the earliest when the recommendation will be auto applied. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example, 2018-04-17. |
The Target CPA opt-in recommendation.
JSON representation |
"options": [
object ( |
Fields | |
options[] |
Output only. The available goals and corresponding options for Target CPA strategy. |
recommendedTargetCpaMicros |
Output only. The recommended average CPA target. See required budget amount and impact of using this recommendation in options list. |
The Target CPA opt-in option with impact estimate.
JSON representation |
{ "goal": enum ( |
Fields | |
goal |
Output only. The goal achieved by this option. |
impact |
Output only. The impact estimate if this option is selected. |
targetCpaMicros |
Output only. Average CPA target. |
requiredCampaignBudgetAmountMicros |
Output only. The minimum campaign budget, in local currency for the account, required to achieve the target CPA. Amount is specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit. |
Goal of TargetCpaOptIn recommendation.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version. |
Recommendation to set Target CPA to maintain the same cost. |
Recommendation to set Target CPA to maintain the same conversions. |
Recommendation to set Target CPA to maintain the same CPA. |
Recommendation to set Target CPA to a value that is as close as possible to, yet lower than, the actual CPA (computed for past 28 days). |
The Maximize Conversions Opt-In recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "recommendedBudgetAmountMicros": string } |
Fields | |
recommendedBudgetAmountMicros |
Output only. The recommended new budget amount. |
This type has no fields.
The Enhanced Cost-Per-Click Opt-In recommendation.
This type has no fields.
The Search Partners Opt-In recommendation.
The Maximize Clicks opt-in recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "recommendedBudgetAmountMicros": string } |
Fields | |
recommendedBudgetAmountMicros |
Output only. The recommended new budget amount. Only set if the current budget is too high. |
This type has no fields.
The Optimize Ad Rotation recommendation.
The keyword match type recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "keyword": { object ( |
Fields | |
keyword |
Output only. The existing keyword where the match type should be more broad. |
recommendedMatchType |
Output only. The recommended new match type. |
The move unused budget recommendation.
JSON representation |
"budgetRecommendation": {
object ( |
Fields | |
budgetRecommendation |
Output only. The recommendation for the constrained budget to increase. |
excessCampaignBudget |
Output only. The excess budget's resourceName. |
The Target ROAS opt-in recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "recommendedTargetRoas": number, "requiredCampaignBudgetAmountMicros": string } |
Fields | |
recommendedTargetRoas |
Output only. The recommended target ROAS (revenue per unit of spend). The value is between 0.01 and 1000.0, inclusive. |
requiredCampaignBudgetAmountMicros |
Output only. The minimum campaign budget, in local currency for the account, required to achieve the target ROAS. Amount is specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit. |
The add responsive search ad recommendation.
JSON representation |
"ad": {
object ( |
Fields | |
ad |
Output only. Recommended ad. |
The use broad match keyword recommendation.
JSON representation |
"keyword": [
object ( |
Fields | |
keyword[] |
Output only. Sample of keywords to be expanded to Broad Match. |
suggestedKeywordsCount |
Output only. Total number of keywords to be expanded to Broad Match in the campaign. |
campaignKeywordsCount |
Output only. Total number of keywords in the campaign. |
campaignUsesSharedBudget |
Output only. Whether the associated campaign uses a shared budget. |
requiredCampaignBudgetAmountMicros |
Output only. The budget recommended to avoid becoming budget constrained after applying the recommendation. |
The add responsive search ad asset recommendation.
The upgrade a Smart Shopping campaign to a Performance Max campaign recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "merchantId": string, "salesCountryCode": string } |
Fields | |
merchantId |
Output only. ID of Merchant Center account. |
salesCountryCode |
Output only. Country whose products from merchant's inventory should be included. |
The responsive search ad improve ad strength recommendation.
This type has no fields.
The Display Expansion opt-in recommendation.
This type has no fields.
The Upgrade Local campaign to Performance Max campaign recommendation.
The raise target CPA bid too low recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "recommendedTargetMultiplier": number, "averageTargetCpaMicros": string } |
Fields | |
recommendedTargetMultiplier |
Output only. A number greater than 1.0 indicating the factor by which we recommend the target CPA should be increased. |
averageTargetCpaMicros |
Output only. The current average target CPA of the campaign, in micros of customer local currency. |
The forecasting set target ROAS recommendation.
JSON representation |
"recommendedTargetRoas": number,
"campaignBudget": {
object ( |
Fields | |
recommendedTargetRoas |
Output only. The recommended target ROAS (revenue per unit of spend). The value is between 0.01 and 1000.0, inclusive. |
campaignBudget |
Output only. The campaign budget. |
A campaign budget shared amongst various budget recommendation types.
JSON representation |
{ "currentAmountMicros": string, "recommendedNewAmountMicros": string, "newStartDate": string } |
Fields | |
currentAmountMicros |
Output only. Current budget amount. |
recommendedNewAmountMicros |
Output only. Recommended budget amount. |
newStartDate |
Output only. The date when the new budget would start being used. This field will be set for the following recommendation types: FORECASTING_SET_TARGET_ROAS , FORECASTING_SET_TARGET_CPA YYYY-MM-DD format, for example, 2018-04-17. |
The callout asset recommendation.
The sitelink asset recommendation.
This type has no fields.
The call asset recommendation.
The shopping recommendation to add an attribute to offers that are demoted because it is missing.
JSON representation |
"merchant": {
object ( |
Fields | |
merchant |
Output only. The details of the Merchant Center account. |
feedLabel |
Output only. The campaign feed label. |
offersCount |
Output only. The number of online, servable offers. |
demotedOffersCount |
Output only. The number of online, servable offers that are demoted for missing attributes. Visit the Merchant Center for more details. |
The Merchant Center account details.
JSON representation |
{ "id": string, "name": string, "multiClient": boolean } |
Fields | |
id |
Output only. The Merchant Center account ID. |
name |
Output only. The name of the Merchant Center account. |
multiClient |
Output only. Whether the Merchant Center account is a Multi-Client account (MCA). |
The shopping recommendation to add products to a Shopping Campaign Inventory.
JSON representation |
{ "merchant": { object ( |
Fields | |
merchant |
Output only. The details of the Merchant Center account. |
feedLabel |
Output only. The feed label for the campaign. |
reason |
Output only. The reason why no products are attached to the campaign. |
Issues that results in a shopping campaign targeting zero products.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version. |
The Merchant Center account does not have any submitted products. |
The Merchant Center account does not have any submitted products in the feed. |
The Google Ads account has active campaign filters that prevents inclusion of offers in the campaign. |
All products available have been explicitly excluded from being targeted by the campaign. |
The shopping recommendation to fix disapproved products in a Shopping Campaign Inventory.
JSON representation |
"merchant": {
object ( |
Fields | |
merchant |
Output only. The details of the Merchant Center account. |
feedLabel |
Output only. The feed label for the campaign. |
productsCount |
Output only. The number of products of the campaign. |
disapprovedProductsCount |
Output only. The numbers of products of the campaign that are disapproved. |
The shopping recommendation to create a catch-all campaign that targets all offers.
JSON representation |
"merchant": {
object ( |
Fields | |
merchant |
Output only. The details of the Merchant Center account. |
untargetedOffersCount |
Output only. The number of untargeted offers. |
feedLabel |
Output only. The offer feed label. |
The shopping recommendation to fix Merchant Center account suspension issues.
JSON representation |
"merchant": {
object ( |
Fields | |
merchant |
Output only. The details of the Merchant Center account. |
feedLabel |
Output only. The feed label of the campaign for which the suspension happened. |
The shopping recommendation to migrate Regular Shopping Campaign targeted offers to Performance Max campaigns.
JSON representation |
"merchant": {
object ( |
Fields | |
merchant |
Output only. The details of the Merchant Center account. |
feedLabel |
Output only. The feed label of the offers targeted by the campaigns sharing this suggestion. |
This type has no fields.
Recommendation to enable dynamic image extensions on the account, allowing Google to find the best images from ad landing pages and complement text ads.
Recommendation to raise Target CPA.
JSON representation |
{ "targetAdjustment": { object ( |
Fields | |
targetAdjustment |
Output only. The relevant information describing the recommended target adjustment. |
appBiddingGoal |
Output only. Represents the goal towards which the bidding strategy should optimize. Only populated for App Campaigns. |
Information of a target adjustment recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "recommendedTargetMultiplier": number, "currentAverageTargetMicros": string, "sharedSet": string } |
Fields | |
recommendedTargetMultiplier |
Output only. The factor by which we recommend the target to be adjusted by. |
currentAverageTargetMicros |
Output only. The current average target of the campaign or portfolio targeted by this recommendation. |
sharedSet |
Output only. The shared set resource name of the portfolio bidding strategy where the target is defined. Only populated if the recommendation is portfolio level. |
Represents the goal towards which the bidding strategy, of an app campaign, should optimize for.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Represents value unknown in this version of the API. |
The bidding strategy of the app campaign should aim to maximize installation of the app. |
The bidding strategy of the app campaign should aim to maximize the selected in-app conversions' volume. |
The bidding strategy of the app campaign should aim to maximize all conversions' value, that is, install and selected in-app conversions. |
The bidding strategy of the app campaign should aim to maximize just the selected in-app conversion's volume, while achieving or exceeding target cost per in-app conversion. |
The bidding strategy of the app campaign should aim to maximize all conversions' value, that is, install and selected in-app conversions while achieving or exceeding target return on advertising spend. |
This bidding strategy of the app campaign should aim to maximize installation of the app without advertiser-provided target cost-per-install. |
This bidding strategy of the app campaign should aim to maximize pre-registration of the app. |
Recommendation to lower Target ROAS.
JSON representation |
"targetAdjustment": {
object ( |
Fields | |
targetAdjustment |
Output only. The relevant information describing the recommended target adjustment. |
This type has no fields.
The Performance Max Opt In recommendation.
Recommendation to improve the asset group strength of a Performance Max campaign to an "Excellent" rating.
JSON representation |
{ "assetGroup": string } |
Fields | |
assetGroup |
Output only. The asset group resource name. |
The Dynamic Search Ads to Performance Max migration recommendation.
JSON representation |
{ "applyLink": string } |
Fields | |
applyLink |
Output only. A link to the Google Ads UI where the customer can manually apply the recommendation. |
The set target CPA recommendations.
JSON representation |
"recommendedTargetCpaMicros": string,
"campaignBudget": {
object ( |
Fields | |
recommendedTargetCpaMicros |
Output only. The recommended target CPA. |
campaignBudget |
Output only. The campaign budget. |
This type has no fields.
Recommendation to opt into Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategy.
This type has no fields.
Recommendation to deploy Google Tag on more pages.
This type has no fields.
Recommendation to turn on Final URL expansion for your Performance Max campaigns.
The recommendation to update a customer list that hasn't been updated in the last 90 days. The customer receiving the recommendation is not necessarily the owner account. The owner account should update the customer list.
JSON representation |
{ "userListId": string, "userListName": string, "daysSinceLastRefresh": string, "topSpendingAccount": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
userListId |
Output only. The user list ID. |
userListName |
Output only. The name of the list. |
daysSinceLastRefresh |
Output only. Days since last refresh. |
topSpendingAccount[] |
Output only. The top spending account. |
targetingAccountsCount |
Output only. User lists can be shared with other accounts by the owner. targetingAccountsCount is the number of those accounts that can use it for targeting. |
ownerAccount |
Output only. The owner account. This is the account that should update the customer list. |
Wrapper for information about a Google Ads account.
JSON representation |
{ "customerId": string, "descriptiveName": string } |
Fields | |
customerId |
Output only. The customer ID of the account. |
descriptiveName |
Output only. The descriptive name of the account. |
The Custom Audience Opt In recommendation.
JSON representation |
"keywords": [
object ( |
Fields | |
keywords[] |
Output only. The list of keywords to use for custom audience creation. |
This type has no fields.
The lead form asset recommendation.
The improve Demand Gen ad strength recommendation.
JSON representation |
"ad": string,
"adStrength": enum ( |
Fields | |
ad |
Output only. The resource name of the ad that can be improved. |
adStrength |
Output only. The current ad strength. |
demandGenAssetActionItems[] |
Output only. A list of recommendations to improve the ad strength. |