Google Sign-In iOS and macOS SDK Release Notes


  • General release adding Firebase App Check support to establish your application's integrity while signing in with Google
  • Update minimum iOS support to iOS 12 (#445)
  • Internal
    • Update AppCheckCore dependency to v11.0 (#454)
    • Add instancetype return to test helper (#393)
    • Remove GTMSessionFetcher modular import (#403)
    • Bump activesupport from 5.2.5 to in the bundler group (#429)
    • Remove deprecated macos-11 runner (#447)
    • Update deprecated archiving API usage in tests (#449)


  • Beta release supporting Firebase App Check tokens used to establish your application's integrity while signing in with Google
  • Adds privacy manifest support released in v7.1.0
  • Internal


  • Update to Swift 5.0 in GoogleSignInSwiftSupport pod (#317)
  • Documentation updates (#351, #372)
  • Add Privacy Manifest (#382)
  • Internal
    • Fix typo in SFSafariViewController (#291)
    • Fix OCMock usage in unit test (#298)
    • Use new delegate protocol from GTMAppAuth 4.0.0 (#299)
    • Ensure that completion is not nil before calling -[GIDSignIn restorePreviousSignIn:] (#301)
    • Removes macos-11 runner in GitHub workflows (#302)
    • Updates button name reference so UI automation tests pass (#308)


  • Beta release supporting Firebase App Check tokens used to establish your application's integrity while signing in with Google
  • Internal
    • Update SignInSample Podfile minimum iOS version (#355)
    • Update AppCheckExample unit test target to pass during continuous integration (#356)


  • Early Access Program (EAP) release supporting Firebase App Check tokens used to establish your application's integrity while signing in with Google
  • Internal
    • Fix typo in SFSafariViewController (#291)
    • Removes macos-11 runner in GitHub workflows (#302)
    • Updates button name reference so UI automation tests pass (#308)
    • Ensure that completion is not nil before calling -[GIDSignIn restorePreviousSignIn:] (#301)
    • Use new delegate protocol from GTMAppAuth 4.0.0 (#299)


  • All configuration can now be provided via your Info.plist file. (#228)
    • Use the following keys in <key>KEY</key><string>VALUE</string> pairs to configure the SDK:
      • GIDClientID (required)
      • GIDServerClientID (optional)
      • GIDHostedDomain (optional)
      • GIDOpenIDRealm (optional)
  • Support for Swift Concurrency. (#187)
  • API surface improvements (#249, #228, #187)
    • GIDSignIn
      • New configuration property.
      • Removed Configuration: arguments from signIn: methods.
      • Removed addScopes: and added it to GIDGoogleUser.
      • Renamed callback: arguments to completion: for asynchronous methods taking blocks.
    • GIDGoogleUser
      • New configuration property.
      • New addScopes: method moved from GIDSignIn.
      • Removed authentication property and replaced it with:
        • New accessToken property.
        • New refreshToken property.
        • New idToken property.
        • New fetcherAuthorizer property.
        • New refreshTokensIfNeededWithCompletion: method.
    • New GIDToken class to represent access, refresh, and ID tokens in GIDGoogleUser.
    • New GIDSignInResult class to represent the result of a successful signIn or addScopes flow.
    • Removed GIDSignInCallback, GIDDisconnectCallback, and GIDAuthenticationAction block type definitions.


  • Updated the GTMSessionFetcher dependency to allow 2.x versions. (#207)


  • Fix resource loading in GoogleSignInSwift with CocoaPods use_frameworks! (#197)
  • Prevent build errors for GoogleSignInSwift in certain scenarios when using Swift Package Manager. (#166)


  • Prevent build errors for GoogleSignInSwift when using Swift Package Manager. (#157)
  • Prevent a build error on Xcode 12 and earlier. (#158)


  • Use GoogleSignInSwiftSupport as the name of the Swift support CocoaPod. (#137)


  • Support for macOS. (#104)
  • Added a SwiftUI "Sign in with Google" button. (#103)
  • Added the ability to request additional scopes at sign-in time. (#30)
  • Fixed several issues. (#87, #106)


  • New Swift sample app demonstrating SwiftUI. (#63)
  • Support for Mac Catalyst.
  • Improvements to the addScopes implementation. (#68, #70)


  • Ensure that module imports can be used when built as a library. (#53)


  • Fixes nested callbacks not being called for signIn and addScopes methods. (#29)


  • Google Sign-In for iOS is now open source.
  • Swift Package Manager support.
  • Support for Simulator on M1 Macs.
  • API surface updates
    • GIDSignIn
      • sharedInstance is now a class property.
      • signIn is now signInWithConfiguration:presentingViewController:callback: and always requests basic profile scopes.
      • addScopes:presentingViewController:callback: is the new way to add scopes beyond basic profile to a currently signed-in user.
      • restorePreviousSignIn is now restorePreviousSignInWithCallback:.
      • disconnect is now disconnectWithCallback:.
      • The GIDSignInDelegate protocol has been removed in favor of GIDSignInCallback and GIDDisconnectCallback blocks.
      • All sign-in flow configuration properties have been moved to GIDConfiguration.
    • The GIDConfiguration class had been added to represent the configuration needed to sign in a user.
    • GIDAuthentication
      • getTokensWithHandler: is now doWithFreshTokens:.
      • The GIDAuthenticationHandler typedef has been renamed GIDAuthenticationAction.
      • refreshTokensWithHandler: has been removed, use doWithFreshTokens: instead.
    • GIDSignInButton no longer makes calls to GIDSignIn internally and will need to be wired to an IBAction or similar in order for you to call signInWithConfiguration:presentingViewController:callback: to initiate a sign-in flow.


  • Fixes the wrong error code being sent to signIn:didSignInForUser:withError: when the user cancels iOS's consent dialog during the sign-in flow.


  • Fixes an issue that the sign in flow cannot be correctly started on iOS 13.
  • The zip distribution requires Xcode 11 or above.


  • Changes to GIDSignIn
    • uiDelegate has been replaced with presentingViewController.
    • hasAuthInKeychain has been replaced with hasPreviousSignIn.
    • signInSilently has been replaced with restorePreviousSignIn.
    • Removed deprecated kGIDSignInErrorCodeNoSignInHandlersInstalled error code.
  • Changes to GIDAuthentication
    • Removed deprecated methods getAccessTokenWithHandler: and refreshAccessTokenWithHandler:.
  • Changes to GIDGoogleUser
    • Removed deprecated property accessibleScopes, use grantedScopes instead.
  • Adds dependencies on AppAuth and GTMAppAuth.
  • Removes the dependency on GoogleToolboxForMac.
  • Drops support for iOS 7.


  • Removes the dependency on GTM OAuth 2.


  • Supports Google's Enterprise Mobile Management.


  • Adds grantedScopes to GIDGoogleUser, allowing confirmation of which scopes have been granted after a successful sign-in.
  • Deprecates accessibleScopes in GIDGoogleUser, use grantedScopes instead.
  • Localizes GIDSignInButton for hi (Hindi) and fr-CA (French (Canada)).
  • Adds dependency to the system LocalAuthentication framework.


  • Add pod try support for the GoogleSignIn CocoaPod.


  • Fixes an issue that GIDSignInUIDelegate's signInWillDispatch:error: was not called on iOS 11. Please note that it is intended that neither signIn:presentViewController: nor signIn:dismissViewController: is called on iOS 11 because SFAuthenticationSession is not presented by the app's view controller.


  • Uses SFAuthenticationSession on iOS 11.


  • No longer depends on GoogleAppUtilities.


  • Switches to open source pod dependencies.
  • Appearance of sign-in button no longer depends on requested scopes.


  • GoogleSignIn pod now takes form of a static framework. Import with #import <GoogleSignIn/GoogleSignIn.h> in Objective-C.
  • Adds module support. You can also use @import GoogleSignIn; in Objective-C, if module is enabled, and import GoogleSignIn in Swift without using a bridge-header.
  • For users of the stand-alone zip distribution, multiple frameworks are now provided and all need to be added to a project. This decomposition allows more flexibility in case of duplicated dependencies.
  • Removes deprecated method checkGoogleSignInAppInstalled from GIDSignIn.
  • Removes allowsSignInWithBrowser and allowsSignInWithWebView properties from GIDSignIn.
  • No longer requires adding bundle ID as a URL scheme supported by the app.


  • Provides givenName and familyName properties on GIDProfileData.
  • Allows setting the loginHint property on GIDSignIn to prefill the user's ID or email address in the sign-in flow.
  • Removed the UIViewController(SignIn) category as well as the delegate property from GIDSignInButton.
  • Requires that uiDelegate has been set properly on GIDSignIn and that SafariServices framework has been linked.
  • Removes the dependency on StoreKit.
  • Provides bitcode support.
  • Requires Xcode 7.0 or above due to bitcode incompatibilities with Xcode 6.


  • Updates sign-in button with the new Google logo.
  • Supports domain restriction for sign-in.
  • Allows refreshing ID tokens.


  • No longer requires Xcode 7.


  • Fixes a crash in GIDProfileData's imageURLWithDimension:.


  • Requires Xcode 7.0 or above.
  • Uses SFSafariViewController for signing in on iOS 9. uiDelegate must be set for this to work.
  • Optimizes fetching user profile.
  • Supports GTMFetcherAuthorizationProtocol in GIDAuthentication.


  • Compatible with iOS 9 (beta). Note that this version of the Sign-In SDK does not include bitcode, so you must set ENABLE_BITCODE to NO in your project if you use Xcode 7.
  • Adds descriptive identifiers for GIDSignInButton's Auto Layout constraints.
  • signInSilently no longer requires setting uiDelegate.


  • Fixes Auto Layout issues with GIDSignInButton.
  • Adds API to refresh access token in GIDAuthentication.
  • Better exception description for unassigned clientID in GIDSignIn.
  • Other minor bug fixes.


  • Bug fixes


  • Supports sign-in via UIWebView rather than app switching to a browser, configurable with the new allowsSignInWithWebView property.
  • Now apps which have disabled the app switch to a browser via the allowsSignInWithBrowser and in-app web view via allowsSignInWithWebView properties have the option to display a prompt instructing the user to download the Google app from the App Store.
  • Fixes sign-in button sizing issue when auto-layout is enabled
  • signInSilently now calls the delegate with error when hasAuthInKeychain is NO as documented
  • Other minor bug fixes


  • New sign-in focused SDK with refreshed API
  • Dynamically rendered sign-in button with contextual branding
  • Basic profile support
  • Added allowsSignInWithBrowser property