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A graph showing points a, b, and c in relation to a center point.
In the image above, if you want b to be more similar to a than to c, which measure should you pick?
Dot product
Euclidean distance
You are calculating similarity for music videos. The length of the embedding vectors of music videos is proportional to their popularity. You switch from cosine to dot product to calculate similarity. How does similarity between music videos change?
Popular videos only become more similar to other popular videos.
No change.
Popular videos become less similar to each other than to less popular videos.
Popular videos become more similar to all videos in general.
Given the same setup as the previous question, suppose you switch back to cosine from dot product. How does similarity between music videos change?
No change.
Popular videos become less similar to all videos.
Popular videos become more similar to all videos.
Popular videos become more similar only to each other.