Google Maps Platform core services pricing list

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Usage key
Costs - per 1000 events Prices - USD
Ranges - number of monthly events Free usage - billable events at no cost

Each Google Maps Core service price is determined on a cost per billable event. Service usage is calculated on a monthly basis. To determine the applicable volume pricing tier, Google aggregates service usage for all projects linked to the customer billing account for the applicable month.

Example: If a customer has 200,000 Autocomplete Request billable events in one calendar month, the monthly cost is calculated as follows:

Billable events

Cost per 1000 billable events

Calculated cost per pricing tier

0 - 10,000 free cap

First 10,000 events


$0 * 10,000/1,000 = $0.00

10,001 - 100,000

Next 90,000 events


$2.83 * 90,000/1,000 = $254.70

100,001 - 500,000

Next 400,000 events


$2.27 * (200,000 - 100,000)/1,000 = $227.00



Maps pricing lists

Costs listed per 1000 events. All prices in USD. Ranges are for number of monthly events.

Maps - loads


SKU Name

Free Usage Cap

Cap - 100,000

100,001 - 500,000

500,001 - 1,000,000

1,000,001 - 5,000,000


Essentials Dynamic Maps 10,000 $7.00 $5.60 $4.20 $2.10 $0.53
Essentials Embed Unlimited - - - - -
Essentials Maps SDK Unlimited - - - - -
Essentials Static Maps 10,000 $2.00 $1.60 $1.20 $0.60 $0.15
Essentials Static Street View 10,000 $7.00 $5.60 $4.20 $2.10 $0.53
Essentials Street View Metadata Unlimited - - - - -
Pro Aerial View 5,000 $16.00 $12.80 $9.60 $4.80 $1.20
Pro Dynamic Street View 5,000 $14.00 $11.20 $8.40 $4.20 $1.05
Pro Elevation 5,000 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $1.50 $0.38

Maps - 2D and Street View Tiles


SKU Name

Free Usage Cap

Cap - 1,000,000

1,000,001 - 5,000,000

5,000,001 - 10,000,000

10,000,001 - 50,000,000


Essentials Map Tiles API: 2D Map Tiles 100,000 $0.60 $0.48 $0.36 $0.18 $0.045
Essentials Map Tiles API: Street View Tiles 100,000 $2.00 $1.60 $1.20 $0.60 $0.20

Maps - 3D Tiles


SKU Name

Free Usage Cap

Cap - 100,000

100,001 - 500,000

500,001 - 1,000,000

1,000,001 - 5,000,000


Enterprise Map Tiles API: Photorealistic
3D Tiles
1,000 $6.00 $5.10 $4.20 $3.30 $2.40

Routes prices lists

Routes API price list


SKU Name

Free Usage Cap

Cap - 100,000

100,001 - 500,000

500,001 - 1,000,000

1,000,001 - 5,000,000


Essentials Routes: Compute Routes Essentials 10,000 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $1.50 $0.38
Essentials Routes: Compute Route Matrix Essentials 10,000 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $1.50 $0.38
Pro Roads - Nearest Road 5,000 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $3.00 $0.76
Pro Roads - Route Traveled 5,000 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $3.00 $0.76
Pro Roads - Speed Limits 1 5,000 $20.00 $16.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00
Pro RouteOptimization - SingleVehicleRouting 5,000 $10.00 $4.00 $2.00 $0.80 $0.70
Pro Routes: Compute Routes Pro 5,000 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $3.00 $0.75
Pro Routes: Compute Route Matrix Pro 5,000 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $3.00 $0.75
Enterprise RouteOptimization - FleetRouting 1,000 $30.00 $14.00 $6.00 $2.40 $2.10
Enterprise Routes: Compute Routes Enterprise 1,000 $15.00 $12.00 $9.00 $4.50 $1.14
Enterprise Routes: Compute Route Matrix Enterprise 1,000 $15.00 $12.00 $9.00 $4.50 $1.14

1 Limited access


SKU Name

Free Usage Cap

Cap - 4,200,000

4,200,001 - 16,800,000


Enterprise Navigation Request 1,000 $50.00 $39.50 $28.00

Places price lists


SKU Name

Free Usage Cap

Cap - 100,000

100,001 - 500,000

500,001 - 1,000,000

1,000,001 - 5,000,000


Essentials Autocomplete Requests 10,000 $2.83 $2.27 $1.70 $0.85 $0.21
Essentials Autocomplete Session Usage Unlimited - - - - -
Essentials Geocoding 10,000 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $1.50 $0.38
Essentials Geolocation 10,000 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $1.50 $0.38
Essentials Places API Place Details Essentials (IDs Only) Unlimited - - - - -
Essentials Places API Place Details Essentials 10,000 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $1.50 $0.38
Essentials Places API Text Search Essentials (IDs Only) Unlimited - - - - -
Essentials Time Zone 10,000 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $1.50 $0.38
Pro Address Validation Pro 5,000 $17.00 $13.60 $10.20 $5.10 $1.28
Pro Places API Nearby Search Pro 5,000 $32.00 $25.60 $19.20 $9.60 $2.40
Pro Places API Place Details Pro 5,000 $17.00 $13.60 $10.20 $5.10 $1.28
Pro Places API Text Search Pro 5,000 $32.00 $25.60 $19.20 $9.60 $2.40
Enterprise Address Validation Enterprise 1,000 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 $7.50 $2.28
Enterprise Places API Nearby Search Enterprise 1,000 $35.00 $28.00 $21.00 $10.50 $2.63
Enterprise Places API Nearby Search Enterprise + Atmosphere 1,000 $40.00 $32.00 $24.00 $12.00 $3.40
Enterprise Places API Place Details Enterprise 1,000 $20.00 $16.00 $12.00 $6.00 $1.51
Enterprise Places API Place Details Enterprise + Atmosphere 1,000 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 $7.50 $2.28
Enterprise Places API Place Details Photos 1,000 $7.00 $5.60 $4.20 $2.10 $0.53
Enterprise Places API Text Search Enterprise 1,000 $35.00 $28.00 $21.00 $10.50 $2.63
Enterprise Places API Text Search Enterprise + Atmosphere 1,000 $40.00 $32.00 $24.00 $12.00 $3.40

Environment API pricing


SKU Name

Free Usage Cap

Cap - 100,000

100,001 - 500,000

500,001 - 1,000,000

1,000,001 - 5,000,000


Essentials Air Quality Usage 10,000 $5.00 $4.00 $2.00 $0.50 $0.25
Essentials Solar API Building Insights 10,000 $10.00 $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 $3.50
Pro Pollen Usage 5,000 $10.00 $8.00 $4.00 $1.00 $0.50
Enterprise Solar API Data Layers 1,000 $75.00 $37.50 $33.75 $30.00 $26.25

Legacy product pricing

Places API Legacy pricing


SKU Name

Free Usage Cap

Cap - 100,000


Essentials Autocomplete - Per Request 10,000 $2.83 $2.27
Essentials Autocomplete (included with Places Details) - Per Session 1 Unlimited - -
Essentials Basic Data Unlimited - -
Essentials Find Place - ID only Unlimited - -
Essentials Places Details - ID Refresh Unlimited - -
Essentials Query Autocomplete - Per Request 10,000 $2.83 $2.27
Pro Autocomplete without Places Details - Per Session 5,000 $17.00 $13.60
Pro Find Current Place 5,000 $30.00 $24.00
Pro Find Place 5,000 $17.00 $13.60
Pro Places - Nearby Search 5,000 $32.00 $25.60
Pro Places API - Text Search 5,000 $32.00 $25.60
Pro Place Details 5,000 $17.00 $13.60
Enterprise Places - Atmosphere Data 1,000 $5.00 $4.00
Enterprise Places - Contact Data 1,000 $3.00 $2.40
Enterprise Places Photo 1,000 $7.00 $5.60

1This SKU will show up as $0 on your bill. The autocomplete request is free of charge, but subsequent Places Details calls are charged based on regular Places Details pricing. For more information about billing triggers for this SKU, see the pricing page.

Routes API Legacy pricing


SKU Name

Free Usage Cap

Cap - 100,000


Essentials Directions 10,000 $5.00 $4.00
Essentials Distance Matrix 10,000 $5.00 $4.00
Pro Directions Advanced 5,000 $10.00 $8.00
Pro Distance Matrix Advanced 5,000 $10.00 $8.00