The computeRoutes method (REST) and the ComputeRoutes method (gRPC) both return the route represented by a polyline as part of the response. These APIs return two types of polylines:
Basic polyline (default), represents a route but without traffic information embedded in the polyline. Requests that return a basic polyline are billed at the Routes Basic rate. Learn more about billing for Routes API.
Traffic-aware polyline, contain information about the traffic conditions along the route. Traffic conditions are expressed in terms of speed categories (
) applicable on a given interval of the polyline. Requests for traffic-aware polylines are billed at the Routes Preferred rate. Learn more about billing for Routes API. For details, see Configure polyline quality
For more on polylines, see:
Interactive Polyline Encoder Utility lets you create encoded polylines in a UI or decode polylines to display on a map. For example, use this utility to decode a polyline created by the code below.
Request a basic polyline for a route, leg, or step
A polyline is represented by a Polyline (REST) or Polyline (gRPC) object. You can return a polyline in the response at the route, leg, and step level.
Specify which polyline to return by using the response field mask:
At the route level, return a polyline in the response by including
in the response field mask.At the leg level, return a polyline in the response for each leg of the route by including
.At the step level, return a polyline in the response for each step of the leg by including
For example, to return a polyline for the entire route, for each leg, and for each step of each leg:
curl -X POST -d '{ "origin":{ "address": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA" }, "destination":{ "address": "24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94107" }, "travelMode": "DRIVE" }' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY ' \ -H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: routes.duration,routes.distanceMeters,routes.polyline,routes.legs.polyline,routes.legs.steps.polyline' \ ''
This request returns the following response which includes the polyline for the route, for each leg of the route, and for each step of the leg:
{ "routes": [ { "legs": [ { "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "ipkcFfich...@Bs@?A?O?SD{A@o@B}@I?qA?_AA_@@_@?" } }, "steps": [ { "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "kclcF...@sC@YIOKI" } }, { "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "wblcF~...SZSF_@?" } }, ... ], "distanceMeters": 56901, "duration": "2420s", "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "ipkcFfich...@Bs@?A?O?SD{A@o@B}@I?qA?_AA_@@_@?" } } ] }
Because this request only contains an origin and a destination, the returned route only contains a single leg. Therefore, the polyline for the leg and for the route are the same.
If you add an intermediate waypoint to the request, then the returned route contains two legs:
curl -X POST -d '{ "origin":{ "address": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA" }, "destination":{ "address": "24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94107" }, "intermediates": [ { "address": "450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, USA"}, ], "travelMode": "DRIVE", }' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY ' \ -H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: routes.duration,routes.distanceMeters,routes.polyline,routes.legs.polyline' \ ''
This request returns two legs, each with a unique polyline, and a polyline for the entire route:
{ "routes": [ { "legs": [ { "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "kclcFfqchV?A...?I@G?GAECCCEKICBAFG" } "steps": [ { "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "kclcFfqch...YIOKI" } }, ... }, { "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "ojmcFtethV?K...QOYQOGA?_@MUG[Ga@G" } "steps": [ { "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "uypeFbo`jVgJq...PoBiC" } }, ... } ], "distanceMeters": 68403, "duration": "3759s", "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "kclcFfqchV?A?CBKF[Ha...?GAECCCEKICBAFGJEBE" } } ] }
Polyline quality
The quality of a polyline can be described in the following terms:
The floating-point precision of the points
Points are specified as latitude and longitude values, which are represented in single-precision floating-point format. This works well for small values (which can be represented precisely), but precision decreases as values increase because of floating-point rounding errors.
In computeRoutes method (REST) and ComputeRoutes, this is controlled by
.The number of points that make up the polyline
The more points there are, the smoother the polyline (especially in curves).
In computeRoutes method (REST) and ComputeRoutes, this is controlled by
Configure polyline encoding type
Use the polylineEncoding
request option for controlling the polyline type.
The polylineEncoding
property controls whether the polyline will be encoded as
(default), meaning the
Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format
will be used, or GEO_JSON_LINESTRING
, meaning the
GeoJSON LineString format
will be used.
For example, in the request body:
curl -X POST -d '{ "origin":{ "address": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA" }, "destination":{ "address": "24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94107" }, "travelMode": "DRIVE", "polylineEncoding": "ENCODED_POLYLINE" }' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY ' \ -H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: routes.duration,routes.distanceMeters,routes.polyline,routes.legs.polyline' \ ''
Configure Polyline quality
specifies the quality of the polyline as HIGH_QUALITY
(default). With OVERVIEW
, the polyline is composed using a small
number of points and has a lower request latency than HIGH_QUALITY
For example, in the request body:
{ "origin":{ "location":{ "latLng":{ "latitude": 37.419734, "longitude": -122.0827784 } } }, "destination":{ "location":{ "latLng":{ "latitude": 37.417670, "longitude": -122.079595 } } }, "travelMode": "DRIVE", "routingPreference": "TRAFFIC_AWARE", "polylineQuality": "HIGH_QUALITY", "polylineEncoding": "ENCODED_POLYLINE", "departureTime": "2023-10-15T15:01:23.045123456Z", ... }
Request a traffic-aware polyline
The examples shown above all return basic polylines, meaning polylines without traffic information. In addition, you can also request that the polyline contains traffic information for the route and for each leg of the route.
Traffic-aware polylines contain information about the traffic conditions along
the route. Traffic conditions are expressed in terms of speed categories
) for a given interval of the response
polyline. The intervals are defined by the indexes of their starting (inclusive)
and ending (exclusive) polyline points.
For example, the following response shows NORMAL
traffic between polyline
points 2 and 4:
{ "startPolylinePointIndex": 2, "endPolylinePointIndex": 4, "speed": "NORMAL" }
To make a request to compute a traffic-aware polyline, set the following properties in the request:
Set the
to enable the traffic calculation.Set the
. Requests for any other travel mode return an error.Specify either the
routing preference in the request. For more information, see Configure quality vs latency.Set a response field mask that specifies to return the response properties:
At the route level, return all travel information in the response by including
in the response field mask. To return just the traffic information, specifyroutes.travelAdvisory.speedReadingIntervals
At the leg level, return all travel information in the response for each leg of the route by including
. To return just the traffic information, specifyroutes.legs.travelAdvisory.speedReadingIntervals
curl -X POST -d '{ "origin":{ "address": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA" }, "destination":{ "address": "24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94107" }, "travelMode": "DRIVE", "extraComputations": ["TRAFFIC_ON_POLYLINE"], "routingPreference": "TRAFFIC_AWARE_OPTIMAL" }' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY ' \ -H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: routes.duration,routes.distanceMeters,routes.polyline,routes.legs.polyline,routes.travelAdvisory,routes.legs.travelAdvisory' \ ''
Example response for a traffic-aware polyline
In the response, traffic data is encoded in the polyline and is contained in the
field, of type
object (each leg) and
RouteTravelAdvisory object (route).
For example:
{ "routes": [ { "legs": { "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "}boeF~zbjVAg@EmB`GWHlD" }, // Traffic data for the leg. "travelAdvisory": { "speedReadingIntervals": [ { "endPolylinePointIndex": 1, "speed": "NORMAL" }, { "startPolylinePointIndex": 1, "endPolylinePointIndex": 2, "speed": "SLOW" }, { "startPolylinePointIndex": 2, "endPolylinePointIndex": 4, "speed": "NORMAL" } ] } }, "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "}boeF~zbjVAg@EmB`GWHlD" }, // Traffic data for the route. "travelAdvisory": { "speedReadingIntervals": [ { "endPolylinePointIndex": 1, "speed": "NORMAL" }, { "startPolylinePointIndex": 1, "endPolylinePointIndex": 2, "speed": "SLOW" }, { "startPolylinePointIndex": 2, "endPolylinePointIndex": 4, "speed": "NORMAL" } ] } } ] }
Both RouteTravelAdvisory
and RouteLegTravelAdvisory
include an array field
called speedReadingIntervals
that contains traffic speed information. Each
object in the array is represented by a
SpeedReadingInterval (REST) or
(gRPC) object.
A SpeedReadingInterval
object includes speed reading for a route interval,
such as NORMAL
. The entire array of objects covers
the entire polyline of the route without overlap. The start point of a specified
interval is the same as the end point of the preceding interval.
Every interval is described by its startPolylinePointIndex
, and the corresponding speed category.
Notice that the lack of start index within the interval corresponds with index 0
in accordance with the
proto3 practices.
The startPolylinePointIndex
and endPolylinePointIndex
values are not
always consecutive. For example:
{ "startPolylinePointIndex": 2, "endPolylinePointIndex": 4, "speed": "NORMAL" }
In this case, the traffic conditions were the same from index 2 to index 4.
Render traffic-aware polylines with Maps SDK
We recommend displaying traffic aware polylines on the map using the various features offered by Google Maps SDKs including custom coloring, strokes, and patterns along the polyline stretches. For more details about using polylines, see Polyline Features for Android and Polyline Features for iOS.
Example Polyline rendering
The users of Maps SDK have the opportunity of defining a customized mapping logic between the speed categories and the polyline rendering schemas. As an example, one might decide to display "NORMAL" speed as a thick blue line on the map while "SLOW" speed might be displayed as a thick orange line, for example.
The following snippets add a thick blue polyline with geodesic segments from Melbourne to Perth. For more information, see Customizing appearances (for Android) and Customize the Polyline (for iOS).
Polyline line = map.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions() .add(new LatLng(-37.81319, 144.96298), new LatLng(-31.95285, 115.85734)) .width(25) .color(Color.BLUE) .geodesic(true));
val line: Polyline = map.addPolyline( PolylineOptions() .add(LatLng(-37.81319, 144.96298), LatLng(-31.95285, 115.85734)) .width(25f) .color(Color.BLUE) .geodesic(true) )
GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path]; [path addLatitude:-37.81319 longitude:144.96298]; [path addLatitude:-31.95285 longitude:115.85734]; GMSPolyline *polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:path]; polyline.strokeWidth = 10.f; polyline.strokeColor = .blue; polyline.geodesic = YES; = mapView;
let path = GMSMutablePath() path.addLatitude(-37.81319, longitude: 144.96298) path.addLatitude(-31.95285, longitude: 115.85734) let polyline = GMSPolyline(path: path) polyline.strokeWidth = 10.0 polyline.geodesic = true = mapView
Use encoded polylines with Search Along Route
Use Places API Text Search to search along a calculated route. You pass the encoded polyline of a precalculated route from the Routes API to the Text Search request. The response then contains places that match the search criteria and are also located near the specified route. For details, see search along a route.
For example, to return cafes along the route between the origin and destination:
const API_KEY = 'YOUR_API_KEY'; const routes_service = ''; const textSearch_service = '';function init(){ const routes_request = { "origin":{ "address": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA" }, "destination":{ "address": "24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94107" }, "travelMode": "DRIVE" }; const textSearch_request = { "textQuery": "cafe", "searchAlongRouteParameters": { "polyline": { "encodedPolyline": "" } } }; fetchResources(routes_service,routes_request).then(routes => { textSearch_request.searchAlongRouteParameters.polyline.encodedPolyline = routes.routes[0].polyline.encodedPolyline; fetchResources(textSearch_service,textSearch_request).then(places => { console.log(places); }); }); } async function fetchResources(resource,reqBody){ const response = await fetch(resource, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(reqBody), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Goog-Api-Key': API_KEY, 'X-Goog-FieldMask': '*' } }); const responseJSON = await response.json(); return responseJSON; } init();