Billing and pricing for the Routes API
For information about how Google calculates your billing and pricing, see Google Maps Platform pricing list or Google Maps Platform pricing list - India.
Compute Routes and Compute Route Matrix each have three SKUs that determine the cost of a request. The SKU used to determine the cost is based on the service you request, Compute Routes or Compute Route Matrix, and the features that you use in the request. For example:
A request to Compute Routes is billed as a single QUERY.
A request to Compute Route Matrix is billed per ELEMENT of the request, where the number of elements is equal to: the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations. If a request contain two origins and three destinations, then the single request is billed for six elements.
A request that uses only basic features and uses a maximum of 10 intermediate waypoints is charged based on the Basic SKU.
A request that uses an advanced feature, such as the
route modifiers, is charged based on the Advanced SKU.A request that uses a preferred feature, such as two-wheel routing, is charged based on the Preferred SKU.
SKU: Routes: Compute Routes Essentials
This SKU bills for requests to Compute Routes.
Category | Essentials | |
Billable event | Request | |
Triggers | This SKU is triggered when you make a request to the to Compute Routes that doesn't use any Pro or Enterprise features. | |
Pricing | Main pricing table India pricing table |
SKU: Routes: Compute Routes Pro
This SKU bills for requests to Compute Routes that use pro features.
Category | Pro | |
Billable event | Request | |
Triggers | This SKU is triggered when you make a request to the Compute Routes that uses one or more of the following Pro features:
Pricing | Main pricing table India pricing table |
SKU: Routes: Compute Routes Enterprise
This SKU bills for requests to Compute Routes that use Enterprise features.
Category | Enterprise | |
Billable event | Request | |
Triggers | This SKU is triggered when you make a request to the Compute Routes that uses one or more of the following Enterprise features: |
Pricing | Main pricing table India pricing table |
SKU: Routes: Compute Route Matrix Essentials
This SKU bills for requests to the Compute Route Matrix that use Essentials features.
Category | Essentials | |
Billable event | Element | |
Triggers | This SKU is triggered for each element returned when you make a request to Compute Route Matrix that does not use any Pro or Enterprise features. | |
Pricing | Main pricing table India pricing table |
SKU: Routes: Compute Route Matrix Pro
This SKU bills for requests to the Compute Route Matrix that use Pro features.
Category | Pro | |
Billable event | Element | |
Triggers | This SKU is triggered for each element returned when you make a request that uses one or more of the following Pro features:
Pricing | Main pricing table India pricing table |
SKU: Routes: Compute Route Matrix Enterprise
This SKU bills for requests to the Compute Route Matrix that use Enterprise features.
Category | Enterprise | |
Billable event | Element | |
Triggers | This SKU is triggered for each element returned when you make a request that uses one or more of the following Enterprise features: | |
Pricing | Main pricing table India pricing table |
Other usage limits
While there are no maximum number of requests per day, the following usage limits are in place for the Routes API.
The number of elements is calculated by taking the number of origins times the number of destinations.
Compute Routes
Rate limit of 3,000 QPM queries per minute.
Maximum allowed number of intermediate waypoints per
request request is 25.
Compute Route Matrix
The rate limit is 3,000 EPM elements per minute, calculated by number of origins times the number of destinations.
Maximum allowed number of origins and destinations that you can specify by using a place ID or address is 50.
Maximum allowed total number of elements per
request withroutingPreference
is 100.Maximum allowed total number of elements per
request withtravelMode
is 100.Maximum allowed total number of elements per
request otherwise is 625.
Terms of Use restrictions
For complete details on allowed usage, consult the License Restrictions section in the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.