Endpoint currentConditions
memberikan informasi kualitas udara per jam saat ini. Anda dapat mengontrol AQI dan
informasi yang relevan yang ditampilkan (seperti tingkat konsentrasi polutan dan
rekomendasi kesehatan).
Anda dapat meminta kualitas udara per jam saat ini menggunakan endpoint currentConditions
dengan mengirimkan permintaan POST HTTP ke:
Sertakan opsi permintaan Anda dalam isi permintaan JSON. Isi permintaan berisi lokasi yang ingin Anda dapatkan kondisi kualitas udara saat ini dan berbagai opsi untuk mengontrol informasi kualitas udara yang akan disertakan dalam respons.
Dengan APIs Explorer, Anda dapat membuat permintaan langsung sehingga dapat memahami API dan opsi API:
Contoh permintaan dasar
Isi permintaan dasar
Kode berikut menunjukkan cara membuat isi permintaan dasar untuk permintaan
. Dalam contoh ini, Anda hanya menetapkan lokasi.
curl -X POST -d '{ "location": { "latitude": 37.419734, "longitude": -122.0827784 } }' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 'https://airquality.googleapis.com/v1/currentConditions:lookup?key=YOUR_API_KEY '
Respons permintaan dasar
Panggilan di atas menghasilkan respons JSON berikut. Untuk mengetahui detail selengkapnya tentang data respons, lihat Data respons.
{ "dateTime": "2023-10-26T18:00:00Z", "regionCode": "us", "indexes": [ { "code": "uaqi", "displayName": "Universal AQI", "aqi": 52, "aqiDisplay": "52", "color": { "red": 0.9490196, "green": 0.98039216, "blue": 0.019607844 }, "category": "Moderate air quality", "dominantPollutant": "no2" } ] }
Contoh permintaan dengan beberapa parameter
Permintaan beberapa parameter
Kode berikut menunjukkan cara membuat isi permintaan untuk
permintaan currentConditions
Dalam contoh ini, selain lokasi, beberapa komputasi tambahan dan
bahasa respons ditentukan.
curl -X POST -d '{ "universalAqi": true, "location": { "latitude": 37.419734, "longitude": -122.0827784 }, "extraComputations": [ "HEALTH_RECOMMENDATIONS", "DOMINANT_POLLUTANT_CONCENTRATION", "POLLUTANT_CONCENTRATION", "LOCAL_AQI", "POLLUTANT_ADDITIONAL_INFO" ], "languageCode": "en" }' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 'https://airquality.googleapis.com/v1/currentConditions:lookup?key=YOUR_API_KEY '
Respons beberapa parameter
Panggilan di atas menghasilkan respons JSON berikut. Untuk mengetahui detail selengkapnya tentang data respons, lihat Data respons.
{ "dateTime": "2023-06-15T10:00:00Z", "regionCode": "us", "indexes": [ { "code": "uaqi", "displayName": "Universal AQI", "aqi": 89, "aqiDisplay": "89", "color": { "red": 48, "green": 175, "blue": 55, "alpha": 255 }, "category": "Excellent air quality", "dominantPollutant": "o3" }, { "code": "usa_epa", "displayName": "AQI (US)", "aqi": 41, "aqiDisplay": "41", "color": { "green": 228, "alpha": 255 }, "category": "Good air quality", "dominantPollutant": "pm25" } ], "pollutants": [ { "code": "co", "displayName": "CO", "fullName": "Carbon monoxide", "concentration": { "value": 334.24, "units": "PARTS_PER_BILLION" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Typically originates from incomplete combustion...", "effects": "When inhaled, carbon monoxide can prevent the blood from..." } }, { "code": "no2", "displayName": "NO2", "fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide", "concentration": { "value": 13.12, "units": "PARTS_PER_BILLION" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Main sources are fuel burning processes, such as...", "effects": "Exposure may cause increased bronchial reactivity..." } }, { "code": "o3", "displayName": "O3", "fullName": "Ozone", "concentration": { "value": 13.88, "units": "PARTS_PER_BILLION" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Ozone is created in a chemical reaction between atmospheric oxygen...", "effects": "Ozone can irritate the airways and cause coughing, a burning..." } }, { "code": "pm10", "displayName": "PM10", "fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)", "concentration": { "value": 5.07, "units": "MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Main sources are combustion processes (e.g. indoor heating, wildfires)...", "effects": "Inhalable particles can penetrate into the lungs. Short term exposure..." } }, { "code": "pm25", "displayName": "PM2.5", "fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)", "concentration": { "value": 2.83, "units": "MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Main sources are combustion processes (e.g. power plants, indoor heating...", "effects": "Fine particles can penetrate into the lungs and bloodstream. Short term..." } }, { "code": "so2", "displayName": "SO2", "fullName": "Sulfur dioxide", "concentration": { "value": 0.02, "units": "PARTS_PER_BILLION" }, "additionalInfo": { "sources": "Main sources are burning processes of sulfur-containing fuel in industry...", "effects": "Exposure causes irritation of the respiratory tract, coughing and generates..." } } ], "healthRecommendations": { "generalPopulation": "With this level of air quality, you have no limitations. Enjoy the outdoors!", "elderly": "If you start to feel respiratory discomfort such as coughing or breathing difficulties...", "lungDiseasePopulation": "...", "heartDiseasePopulation": "...", "athletes": "...", "pregnantWomen": "...", "children": "..." } }
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Pilih ikon API api di sisi kanan halaman.
Atau, edit parameter permintaan.
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