Haritaya, bilgi penceresi içeren işaretçi ekleme

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Örnek kodu denemeden önce geliştirme ortamınızı yapılandırmanız gerekir. Daha fazla bilgi için Android için Haritalar SDK'sı kod örnekleri bölümüne bakın.

Kodu göster


class MarkerDemoActivity :
        OnMapAndViewReadyListener.OnGlobalLayoutAndMapReadyListener {

    private val TAG = MarkerDemoActivity::class.java.name

    /** This is ok to be lateinit as it is initialised in onMapReady */
    private lateinit var map: GoogleMap

     * Keeps track of the last selected marker (though it may no longer be selected).  This is
     * useful for refreshing the info window.
     * Must be nullable as it is null when no marker has been selected
    private var lastSelectedMarker: Marker? = null

    private val markerRainbow = ArrayList<Marker>()

    /** map to store place names and locations */
    private val places = mapOf(
            "BRISBANE" to LatLng(-27.47093, 153.0235),
            "MELBOURNE" to LatLng(-37.81319, 144.96298),
            "DARWIN" to LatLng(-12.4634, 130.8456),
            "SYDNEY" to LatLng(-33.87365, 151.20689),
            "ADELAIDE" to LatLng(-34.92873, 138.59995),
            "PERTH" to LatLng(-31.952854, 115.857342),
            "ALICE_SPRINGS" to LatLng(-24.6980, 133.8807)

    /** These can be lateinit as they are set in onCreate */
    private lateinit var topText: TextView
    private lateinit var rotationBar: SeekBar
    private lateinit var flatBox: CheckBox
    private lateinit var options: RadioGroup

    private val random = Random()

    /** Demonstrates customizing the info window and/or its contents.  */
    internal inner class CustomInfoWindowAdapter : InfoWindowAdapter {

        // These are both view groups containing an ImageView with id "badge" and two
        // TextViews with id "title" and "snippet".
        private val window: View = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_info_window, null)
        private val contents: View = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_info_contents, null)

        override fun getInfoWindow(marker: Marker): View? {
            if (options.checkedRadioButtonId != R.id.custom_info_window) {
                // This means that getInfoContents will be called.
                return null
            render(marker, window)
            return window

        override fun getInfoContents(marker: Marker): View? {
            if (options.checkedRadioButtonId != R.id.custom_info_contents) {
                // This means that the default info contents will be used.
                return null
            render(marker, contents)
            return contents

        private fun render(marker: Marker, view: View) {
            val badge = when (marker.title!!) {
                "Brisbane" -> R.drawable.badge_qld
                "Adelaide" -> R.drawable.badge_sa
                "Sydney" -> R.drawable.badge_nsw
                "Melbourne" -> R.drawable.badge_victoria
                "Perth" -> R.drawable.badge_wa
                in "Darwin Marker 1".."Darwin Marker 4" -> R.drawable.badge_nt
                else -> 0 // Passing 0 to setImageResource will clear the image view.


            // Set the title and snippet for the custom info window
            val title: String? = marker.title
            val titleUi = view.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.title)

            if (title != null) {
                // Spannable string allows us to edit the formatting of the text.
                titleUi.text = SpannableString(title).apply {
                    setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED), 0, length, 0)
            } else {
                titleUi.text = ""

            val snippet: String? = marker.snippet
            val snippetUi = view.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.snippet)
            if (snippet != null && snippet.length > 12) {
                snippetUi.text = SpannableString(snippet).apply {
                    setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(Color.MAGENTA), 0, 10, 0)
                    setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(Color.BLUE), 12, snippet.length, 0)
            } else {
                snippetUi.text = ""

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        topText = findViewById(R.id.top_text)

        rotationBar = findViewById<SeekBar>(R.id.rotationSeekBar).apply {
            max = 360
            setOnSeekBarChangeListener(object: OnSeekBarChangeListener {

                /** Called when the Rotation progress bar is moved */
                override fun onProgressChanged(seekBar: SeekBar?, progress: Int, fromUser: Boolean) {
                    val rotation = seekBar?.progress?.toFloat()
                    checkReadyThen { markerRainbow.map { it.rotation = rotation ?: 0f } }

                override fun onStartTrackingTouch(p0: SeekBar?) {
                    // do nothing

                override fun onStopTrackingTouch(p0: SeekBar?) {
                    //do nothing

            } )

        flatBox = findViewById(R.id.flat)

        options = findViewById<RadioGroup>(R.id.custom_info_window_options).apply {
            setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, _ ->
                if (lastSelectedMarker?.isInfoWindowShown == true) {
                    // Refresh the info window when the info window's content has changed.
                    // must deal with the possibility that lastSelectedMarker has changed in
                    // another thread between the null check and this line, do this with !!

        val mapFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(R.id.map) as SupportMapFragment
        OnMapAndViewReadyListener(mapFragment, this)

     * This is the callback that is triggered when the GoogleMap has loaded and is ready for use
    override fun onMapReady(googleMap: GoogleMap?) {

        // return early if the map was not initialised properly
        map = googleMap ?: return

        // create bounds that encompass every location we reference
        val boundsBuilder = LatLngBounds.Builder()
        // include all places we have markers for on the map
        places.keys.map { place -> boundsBuilder.include(places.getValue(place)) }
        val bounds = boundsBuilder.build()

        with(map) {
            // Hide the zoom controls as the button panel will cover it.
            uiSettings.isZoomControlsEnabled = false

            // Setting an info window adapter allows us to change the both the contents and
            // look of the info window.

            // Set listeners for marker events.  See the bottom of this class for their behavior.

            // Override the default content description on the view, for accessibility mode.
            // Ideally this string would be localised.
            setContentDescription("Map with lots of markers.")

            moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 50))

        // Add lots of markers to the googleMap.


     * Show all the specified markers on the map
    private fun addMarkersToMap() {

        val placeDetailsMap = mutableMapOf(
                // Uses a coloured icon
                "BRISBANE" to PlaceDetails(
                        position = places.getValue("BRISBANE"),
                        title = "Brisbane",
                        snippet = "Population: 2,074,200",
                        icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory

                // Uses a custom icon with the info window popping out of the center of the icon.
                "SYDNEY" to PlaceDetails(
                        position = places.getValue("SYDNEY"),
                        title = "Sydney",
                        snippet = "Population: 4,627,300",
                        icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.arrow),
                        infoWindowAnchorX = 0.5f,
                        infoWindowAnchorY = 0.5f

                // Will create a draggable marker. Long press to drag.
                "MELBOURNE" to PlaceDetails(
                        position = places.getValue("MELBOURNE"),
                        title = "Melbourne",
                        snippet = "Population: 4,137,400",
                        draggable = true

                // Use a vector drawable resource as a marker icon.
                "ALICE_SPRINGS" to PlaceDetails(
                        position = places.getValue("ALICE_SPRINGS"),
                        title = "Alice Springs",
                        icon = vectorToBitmap(
                                R.drawable.ic_android, Color.parseColor("#A4C639"))

                // More markers for good measure
                "PERTH" to PlaceDetails(
                        position = places.getValue("PERTH"),
                        title = "Perth",
                        snippet = "Population: 1,738,800"

                "ADELAIDE" to PlaceDetails(
                        position = places.getValue("ADELAIDE"),
                        title = "Adelaide",
                        snippet = "Population: 1,213,000"


        // add 4 markers on top of each other in Darwin with varying z-indexes
        (0 until 4).map {
                "DARWIN ${it + 1}", PlaceDetails(
                    position = places.getValue("DARWIN"),
                    title = "Darwin Marker ${it + 1}",
                    snippet = "z-index initially ${it + 1}",
                    zIndex = it.toFloat()

        // place markers for each of the defined locations
        placeDetailsMap.keys.map {
            with(placeDetailsMap.getValue(it)) {
                        .infoWindowAnchor(infoWindowAnchorX, infoWindowAnchorY)


        // Creates a marker rainbow demonstrating how to create default marker icons of different
        // hues (colors).
        val numMarkersInRainbow = 12
        (0 until numMarkersInRainbow).mapTo(markerRainbow) {
                    -30 + 10 * Math.sin(it * Math.PI / (numMarkersInRainbow - 1)),
                    135 - 10 * Math.cos(it * Math.PI / (numMarkersInRainbow - 1))))
                title("Marker $it")
                icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker((it * 360 / numMarkersInRainbow)

     * Demonstrates converting a [Drawable] to a [BitmapDescriptor],
     * for use as a marker icon.
    private fun vectorToBitmap(@DrawableRes id : Int, @ColorInt color : Int): BitmapDescriptor {
        val vectorDrawable: Drawable? = ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(resources, id, null)
        if (vectorDrawable == null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Resource not found")
            return BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker()
        val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(vectorDrawable.intrinsicWidth,
                vectorDrawable.intrinsicHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
        val canvas = Canvas(bitmap)
        vectorDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
        DrawableCompat.setTint(vectorDrawable, color)
        return BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap)

    /** Called when the Clear button is clicked.  */
    fun onClearMap(view: View) {
        checkReadyThen { map.clear() }

    /** Called when the Reset button is clicked.  */
    fun onResetMap(view: View) {
        checkReadyThen {

    /** Called when the Flat check box is checked or unchecked */
    fun onToggleFlat(view: View) {
        checkReadyThen { markerRainbow.map { marker -> marker.isFlat = flatBox.isChecked } }

    // Marker related listeners.
    override fun onMarkerClick(marker : Marker): Boolean {

        // Markers have a z-index that is settable and gettable.
        marker.zIndex += 1.0f
        Toast.makeText(this, "${marker.title} z-index set to ${marker.zIndex}",

        lastSelectedMarker = marker

        if (marker.position == places.getValue("PERTH")) {
            // This causes the marker at Perth to bounce into position when it is clicked.
            val handler = Handler()
            val start = SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
            val duration = 1500

            val interpolator = BounceInterpolator()

            handler.post(object : Runnable {
                override fun run() {
                    val elapsed = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - start
                    val t = Math.max(
                            1 - interpolator.getInterpolation(elapsed.toFloat() / duration), 0f)
                    marker.setAnchor(0.5f, 1.0f + 2 * t)

                    // Post again 16ms later.
                    if (t > 0.0) {
                        handler.postDelayed(this, 16)
        } else if (marker.position == places.getValue("ADELAIDE")) {
            // This causes the marker at Adelaide to change color and alpha.
            marker.apply {
                setIcon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(random.nextFloat() * 360))
                alpha = random.nextFloat()

        // We return false to indicate that we have not consumed the event and that we wish
        // for the default behavior to occur (which is for the camera to move such that the
        // marker is centered and for the marker's info window to open, if it has one).
        return false

    override fun onInfoWindowClick(marker : Marker) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Click Info Window", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

    override fun onInfoWindowClose(marker : Marker) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Close Info Window", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

    override fun onInfoWindowLongClick(marker : Marker) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Info Window long click", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

    override fun onMarkerDragStart(marker : Marker) {
        topText.text = getString(R.string.on_marker_drag_start)

    override fun onMarkerDragEnd(marker : Marker) {
        topText.text = getString(R.string.on_marker_drag_end)

    override fun onMarkerDrag(marker : Marker) {
        topText.text = getString(R.string.on_marker_drag, marker.position.latitude, marker.position.longitude)

     * Checks if the map is ready, the executes the provided lambda function
     * @param stuffToDo the code to be executed if the map is ready
    private fun checkReadyThen(stuffToDo : () -> Unit) {
        if (!::map.isInitialized) {
            Toast.makeText(this, R.string.map_not_ready, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
        } else {



public class MarkerDemoActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements
        OnMapAndViewReadyListener.OnGlobalLayoutAndMapReadyListener {

    private static final LatLng BRISBANE = new LatLng(-27.47093, 153.0235);

    private static final LatLng MELBOURNE = new LatLng(-37.81319, 144.96298);

    private static final LatLng DARWIN = new LatLng(-12.4634, 130.8456);

    private static final LatLng SYDNEY = new LatLng(-33.87365, 151.20689);

    private static final LatLng ADELAIDE = new LatLng(-34.92873, 138.59995);

    private static final LatLng PERTH = new LatLng(-31.952854, 115.857342);

    private static final LatLng ALICE_SPRINGS = new LatLng(-24.6980, 133.8807);

    /** Demonstrates customizing the info window and/or its contents. */
    class CustomInfoWindowAdapter implements InfoWindowAdapter {

        // These are both viewgroups containing an ImageView with id "badge" and two TextViews with id
        // "title" and "snippet".
        private final View mWindow;

        private final View mContents;

        CustomInfoWindowAdapter() {
            mWindow = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.custom_info_window, null);
            mContents = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.custom_info_contents, null);

        public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {
            if (mOptions.getCheckedRadioButtonId() != R.id.custom_info_window) {
                // This means that getInfoContents will be called.
                return null;
            render(marker, mWindow);
            return mWindow;

        public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
            if (mOptions.getCheckedRadioButtonId() != R.id.custom_info_contents) {
                // This means that the default info contents will be used.
                return null;
            render(marker, mContents);
            return mContents;

        private void render(Marker marker, View view) {
            int badge;
            // Use the equals() method on a Marker to check for equals.  Do not use ==.
            if (marker.equals(mBrisbane)) {
                badge = R.drawable.badge_qld;
            } else if (marker.equals(mAdelaide)) {
                badge = R.drawable.badge_sa;
            } else if (marker.equals(mSydney)) {
                badge = R.drawable.badge_nsw;
            } else if (marker.equals(mMelbourne)) {
                badge = R.drawable.badge_victoria;
            } else if (marker.equals(mPerth)) {
                badge = R.drawable.badge_wa;
            } else if (marker.equals(mDarwin1)) {
                badge = R.drawable.badge_nt;
            } else if (marker.equals(mDarwin2)) {
                badge = R.drawable.badge_nt;
            } else if (marker.equals(mDarwin3)) {
                badge = R.drawable.badge_nt;
            } else if (marker.equals(mDarwin4)) {
                badge = R.drawable.badge_nt;
            } else {
                // Passing 0 to setImageResource will clear the image view.
                badge = 0;
            ((ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.badge)).setImageResource(badge);

            String title = marker.getTitle();
            TextView titleUi = ((TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.title));
            if (title != null) {
                // Spannable string allows us to edit the formatting of the text.
                SpannableString titleText = new SpannableString(title);
                titleText.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED), 0, titleText.length(), 0);
            } else {

            String snippet = marker.getSnippet();
            TextView snippetUi = ((TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.snippet));
            if (snippet != null && snippet.length() > 12) {
                SpannableString snippetText = new SpannableString(snippet);
                snippetText.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.MAGENTA), 0, 10, 0);
                snippetText.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.BLUE), 12, snippet.length(), 0);
            } else {

    private GoogleMap mMap;

    private Marker mPerth;

    private Marker mSydney;

    private Marker mBrisbane;

    private Marker mAdelaide;

    private Marker mMelbourne;

    private Marker mDarwin1;
    private Marker mDarwin2;
    private Marker mDarwin3;
    private Marker mDarwin4;

     * Keeps track of the last selected marker (though it may no longer be selected).  This is
     * useful for refreshing the info window.
    private Marker mLastSelectedMarker;

    private final List<Marker> mMarkerRainbow = new ArrayList<Marker>();

    private TextView mTopText;

    private SeekBar mRotationBar;

    private CheckBox mFlatBox;

    private RadioGroup mOptions;

    private final Random mRandom = new Random();

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mTopText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.top_text);

        mRotationBar = (SeekBar) findViewById(R.id.rotationSeekBar);

        mFlatBox = (CheckBox) findViewById(R.id.flat);

        mOptions = (RadioGroup) findViewById(R.id.custom_info_window_options);
        mOptions.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() {
            public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {
                if (mLastSelectedMarker != null && mLastSelectedMarker.isInfoWindowShown()) {
                    // Refresh the info window when the info window's content has changed.

        SupportMapFragment mapFragment =
                (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.map);
        new OnMapAndViewReadyListener(mapFragment, this);

    public void onMapReady(GoogleMap map) {
        mMap = map;

        // Hide the zoom controls as the button panel will cover it.

        // Add lots of markers to the map.

        // Setting an info window adapter allows us to change the both the contents and look of the
        // info window.
        mMap.setInfoWindowAdapter(new CustomInfoWindowAdapter());

        // Set listeners for marker events.  See the bottom of this class for their behavior.

        // Override the default content description on the view, for accessibility mode.
        // Ideally this string would be localised.
        mMap.setContentDescription("Map with lots of markers.");

        LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds.Builder()
        mMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 50));

    private void addMarkersToMap() {
        // Uses a colored icon.
        mBrisbane = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .snippet("Population: 2,074,200")

        // Uses a custom icon with the info window popping out of the center of the icon.
        mSydney = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .snippet("Population: 4,627,300")
                .infoWindowAnchor(0.5f, 0.5f));

        // Creates a draggable marker. Long press to drag.
        mMelbourne = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .snippet("Population: 4,137,400")

        // Place four markers on top of each other with differing z-indexes.
        mDarwin1 = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .title("Darwin Marker 1")
                .snippet("z-index 1")
        mDarwin2 = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .title("Darwin Marker 2")
                .snippet("z-index 2")
        mDarwin3 = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .title("Darwin Marker 3")
                .snippet("z-index 3")
        mDarwin4 = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .title("Darwin Marker 4")
                .snippet("z-index 4")

        // A few more markers for good measure.
        mPerth = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .snippet("Population: 1,738,800"));
        mAdelaide = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .snippet("Population: 1,213,000"));

        // Vector drawable resource as a marker icon.
        mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .icon(vectorToBitmap(R.drawable.ic_android, Color.parseColor("#A4C639")))
                .title("Alice Springs"));

        // Creates a marker rainbow demonstrating how to create default marker icons of different
        // hues (colors).
        float rotation = mRotationBar.getProgress();
        boolean flat = mFlatBox.isChecked();

        int numMarkersInRainbow = 12;
        for (int i = 0; i < numMarkersInRainbow; i++) {
            Marker marker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                    .position(new LatLng(
                            -30 + 10 * Math.sin(i * Math.PI / (numMarkersInRainbow - 1)),
                            135 - 10 * Math.cos(i * Math.PI / (numMarkersInRainbow - 1))))
                    .title("Marker " + i)
                    .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(i * 360 / numMarkersInRainbow))

     * Demonstrates converting a {@link Drawable} to a {@link BitmapDescriptor},
     * for use as a marker icon.
    private BitmapDescriptor vectorToBitmap(@DrawableRes int id, @ColorInt int color) {
        Drawable vectorDrawable = ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(), id, null);
        Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(vectorDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(),
                vectorDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
        vectorDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
        DrawableCompat.setTint(vectorDrawable, color);
        return BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap);

    private boolean checkReady() {
        if (mMap == null) {
            Toast.makeText(this, R.string.map_not_ready, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            return false;
        return true;

    /** Called when the Clear button is clicked. */
    public void onClearMap(View view) {
        if (!checkReady()) {

    /** Called when the Reset button is clicked. */
    public void onResetMap(View view) {
        if (!checkReady()) {
        // Clear the map because we don't want duplicates of the markers.

    /** Called when the Reset button is clicked. */
    public void onToggleFlat(View view) {
        if (!checkReady()) {
        boolean flat = mFlatBox.isChecked();
        for (Marker marker : mMarkerRainbow) {

    public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {
        if (!checkReady()) {
        float rotation = seekBar.getProgress();
        for (Marker marker : mMarkerRainbow) {

    public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
        // Do nothing.

    public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
        // Do nothing.

    // Marker related listeners.

    public boolean onMarkerClick(final Marker marker) {
        if (marker.equals(mPerth)) {
            // This causes the marker at Perth to bounce into position when it is clicked.
            final Handler handler = new Handler();
            final long start = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
            final long duration = 1500;

            final Interpolator interpolator = new BounceInterpolator();

            handler.post(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    long elapsed = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - start;
                    float t = Math.max(
                            1 - interpolator.getInterpolation((float) elapsed / duration), 0);
                    marker.setAnchor(0.5f, 1.0f + 2 * t);

                    if (t > 0.0) {
                        // Post again 16ms later.
                        handler.postDelayed(this, 16);
        } else if (marker.equals(mAdelaide)) {
            // This causes the marker at Adelaide to change color and alpha.
            marker.setIcon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(mRandom.nextFloat() * 360));

        // Markers have a z-index that is settable and gettable.
        float zIndex = marker.getZIndex() + 1.0f;
        Toast.makeText(this, marker.getTitle() + " z-index set to " + zIndex,

        mLastSelectedMarker = marker;
        // We return false to indicate that we have not consumed the event and that we wish
        // for the default behavior to occur (which is for the camera to move such that the
        // marker is centered and for the marker's info window to open, if it has one).
        return false;

    public void onInfoWindowClick(Marker marker) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Click Info Window", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onInfoWindowClose(Marker marker) {
        //Toast.makeText(this, "Close Info Window", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onInfoWindowLongClick(Marker marker) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Info Window long click", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onMarkerDragStart(Marker marker) {

    public void onMarkerDragEnd(Marker marker) {

    public void onMarkerDrag(Marker marker) {
        mTopText.setText("onMarkerDrag.  Current Position: " + marker.getPosition());



Örnekleri klonlama ve çalıştırma

Bu örneği yerel olarak çalıştırmak için Git gereklidir. Aşağıdaki komut, örneği klonlar veri havuzundan yararlanabilirsiniz.

git clone git@github.com:googlemaps-samples/android-samples.git

Örnek projeyi Android Studio'ya aktarın:

  1. Android Studio'da Dosya > Yeni > Projeyi İçe Aktarın.
  2. Depoyu kaydettiğiniz konuma gidin ve şuna ait proje dizinini seçin: Kotlin veya Java:

    • Kotlin: PATH-REPO/android-samples/ApiDemos/kotlin
    • Java: PATH-REPO/android-samples/ApiDemos/java
  3. 'ı seçin. Android Studio, Gradle derlemesini kullanarak projenizi oluşturur aracını kullanın.
  4. Projenizin local.properties dosyasıyla aynı dizinde boş bir secrets.properties dosyası oluşturun. Daha fazla bilgi için API anahtarınızı projeye ekleme konusuna bakın.
  5. Aşağıdaki dizeyi secrets.properties öğesine ekleyin. YOUR_API_KEY değerini ise API anahtarınız:

  6. Uygulamayı çalıştırın.