Initialize the Driver SDK

Before using the Driver SDK, you must first initialize the Navigation SDK and Driver SDK following these steps:

  1. Obtain a Navigator object from the NavigationApi.

        this, // Activity
        new NavigationApi.NavigatorListener() {
          public void onNavigatorReady(Navigator navigator) {
            // Keep a reference to the Navigator (used to configure and start nav)
            this.navigator = navigator;
      this, // Activity
      object : NavigatorListener() {
        override fun onNavigatorReady(navigator: Navigator) {
          // Keep a reference to the Navigator (used to configure and start nav)
          this@myActivity.navigator = navigator
  2. Create a DriverContext object, populating the required fields. To initialize the DriverContext object, you must enter the Project ID of your Google Cloud Project as the providerId. For information on setting up the Google Cloud Project, see Create your Fleet Engine project.

    DriverContext driverContext = DriverContext.builder(application)
    val driverContext =
  3. Use the DriverContext object to initialize the *DriverApi.

    RidesharingDriverApi ridesharingDriverApi = RidesharingDriverApi.createInstance(driverContext);
    val ridesharingDriverApi = RidesharingDriverApi.createInstance(driverContext)
  4. Obtain the RidesharingVehicleReporter from the API object. (*VehicleReporter extends NavigationVehicleReporter.)

    RidesharingVehicleReporter vehicleReporter = ridesharingDriverApi.getRidesharingVehicleReporter();
    val vehicleReporter = ridesharingDriverApi.getRidesharingVehicleReporter()

Notes on SSL/TLS

Internally, the Driver SDK implementation uses SSL/TLS to communicate securely with the Fleet Engine service. Android API versions 23 or earlier may require a SecurityProvider patch to communicate with the server. For more information about working with SSL in Android, see Security GMS Provider. The article also contains code samples for patching the security provider.

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