Method: providers.tasks.batchCreate

Creates and returns a batch of new Task objects.

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Required. The parent resource shared by all tasks. This value must be in the format providers/{provider}. The provider must be the Google Cloud Project ID. For example, sample-cloud-project. The parent field in the CreateTaskRequest messages must either be empty, or it must match this field.

Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "header": {
    object (DeliveryRequestHeader)
  "requests": [
      object (CreateTaskRequest)

object (DeliveryRequestHeader)

Optional. The standard Delivery API request header. Note: If you set this field, then the header field in the CreateTaskRequest messages must either be empty, or it must match this field.


object (CreateTaskRequest)

Required. The request message that specifies the resources to create. Note: You can create a maximum of 500 tasks in a batch.

Response body

The BatchCreateTask response message.

If successful, the response body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "tasks": [
      object (Task)

object (Task)

The created Tasks.


The tasks.create request message.

JSON representation
  "header": {
    object (DeliveryRequestHeader)
  "parent": string,
  "taskId": string,
  "task": {
    object (Task)

object (DeliveryRequestHeader)

Optional. The standard Delivery API request header.



Required. Must be in the format providers/{provider}. The provider must be the Google Cloud Project ID. For example, sample-cloud-project.



Required. The Task ID must be unique, but it should be not a shipment tracking ID. To store a shipment tracking ID, use the trackingId field. Note that multiple tasks can have the same trackingId. Task IDs are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Must be a valid Unicode string.
  • Limited to a maximum length of 64 characters.
  • Normalized according to Unicode Normalization Form C.
  • May not contain any of the following ASCII characters: '/', ':', '?', ',', or '#'.

object (Task)

Required. The Task entity to create. When creating a Task, the following fields are required:

  • type
  • state (must be set to OPEN)
  • trackingId (must not be set for UNAVAILABLE or SCHEDULED_STOP tasks, but required for all other task types)
  • plannedLocation (optional for UNAVAILABLE tasks)
  • taskDuration

The following fields can be optionally set:

  • targetTimeWindow
  • taskTrackingViewConfig
  • attributes

Note: The Task's name field is ignored. All other Task fields must not be set; otherwise, an error is returned.