Style a map

Select platform: Android iOS JavaScript

This document covers how to customize the look and feel of a map and control data visibility and viewport options. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Use cloud-based map styling
  • Set map style options directly in your own code

Style the map with cloud-based maps styling

To apply a map style to your JavaScript consumer trip sharing map, specify a mapId and any other mapOptions when you create the JourneySharingMapView.

The following examples show how to apply a map style with a map ID.

const mapView = new google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView({
  element: document.getElementById('map_canvas'),
  locationProviders: [locationProvider],
  mapOptions: {
    mapId: 'YOUR_MAP_ID'
  // Any other styling options.

const mapView = new google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView({
  element: document.getElementById('map_canvas'),
  locationProviders: [locationProvider],
  mapOptions: {
    mapId: 'YOUR_MAP_ID'
  // Any other styling options.

Style maps directly in your own code

You can also customize map styling by setting map options when you create the JourneySharingMapView. The following examples show how to style a map using map options. For more information on what map options you can set, see mapOptions in the Google Maps JavaScript API reference.

const mapView = new google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView({
  element: document.getElementById('map_canvas'),
  locationProviders: [locationProvider],
  mapOptions: {
    styles: [
        "featureType": "road.arterial",
        "elementType": "geometry",
        "stylers": [
          { "color": "#CCFFFF" }

const mapView = new google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView({
  element: document.getElementById('map_canvas'),
  locationProviders: [locationProvider],
  mapOptions: {
    styles: [
        "featureType": "road.arterial",
        "elementType": "geometry",
        "stylers": [
          { "color": "#CCFFFF" }

Display information on the map

Display additional information about a vehicle or location marker using an InfoWindow. For more information, see InfoWindow.

The following example shows how to create an InfoWindow and attach it to a vehicle marker:

// 1. Create an info window.
const infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(
    {disableAutoPan: true});

locationProvider.addListener('update', e => {
  const stopsCount = e.trip.remainingWaypoints.length;
      `Your vehicle is ${stopsCount} stops away.`);

  // 2. Attach the info window to a vehicle marker.
  // This property can return multiple markers.
  const marker = mapView.vehicleMarkers[0];, marker);

// 3. Close the info window.
// 1. Create an info window.
const infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(
    {disableAutoPan: true});

locationProvider.addListener('update', (e: google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderUpdateEvent) => {
  const stopsCount = e.trip.remainingWaypoints.length;
      `Your vehicle is ${stopsCount} stops away.`);

  // 2. Attach the info window to a vehicle marker.
  // This property can return multiple markers.
  const marker = mapView.vehicleMarkers[0];, marker);

// 3. Close the info window.

Disable automatic fitting

You can stop the map from automatically fitting the viewport to the vehicle and anticipated route by disabling automatic fitting. The following example shows how to disable automatic fitting when you configure the journey sharing map view.

const mapView = new
  element: document.getElementById('map_canvas'),
  locationProviders: [locationProvider],
const mapView = new
  element: document.getElementById('map_canvas'),
  locationProviders: [locationProvider],

What's next

Customize markers