启用 CarPlay 导航

本部分介绍了如何将 Navigation SDK 与 Apple CarPlay 库搭配使用,在车载 head unit 上显示应用的导航体验。如果驾驶员的车载系统支持 CarPlay,驾驶员可以将手机连接到车载系统,直接在汽车显示屏上使用您的应用。语音导航也会通过汽车的扬声器播放。

您可以使用 Apple 提供的一组界面模板构建 CarPlay 应用。您的应用负责选择要显示的模板并提供其中的数据。


CarPlay 和手机导航显示屏
左侧图片显示了 CarPlay 导航显示屏示例。右侧图片显示的导航栏与手机上的导航栏相同。


开始使用 CarPlay

首先,请熟悉 Apple 文档:

设置 Navigation SDK

  1. 阅读完 Apple 文档后,您就可以开始使用 Navigation SDK 了。
  2. 如果您尚未将 Navigation SDK 集成到应用中,请设置项目
  3. 为您的应用启用精细导航 Feed
  4. 可选。使用 Navigation SDK 中的生成的图标
  5. 使用 UIView 类中提供的 GMSMapView 类绘制地图。如需了解详情,请参阅导航路线。使用 TurnByTurn 库中的数据填充 CPNavigationSession


GMSMapView 类会渲染地图,而 CPMapTemplate 会在 CarPlay 屏幕上渲染界面。它提供的许多功能与适用于手机的 GMSMapView 相同,但互动性有限。

init(window: CPWindow) {
    super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
    self.window = window

    // More CPMapTemplate initialization


override func viewDidLoad() {

    let mapViewOptions = GMSMapViewOptions()
    mapViewOptions.screen = window.screen
    mapViewOptions.frame = self.view.bounds

    mapView = GMSMapView(options: mapViewOptions)
    mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleHeight, .flexibleWidth]
    mapView.settings.isNavigationHeaderEnabled = false
    mapView.settings.isNavigationFooterEnabled = false

    // Disable buttons: in CarPlay, no part of the map is clickable.
    // The app should instead place these buttons in the appropriate slots of the CarPlay template.
    mapView.settings.compassButton = false
    mapView.settings.isRecenterButtonEnabled = false
    mapView.shouldDisplaySpeedometer = false
    mapView.isMyLocationEnabled = true


- (instancetype)initWithWindow:(CPWindow *)window {
  self = [super initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
  if (self) {
    _window = window;

  // More CPMapTemplate initialization

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  [super viewDidLoad];
  GMSMapViewOptions *options = [[GMSMapViewOptions alloc] init];
  options.screen = _window.screen;
  options.frame = self.view.bounds;
  _mapView = [[GMSMapView alloc] initWithOptions:options];
  _mapView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
  _mapView.settings.navigationHeaderEnabled = NO;
  _mapView.settings.navigationFooterEnabled = NO;

  // Disable buttons: in CarPlay, no part of the map is clickable.
  // The app should instead place these buttons in the appropriate slots of the CarPlay template.
  _mapView.settings.compassButton = NO;
  _mapView.settings.recenterButtonEnabled = NO;

  _mapView.shouldDisplaySpeedometer = NO;
  _mapView.myLocationEnabled = YES;

  [self.view addSubview:_mapView];


为了确保驾驶员的安全,CarPlay 会将屏幕 Surface 互动限制为一系列 CPMapTemplateDelegate 方法。使用这些回调可支持司机与车载屏幕上地图的有限互动。

如需支持其他用户操作,请创建一个 CPMapButton 数组并将其分配给 CPMapTemplate.mapButtons



// MARK: CPMapTemplateDelegate
func mapTemplate(_ mapTemplate: CPMapTemplate, panBeganWith direction: CPMapTemplate.PanDirection) {


func mapTemplate(_ mapTemplate: CPMapTemplate, panWith direction: CPMapTemplate.PanDirection) {
    let scrollAmount = scrollAmount(for: direction)
    let scroll = GMSCameraUpdate.scrollBy(x: scrollAmount.x, y: scrollAmount.y)
    mapView.animate(with: scroll)

func mapTemplate(_ mapTemplate: CPMapTemplate, panEndedWith direction: CPMapTemplate.PanDirection) {

func scrollAmount(for panDirection: CPMapTemplate.PanDirection) -> CGPoint {
    let scrollDistance = 80.0
    var scrollAmount = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
    switch panDirection {
        case .left:
            scrollAmount.x -= scrollDistance
        case .right:
            scrollAmount.x += scrollDistance
        case .up:
            scrollAmount.y += scrollDistance
        case .down:
            scrollAmount.y -= scrollDistance
    if scrollAmount.x != 0 && scrollAmount.y != 0 {
        // Adjust length if scrolling diagonally.
        scrollAmount = CGPointMake(scrollAmount.x * sqrt(1.0/2.0), scrollAmount.y * sqrt(1.0/2.0))
    return scrollAmount

#pragma mark - CPMapTemplateDelegate

- (void)mapTemplate:(CPMapTemplate *)mapTemplate panBeganWithDirection:(CPPanDirection)direction {

- (void)mapTemplate:(CPMapTemplate *)mapTemplate panWithDirection:(CPPanDirection)direction {
CGPoint scrollAmount = [self scrollAmountForPanDirection:direction];
GMSCameraUpdate *scroll = [GMSCameraUpdate scrollByX:scrollAmount.x Y:scrollAmount.y];
[_mapView animateWithCameraUpdate:scroll];

- (void)mapTemplate:(CPMapTemplate *)mapTemplate panEndedWithDirection:(CPPanDirection)direction {
- (CGPoint)scrollAmountForPanDirection:(CPPanDirection)direction {
  static const CGFloat scrollDistance = 80.;
  CGPoint scrollAmount = {0., 0.};
  if (direction & CPPanDirectionLeft) {
    scrollAmount.x = -scrollDistance;
  if (direction & CPPanDirectionRight) {
    scrollAmount.x = scrollDistance;
  if (direction & CPPanDirectionUp) {
    scrollAmount.y = -scrollDistance;
  if (direction & CPPanDirectionDown) {
    scrollAmount.y = scrollDistance;
  if (scrollAmount.x != 0 && scrollAmount.y != 0) {
  // Adjust length if scrolling diagonally.
  scrollAmount =
    CGPointMake(scrollAmount.x * (CGFloat)M_SQRT1_2, scrollAmount.y * (CGFloat)M_SQRT1_2);
  return scrollAmount;


// MARK: Create Buttons

func createMapButtons() -> [CPMapButton] {
    let panButton = mapButton(systemImageName: "dpad.fill") { [weak self] in

    let zoomOutButton = mapButton(systemImageName: "minus.magnifyingglass") { [weak self] in

    let zoomInButton = mapButton(systemImageName: "plus.magnifyingglass") { [weak self] in

    let myLocationButton = mapButton(systemImageName: "location") { [weak self] in

    let mapButtons = [panButton, zoomOutButton, zoomInButton, myLocationButton]
    return mapButtons

func mapButton(systemImageName: String, handler: @escaping () -> Void) -> CPMapButton {


// MARK: Button callbacks

@objc func didTapPanButton() {
    mapTemplate?.showPanningInterface(animated: true)

@objc func didTapZoomOutButton() {
    mapView.animate(with: GMSCameraUpdate.zoomOut())

@objc func didTapZoomInButton() {
    mapView.animate(with: GMSCameraUpdate.zoomIn())

@objc func didTapMyLocationButton() {
    if let lastLocation = lastLocation {
        let cameraPosition = GMSCameraPosition(target: lastLocation.coordinate, zoom: 15)
        mapView.animate(to: cameraPosition)

#pragma mark - Create Buttons

- (NSArray<CPMapButton *>*)createMapButtons {
    NSMutableArray<CPMapButton *> *mapButtons = [NSMutableArray<CPMapButton *> array];

    __weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self;
    CPMapButton *panButton = [self mapButtonWithSystemImageNamed:@"dpad.fill"
                                                        handler:^(CPMapButton *_) {
                                                        [weakSelf didTapPanButton];
    [mapButtons addObject:panButton];

    CPMapButton *zoomOutButton =
        [self mapButtonWithSystemImageNamed:@"minus.magnifyingglass"
                                    handler:^(CPMapButton *_Nonnull mapButon) {
                                    [weakSelf didTapZoomOutButton];
    [mapButtons addObject:zoomOutButton];

    CPMapButton *zoomInButton =
        [self mapButtonWithSystemImageNamed:@"plus.magnifyingglass"
                                    handler:^(CPMapButton *_Nonnull mapButon) {
                                    [weakSelf didTapZoomInButton];
    [mapButtons addObject:zoomInButton];

    CPMapButton *myLocationButton =
        [self mapButtonWithSystemImageNamed:@"location"
                                    handler:^(CPMapButton *_Nonnull mapButton) {
                                    [weakSelf didTapMyLocationButton];
    [mapButtons addObject:myLocationButton];
    return mapButtons;

#pragma mark - Button Callbacks

- (void)didTapZoomOutButton {
[_mapView animateWithCameraUpdate:[GMSCameraUpdate zoomOut]];

- (void)didTapZoomInButton {
[_mapView animateWithCameraUpdate:[GMSCameraUpdate zoomIn]];

- (void)didTapMyLocationButton {
CLLocation *location = self.lastLocation;
if (location) {
    GMSCameraPosition *position =
        [[GMSCameraPosition alloc] initWithTarget:self.lastLocation.coordinate zoom:15.];
    [_mapView animateToCameraPosition:position];

- (void)didTapPanButton {
[_mapTemplate showPanningInterfaceAnimated:YES];
_isPanningInterfaceEnabled = YES;

- (void)didTapStopPanningButton {
[_mapTemplate dismissPanningInterfaceAnimated:YES];
_isPanningInterfaceEnabled = NO;

注意:无法在 CarPlay 屏幕上选择备选路线。必须先从手机上选择这些内容,然后才能启动 CarPlay。


本部分介绍了如何为数据 Feed 设置监听器,以及如何在导航和行程预估面板中填充导航路线。如需了解详情,请参阅 CarPlay 应用编程指南的“构建 CarPlay 导航应用”部分

导航和行程估算面板会提供一个导航卡片,用于显示与当前行程相关的导航信息。Navigation SDK 中的导航细目库可以帮助提供部分此类信息,例如符号、文本和剩余时间。


请按照精细导航数据 Feed 详情中关于设置事件监听器的说明操作。


以下代码示例的第一部分展示了如何通过将 GMSNavigationNavInfo.timeToCurrentStepSeconds 转换为 CPTravelEstimate 来创建 CarPlay 行程估算值。如需详细了解这些和其他显示元素,请参阅精细导航数据 Feed 详情

示例的第二部分展示了如何创建对象并将其存储在 CPManueversuserInfo 字段中。这决定了 CPManeuverDisplayStyle,该值也用于车道引导信息。如需了解详情,请参阅 Apple 的 CarPlay 应用编程指南

// Get a CPTravelEstimate from GMSNavigationNavInfo
func getTravelEstimates(from navInfo:GMSNavigationNavInfo) -> CPTravelEstimates {
    let distanceRemaining = navInfo.roundedDistance(navInfo.distanceToCurrentStepMeters)
    let timeRemaining = navInfo.roundedTime(navInfo.timeToCurrentStepSeconds)
    let travelEstimates = CPTravelEstimates(distanceRemaining: distanceRemaining, timeRemaining: timeRemaining)
    return travelEstimates

//  Create an object to be stored in the userInfo field of CPManeuver to determine the CPManeuverDisplayStyle. 

/** An object to be stored in the userInfo field of a CPManeuver. */

struct ManeuverUserInfo {
    var stepInfo: GMSNavigationStepInfo
    var isLaneGuidance: Bool

func mapTemplate(_ mapTemplate: CPMapTemplate, displayStyleFor maneuver: CPManeuver) -> CPManeuverDisplayStyle {
    let userInfo = maneuver.userInfo
    if let maneuverUserInfo = userInfo as? ManeuverUserInfo {
        return maneuverUserInfo.isLaneGuidance ? .symbolOnly : .leadingSymbol
    return .leadingSymbol

// Get a CPManeuver with instructionVariants and symbolImage from GMSNavigationStepInfo
func getManeuver(for stepInfo: GMSNavigationStepInfo) -> CPManeuver {
    let maneuver = CPManeuver()
    maneuver.userInfo = ManeuverUserInfo(stepInfo: stepInfo, isLaneGuidance: false)
    switch stepInfo.maneuver {
        case .destination:
            maneuver.instructionVariants = ["Your destination is ahead."]
        case .destinationLeft:
            maneuver.instructionVariants = ["Your destination is ahead on your left."]
        case .destinationRight:
            maneuver.instructionVariants = ["Your destination is ahead on your right."]
            maneuver.attributedInstructionVariants = currentNavInfo?.instructions(forStep: stepInfo, options: instructionOptions)
    maneuver.symbolImage = stepInfo.maneuverImage(with: instructionOptions.imageOptions)
    return maneuver

// Get the lane image for a CPManeuver from GMSNavigationStepInfo
func laneGuidanceManeuver(for stepInfo: GMSNavigationStepInfo) -> CPManeuver? {
    let maneuver = CPManeuver()
    maneuver.userInfo = ManeuverUserInfo(stepInfo: stepInfo, isLaneGuidance: true)
    let lanesImage = stepInfo.lanesImage(with: imageOptions)
    guard let lanesImage = lanesImage else { return nil }
    maneuver.symbolImage = lanesImage
    return maneuver

// Get a CPTravelEstimate from GMSNavigationNavInfo
- (nonull CPTravelEstimates *)travelEstimates:(GMSNavigationNavInfo *_Nonnull navInfo) {
NSMeasurement<NSUnitLength *> *distanceRemaining = [navInfo roundedDistance:navInfo.distanceToCurrentStepMeters];
NSTimeInterval timeRemaining = [navInfo roundedTime:navInfo.timeToCurrentStepSeconds];
CPTravelEstimate* travelEstimate = [[CPTravelEstimates alloc] initWithDistanceRemaining:distanceRemaining
//  Create an object to be stored in the userInfo field of CPManeuver to determine the CPManeuverDisplayStyle. 

/** An object to be stored in the userInfo field of a CPManeuver. */
@interface ManeuverUserInfo : NSObject

@property(nonatomic, readonly, nonnull) GMSNavigationStepInfo *stepInfo;
@property(nonatomic, readonly, getter=isLaneGuidance) BOOL laneGuidance;

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithStepInfo:(GMSNavigationStepInfo *)stepInfo
                        isLaneGuidance:(BOOL)isLaneGuidance NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;

- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;


- (CPManeuverDisplayStyle)mapTemplate:(CPMapTemplate *)mapTemplate
            displayStyleForManeuver:(nonnull CPManeuver *)maneuver {
ManeuverUserInfo *userInfo = maneuver.userInfo;
return userInfo.laneGuidance ? CPManeuverDisplayStyleSymbolOnly : CPManeuverDisplayStyleDefault;
// Get a CPManeuver with instructionVariants and symbolImage from GMSNavigationStepInfo
- (nonnull CPManeuver *)maneuverForStep:(nonnull GMSNavigationStepInfo *)stepInfo {
CPManeuver *maneuver = [[CPManeuver alloc] init];
maneuver.userInfo = [[ManeuverUserInfo alloc] initWithStepInfo:stepInfo isLaneGuidance:NO];
switch (stepInfo.maneuver) {
    case GMSNavigationManeuverDestination:
    maneuver.instructionVariants = @[ @"Your destination is ahead." ];
    case GMSNavigationManeuverDestinationLeft:
    maneuver.instructionVariants = @[ @"Your destination is ahead on your left." ];
    case GMSNavigationManeuverDestinationRight:
    maneuver.instructionVariants = @[ @"Your destination is ahead on your right." ];
    default: {
    maneuver.attributedInstructionVariants =
        [_currentNavInfo instructionsForStep:stepInfo options:_instructionOptions];
maneuver.symbolImage = [stepInfo maneuverImageWithOptions:_instructionOptions.imageOptions];
return maneuver;
// Get the lane image for a CPManeuver from GMSNavigationStepInfo
- (nullable CPManeuver *)laneGuidanceManeuverForStep:(nonnull GMSNavigationStepInfo *)stepInfo {
CPManeuver *maneuver = [[CPManeuver alloc] init];
maneuver.userInfo = [[ManeuverUserInfo alloc] initWithStepInfo:stepInfo isLaneGuidance:YES];
UIImage *lanesImage = [stepInfo lanesImageWithOptions:_imageOptions];
if (!lanesImage) {
    return nil;
maneuver.symbolImage = lanesImage;
return maneuver;


CarPlay 使用 CPManeuver提供精细导航。如需详细了解车道转换和车道引导,请参阅精细导航数据 Feed 的详细信息