Bu bölümde, Places Insights API'ye gönderilen bir dizi örnek istek ele alınmaktadır.
Bir daire içindeki yerleri döndürme
Londra, Trafalgar Meydanı'na 200 metre yarıçapındaki tüm restoranları döndürme
- Arama alanı, belirli bir enlem ve boylama odaklanan bir dairedir. Bu dairenin yarıçapı 200 metredir ve arama alanının boyutunu belirler.
- İstenen yer türü restorandır ve bu,
kullanılarak iletilir. - Sayı
kullanılarak, yer kimlikleri iseINSIGHTS_PLACES
kullanılarak istenir.
curl --location 'https://areainsights.googleapis.com/v1:computeInsights' \ --header 'X-Goog-Api-Key:API_KEY ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "insights": ["INSIGHT_COUNT", "INSIGHT_PLACES"], "filter": { "locationFilter": { "circle": { "latLng": { "latitude": 51.508, "longitude": -0.128}, "radius": 200 } }, "typeFilter": { "includedTypes": "restaurant" } } }'
from google.maps import areainsights_v1 from google.maps.areainsights_v1.types import ( ComputeInsightsRequest, Filter, LocationFilter, TypeFilter, Insight ) from google.type import latlng_pb2 from google.oauth2 import service_account def get_area_insights(): # Initialize the client credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( 'path/to/service_account.json ', scopes=['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'] ) client = areainsights_v1.AreaInsightsClient( credentials=credentials ) # Create location filter with circle lat_lng = latlng_pb2.LatLng( latitude=51.508, longitude=-0.128 ) location_filter = LocationFilter( circle=LocationFilter.Circle( lat_lng=lat_lng, radius=200 ) ) # Create type filter type_filter = TypeFilter( included_types=["restaurant"] ) # Create the main filter filter = Filter( location_filter=location_filter, type_filter=type_filter ) # Create the request request = ComputeInsightsRequest( insights=[ Insight.INSIGHT_COUNT, Insight.INSIGHT_PLACES ], filter=filter ) try: # Make the request response = client.compute_insights(request=request) # Print results print(f"Total count: {response.count}") print("\nPlaces found:") for place in response.place_insights: print(f"Place ID: {place.place}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": get_area_insights()
Yer türlerini hariç tutma
Yer türlerini sayımdan hariç tutabilirsiniz.
Aşağıdaki istek, ilk örnekle aynıdır ancak typeFilters
alanına excludedTypes
eklenmiştir. includedTypes
ve excludedTypes
için bir dize veya dize dizisi kullanabilirsiniz.
Bu örnekte, restaurant
sayımından cafe
ve bakery
yer türleri hariç tutulmuştur.
curl --location 'https://areainsights.googleapis.com/v1:computeInsights' \ --header 'X-Goog-Api-Key:API_KEY ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "insights": ["INSIGHT_COUNT", "INSIGHT_PLACES"], "filter": { "locationFilter": { "circle": { "latLng": { "latitude": 51.508, "longitude": -0.128}, "radius": 200 } }, "typeFilter": { "includedTypes": "restaurant", "excludedTypes": [ "cafe", "bakery" ] } } }'
from google.maps import areainsights_v1 from google.maps.areainsights_v1.types import ( ComputeInsightsRequest, Filter, LocationFilter, TypeFilter, Insight ) from google.type import latlng_pb2 from google.oauth2 import service_account def get_area_insights(): # Initialize the client with service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( 'path/to/service_account.json ', scopes=['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'] ) client = areainsights_v1.AreaInsightsClient( credentials=credentials ) # Create location filter with circle lat_lng = latlng_pb2.LatLng( latitude=51.508, longitude=-0.128 ) location_filter = LocationFilter( circle=LocationFilter.Circle( lat_lng=lat_lng, radius=200 ) ) # Create type filter with both included and excluded types type_filter = TypeFilter( included_types=["restaurant"], excluded_types=["cafe", "bakery"] ) # Create the main filter filter = Filter( location_filter=location_filter, type_filter=type_filter ) # Create the request request = ComputeInsightsRequest( insights=[ Insight.INSIGHT_COUNT, Insight.INSIGHT_PLACES ], filter=filter ) try: # Make the request response = client.compute_insights(request=request) # Print results print(f"Total count: {response.count}") print("\nPlaces found:") for place in response.place_insights: print(f"Place ID: {place.place}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": get_area_insights()
Birincil türü kullanma
Bu örnekte, ilk örnekteki istek değiştirilerek sayımda yalnızca primaryType
değeri restaurant
olan yerler dahil edilmiştir.
curl --location 'https://areainsights.googleapis.com/v1:computeInsights' \ --header 'X-Goog-Api-Key:API_KEY ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "insights": ["INSIGHT_COUNT", "INSIGHT_PLACES"], "filter": { "locationFilter": { "circle": { "latLng": { "latitude": 51.508, "longitude": -0.128}, "radius": 200 } }, "typeFilter": { "includedPrimaryTypes": "restaurant" } } }'
from google.maps import areainsights_v1 from google.maps.areainsights_v1.types import ( ComputeInsightsRequest, Filter, LocationFilter, TypeFilter, Insight ) from google.type import latlng_pb2 from google.oauth2 import service_account def get_area_insights(): # Initialize the client with service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( 'path/to/service_account.json ', scopes=['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'] ) client = areainsights_v1.AreaInsightsClient( credentials=credentials ) # Create location filter with circle lat_lng = latlng_pb2.LatLng( latitude=51.508, longitude=-0.128 ) location_filter = LocationFilter( circle=LocationFilter.Circle( lat_lng=lat_lng, radius=200 ) ) # Create type filter with primary types type_filter = TypeFilter( included_primary_types=["restaurant"] ) # Create the main filter filter = Filter( location_filter=location_filter, type_filter=type_filter ) # Create the request request = ComputeInsightsRequest( insights=[ Insight.INSIGHT_COUNT, Insight.INSIGHT_PLACES ], filter=filter ) try: # Make the request response = client.compute_insights(request=request) # Print results print(f"Total count: {response.count}") print("\nPlaces found:") for place in response.place_insights: print(f"Place ID: {place.place}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": get_area_insights()
Özel poligon
Bu örnekte, arama alanınızı tanımlamak için özel poligonun nasıl kullanılacağı gösterilmektedir. INSIGHTS_PLACES
belirtmenin, aramayı en fazla 100 yer kimliği döndürecek kadar küçük alanlarla kısıtladığını unutmayın. Daha büyük alanlar için bu sınırlamayı aşmak üzere INSIGHTS_COUNT
kullanın. Böylece, hizmetin ayrı ayrı yer kimlikleri döndürmesi gerekmez.
Daha önce olduğu gibi, kullanılan yer türü restaurant
'tür. Bu örnekte üç filtre daha gösterilmektedir:
: Bu örnekte yalnızca faaliyette olan yerler sayılır.priceLevel
: Bu örnekte yalnızca ucuz ve orta fiyatlı yerler sayılır.ratingFilter
: Bu örnekte yalnızca yorum puanı 4,0 ile 5,0 arasında olan yerler sayılır.
curl --location 'https://areainsights.googleapis.com/v1:computeInsights' \ --header 'X-Goog-Api-Key:API_KEY ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "insights": [ "INSIGHT_COUNT" ], "filter": { "locationFilter": { "customArea": { "polygon": { "coordinates": [ { "latitude": 37.776, "longitude": -122.666 }, { "latitude": 37.130, "longitude": -121.898 }, { "latitude": 37.326, "longitude": -121.598 }, { "latitude": 37.912, "longitude": -122.247 }, { "latitude": 37.776, "longitude": -122.666 } ] } } }, "typeFilter": { "includedTypes": "restaurant" }, "operatingStatus": [ "OPERATING_STATUS_OPERATIONAL" ], "priceLevels": [ "PRICE_LEVEL_INEXPENSIVE", "PRICE_LEVEL_MODERATE" ], "ratingFilter": { "minRating": 4.0, "maxRating": 5.0 } } }'
from google.maps import areainsights_v1 from google.maps.areainsights_v1.types import ( ComputeInsightsRequest, Filter, LocationFilter, TypeFilter, Insight, RatingFilter, OperatingStatus, PriceLevel ) from google.type import latlng_pb2 from google.oauth2 import service_account def get_area_insights(): # Initialize the client with service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( 'path/to/service_account.json ', scopes=['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'] ) client = areainsights_v1.AreaInsightsClient( credentials=credentials ) # Create coordinates for the polygon coordinates = [ latlng_pb2.LatLng(latitude=37.776, longitude=-122.666), latlng_pb2.LatLng(latitude=37.130, longitude=-121.898), latlng_pb2.LatLng(latitude=37.326, longitude=-121.598), latlng_pb2.LatLng(latitude=37.912, longitude=-122.247), latlng_pb2.LatLng(latitude=37.776, longitude=-122.666) # Closing point ] # Create custom area with polygon using the nested structure location_filter = LocationFilter( custom_area=LocationFilter.CustomArea( polygon=LocationFilter.CustomArea.Polygon(coordinates=coordinates) ) ) # Create type filter type_filter = TypeFilter( included_types=["restaurant"] ) # Create rating filter rating_filter = RatingFilter( min_rating=4.0, max_rating=5.0 ) # Create the main filter filter = Filter( location_filter=location_filter, type_filter=type_filter, operating_status=[OperatingStatus.OPERATING_STATUS_OPERATIONAL], price_levels=[ PriceLevel.PRICE_LEVEL_INEXPENSIVE, PriceLevel.PRICE_LEVEL_MODERATE ], rating_filter=rating_filter ) # Create the request request = ComputeInsightsRequest( insights=[Insight.INSIGHT_COUNT], filter=filter ) try: # Make the request response = client.compute_insights(request=request) # Print results print(f"Total count: {response.count}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": get_area_insights()
Coğrafi bölge
Bu örnekte, arama alanını ayarlamak için bir Coğrafi Alan yer kimliği kullanılmaktadır.
Bu yer kimlikleri, bir yerin (ör. kasaba veya şehir) geometrisini içerir. Burada kullanılan yer kimliği ChIJiQHsW0m3j4ARm69rRkrUF3w
'tür ve Mountain View, Kaliforniya şehrine karşılık gelir.
Yer kimliğinin Places Insights API'ye iletilmesi, arama alanını coğrafi alanın sınırlarına ayarlar. Yer kimliği, place
kullanılarak places/place_ID
biçiminde iletilir.
Coğrafi bölge yer kimliğini aşağıdaki yöntemlerden herhangi biriyle edinebilirsiniz:
- Yer Kimliği Bulucu
- Geocoding API
- Metin Arama (Yeni)
- Yakında Arama (Yeni)
- Address Validation API
- Otomatik Yer Tamamlama
curl --location 'https://areainsights.googleapis.com/v1:computeInsights' \ --header 'X-Goog-Api-Key:API_KEY ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "insights": [ "INSIGHT_COUNT" ], "filter": { "locationFilter": { "region": { "place": "places/ChIJiQHsW0m3j4ARm69rRkrUF3w" } }, "typeFilter": { "includedTypes": [ "restaurant" ] } } }'
from google.maps import areainsights_v1 from google.maps.areainsights_v1.types import ( ComputeInsightsRequest, Filter, LocationFilter, TypeFilter, Insight ) from google.oauth2 import service_account def get_area_insights(): # Initialize the client with service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( 'path/to/service_account.json ', scopes=['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'] ) client = areainsights_v1.AreaInsightsClient( credentials=credentials ) # Create location filter with region location_filter = LocationFilter( region=LocationFilter.Region( place="places/ChIJiQHsW0m3j4ARm69rRkrUF3w" ) ) # Create type filter type_filter = TypeFilter( included_types=["restaurant"] ) # Create the main filter filter = Filter( location_filter=location_filter, type_filter=type_filter ) # Create the request request = ComputeInsightsRequest( insights=[Insight.INSIGHT_COUNT], filter=filter ) try: # Make the request response = client.compute_insights(request=request) # Print results print(f"Total count: {response.count}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": get_area_insights()