
The duration and distance from the routing origin to a place in the response, and a second leg from that place to the destination, if requested. Note: Adding routingSummaries in the field mask without also including either the routingParameters.origin parameter or the searchAlongRouteParameters.polyline.encodedPolyline parameter in the request causes an error.

JSON representation
  "legs": [
      object (Leg)

object (Leg)

The legs of the trip.

When you calculate travel duration and distance from a set origin, legs contains a single leg containing the duration and distance from the origin to the destination. When you do a search along route, legs contains two legs: one from the origin to place, and one from the place to the destination.


A leg is a single portion of a journey from one location to another.

JSON representation
  "duration": string,
  "distanceMeters": integer

string (Duration format)

The time it takes to complete this leg of the trip.

A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".



The distance of this leg of the trip.