使用 3D 卡片渲染程序

逼真的 3D 图块采用 OGC 标准 glTF 格式,这意味着您可以使用支持 OGC 3D 图块规范的任何渲染程序来构建 3D 可视化内容。例如,Cesium 是一个用于渲染 3D 可视化图形的基础开源库。

使用 CesiumJS

CesiumJS 是一个开源 JavaScript 库,用于在 Web 上进行 3D 可视化。 如需详细了解如何使用 CesiumJS,请参阅了解 CesiumJS


CesiumJS 图块渲染程序具有一组标准的用户控件。

操作 说明
平移视图 左键点击并拖动
缩放视图 右键点击并拖动,或滚动鼠标滚轮
旋转视图 Ctrl + 左键/右键点击并拖动,或中键点击并拖动


您可以通过多种方法缩短 CesiumJS 3D 加载时间。例如:

  • 将以下语句添加到呈现的 HTML 中,即可启用同时请求:

    Cesium.RequestScheduler.requestsByServer["tile.googleapis.com:443"] = <REQUEST_COUNT>

    REQUEST_COUNT 越高,功能块的加载速度就越快。不过,如果在 REQUEST_COUNT 大于 10 且已停用缓存的 Chrome 浏览器中加载,您可能会遇到已知的 Chrome 问题。对于大多数使用情形,我们建议将 REQUEST_COUNT 设为 18,以实现最佳性能。

  • 启用跳过详细级别。如需了解详情,请参阅此 Cesium 问题

请启用 showCreditsOnScreen: true,确保正确显示数据归因。如需了解详情,请参阅政策


如需查找帧速率,请查看 requestAnimationFrame 方法每秒被调用的次数。

如需了解帧延迟时间的计算方式,请查看 PerformanceDisplay 类。

CesiumJS 渲染程序示例

只需提供根图块集网址,即可将 CesiumJS 渲染程序与 Map Tiles API 的 3D 图块搭配使用。


以下示例会初始化 CesiumJS 渲染程序,然后加载根图块集。

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>CesiumJS 3D Tiles Simple Demo</title>
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/cesiumjs/1.105/Build/Cesium/Cesium.js"></script>
  <link href="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/cesiumjs/1.105/Build/Cesium/Widgets/widgets.css" rel="stylesheet">
  <div id="cesiumContainer"></div>

    // Enable simultaneous requests.
    Cesium.RequestScheduler.requestsByServer["tile.googleapis.com:443"] = 18;

    // Create the viewer.
    const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
      imageryProvider: false,
      baseLayerPicker: false,
      geocoder: false,
      globe: false,
      // https://cesium.com/blog/2018/01/24/cesium-scene-rendering-performance/#enabling-request-render-mode
      requestRenderMode: true,

    // Add 3D Tiles tileset.
    const tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
      url: "https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=YOUR_API_KEY",
      // This property is needed to appropriately display attributions
      // as required.
      showCreditsOnScreen: true,

如需了解 requestRenderMode,请参阅启用请求呈现模式

HTML 页面将呈现如下所示。

Places API 集成

您可以将 CesiumJS 与 Places API 搭配使用,以检索更多信息。您可以使用自动补全 widget 快速跳转到 Google 地图的视口。此示例使用了 Places Autocomplete API(可通过按照这些说明进行启用)和 Maps JavaScript API(可通过按照这些说明进行启用)。

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="utf-8" />
 <title>CesiumJS 3D Tiles Places API Integration Demo</title>
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/cesiumjs/1.105/Build/Cesium/Cesium.js"></script>
 <link href="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/cesiumjs/1.105/Build/Cesium/Widgets/widgets.css" rel="stylesheet">
 <label for="pacViewPlace">Go to a place: </label>
   placeholder="Enter a location..."
   style="width: 300px"
 <div id="cesiumContainer"></div>
   // Enable simultaneous requests.
   Cesium.RequestScheduler.requestsByServer["tile.googleapis.com:443"] = 18;

   // Create the viewer.
   const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
     imageryProvider: false,
     baseLayerPicker: false,
     requestRenderMode: true,
     geocoder: false,
     globe: false,

   // Add 3D Tiles tileset.
   const tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(
     new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
       url: "https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=YOUR_API_KEY",
       // This property is required to display attributions as required.
       showCreditsOnScreen: true,

   const zoomToViewport = (viewport) => {
       polyline: {
         positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray([
           viewport.getNorthEast().lng(), viewport.getNorthEast().lat(),
           viewport.getSouthWest().lng(), viewport.getNorthEast().lat(),
           viewport.getSouthWest().lng(), viewport.getSouthWest().lat(),
           viewport.getNorthEast().lng(), viewport.getSouthWest().lat(),
           viewport.getNorthEast().lng(), viewport.getNorthEast().lat(),
         width: 10,
         clampToGround: true,
         material: Cesium.Color.RED,

   function initAutocomplete() {
     const autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
         fields: [
     autocomplete.addListener("place_changed", () => {
       const place = autocomplete.getPlace();
       if (!place.geometry || !place.geometry.viewport) {
         window.alert("No viewport for input: " + place.name);


您可以控制摄像头,让其在图块集上进行动画处理。将此动画与 Places API 和 Elevation API 结合使用,即可模拟任何地图注点的交互式无人机航拍。

此代码示例会让您围绕您在自动补全 widget 中选择的地点飞行。

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>CesiumJS 3D Tiles Rotating Drone View Demo</title>
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/cesiumjs/1.105/Build/Cesium/Cesium.js"></script>
  <link href="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/cesiumjs/1.105/Build/Cesium/Widgets/widgets.css" rel="stylesheet">
  <label for="pacViewPlace">Go to a place: </label>
  <input type="text" id="pacViewPlace" name="pacViewPlace" placeholder="Enter a location..." style="width: 300px" />
  <div id="cesiumContainer"></div>
    // Enable simultaneous requests.
    Cesium.RequestScheduler.requestsByServer["tile.googleapis.com:443"] = 18;

    // Create the viewer and remove unneeded options.
    const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
      imageryProvider: false,
      baseLayerPicker: false,
      homeButton: false,
      fullscreenButton: false,
      navigationHelpButton: false,
      vrButton: false,
      sceneModePicker: false,
      geocoder: false,
      globe: false,
      infobox: false,
      selectionIndicator: false,
      timeline: false,
      projectionPicker: false,
      clockViewModel: null,
      animation: false,
      requestRenderMode: true,

    // Add 3D Tile set.
    const tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(
      new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
        url: "https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=YOUR_API_KEY",
        // This property is required to display attributions.
        showCreditsOnScreen: true,

    // Point the camera at a location and elevation, at a viewport-appropriate distance.
    function pointCameraAt(location, viewport, elevation) {
      const distance = Cesium.Cartesian3.distance(
          viewport.getSouthWest().lng(), viewport.getSouthWest().lat(), elevation),
          viewport.getNorthEast().lng(), viewport.getNorthEast().lat(), elevation)
      ) / 2;
      const target = new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(location.lng(), location.lat(), elevation);
      const pitch = -Math.PI / 4;
      const heading = 0;
      viewer.camera.lookAt(target, new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(heading, pitch, distance));

    // Rotate the camera around a location and elevation, at a viewport-appropriate distance.
    let unsubscribe = null;
    function rotateCameraAround(location, viewport, elevation) {
      if(unsubscribe) unsubscribe();
      pointCameraAt(location, viewport, elevation);
      unsubscribe = viewer.clock.onTick.addEventListener(() => {

    function initAutocomplete() {
      const autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
        document.getElementById("pacViewPlace"), {
          fields: [
      autocomplete.addListener("place_changed", async () => {
        const place = autocomplete.getPlace();
        if (!(place.geometry && place.geometry.viewport && place.geometry.location)) {
          window.alert(`Insufficient geometry data for place: ${place.name}`);
        // Get place elevation using the ElevationService.
        const elevatorService = new google.maps.ElevationService();
        const elevationResponse =  await elevatorService.getElevationForLocations({
          locations: [place.geometry.location],

        if(!(elevationResponse.results && elevationResponse.results.length)){
          window.alert(`Insufficient elevation data for place: ${place.name}`);
        const elevation = elevationResponse.results[0].elevation || 10;

  <script async src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&libraries=places&callback=initAutocomplete"></script>



您可以带领用户游览精选的社区,也可以展示当前正在促销的邻近房源,然后再向场景中添加广告牌等 3D 对象。


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>CesiumJS 3D Tiles Polyline and Label Demo</title>
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/cesiumjs/1.105/Build/Cesium/Cesium.js"></script>
  <div id="cesiumContainer"></div>
    // Enable simultaneous requests.
    Cesium.RequestScheduler.requestsByServer["tile.googleapis.com:443"] = 18;

    // Create the viewer.
    const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
      imageryProvider: false,
      baseLayerPicker: false,
      requestRenderMode: true,
      geocoder: false,
      globe: false,

    // Add 3D Tiles tileset.
    const tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(
      new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
        url: "https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=YOUR_API_KEY",

        // This property is required to display attributions as required.
        showCreditsOnScreen: true,

    // Draws a circle at the position, and a line from the previous position.
    const drawPointAndLine = (position, prevPosition) => {
      if (prevPosition) {
          polyline: {
            positions: [prevPosition, position],
            width: 3,
            material: Cesium.Color.WHITE,
            clampToGround: true,
            classificationType: Cesium.ClassificationType.CESIUM_3D_TILE,
        position: position,
        ellipsoid: {
          radii: new Cesium.Cartesian3(1, 1, 1),
          material: Cesium.Color.RED,

    // Compute, draw, and display the position's height relative to the previous position.
    var prevPosition;
    const processHeights = (newPosition) => {
      drawPointAndLine(newPosition, prevPosition);

      const newHeight = Cesium.Cartographic.fromCartesian(newPosition).height;
      let labelText = "Current altitude (meters above sea level):\n\t" + newHeight;
      if (prevPosition) {
        const prevHeight =
        labelText += "\nHeight from previous point (meters):\n\t" + Math.abs(newHeight - prevHeight);
        position: newPosition,
        label: {
          text: labelText,
          disableDepthTestDistance: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
          pixelOffset: new Cesium.Cartesian2(0, -10),
          showBackground: true,
          verticalOrigin: Cesium.VerticalOrigin.BOTTOM,

      prevPosition = newPosition;

    const handler = new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(viewer.canvas);
    handler.setInputAction(function (event) {
      const earthPosition = viewer.scene.pickPosition(event.position);
      if (Cesium.defined(earthPosition)) {
    }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK);


在 Cesium 中,您可以让摄像头围绕地图注点旋转,避免与建筑物相撞。或者,您也可以在摄像头穿过建筑物时使建筑物透明。

首先,将摄像头锁定到某个点,然后您可以创建摄像头轨道来展示您的素材资源。为此,您可以将摄像头的 lookAtTransform 函数与事件监听器搭配使用,如以下代码示例所示。

// Lock the camera onto a point.
const center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(

const transform = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(center);

  new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(0, -Math.PI / 8, 2900)

// Orbit around this point.
viewer.clock.onTick.addEventListener(function (clock) {


使用适用于 Unreal 的 Cesium

如需将 Cesium for Unreal 插件与 3D Tiles API 搭配使用,请按以下步骤操作。

  1. 安装 Cesium for Unreal 插件。

  2. 创建一个新的 Unreal 项目。

  3. 连接到 Google 仿真 3D 图块 API。

    1. 从菜单中依次选择 Cesium > Cesium,打开 Cesium 窗口。

    2. 选择空白 3D 图块图块集

    3. 世界轮廓图中,选择此 Cesium3DTileset 以打开详细信息面板。

    4. 来源通过铯离子更改为通过网址

    5. 将网址设置为 Google 3D 图块网址。

    1. 启用在屏幕上显示制作人员名单,以正确显示制作人员名单。
  4. 这会加载世界。如需移动到任何经纬度,请在 Outliner 面板中选择 CesiumGeoreference 项,然后在 Details 面板中修改 Origin Latitude/Longitude/Height

使用适用于 Unity 的 Cesium

如需将逼真的图块与 Cesium for Unity 搭配使用,请按以下步骤操作。

  1. 创建一个新的 Unity 项目。

  2. 在“Package Manager”(软件包管理器)部分中添加新的 Scoped Registry(通过 Editor > Project Settings)。

    • 名称:铯

    • 网址:https://unity.pkg.cesium.com

    • 范围:com.cesium.unity

  3. 安装适用于 Unity 的 Cesium 软件包。

  4. 连接到 Google 仿真 3D 图块 API。

    1. 从菜单中依次选择 Cesium > Cesium,打开 Cesium 窗口。

    2. 点击空白 3D 图块图块集

    3. 在左侧面板的“来源”下,选择“图块集来源”中的从网址(而不是“从 Cesium Ion”)。

    4. 将网址设置为 Google 3D 图块网址。

    1. 启用在屏幕上显示制作人员名单,以正确显示制作人员名单。
  5. 这会加载世界。如需移动到任何 LatLng,请在场景层次结构中选择 CesiumGeoreference 项,然后在检查器中修改“原点纬度/经度/高度”。

使用 deck.gl

deck.gl 由 WebGL 提供支持,是一个用于高性能、大规模数据可视化的开源 JavaScript 框架。


请从图块 gltf asset 中提取 copyright 字段,然后在渲染的视图中显示该字段,以确保正确显示数据归因。如需了解详情,请参阅显示数据归因

deck.gl 渲染程序示例


以下示例会初始化 deck.gl 渲染程序,然后以 3D 方式加载地点。在代码中,请务必将 YOUR_API_KEY 替换为您的实际 API 密钥。

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>deck.gl Photorealistic 3D Tiles example</title>
   <script src="https://unpkg.com/deck.gl@latest/dist.min.js"></script>
     body { margin: 0; padding: 0;}
     #map { position: absolute; top: 0;bottom: 0;width: 100%;}
     #credits { position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; padding: 2px; font-size: 15px; color: white;
        text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;}

   <div id="map"></div>
   <div id="credits"></div>
     const TILESET_URL = `https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json`;
     const creditsElement = document.getElementById('credits');
     new deck.DeckGL({
       container: 'map',
       initialViewState: {
         latitude: 50.0890,
         longitude: 14.4196,
         zoom: 16,
         bearing: 90,
         pitch: 60,
         height: 200
       controller: {minZoom: 8},
       layers: [
         new deck.Tile3DLayer({
           id: 'google-3d-tiles',
           data: TILESET_URL,
           loadOptions: {
            fetch: {
              headers: {
                'X-GOOG-API-KEY': GOOGLE_API_KEY
           onTilesetLoad: tileset3d => {
             tileset3d.options.onTraversalComplete = selectedTiles => {
               const credits = new Set();
               selectedTiles.forEach(tile => {
                 const {copyright} = tile.content.gltf.asset;
                 copyright.split(';').forEach(credits.add, credits);
                 creditsElement.innerHTML = [...credits].join('; ');
               return selectedTiles;

在 Google 仿真 3D 图块上直观呈现 2D 图层

deck.gl TerrainExtension 会将原本的 2D 数据渲染到 3D 表面。例如,您可以将建筑物平面图的 GeoJSON 叠加在逼真的 3D 图块几何图形上。

在以下示例中,建筑物图层使用适应逼真的 3D 图块 Surface 的多边形进行可视化。

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Google 3D tiles example</title>
   <script src="https://unpkg.com/deck.gl@latest/dist.min.js"></script>
     body { margin: 0; padding: 0;}
     #map { position: absolute; top: 0;bottom: 0;width: 100%;}
     #credits { position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; padding: 2px; font-size: 15px; color: white;
        text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;}

   <div id="map"></div>
   <div id="credits"></div>
     const TILESET_URL = `https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json`;
     const BUILDINGS_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/visgl/deck.gl-data/master/examples/google-3d-tiles/buildings.geojson'
     const creditsElement = document.getElementById('credits');
     const deckgl = new deck.DeckGL({
       container: 'map',
       initialViewState: {
         latitude: 50.0890,
         longitude: 14.4196,
         zoom: 16,
         bearing: 90,
         pitch: 60,
         height: 200
       controller: true,
       layers: [
         new deck.Tile3DLayer({
           id: 'google-3d-tiles',
           data: TILESET_URL,
           loadOptions: {
            fetch: {
              headers: {
                'X-GOOG-API-KEY': GOOGLE_API_KEY
          onTilesetLoad: tileset3d => {
             tileset3d.options.onTraversalComplete = selectedTiles => {
               const credits = new Set();
               selectedTiles.forEach(tile => {
                 const {copyright} = tile.content.gltf.asset;
                 copyright.split(';').forEach(credits.add, credits);
                 creditsElement.innerHTML = [...credits].join('; ');
               return selectedTiles;
           operation: 'terrain+draw'
         new deck.GeoJsonLayer({
           id: 'buildings',
           // This dataset is created by CARTO, using other Open Datasets available. More info at: https://3dtiles.carto.com/#about.
           data: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/visgl/deck.gl-data/master/examples/google-3d-tiles/buildings.geojson',
           stroked: false,
           filled: true,
           getFillColor: ({properties}) => {
             const {tpp} = properties;
             // quantiles break
             if (tpp < 0.6249)
               return [254, 246, 181]
             else if (tpp < 0.6780)
               return [255, 194, 133]
             else if (tpp < 0.8594)
               return [250, 138, 118]
             return [225, 83, 131]
           opacity: 0.2,
           extensions: [new deck._TerrainExtension()]