On devices running iOS 9 and later, you can use Universal Links to launch Google Maps when you have a Google Maps URL.
You can use the Google Maps URL scheme to launch the Google Maps app for iOS and perform searches, get direction requests, and display map views. When you launch Google Maps, your bundle identifier is automatically sent as part of the request.
You don't need a Google API key to use the Google Maps URL scheme.
Universal Links and Google Maps
Google Maps for iOS supports Universal Links on devices running iOS 9 or later.
If your URL matches the following regular expression, and the device is running iOS 9 or later, you may want to consider using the openURL: method directly.
For example,
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:
[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://www.google.com/maps/@42.585444,13.007813,6z"]];
A URL scheme allows you to launch a native iOS application from another iOS app or a web application. You can set options in the URL that will be passed to the launched application. The Google Maps app for iOS supports the following URL schemes:
- These schemes allow you to launch the Google Maps app for iOS and perform one of several actions:- Display a map at a specified location and zoom level.
- Search for locations or places, and display them on a map.
- Request directions from one location to another. Directions can be returned for four modes of transportation: driving, walking, bicycling and public transit.
- Add navigation to your app.
- Through iOS 8, issue a callback when the app has completed, using
. Callbacks are often used to return a user to the app that originally opened Google Maps for iOS. Note that on iOS 9, the system automatically provides a "Back to" link in left corner of the status bar.
- This scheme allows you to launch the Google Maps app for iOS using a URL derived from the desktop Google Maps website. This means that you can give your users a native mobile experience rather than simply loading the Google Maps website.- The original URL can be for
, or forgoogle.com/maps
, or using any valid top-level country domain instead ofcom
. You can also pass ongoo.gl/maps
redirection URLs. - You can issue a callback using the
parameters with thecomgooglemapsurl://
URL scheme.
- The original URL can be for
Launching the Google Maps app for iOS and performing a specific function
To launch the Google Maps app for iOS and optionally perform one of the supported functions, use a URL scheme of the following form:
Parameters are described in detail later in this document.
Checking the availability of the Google Maps app on the device
Before you present one of these URLs to a user in your app you should first verify that the application is installed. Your app can check that the URL scheme is available with the following code:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:
[NSURL URLWithString:@"comgooglemaps://"]];
For example, to display a map of Central Park in New York, you can use the following code:
if (UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(URL(string:"comgooglemaps://")!)) {
} else {
print("Can't use comgooglemaps://");
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:
[NSURL URLWithString:@"comgooglemaps://"]]) {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:
[NSURL URLWithString:@"comgooglemaps://?center=40.765819,-73.975866&zoom=14&views=traffic"]];
} else {
NSLog(@"Can't use comgooglemaps://");
Displaying a map
Use the URL scheme to display the map at a specified zoom level and location. You can also overlay other views on top of your map, or display Street View imagery.
All of the following parameters are optional. If no parameters are set, the URL scheme will launch the Google Maps app for iOS.
: This is the map viewport center point. Formatted as a comma separated string oflatitude,longitude
: Sets the kind of map shown. Can be set to:standard
. If not specified, the current application settings will be used.views
: Turns specific views on/off. Can be set to:satellite
, ortransit
. Multiple values can be set using a comma-separator. If the parameter is specified with no value, then it will clear all views.zoom
: Specifies the zoom level of the map.
This example URL displays the map centered on New York at zoom 14 with the traffic view on:
Some additional examples are:
Use this scheme to display search queries in a specified viewport location.
In addition to the parameters used to display a map, Search supports the q
: The query string for your search.
This example URL to searches for “Pizza” around the specified location:
Some additional examples are:
Displaying directions
Use this scheme to request and display directions between two locations. You can also specify the transportation mode.
: Sets the starting point for directions searches. This can be a latitude,longitude or a query formatted address. If it is a query string that returns more than one result, the first result will be selected. If the value is left blank, then the user’s current location will be used.daddr
: Sets the end point for directions searches. Has the same format and behavior assaddr
: Method of transportation. Can be set to:driving
The example URL displays transit directions between Google NYC and JFK Airport:
Some additional examples are:
Specifying a callback URL
If you'd like to specify a callback URL, you must use the
URL scheme. This scheme adheres to the
x-callback-url specification. When you call the Google Maps app for iOS
with this scheme, the app will display a button at the top of
the screen. Tapping this button will issue a callback to a URL that
you've specified.
Requests to the comgooglemaps-x-callback://
must be of the form:
The x-callback URL scheme accepts the same parameters as the comgooglemaps://
URL scheme, with the following additional parameters. Both parameters are
— The name of the application sending the x-callback request. Short names are preferred.x-success
— The URL to call when complete. Often this will be a URL scheme for your own app, allowing users to return to the original application.
Note that your app will have to register its own URL scheme so that it can respond to the callback URL.
- Ensure that your application has registered a URL scheme that can respond to the callback request.
- Pass the label for the callback button in the
parameter. - Pass the callback URL in the
The following example will launch the Google Maps app for iOS and display a map
centered on New York. The app will also display a button labelled "SourceApp".
When the "SourceApp" button is clicked, the Google Maps app for iOS will issue
a callback to a fictitious URL scheme, sourceapp://?resume=true
As with the comgooglemaps://
URL scheme, you should first verify that
the Google Maps app for iOS is available on the device, and supports
the x-callback URL scheme. Your app can check that the URL scheme is available
with the following code:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:
[NSURL URLWithString:@"comgooglemaps-x-callback://"]];
This is an example of a URL that lets users return to an app after searching for dessert.
Adding navigation to your app
Launching Google Maps app for iOS with a directions request is an easy way to
give your users access to turn-by-turn navigation from your app. You can use
either the comgooglemaps://
or comgooglemaps-x-callback://
URL schemes.
This code snippet shows how to use the comgooglemaps-x-callback://
scheme to
request directions, and then return to your app when your user is ready. The
code will do the following:
- Verify that the
URL scheme is available. - Launch the Google Maps app for iOS, and request directions to JFK Airport in New York city. Leave the start address blank to request directions from the user's current location.
- Add a button labelled "AirApp" to the Google Maps app for iOS. The button
label is defined by the
parameter. - Call the fictitious URL scheme,
, when the users clicks the back button.
let testURL = URL(string: "comgooglemaps-x-callback://")!
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(testURL) {
let directionsRequest = "comgooglemaps-x-callback://" +
"?daddr=John+F.+Kennedy+International+Airport,+Van+Wyck+Expressway,+Jamaica,+New+York" +
let directionsURL = URL(string: directionsRequest)!
} else {
NSLog("Can't use comgooglemaps-x-callback:// on this device.")
NSURL *testURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"comgooglemaps-x-callback://"];
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:testURL]) {
NSString *directionsRequest = @"comgooglemaps-x-callback://" +
@"?daddr=John+F.+Kennedy+International+Airport,+Van+Wyck+Expressway,+Jamaica,+New+York" +
NSURL *directionsURL = [NSURL URLWithString:directionsRequest];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:directionsURL];
} else {
NSLog(@"Can't use comgooglemaps-x-callback:// on this device.");
Launching the Google Maps app for iOS from a Google Maps desktop URL
If your app has access to a pre-existing Google Maps URL, such as on a web page or in a database, you can use this scheme to open the URL in the Google Maps app for iOS, thus offering your users the best native experience.
- Replace the
scheme withcomgooglemapsurl://
. - If you want to use a callback, include the
parameters. This scheme adheres to the x-callback-url specification.
Supported Google Maps URL formats
The comgooglemapsurl://
scheme supports URLs that match this regular
expression, where {TLD}
refers to any valid top-level country domain. Line
breaks are added for clarity:
Checking the availability of the Google Maps app
First verify that the Google Maps app for iOS is available on the device, and supports the URL scheme:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:
[NSURL URLWithString:@"comgooglemapsurl://"]];
Example of a generic Google Maps URL:
Original Google Maps URL:
Using the URL scheme:
Example of a generic Google Maps URL:
Original Google Maps URL:
Using the URL scheme:
Example requesting directions to Tokyo Tower with x-callback:
Original Google Maps URL:
The following example will launch the Google Maps app for iOS and display a map
with directions to Tokyo Tower, as specified in the original Google Maps URL
(above). The app will also display a button labelled
"SourceApp". When the "SourceApp" button is clicked, the Google Maps app for iOS
will issue a callback to a fictitious URL scheme, sourceapp://?resume=true