Exchange 数据

在设备之间建立连接后,您就可以开始交换数据了。 交换的数据可以采用简单的字节数组的形式,例如 短信;文件(例如照片或视频);或音频流,例如 从设备麦克风流式传输。


  • send(_:to:)
  • startStream(_:to:)
  • sendResource(at:withName:to:)

在接收电子邮件时,可以使用以下连接管理器委托方法 数据。

extension Example: ConnectionManagerDelegate {
  func connectionManager(
    _ connectionManager: ConnectionManager, didReceive data: Data,
    withID payloadID: PayloadID, from endpointID: EndpointID) {
    // A simple byte payload has been received. This will always include the full data.

  func connectionManager(
    _ connectionManager: ConnectionManager, didReceive stream: InputStream,
    withID payloadID: PayloadID, from endpointID: EndpointID,
    cancellationToken token: CancellationToken) {
    // We have received a readable stream.

  func connectionManager(
    _ connectionManager: ConnectionManager,
    didStartReceivingResourceWithID payloadID: PayloadID,
    from endpointID: EndpointID, at localURL: URL,
    withName name: String, cancellationToken token: CancellationToken) {
    // We have started receiving a file. We will receive a separate transfer update
    // event when complete.

  func connectionManager(
    _ connectionManager: ConnectionManager,
    didReceiveTransferUpdate update: TransferUpdate,
    from endpointID: EndpointID, forPayload payloadID: PayloadID) {
    // A success, failure, cancelation or progress update.