Snippets de código

Selecione uma das seguintes indústrias de cartão para saber mais sobre como ele pode ser usado.

Esta seção contém snippets de código para ofertas. Ela abrange as seguintes classes e objetos:

JSON OfferClass

Depois que você tiver definido a OfferClass, insira-a fazendo uma solicitação POST ao seguinte URI REST:

Adicione o parâmetro strict=true ao URI REST para ativar a análise de erro rígida e capturar erros extras, como campos de códigos duplicados:

O exemplo a seguir mostra um recurso JSON que representa uma OfferClass. O JSON precisa ser enviado no corpo da solicitação POST. Mais especificamente, os exemplos de código a seguir demonstram como definir e inserir a OfferClass.

  "kind": "walletobjects#offerClass",
  "id": "#{issuerId}.#{classId}",
  "issuerName": "Baconrista Coffee",
  "title": "20% off on one bacon fat latte",
  "redemptionChannel": "both",
  "provider": "Baconrista Deals",
  "titleImage": {
    "kind": "walletobjects#image",
    "sourceUri": {
      "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
      "uri": ""
  "locations": [{
    "kind": "walletobjects#latLongPoint",
    "latitude": 37.424015499999996,
    "longitude": -122.09259560000001
    "kind": "walletobjects#latLongPoint",
    "latitude": 37.424354,
    "longitude": -122.09508869999999
    "kind": "walletobjects#latLongPoint",
    "latitude": 37.7901435,
    "longitude": -122.39026709999997
    "kind": "walletobjects#latLongPoint",
    "latitude": 40.7406578,
    "longitude": -74.00208940000002
  "reviewStatus": "underReview",
  "review": {
    "comments": "Real auto approval by system"
  "textModulesData": [
      "header": "Details",
      "body": "20% off one cup of coffee at all Baconrista Coffee locations. " +
                "Only one can be used per visit."
      "header": "About Baconrista",
      "body": "Since 2013, Baconrista Coffee has been committed to making high " +
                "quality bacon coffee. Visit us in our stores or online at"
  "linksModuleData": {
    "uris": [
        "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
        "uri": "",
        "description": "Nearby Locations"
        "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
        "uri": "tel:6505555555",
        "description": "Call Customer Service"
  "imageModulesData": [
      "mainImage": {
        "kind": "walletobjects#image",
        "sourceUri": {
          "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
          "uri": "",
          "description": "Coffee beans"
  "hexBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",
  "heroImage": {
   "kind": "walletobjects#image",
   "sourceUri": {
     "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
     "uri": ""
// Define the Image Module Data
List<ImageModuleData> imageModuleData = new ArrayList<ImageModuleData>();

ImageModuleData image = new ImageModuleData().setMainImage(
    new Image().setSourceUri(
        new ImageUri().setUri("")));


// Define Links Module Data
List<Uri> uris = new ArrayList<Uri>();
Uri uri1 = new Uri().setDescription("Nearby Locations").setUri("");
Uri uri2 = new Uri().setDescription("Call Customer Service").setUri("tel:6505555555");


LinksModuleData linksModuleData = new LinksModuleData().setUris(uris);

// Define Text Areas
List<TextModuleData> textModulesData = new ArrayList<TextModuleData>();

TextModuleData details = new TextModuleData().setHeader("Details").setBody(
    "20% off one cup of coffee at all Baconrista Coffee locations.  Only one can be used per visit.");
TextModuleData finePrint = new TextModuleData().setHeader("About Baconrista").setBody(
    "Since 2013, Baconrista Coffee has been committed to making high quality bacon coffee. Visit us in our stores or online at");


// Define Geofence locations
List<LatLongPoint> locations = new ArrayList<LatLongPoint>();
locations.add(new LatLongPoint().setLatitude(37.422601).setLongitude(
locations.add(new LatLongPoint().setLatitude(37.424354).setLongitude(
locations.add(new LatLongPoint().setLatitude(40.7406578).setLongitude(

OfferClass wobClass = new OfferClass()
    .setIssuerName("Baconrista Coffee")
    .setTitle("20% off one bacon fat latte")
    .setProvider("Baconrista Deals")
        new Image().setSourceUri(new ImageUri()

OfferClass response = client.offerclass().insert(wobClass).execute();
// A list of locations at which the Wallet Class can be used.
$locations = array(
        'kind' => 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
        'latitude' => 37.424015499999996,
        'longitude' => -122.09259560000001
        'kind' => 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
        'latitude' => 37.424354,
        'longitude' => -122.09508869999999
        'kind' => 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
        'latitude' => 37.7901435,
        'longitude' => -122.39026709999997
        'kind' => 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
        'latitude' => 40.7406578,
        'longitude' => -74.00208940000002
// Source uri of title image.
$uriTitleImageInstance = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageUri();
$imageTitleImageInstance = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Image();
// Define text module data.
$textModulesData = array(
        'header' => 'Details',
        'body' => '20% off one cup of coffee at all Baconrista Coffee locations. ' .
            'Only one can be used per visit.'
        'header' => 'About Baconrista',
        'body' => 'Since 2013, Baconrista Coffee has been committed to making high ' .
            'quality bacon coffee. Visit us in our stores or online at'
// Define links module data.
$linksModuleData = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LinksModuleData();
$uris = array (
        'uri' => '',
        'kind' => 'walletobjecs#uri',
        'description' => 'Nearby Locations'
        'uri' => 'tel:6505555555',
        'kind' => 'walletobjecs#uri',
        'description' => 'Call Customer Service'

$uriModuleImageInstance = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageUri();
$uriModuleImageInstance->setDescription('Coffee beans');
$imageModuleImageInstance = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Image();
$imagesModuleData = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageModuleData();
$imagesModuleDataArr = array ($imagesModuleData);

// Create wallet class.
$wobClass = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_OfferClass();
$wobClass->setIssuerName('Baconrista Coffee');
$wobClass->setTitle('20% off on one bacon fat latte');
$wobClass->setProvider('Baconrista Deals');

api_object = generate_offer_class(
      '1234567', 'ExampleOfferClass')
api_request = service.offerclass().insert(body=api_object)
api_response = api_request.execute()

def generate_offer_class(issuer_id, class_id):
  offer_class = {
      'kind': 'walletobjects#offerClass',
      'id': '%s.%s' % (issuer_id, class_id),
      'issuerName': 'Baconrista Coffee',
      'title': '20% off one bacon fat latte',
      'redemptionChannel': 'both',
      'provider': 'Baconrista Deals',
      'titleImage': {
          'kind': 'walletobjects#image',
          'sourceUri': {
              'kind': 'walletobjects#uri',
              'uri': ''
      'multipleDevicesAndHoldersAllowedStatus': 'multipleHolders',
      'locations': [{
          'kind': 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
          'latitude': 37.424015499999996,
          'longitude': -122.09259560000001
          'kind': 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
          'latitude': 37.424354,
          'longitude': -122.09508869999999
          'kind': 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
          'latitude': 37.7901435,
          'longitude': -122.39026709999997
          'kind': 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
          'latitude': 40.7406578,
          'longitude': -74.00208940000002
      'reviewStatus': 'underReview',
      'review': {
          'comments': 'Real auto approval by system'
      'textModulesData': [{
        'header': 'Details',
        'body': '20% off one cup of coffee at all Baconrista Coffee locations. ' +
                'Only one can be used per visit.'
        'header': 'About Baconrista',
        'body': 'Since 2013, Baconrista Coffee has been committed to making high ' +
                'quality bacon coffee. Visit us in our stores or online at'
      'linksModuleData': {
        'uris': [
            'kind': 'walletobjects#uri',
            'uri': '',
            'description': 'Nearby Locations'
            'kind': 'walletobjects#uri',
            'uri': 'tel:6505555555',
            'description': 'Call Customer Service'
      'imageModulesData': [
          'mainImage': {
            'kind': 'walletobjects#image',
            'sourceUri': {
              'kind': 'walletobjects#uri',
              'uri':  '',
              'description': 'Coffee beans'
  return offer_class

JSON OfferObject

As amostras a seguir definem o OfferObject:

  "kind": "walletobjects#offerObject",
  "classId": "2945482443380251551.OfferClass",
  "id": "2945482443380251551.OfferObject",
  "state": "active",
  "barcode": {
    "kind": "walletobjects#barcode",
    "type": "upcA",
    "value": "123456789012",
    "alternateText": "12345"
  "validTimeInterval": {
    "kind": "walletobjects#timeInterval",
    "start": {
      "date": "2013-06-12T23:20:50.52Z"
    "end": {
      "date": "2013-12-12T23:20:50.52Z"
// Define Barcode
Barcode barcode = new Barcode().setType("upcA").setValue("123456789012")

// Define Wallet Object
OfferObject object = new OfferObject()
    .setValidTimeInterval(new TimeInterval().setEnd(new DateTime().setDate(new
            new Date().getTime() + 263000000000L))))
$barcode = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Barcode();

$validTimeInterval = new Google_TimeInterval();
$startDateTime = new Google_DateTime();
$endDateTime = new Google_DateTime();

// Create wallet object.
$offerObject = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_OfferObject();
offer_object = {
      'kind': 'walletobjects#offerObject',
      'classId': '1234567.ExampleOfferClass',
      'id': '1234567.ExampleOfferObject',
      'state': 'active',
      'barcode': {
          'kind': 'walletobjects#barcode',
          'type': 'upcA',
          'value': '123456789012',
          'alternateText': '12345'

Há duas maneiras de inserir o OfferObject.

A primeira maneira é fazer uma solicitação POST (com objeto definido no corpo) para o seguinte URI REST:

A segunda maneira é criar um JWT com base na definição do OfferObject e colocá-lo em um botão Salvar no Google Pay. Para mais informações, consulte Adicionar um botão da Web.

Adicionar OfferObject usando a API Android

O seguinte exemplo de OfferObject pode ser inserido com o uso do pacote de SDK do Wallet da API Android:

// Define Text Module Data
List textModulesData = new ArrayList();
TextModuleData textModuleData = new TextModuleData("Details", "20% off one coffee beverage." +
        "Offer valid 30 days from date of issue.  Not applicable with other offers.  Offer" +
        " must be presented at time of purchase.  Offer not valid on non coffee based beverages");

// Define Links Module Data
List uris = new ArrayList();
UriData uri1 = new UriData("","My Baconrista account");

List imageUris = new ArrayList();
UriData uri2 = new UriData("", "Image Description");

// Define Info Module
List row0cols = new ArrayList();
LabelValue row0col0 = new LabelValue("Next Reward in","2 coffees");
LabelValue row0col1 = new LabelValue("Member Since", "01/15/2013");

List row1cols = new ArrayList();
LabelValue row1col0 = new LabelValue("Local Store", "Mountain View");

List rows = new ArrayList();
LabelValueRow row0 = LabelValueRow.newBuilder().addColumns(row0cols).build();
LabelValueRow row1 = LabelValueRow.newBuilder().addColumns(row1cols).build();


// Define general messages
List messages = new ArrayList();
WalletObjectMessage message =  WalletObjectMessage.newBuilder()
    .setHeader("Hi Jane!")
    .setBody("Thanks for being a great customer.")

// Define Geolocations

LatLng location = new LatLng(37.422601, -122.085286);

List locations = new ArrayList();
Date time = new Date();

OfferWalletObject wob = OfferWalletObject
    .setTitle("20% off coffee")
    .setValidTimeInterval(new TimeInterval(time.getTime(), time.getTime() + 144000000L))

return wob;

Para mais informações, consulte Salvar cartões no Google Pay.