
您可以將 custombatch 用於 insertgetdelete 在以下位置的多項產品: 減少延遲

請使用以下要求網址,呼叫自訂批次 API:

POST https://shoppingcontent.googleapis.com/content/v2.1/products/batch

要求主體包含特定參數:batchIdmerchantID、 和 method

只有在執行 get 或刪除時,才使用 productIdproductId 但如果為 custombatch 插入 API 呼叫,則不需要。


下列要求網址可用來建立 products.custombatch method=insert

POST https://shoppingcontent.googleapis.com/content/v2.1/products/batch

如要插入兩項新產品,請指定每項產品的 batchId,也就是 有權執行 API 呼叫的商家 merchantId,以及 insert

在以下範例中,batchId 值為 11111112 且每項產品都有專屬 ID。merchantId: 1234567 是指有權執行 API 呼叫的商家和 為 getdeleteinsert

insert 會建立新產品。屬性是否有值 針對給定的 channelcontentLanguageofferIdfeedLabel 因此,這個方法會更新項目並取代先前 API 的所有資料 呼叫該軟體

下方為 insert 兩款 T 恤送到 Merchant Center 的 JSON 內文範例 使用單一 API 呼叫

"entries": [
"batchId": 1111,
"merchantId": 1234567,
"method": "insert",
"product": {
"kind": "content#product",
"offerId": "1111111111",

"title": "Google Tee Black",
"description": "The Black Google Tee is available in unisex sizing and
        features a retail fit."
"link": "http://my.site.com/blacktee/",
"imageLink": "https://shop.example.com/.../images/GGOEGXXX1100.jpg",
"contentLanguage": "en",
"targetCountry": "US",
"feedLabel": "US",
"channel": "online",
"ageGroup": "adult",
"availability": "in stock",
"availabilityDate": "2019-01-25T13:00:00-08:00",
"brand": "Google",
"color": "black",
"condition": "new",
"gender": "male",
"googleProductCategory": "1604",
"gtin": "608802531656",
"itemGroupId": "google_tee",
"mpn": "608802531656",
"price": {
"value": "21.99",
"currency": "USD"
"sizes": [
"includedDestination": [
"batchId": 1112,
"merchantId": 1234567,
"method": "insert",
"product": {
"kind": "content#product",
"offerId": "2222222222",

"title": "Google Tee Green",
"description": "100% cotton jersey fabric sets  this Google t-shirt above
        the crowd. Features the google logo across the chest. Unisex sizing."
"link": "http://my.site.com/greentee/",
"imageLink": "https://shop.example.com/.../images/GGOEGXXX0906.jpg",
"contentLanguage": "en",
"targetCountry": "US",
"feedLabel": "US",
"channel": "online",
"ageGroup": "adult",
"availability": "in stock",
"availabilityDate": "2019-01-25T13:00:00-08:00",
"brand": "Google",
"color": "green",
"condition": "new",
"gender": "male",
"googleProductCategory": "1604",
"gtin": "608802531649",
"itemGroupId": "google_tee",
"mpn": "608802531649",
"price": {
"value": "21.99",
"currency": "USD"
"sizes": [
"includedDestination": [

成功的 API 呼叫會傳回 HTTP 200 程式碼和 JSON 回應, 包含插入的產品傳回 JSON 的格式 類似下方的內容:

"kind": "content#productsCustomBatchResponse",
"entries": [
"kind": "content#productsCustomBatchResponseEntry",
"batchId": 1111,
"product": {
"kind": "content#product",
"id": "online:en:US:1111111111",
"offerId": "1111111111",
"title": "Google Tee Black",
"description": "The Black Google Tee is available in unisex sizing and
    features a retail fit."
"link": "http://my.site.com/blacktee/",
"imageLink": "https://shop.example.com/.../images/GGOEGXXX1100.jpg",
"contentLanguage": "en",
"targetCountry": "US",
"feedLabel": "US",
"channel": "online",
"ageGroup": "adult",
"availability": "in stock",
"availabilityDate": "2019-01-25T13:00:00-08:00",
"brand": "Google",
"color": "black",
"condition": "new",
"gender": "male",
"googleProductCategory": "1604",
"gtin": "608802531656",
"itemGroupId": "google_tee",
"mpn": "608802531656",
"price": {
"value": "21.99",
"currency": "USD"
"sizes": [
"includedDestination": [
"kind": "content#productsCustomBatchResponseEntry",
"batchId": 1112,
"product": {
"kind": "content#product",
"id": "online:en:US:2222222222",
"offerId": "2222222222",
"title": "Google Tee Green",
"description": "100% cotton jersey fabric sets this Google t-shirt above
    the crowd. Features the google logo across the chest. Unisex sizing."
"link": "http://my.site.com/greentee/",
"imageLink": "https://shop.example.com/.../images/GGOEGXXX0906.jpg",
"contentLanguage": "en",
"targetCountry": "US",
"feedLabel": "US",
"channel": "online",
"ageGroup": "adult",
"availability": "in stock",
"availabilityDate": "2019-01-25T13:00:00-08:00",
"brand": "Google",
"color": "green",
"condition": "new",
"gender": "male",
"googleProductCategory": "1604",
"gtin": "608802531649",
"itemGroupId": "google_tee",
"mpn": "608802531649",
"price": {
"value": "21.99",
"currency": "USD"
"sizes": [
"includedDestination": [


下列要求網址會使用以下項目進行 products.custombatch 呼叫: method=get:

POST https://shoppingcontent.googleapis.com/content/v2.1/products/batch

如要取得產品,請指定產品專屬的 batchId 發出 API 呼叫,且merchantId有權 API 呼叫、get 方法,以及所擷取產品的 productId

以下是擷取兩項產品的範例 JSON 要求主體 插入了前一個 custombatch:insert 範例 (已指定) 乘以 productId 值清單中的每個項目的 batchId 均不重複:

"entries": [
"batchId": 1113,
"merchantId": 1234567,
"method": "get",
"productId": "online:en:US:1111111111"
"batchId": 1114,
"merchantId": 1234567,
"method": "get",
"productId": "online:en:US:2222222222"

這個呼叫會傳回 HTTP 200 代碼和下列回應主體:

"kind": "content#productsCustomBatchResponse",
"entries": [
"kind": "content#productsCustomBatchResponseEntry",
"batchId": 1113,
"product": {
"kind": "content#product",
"id": "online:en:US:1111111111",
"offerId": "1111111111",
"title": "Google Tee Black",
"description": "The Black Google Tee is available in unisex sizing and features a retail fit.",
"link": "http://my.site.com/blacktee/",
"imageLink": "https://shop.example.com/.../images/GGOEGXXX1100.jpg",
"contentLanguage": "en",
"targetCountry": "US",
"feedLabel": "US",
"channel": "online",
"ageGroup": "adult",
"availability": "in stock",
"availabilityDate": "2019-01-25T13:00:00-08:00",
"brand": "Google",
"color": "black",
"condition": "new",
"gender": "male",
"googleProductCategory": "1604",
"gtin": "608802531656",
"itemGroupId": "google_tee",
"mpn": "608802531656",
"price": {
"value": "21.99",
"currency": "USD"
"sizes": [
"includedDestination": [
"kind": "content#productsCustomBatchResponseEntry",
"batchId": 1114,
"product": {
"kind": "content#product",
"id": "online:en:US:2222222222",
"offerId": "2222222222",
"title": "Google Tee Green",
"description": "100% cotton jersey fabric sets this Google t-shirt above the crowd.
    Features the google logo across the chest. Unisex sizing."
"link": "http://my.site.com/greentee/",
"imageLink": "https://shop.example.com/.../images/GGOEGXXX0906.jpg",
"contentLanguage": "en",
"targetCountry": "US",
"feedLabel": "US",
"channel": "online",
"ageGroup": "adult",
"availability": "in stock",
"availabilityDate": "2019-01-25T13:00:00-08:00",
"brand": "Google",
"color": "green",
"condition": "new",
"gender": "male",
"googleProductCategory": "1604",
"gtin": "608802531649",
"itemGroupId": "google_tee",
"mpn": "608802531649",
"price": {
"value": "21.99",
"currency": "USD"
"sizes": [
"includedDestination": [


下列要求網址可用於建立 products.custombatch,並使用 method=delete:

POST https://shoppingcontent.googleapis.com/content/v2.1/products/batch

如要刪除產品,請指定專屬於該產品的 batchId 屬於此 API 呼叫中 merchantId 合格商家的 發出此 API 呼叫、delete 方法和產品的 productId 正在刪除。

"entries": [
"batchId": 1115,
"merchantId": 1234567,
"method": "delete",
"productId": "online:en:US:1111111111"
"batchId": 1116,
"merchantId": 1234567,
"method": "delete",
"productId": "online:en:US:2222222222"

這個呼叫會傳回 HTTP 200 代碼和已刪除項目的 batchId 值 項:

"kind": "content#productsCustomBatchResponse",
"entries": [
"kind": "content#productsCustomBatchResponseEntry",
"batchId": 1115
"kind": "content#productsCustomBatchResponseEntry",
"batchId": 1116