Chính sách về dữ liệu vị trí chính xác

Recent updates to the Google Publisher Policies have introduced new notice and consent requirements for publishers who pass users’ precise location data to Google, for ads-related purposes.

If this policy applies to you, the snippet below shows one way you could inform your users of this data sharing:


protected void presentConsentOverlay(Context context) {
  new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
      .setTitle("Location data")
      .setMessage("We may use your location, " +
          "and share it with third parties, " +
          "for the purposes of personalized advertising, " +
          "analytics, and attribution. " +
          "To learn more, visit our privacy policy " +
  .setNeutralButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
      // TODO: replace the below log statement with code that specifies how
      // you want to handle the user's acknowledgement.
      Log.d("MyApp", "Got consent.");

// To use the above method:


protected fun presentConsentOverlay(context: Context) {
      .setTitle("Location data")
      .setMessage("We may use your location, " +
          "and share it with third parties, " +
          "for the purposes of personalized advertising, " +
          "analytics, and attribution. " +
          "To learn more, visit our privacy policy " +
      .setNeutralButton("OK") { dialog, which ->
        // TODO: replace the below log statement with code that specifies how
        // you want to handle the user's acknowledgement.
        Log.d("MyApp", "Got consent.")

// To use the above function: