Игровая площадка OAuth
{% include "/admob/api/v1/how-tos/___playground" %}
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Последнее обновление: 2024-11-19 UTC.
[null,null,["Последнее обновление: 2024-11-19 UTC."],[[["OAuth2 Playground can be used to manually create OAuth2 tokens for accessing the AdMob API."],["To utilize OAuth2 Playground, you need to generate a client ID for a web application in the Google API Console."],["An OAuth consent screen needs to be configured for the client ID, requiring setting the user type to External and the publishing status to either Published or Testing with added test users."],["After authorization, the OAuth2 Playground provides an access token and a refresh token; the refresh token, along with the client ID and client secret, should be saved for using the AdMob API client libraries."],["Remember to remove the OAuth2 Playground from the authorized redirect URIs in the Google API Console after obtaining the refresh token."]]],[]]